Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 93

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93. Is it the result of coincidence or a moment of overlapping necessity?

“Balaf style martial arts, stepping on the bed is uncomfortable. “Then what should I do to make it easier?”

Auddin asks. Encred thought deeply and then answered.

The two men on the narrow bed were extremely serious.

“Gives strength?”

At first, I thought I was learning the trick of extending my fist in a narrow and uncomfortable place on purpose.

“no. I can’t. A bed is a place to lie down. “We’re going to practice our lying skills.”

A bed is a place to lie down.

After his first martial arts training, I found out that Audin washes more often than expected.

Even though my limbs were suppressed with my head stuck in my armpit, there was no sour smell or anything like that.

They control their hands and feet on a narrow bed by bending and grabbing their joints. No, I was overpowered.

“The bed is narrow. “Move quickly rather than complexly.”

It’s learning. It is a teaching. It is a sip of water given to a thirsty person wandering in the desert.

It was like that for Encred.

Therefore, I focused on more than just listening.

Of course, it was a difficult technique to use in practice.

I received requests and traveled around and used it here and there.

For example, when you grab and break the wrist of a pickpocket.

“With Gilpin claiming to be the guardian of the night, it seems like the number of wanderers is increasing?”

If a pickpocket is caught, their wrists are cut off.

He still looked young. Twelve years old at best? So I handed it over to Gilpin Guild.

When I heard it later, I heard that they were beaten with excitement.

That would be better than cutting off my wrists.

Besides that, I always tried to use it wherever I could.

But there will never be a better opportunity than now.

The moment he touched the blades of his hands with the company commander, Encred took a step with his right foot back.

Put your left foot in front, pull your back right foot forward at the same level as your left foot, and kick the floor while bending and straightening your knees.

It could have been an explosive charging step.

Then, use your whole body elasticity to straighten your right hand.

stab Although it was implemented with a hand blade, the core did not change.

It’s like when I saved Krang.

When the company commander came in after tearing down the tent of the medical barracks, Encred had a dagger in his hand, but now it has just been replaced with a hand blade.

The company commander also reacted the same way.

Swing his right hand from the inside out and hit Encred’s wrist. With that hand gesture, the trajectory of the stab is distorted.

The company commander’s foot kicked Encred’s heel.

At that time, I was helpless.

Not now.

Just before he was kicked, he took off his foot to avoid it and leaned forward with his left foot in the wrong position to push away.

What is the biggest difference between yourself and the fairy company commander?


“Understand your opponent’s weaknesses and defeat them with your own strengths. “Brother.”

Encrid followed Audin’s words. Clumsily, we attacked without exchanging moves.


The company commander let out a groan. She kicked Encred’s thigh with the sole of her foot.

Encred endured the shock and eventually crushed the company commander with his body.

He crushed him, grabbed his wrist, pushed him out, and wrapped his leg between the company commander’s legs.

Then, the company commander was held with his left hand extended forward while lying on his side, and his legs were tied together and his limbs were tied.

“I think I won.”

Encred said after catching his breath.

The company commander just turned his head. It was so close that their breaths could touch.

Soon she opened her mouth.

“Human proposals are quite different from fairies.”

The scent of flowers came from the company commander’s mouth.

It was another fairy joke.

As I stayed there, I could see the lips of the fairy company commander.

It certainly seems soft.

“… … no. Something like that.”

Encred soon relaxed his posture and tried to get up, but this time the company commander wrapped his legs around Encred’s waist.

Although he stumbled for a moment, Encred’s waist was very good and the fairy company commander was light, so he held on.

“You have a strong back.”

Is it the listener’s fault that the company commander’s words are not heard clearly?

Or is it the speaker’s fault?

‘There’s no need to argue.’

“Please come down.”

The company commander, who was half-hanging, got down. Then he stood upright and shook his body.

There was dust on the ground from the training ground.

This is the company commander who slapped my butt with the palm of his hand to get the dirt off my pants.

Today, I was wearing pants that were tight to my body, and I thought my posture was quite strange.


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“It has increased.”

“Yes, it has increased.”

One word after that.

Encred obediently agreed.

Isn’t this something that started out to show off one’s actual skills?

The victory was achieved by digging into the momentary gap and the opponent’s weakness.

Balaf-style suppression techniques mixed in there.

Since everything was proof that my skills had improved, I was able to agree with the company commander’s words.

The company commander was silent for a moment, a very moment.

