Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 96

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96. Those who have something to see and those who have nothing to see

If Torres lets his guard down even a little, he can surprisingly exploit his weaknesses.

I knew how to read my opponent’s breathing and condition as well as their breathing.

I asked how I could do that.

“You just have to fight as many different kids as possible. “That is the fastest way to become a special soldier in a short period of time, and the philosophy of the border guard.”

There is nothing to say about philosophy, so what I added at the end is probably only half-joking.

Torres, who spoke, chuckled.

The rolling waves, Encred thought as he looked at the river.


Just as the teachings of Rem and Ragna are different.

The sparring and speech with Torres are different.

The fairy company commander is also different.


There was everything to learn. There was nothing to miss.

Torres’ hide knife may seem like a simple trick, but I knew it could be a fatal weapon depending on how it was used.

To that end, I have even learned how to deceive others.

This was Torres’ actual fighting method.

“It’s because my father was a gambler and wanted to make me a second-generation gambler.”

Should we say that the hide knife is the origin of technology?

To Encred, it sounded like it was the result of outstanding talent and constant effort.

“Shall I teach you?”

It was just before the boatman arrived.

“You said it was Bigi?”

“I can teach you if you want.”

Why is it like that?

I do not know. However, Encred was accustomed to seizing the opportunity given rather than finding a reason for the other person’s change of heart.


“good. Look carefully, hide it inside your sleeve like this.”

This was followed by explanations on how to hide the knife and how to pull it out just by turning the palm over.

“You don’t have much talent.”

Encred’s fingertips were dull enough for Torres to complain.

I was better than before because I knew how to use one-pointed concentration when learning something.

Certainly, it was several times better than before.

If it was Encred before, if it was before I learned one-pointed concentration.

‘Did you give up already?’

Didn’t he already see Torres shaking his head?

It would be foolish to invest time in something that has no potential.

“The special knife is made separately at a blacksmith shop later. Before then, it would be good to practice with a thin stone or something like that.”

Torres said that and personally picked up a thin stone.

“You are so dull.”

And then he scolded me again.

Because everyone knew this, Encred didn’t even listen.

In the first place, I couldn’t afford to worry about things like that.

“But it’s still consistent.”

I tried a few times while listening to Torres’ words, but of course it wasn’t easy.

It is a process of hiding thin stone plates by increasing concentration.

Hang it with your hands hanging down and place a rock inside. The key was to point the back of the hand toward the sky and then turn it toward the ground and bounce.

Of course it wasn’t easy.

“It would be nice to have at least a sheath for practice.”

It’s Torres’ muttering.

Originally, when practicing, there was a dedicated scabbard on the inside of the sleeve to hold a dagger, etc.

He said it would be good to use it before you get used to it.

“It is an application of a technique called farming among gamblers.”

Torres said while watching Encred train his skills.


It can be said to be a technology that can only be used if certain conditions are met.

The blade had to be shorter than an outstretched palm, and hiding it had to be done at the right time, so I needed time to practice holding it in my hand.

‘It’s difficult.’

It is several times more difficult than swinging a sword.

Still, it was better than getting used to the shield.

After spending so much time, I was resting again, drenched in sweat from sparring, when the boatman came.

The boatman followed the road, which was a place where patrols patrolled regularly to exterminate monsters.

Thanks to this, the boatman was able to come alone.

“We are planning to build a cabin here after this year. Then, boatmen and fishermen will settle down here. “I think it would be good to create a small fishing village if possible.”

The boatman had a lot to say. He looked out at the river, listening to the squeak of the oars that Encrid was taking in moderation.

Pen-Hanil River.

It is a lifeline not only for the surrounding villages but also for the nearby countries, including Naurilia.

In the distance, there were low-growing grass and trees on the riverside, and if you looked to one side, you could see rock cliffs, a waterfall falling between the cliffs, and a few cabins built along the riverside.


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This was a gravel road, but if I looked beyond, I could see a field of grass that would turn green when spring came.

“Oh no, the current here is slow and the depth is shallow, so it’s dangerous.”

The boatman muttered as if he was talking to himself and changed the direction of the ferry.

I saw a dark gray rock sticking out in the middle.

If it gets caught there, it would be natural for a ferry boat like this to be destroyed.

The boat flowed slowly along the river, and soon reached the other side of the river.

“I’ll go and see.”

The boatman returns.

“Would you like to take a shower? “I have some time to spare before we meet.”

