Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 95

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95. The secret to youthful youth is endless training

“If this is the case, isn’t it true that we were a couple in a past life?”

I guess that’s what they’re saying because we meet whenever we have work to do.

This is the face I saw during the monster hunt the other day.

“Couldn’t he have been an enemy?”

Torres alluded to an old story, and Encred accepted it.

There are two cases where a relationship from a past life continues.

It’s a fate that needs to be met.

It’s a bad relationship that doesn’t bring any good from meeting you.

“Aren’t we in bad relations?”

Torres said with a grin.

“Yes, of course.”

The two men suddenly clashed their fists.

No matter what was waiting ahead, a familiar face would be better than an unfamiliar one.

That’s the way it went.

plod along.

After exiting the northern castle gate, what greeted them was a gravel road.

It was just the two of them starting from the Border Guard.

“Are we going alone?”

“We decided to meet our scouting party across the river.”

It’s not a particularly dangerous mission, is it?

So, are you sending just the two of them?

Encred had many thoughts, but he didn’t say them out loud.

Anyway, the person in charge is Torres.

All you need to know is what he says.

This is the path we started at dawn.

Encred walked diligently as the morning sun rose, and the cloth he wore under his armor became damp.

Even though the cold hadn’t gone away, I was likely to be drenched in sweat if I walked around wearing armor all over my body.

They wear sleeveless underwear made of thin fabric, and over it they wear outerwear that covers the thicker sleeves.

On top of that, he wears leather armor that blocks magic and a whistle dagger case.

If you wear a gambitson, boots, and leather gauntlets, you’re done.

I wear relatively thin pants, but if they are thick, it impairs mobility, so this was unavoidable.

Here, he wears a thick-bladed dagger called a guard sword on his waist.

I put the newly acquired longsword on my left waist.

A short sword is worn on the right waist. This wasn’t the end either.

In an emergency, the more weapons you have, the better. He hid two knives on each ankle and two more throwing knives on his left forearm.

They are light infantry, but they are heavy weapons.

Here, one more weapon that was not usually present was added.

“My left hand is working. “That needs to be resolved.”

It is Ragnar’s spell. Thanks to that, I am now carrying a buckler on my back.

‘Don’t you think this could be used instead of a pot?’

If you’re in a hurry, you could probably use it like that. If you remove the leather attached to the handle, it turns out to be a thin piece of metal.

That’s why I think it’s such an unnecessary burden.

‘I can’t help it.’

Since they tell me to do it, I have no choice but to do it.

Try using it as a shield, and if it doesn’t work, you can think of another move.

“Whether it’s sword and shield or just one sword, it’s time to move on. “Before that, we will strike a balance first.”

Ragna is usually extremely lazy, but when it comes time to teach Encred, he becomes an extremely sincere instructor.

So, if you ask me, is that annoying?

‘at all.’

Rather, I am just grateful.

Encred opened his sixth sense and looked everywhere, repeating Ragnar’s words in his head as he walked.

Looking at it from the side, it looked like a very strange sight.

Torres was apparently unarmed except for two short shortswords worn on his left waist.

It is a relatively light weapon.

Torres glanced to the side and thought.

‘You’re following along well.’

Even though I was carrying that heavy load, I was able to keep up with it. Without even panting.

My eyes couldn’t focus on what I was thinking, but I reacted immediately to signs around me.

‘What are you thinking while walking?’

I started to wonder about that again.

That wasn’t the only thing I was curious about.

This is Torres, who I have seen on various missions so far.

‘I’m rather disappointed that they haven’t asked me anything like this.’

When you start out on something that has so many hidden things, there would usually be a lot of questions asked, such as what is going on, what is the purpose, and what will you do when you cross the river?

When asked that question, Torres had decided what to say.

‘We are soldiers and soldiers. ‘Don’t you think that all you have to do is do as you’re told?’

This is my chance to say something sharp.


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I really don’t ask anything.


Then Encred opened his mouth. Torres glanced forward.

I had been walking northwest for a while with the river on my right.

I saw two wet ghouls.

The few remaining strands of hair were clumped together and hung across the white head, looking just like seaweed.

It was hiding behind a large rock and aiming in this direction, but the color of the rock and skin were similar, so if you didn’t look closely, you might have missed it.

‘You found it before me?’

Do I have better intuition than I thought, or am I just as lucky as they say?