Then he said.

“For now, let’s say I’m sorry for not being able to stop it.”

I tilted my head to the bottomless words.

“All you need to know is that the platoon replenishment will arrive within today.”

Encred was about to ask what he meant, but quit.

The company commander was already turning around to go in.

What will I tell you if I argue?

I don’t think so.

Looking at what he said, it seemed like it would be something I would naturally understand over time.

‘I said I was sorry for not being able to stop it.’

I also understand that it is an order from above.

If you look at it, Encred is also at a decent level.

It was a necessity for survival with poor skills.

‘You’ll find out soon enough.’

I decided it was better not to pay attention.

Rather than worrying about something pointless, it would have been better to at least swing the sword one more time at that time.

* * *

The battalion commander was replaced.

It was worth it. It was predicted that it would be an all-out war rather than a local war where metallurgy was fought.

What happened on the previous battlefield continued and the battlefield expanded.

The fight grew bigger.

Therefore, the battalion commander must also be someone who specializes in combat.

“My name is Marcus.”

Marcus Battalion Commander.

A person who once reached the level of a knight, but ultimately failed to overcome the barrier of talent.

He can be said to be a key officer under Cyprus, with experience serving in various units through the border garrison.

He didn’t care about the stupid things the previous battalion commander did.

“The main force is the border garrison and the turtle company? Other than that, the goal is to fill the number of people, and the strategy is established accordingly. “You can do it, right?”

He was a man whose mind was filled with nothing but war.

And the rumors going around within the unit also reached his ears.

“Troublemaker squad leader? Are you a platoon leader now? It’s unique. “You said you were lucky?”

After receiving a report on everything that had happened.

I don’t think it’s something you can call just luck.

Anyone could have thought this.

Here, Battalion Commander Marcus went one step further.

“How about trying that luck one more time?”

There is nothing we can do if only one soldier is sacrificed.

However, if Lady Luck really notices and saves you, there is no reason not to take advantage of it.

What if it’s not luck? Are you going to die? Well, it’s only one soldier.

It wasn’t something to lose anyway.

This was the full story of what the fairy company commander said.

I’m sorry I couldn’t stop it.


It is intelligence and the formation of a unit for operation. This is a direct order from the battalion commander. There was no way to stop it.

‘I hope he comes back alive.’

It’s not because I think it’s a real pet like a joke.

‘Such a talented person.’

The back is also clean and associated with ‘Krang’.

He did it because he asked for it and because he thought it was a waste.

Skills, ambition, and courage.

Everyone was a friend I liked.


‘Come alive.’

I just wanted this.

* * *

“It’s not just a support mission.”

Encred knows that Rem is as perceptive as he is.

It’s a mission that comes down to me while I’m receiving various requests.

A mission was sent to the north of Border Guard, beyond the Pen-Hanil River, and to understand the surrounding terrain.

Encred drew a topographical map in his head.

If you go east around Border Guard, you will reach Green Pearl.

Above it is the Pen-Hanil River.

And after crossing the Pen-Hanil River, if you go northeast, you will come across a city.

This is Cross Guard, a fortress city in Azpen that was built strictly for military purposes.

The mission’s destination is where the cross guard is.

So, on the surface, this is a mission to understand the terrain.

‘Actually, intelligence.’

It was added that a detailed explanation of the mission could be found after crossing the river.

“Pick it up, only the captain?”

Saxony frowned after understanding the details of the assigned mission.

Is it a pain in the ass?

right. Encred also knows.

It’s not the kind of thing that should come down to you.

‘This is it.’

What the fairy company commander said.

“why? Know the terrain? There is a lot of talk that an all-out war will break out soon, so where are you going?”

A new platoon member said. Encred was a familiar face.

Enri. A soldier from the plains hunters.

I think he said he wanted to go back to the plains after the previous battle was over.

still remained in the city.

“Even if you want to go back, if an all-out war breaks out, wouldn’t it be wrong to live on the plains anyway?”

That was the reason.

In addition, two more joined.

Andrew, the immature squad leader has now become a real squad leader.

Next to him, of course, was Mac.

There were three people who joined, and Andrew officially became the squad leader of this unit.

Of course, it was an organization that was not suitable for the squad members, including Rem.

The actual number of people is only nine, so what is the need for a squad leader?

Even more so, who will listen to that?

“I think I would be better off if it were like this.”

Enri said.