Torres suggested, looking at the sun rising overhead.

“That would be nice.”

As I was already sweating and cooling down, an unpleasant odor was rising.

I don’t know how many days the operation would last, but there was no need for it to be unpleasant from the start.

Eating, sleeping, and washing when one could afford it were also the basic skills of a soldier.


Torres took off his clothes first and took a dip in the river.

The sloshing river water was somewhere between blue and green, and looked very clear and clean.

Soon Encred disarmed himself one by one and entered the river naked.

As I soaked my feet, I felt a cold sensation and got goosebumps all over my body.

Torres, seeing Encred like that, widened his eyes.

“that, … … “What are you?”

Is there anything surprising here?

Torres opened his mouth, then lowered his gaze between Encred’s legs, then stopped talking and closed his mouth.

Encred also looked between his legs again.

There was one surprise.

“This bastard, he has it all.”

Torres’ tone sounded like he was crying.

“It should just have a face.”

“You keep saying that, it makes me want to thank parents whose names I don’t even know.”

“Are you an orphan?”


This is not a place where not knowing your parents is special. Because most of those who serve in the military will be like that.

“It might be better to not have parents than to teach them by slapping their palms.”

“Maybe so.”

Encred has never longed for parental affection in the first place. At times like that, he just wants to swing his sword.

A time when there was nothing, really nothing.

The only thing that got me through those times was my dream of becoming a knight and the sword.

Will the world be gentle for a child who grew up as an orphan?

no way.

It’s not that kind of world. It’s a good thing I didn’t give up.

At least Encred is alive because the people in the village where he stayed were simple and good.


I have lived with only that in mind. When she was longing for love, she dreamed of being a knight.

I dreamed to forget my hunger.

To forget the pain, he swung his club like a sword.

That’s why Encred doesn’t crave affection.

Instead, I crave a sword.

It’s a dream I dream because of that. The knight of the past, the beginning of Encred’s dream.

Several people from the village I could call home once again came to mind.

Although they are not the ones who cared for you like parents.

At least they weren’t the ones left to die.

The world is such that even such people are swept up in war.

‘War eats everything.’

So it would be nice if we could end that war.

What should I do to contribute to that?

‘The sword.’

Just swing again and again and that’s it.

That was the only way Encred knew.

Those are his parents, brothers, and sisters.

It was a dream, a goal, everything.


Bubbles rose above the surface of the water.

As Encred was deep in thought while submerged, Torres tapped Encred on the shoulder from under the water.


Let’s come up and exhale.


Torres said and looked to one side.

When I turned my head back to follow his returning eyes, I saw a soldier with his legs crossed, followed by two soldiers holding clubs shorter than shortswords.

At a glance, he was an armed man who could easily be mistaken for a magic bandit or a bandit.

A blunt object called a club and worn leather armor.

The armament is light. Giving up the thick cloth armor, Gambison, would mean putting more emphasis on mobility.

Naturally, Encred tried to gauge the level of power of his opponent.

This is what I learned through Audin and the technique of isolation.

‘I have good balance between my arms.’

Even though he was crossing his legs, he immediately let his hands hang down.

When do you take a stance like that?

‘If I don’t suit up, I can throw something.’

I think his skill in handling throwing weapons is pretty good.

As if to prove it, there is a throwing hatchet dangling from his waist.

Judging by his level of training, he likely had other talents as well.

The two soldiers standing behind were not very conspicuous except that they had daggers on their belts instead of axes and held clubs in their hands.

‘It’s orange hair.’

Encred’s eyes finally landed on the face of the soldier in the lead. He has freckles, orange hair, and a small build.

It was a female soldier.

“You have enough time? Enjoy your bath too. “Are you cool?”

The orange-haired person greeted the two with a harsh tone.

Looking at this, Encred realized that his sixth sense still needs to be developed.

‘I didn’t feel it coming.’

That might have been natural. I never thought anyone would come this far.

This is because I was lost in thought while submerged in the water.

Have I relaxed my mind too much?

no. Still, I made at least some preparations.

It’s right in front of the riverside, and the military commander is there.

Some people who got this far may be good at hiding their presence.

An orange-haired person who was standing on relatively high ground said.

“You’re not coming out?”

Torres went first.

“Would you like to keep watching?”

And so I said.

“You have to have something to see to see.”

It’s poisonous.

Encred thought and went out. He screamed and water flowed down his body.

In fact, was it really just the male symbol that surprised Torres?