You never know.

Anyway, a monster, an enemy, appeared.


“Of course.”

At Torres’ words, Encred stepped forward first and attracted attention.

He took the shield from his back, put it in his hand, and then pulled out a long sword.


‘It sounds good.’

People who eat knives are sensitive to weapons. The same was true for Torres.

Instead of drawing his weapon, Torres kept his distance from the ghoul.

Ghouls’ fingernails are poisonous.

Is there really a need to get closer?

When two ghouls hit the ground toward Encred, who went first, Torres grabbed his waist with his hands and stretched forward.

Step first, tap the ground with your right foot and start with your fingertips at your elastically extended elbow.

The weight that was on my fingers leaves my hands. The knife flew through the air and stuck in the ghoul’s head.

With a thud, the head split in half and the blade flew to the side.

The bodies of ghouls hanging around the water are often half-rotten.

That’s why it smells so bad.

It was the sound of the blade ricocheting through rotten flesh and crushing the skull.

Torres threw the dagger and looked at Encred.

There, Encred was seen clumsily holding a shield and deflecting the ghoul’s claws, swinging a long sword.

A properly swung sword cut off the ghoul’s rotten neck.

The ghoul’s blood was black.

The headless body fell forward on its knees, and black blood poured out.

“Weren’t there almost no monsters here?”

Even if they are the same platoon commander, one side is a border guard unit under the direct control of the kingdom.

Encred also became a platoon leader, but he was treated well.

“It can’t be there at all. Because of the group of human-faced dogs, there may not have been any troops to send here recently. “But it won’t be much.”

Encred nodded silently. Seeing that, Torres suddenly became curious.

“Aren’t you curious about where we are going?”

“Isn’t it across the river?”

“For now, let’s talk comfortably. Well, isn’t it the same as being a platoon leader in a direct unit or a platoon leader in an ordinary unit? “We seem to be similar ages.”

“I’m thirty.”

“What’s more, I’m young.”

“Well then, whatever.”

This is an offer that there is no reason to refuse.

“What is the secret to youthful youth? “I feel a little bit wronged by that face as we all rolled around on the battlefield.”

Even if you look at it from the outside, anyone can tell that Torres is older than him. Moreover, Torres has a plain appearance.

Even if it was a waiter at an inn, I would have believed it.

As Torres spoke, he wiped the dropped dagger in the shaking green and blue water of the river, wiped the moisture with his sleeve, and put it in his arms.

The knife disappeared in my arms.

It seemed as if he had made a separate knife sheath in his arms, but it seemed to disappear in an instant, which seemed strange to Encred.

“Endless training.”

After hearing Encred’s answer, Torres burst into laughter.

He is a friend who has a talent for speaking.

Of course, it would have been nice to have him in my unit.

While thinking about it, Torres got to the point.

“You know that it doesn’t end with just crossing the river, right?”


“But what aren’t you asking?”

“If I ask, will you tell me?”

I can’t tell you, Torres doesn’t know the details either. It’s just a guess.

“It won’t be all that fun.”

Encred blinked as he spoke, and the light seemed to sparkle.

At least that’s how it seemed to Torres.

That seemed to overlap with the way he said he would fight more monsters before.

‘You bastard, is this what you’re expecting?’

Because across the river is a place called the land of monsters and beasts?

“It’s strangely fun.”

Torres also enjoys taking risks. But doesn’t this seem like the same thing?

“Let’s go.”

The two walked diligently again.

When we reached the ferry port, Torres spoke again.

“It came sooner than I expected. “I’ll have some time left.”

To cross a river, you need a boatman.

I could see a pile of stones roughly piled up near the ferry, and a rough road was also visible. Now the sun has risen high above.

As Torres found suitable shade and sat down, Encred began swinging his sword next to him.

“Not resting?”

“This is rest.”

This is why I get called a person who is crazy about training.

Torres watched Encred swinging his sword in the air.

Take steps and swing your sword. From bottom to top, from top to bottom.


The moment you think that, you pull the sword and use your arm muscles as leverage to raise the pommel on the other side of the blade as a weapon.

It is an application of the basics.

‘It’s neat.’

If you get caught in that area, you’ll have to eat only porridge for at least a few days.

If I was unlucky, I would end up chewing all the hard things for the rest of my life.


As I imagined it, I felt like my jaw was hurting.