“That’s because it’s not just about understanding the terrain. “Brother.”

Audin spoke with a soft smile, and Enri’s shoulders flinched when she saw that.

This is a natural reaction to anyone seeing Audin for the first time.

The large man spoke in a soft tone with a smile. Her imposing fists and size fill her eyes, making it extremely awkward.

It would take some time to adjust.

“Direct orders from the battalion commander? “Can’t we just ignore it?”

Ragna, who was snooping around, said something without thinking.

Ignoring it is disobeying orders. You bastard.

Originally, you would feel like you were caught in a dirty way.

It’s a high-risk mission no matter who sees it.

It is an enemy fortress city where an all-out war will soon break out. Just getting to the vicinity is an adventure in itself.

‘The purpose is to receive information from a spy within the city.’

Encred roughly thought about the purpose of the mission. It seemed plausible.

It is necessary.

Someone has to step up.

Normally, it would be appropriate to use separate people who specialize in this type of mission.

‘I see that the company commander said he couldn’t stop it.’

The battalion commander himself took the initiative.

That’s probably why the battalion commander’s seal is stamped here.

“What should I do?”

The platoon leader who came to deliver the mission looked around and said hesitantly.

“What should I do?”

Encred didn’t worry about anything. It’s something you have to do anyway.

‘If it’s a real fight.’

I’m always just welcoming you.

Above all, it was a time when I reflected on the fact that no matter what, if you do your best in it, there is something new to learn, learn, and realize.

On the contrary, I was excited.

What will happen?

Is this the wall given by the boatman?

Otherwise, is it just something that passes by?

Is this a result of coincidence?

Was it a moment of inevitability where the things we did overlapped?

I didn’t know everything.

If there’s something blocking your path, just hit it and move on.

That was Encred’s life.

“Mission accepted.”

At Encred’s words, the impressions of all the squad members took a turn for the worse.

“I guess I’ll have to follow you.”

Ragna said, but it wasn’t an easy task either.

Although we do not know the exact intention of the battalion commander, the squad members except Encred were ordered to stand by according to the orders of the new squad leader.

If I had to guess from the commands:

‘Leave behind those who are sure to be active on the battlefield. ‘They just took me out.’

He didn’t even know what he was thinking when he gave this instruction.

Who knows.

Hearing that he was a lucky soldier, he did something crazy to try his luck.

The battalion commander named Marcus was not normal either.

That was natural.

It was a nickname given to Marcus, an officer crazy about war.

He was a guy who would do anything to win.

Encred is just the beginning.

“do not worry. “I’ll take care of it and come back.”

There is no need to die. As long as today is repeated, as long as we take it for granted that we will go beyond today.

When Encred spoke abruptly, Rem’s eyebrows rose upward.

“By-self? Jaaaaaal? Do you think that will work? There is still a long way to go. That won’t work. Let’s get special training today. Special training!”

Ragnar, Saxony, and Audin’s reactions were not much different from Rem’s.

“Have you got the rhythm?”

“Let’s learn how to stab someone in the back.”

“Hehe, it’s time to learn more about Balaf style bed martial arts.”

Andrew, standing there, looks at everyone’s eyes and opens his mouth.

“Now, since I’m the squad leader, I guess everyone should follow what I say.”

This is an order from above. Instead of being cocky like before, Andrew tried to follow orders.

But that was it.

“You’re funny!”

Rem had a seizure. It’s a normal seizure. Nothing great.

He jumped in and immediately hit Andrew on the head.

The fist was so fast that it was invisible to the eye.

Before Andrew could react, he rushed over and hit him.

Andrew, who had been hit on the head, opened his eyes and fell down. Mac, who was next to him, received him.


Mac raised his head angrily when he saw Andrew who had collapsed.

These are Rem’s words after seeing that.

Assault on superior officer.

It is a name that comes before Rem’s name.

Lem glared, and Mac looked at him for a moment and said after confirming that Andrew had just fainted.

“I didn’t say anything.”

What can I do? There is such a difference in power.

Clumsy resistance leads to violence.

This is a fact I already knew.

That’s why I didn’t want to come here.

But there was nothing to stop Andrew from volunteering.


Life is so twisted. Mac lamented.

Enri was convinced as she watched.

‘If you brush your mouth carelessly, you’ll get sick.’

Only then did I understand why this was a trouble-making squad.

I only came to see Encred, but it was a point where I started to regret it a little.


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