The isolation technique transformed Encred’s body into a completely different form.

Audin’s teachings, engraved repeatedly today, and the overlapping results of time were clearly revealed in my body.

The elastic arm muscles twitched along with the split shoulder muscles.

As he went down along the strong chest muscles, the angular abdominal muscles wriggled, and the muscles in the front of the thighs split apart, welcoming the soldier’s eyes.

Lastly, the soldier’s eyes were filled with something sticky and sticking out in the middle.

“… … “I think there’s something to see there.”

Torres, who was watching the situation from the side, let out a complaint.

“Okay, get dressed.”

The orange-haired soldier cleared his throat and said.

Torres and Encred left their old clothes in sweat and took out new clothes from their backpacks.

The clothes I was wearing were dry and the salt was visible.

I wish I could wash it when I have time.

With that thought, Encred stood up again, fully armed.

“Finn, the scout platoon leader.”

The orange haired one holds out his fist and says.

Torres went first.

“This is Torres, the platoon leader of the frontier guard.”

Suddenly, they clashed their fists and the fists soon approached Encred.

“Independent Platoon, this is Platoon Leader Encred.”

The fairy company commander strangely changed Encred’s affiliation.

Since the actual platoon could not be entrusted to them, they were taken out and organized into an independent platoon under the company.

“Independent platoon? What is that? Anyway, nice to meet you.”

Finn passed Encred’s fist and hit his stomach.

“You have nice abs.”

“I wish I had nice abs too.”

Torres muttered next to him. Seeing that I could hear everything, it didn’t seem like I was talking to myself at all.

“Shall we talk as we go? “If we go now, we can get to the campsite before the sun sets.”

The two soldiers in the back appeared to be Finn’s men. Everyone showed military courtesy.

The group, which soon numbered five, moved.

On the way, only then did the detailed operation goals come out of Finn’s mouth.

“You didn’t come here without knowing where this was, right?”

“I heard that it is a land of monsters and beasts.”

Encred answered.

With his excellent memory, he recalled and reflected on Enri’s words one by one.

It was said that the upper part of the Fen-Hanil River was home to many monsters and beasts.

It’s a land you don’t want to visit unless you’re a Pathfinder or a hunter who can see the road fairly well.

“It’s also right in front of the cross guard.”

Finn’s harsh tone continued.

“The original goal of the operation was to receive information through cats. Well, that was all until now.”

Cat is a slang term for a spy.

This is a commonly used phrase on this continent.

Both countries planted spies in each city.

That applies not only to Naurilia but also to Azpen.

In fact, Encred fought and killed some of the spies, so the existence of the spies was not something special.

“And the cat hasn’t contacted me for four days already from the appointed date.”

Finn says as he walks. So what happens?

As Torres and Encred listened, Finn continued to speak.

“The instructions came down from here, so I went in and saved it for a long time. “Our cat’s last contact was that he had obtained important information.”

Encred trembled with an exhilarating feeling. Goosebumps arose and warnings of danger filled my entire body.


‘It’s dangerous.’

It’s not that dangerous.

Die. You will definitely die several times.

The instinctive intuition developed through countless experiences today speaks.

If I were to follow what the woman named Finn said, it also meant that I had to infiltrate the cross guard.

“Whew, it’s a f*cking mission, isn’t it? f*ck, I know. But there is a way, there is a way.”

Finn then said with a grin.

It was a self-mocking laugh.

When Encred had already fallen into the wizard trap from before, he realized something.

Can you get through today by running away?

The answer was ‘no’.

Even if you try to stay up all night, even if you just fall asleep, even if you run away to another place all night.

The result is the same.

It only added to my body’s fatigue.

What I realized is that it cannot be avoided.

And if you can’t avoid it, you have no choice but to enjoy it.

Encred also laughed. It was a different kind of laughter than Finn’s.

It is a smile of joy and joy that reveals anticipation.

Finn, who saw that, twitched his eyebrows and said.

“The main university sent a crazy bastard?”

Torres also nodded half sincerely.

Even in his own eyes, Encred is not normal.

He seems nervous too, so what is this?

Of course, Encred was also nervous.

Rather, it was just a different mindset to face a new tomorrow.

‘It goes beyond.’

I laughed happily because overcoming the wall meant growth.

Of course, it will be a struggle. I will do my best to not be trapped in today.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t creepy.

Just look further ahead than that.

A lot of strength went into Encred’s shoulders as he walked.

It was a mixture of tension and anticipation.


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