Encred continued to move after that.

Even though coming this far was a forced march in its own way.

‘Your physical strength is to die for.’

Swing and swing again.

Torres, who was watching, grabbed the handle of the short sword and pulled it without realizing it.


The blade was pulled out halfway, emitting a friction sound.


It’s because I was too immersed.

At that sound, Encred stopped swinging his sword and turned his head.

Their eyes meet.

“One round?”

Encred suggested.

This is not the time.

I don’t know. I really don’t know, but when I look at Encred, I feel a strange sense of victory.

That doesn’t mean it’s inflaming hostility.

It made me want to compete purely on skill.

In other words, I wanted to give myself a victory that I could not achieve in previous promotion duels.

‘I have to do it right.’

I saw him dealing with a harpy and a face dog the other day.

I also saw you training your sword now.

Now, wouldn’t it be difficult to see them as always at the bottom?

‘It’s a growing season, a growing season.’

You said you were 30 and you were growing up like this.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

Torres got up from his seat.

Encred put his sword into its sheath and drew it out whole.

Even if you hit it with the entire scabbard, it will break at one point. Encred uses powerful swordsmanship.

“good. “I like it.”

Seeing that extremely serious look, Torres also said something insignificant and hung his arms.

‘Shall I throw the dagger?’

No, half-baked tactics won’t work.

Then how?

Calculate and think.

The realization gained through countless battles penetrated Torres’ head.

‘In one blow.’

The moment he hit the ground, Torres’ body moved as if grazing the floor.

Low and fast.

At the speed of Auddin’s tackle, Encred reflexively bent his knees and stood up.

At the same time, he swung his sword downward.

Whatever it is, if it comes close, it will hit you.

Then Torres’ body was thrown to the side.

Encred’s sword followed Torres’ traces.

With your eyes, hands, and feet.

It also enhances the senses of the whole body. If you miss, you lose. This is a lesson learned from previous duels.

At the same time, it does not give distance.

It’s a long-term fight. So can you win?

If you fight for a long time and measure the distance, and if this is a real sword fight, I think you can kill it.

But isn’t that kind of fight we’re having now?

Encred deliberately narrowed the distance.

Instead of being embarrassed, Torres took out what he had prepared.

Narrow the distance to the point where you can reach even if you extend your arm halfway, and then snap your wrist once, roughly at the nape of the opponent’s neck. That was it.

There was no weapon in his hand, he was not grabbed by the throat or hit.

Encred reacted entirely to intuition and tilted his head back.


The match was won there.

Before he knew it, Torres was holding a knife with a blade the length of a span.

If it were a life-or-death fight, even if Torres twisted his wrist, it would be fatal.

“I was thinking of giving you a nice cut on your cheek.”

“… … “What is that?”

Encred was surprised.

It was worth it. Because he was obviously empty-handed.

“It’s my draw. “Will you let me know that you’re asking?”

“They won’t tell you.”

I thought he wouldn’t tell me, but surprisingly, Torres opened his mouth.

“You need to be dexterous. “It doesn’t happen overnight.”

As he spoke and turned his wrist over, the knife in his hand suddenly disappeared.

And when he shook his hands again, a dagger popped out from his sleeve.

Looking closely, both the handle and the blade are relatively thin. It appeared to be an item made to be hidden in a sleeve.

“Hyde Knife. “It’s my draw.”

Torres spoke, sighed, and then continued.

“Wait, I’m not showing this to just anyone.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

Encred stood up again and cast his gaze into the distance.

There was still time until the boatman was scheduled to arrive.

“One more round?”

When I asked, Torres shook his head as if he was tired and then stood up.

“Okay, let’s do it.”

It’s been a while. It feels like the passion I felt when I first picked up the sword is burning in my heart.

Torres was caught up in the mood and mingled with it.

For the first time in a very long time, he felt like his skills were improving with just short sparring.

It happened due to a combination of excitement and the tension of having to engage in a life-threatening operation.

Of course, the biggest reason was right in front of me.

‘It’s strange.’

All of this was thanks to Encred.

Torres instinctively realized that. So, it is inevitable that the words strange and amazing will come out.

When the boatman arrived at the appointed time, two sweaty soldiers were out of breath.

“I heard it was a standing army mission, but it wasn’t a mission, it was a training exercise?”

the old boatman asked.

It was a question that had nothing to say.


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