Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 91

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91. Special platoon

Human face dog.

They are somewhere between monsters and demonic beasts.

A quadrupedal monster with a face similar to that of an old man.

Or a canine demonic beast with a face that resembles that of a human.

Actually, what does it matter?

Monsters and demonic beasts are the ones who prey on humans.

It’s just something to kill.

No one knows where monsters and beasts come from.

Ever since Encred was born, or even as this world has existed, there has been the threat of monsters and beasts.

There were many different types, including ghouls, harpies, and skeletons.

The difference between monsters and demonic beasts was simple.

If a monster resembles that of an animal, the monster shows individual characteristics.

Among them, the Inmyeongyeon was a monster that was somewhere between a demonic beast and a monster, losing its scary head when it formed a group.


At first glance, it was a herd of over fifty. It was a group of human-faced dogs scattered around, letting out loud cries.

As soon as he discovered it, the commander of the heavy armored infantry said:

Heavy armored infantry is the most expensive class in both equipment and training.

The heavy armament they wear reduces their mobility, and for the same reason they cannot hold a javelin or become an archer.

The weight of the armor limits dynamic movement, so it is not possible to make light charges.

Armament that blocks the entire body, a square shield, and a towering spear in between.

With this alone, the heavy armored infantry showed overwhelming efficiency in plains rotations.

It was still like that now.

The heavy infantry’s pace across the wasteland was slow. There was no significant amount of red clay dust.

Just move forward calmly, one step at a time, without stopping.

Still, there was nothing the group of face dogs could do.

The main means of attack of the face dog is its claws.

Because those claws had no utility.

‘A landslide victory.’

Even the harpies playing in the sky could not hit the heavy armored infantry, but a group of human-faced dogs were no match for them.


When I swung my claws, they were only blocked by the shield.

Even if he occasionally sticks his claws into the gaps between the shields.


There are only scratches on the armor made of iron plates.

Moreover, such face-to-face encounters were less than one in ten.

Most of them are just blocked by the advance of shields held by heavy armored infantry.


The scream of a human face dog that was difficult to hear erupted.

The guy who hit the square shield with his front foot had his side pierced by a long spear extending straight from between the shields, and his torso was impaled.

When the torso of the human-faced dog dangled from the spear blade, a soldier on the front line pushed the body of the human-faced dog with the shield he was holding and pulled out the spear blade.

The monster with a hole in its side rolled on the floor.

The shrieking screams soon became the final word.

Heavy armored infantry stepped on it and crushed it to death.

Puck, puck.

Considering their weight, just stepping on them would have been an excellent confirmed kill.

Block with a shield and stab with a polearm.

It is a simple but effective strategy.

The opponent is not a human, but a monster. There’s nothing we can do about it.

While the heavy armored infantry took out the group of human dogs.

The special forces and border guards occupying the left hill launched a long-distance attack.

This is a longbow and crossbow unit.

Five longbowmen and fifteen crossbowmen.

They blocked one side and rained down arrows and bolts, and the Inmyeongyeon were driven to one side to avoid it.

The side that was cornered was blocked by the lieutenant general’s infantry.

Encred and Rem didn’t just watch.

Behind the group of fifty face dogs, there were some who kept coming out of nowhere to join us.

“I guess it’s right for us to catch that!”

Rem spoke in an excited voice like never before. Instead of answering, En Creed took his foot away. In fact, he ran out faster than Rem.

The excitement in my heart has not subsided yet.

Time to prove that you have mastered the sword by swinging it again and again.

I was realizing the preciousness of that time.

Fight for your life, but don’t expect to die.

When have you ever had an experience like this?

That made Encred feel strange.

There seemed to be no danger of death among the 15 human-faced dogs, as it was unlikely that they would die.

Why do I have this confidence?

Because Rem is with me?


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I don’t think so.

I thought about it later.

Run. Heavy armored infantry has speed and dynamism that cannot be seen.

With boldness and focus.

Instead of running, I lowered my waist and swung my sword.

It is a sword that flies horizontally to the ground.

Skunk! puck!

Then, the snout of the first human-faced dog that came out to meet him was cut off, and the head of another human-faced dog was caught in the sword he swung after cutting off the snout.

The second guy, the one who got hit on the head, also had his eyes and forehead torn open.

He pulled out his sword and swung it, killing two of them at the same time.

Encred hit the ground with his left foot, braked his body, and took a step.

Using your left foot as an axis, pull your right foot behind it and turn your body sideways in an instant.

As he turned his body, he raised his sword vertically and then slashed it.

It was a double-sword vertical cut that had nothing to say about it even though it was mentioned in the textbook.


The head of the human face dog caught there was split open.

My heart is pounding like crazy. Slashing and swinging her sword.

After looking forward again and hitting the head of the approaching human dog with his fist, the guy who was biting his shin in the meantime stuck the tip of his sword vertically and made a hole in its head.

The feeling of crushing my skull remained in my hand.

I was trying not to give myself a chance to draw my sword, but an ax flashed from the side and traced its path.

It was Rem.

It is an exciting charge and an exciting slash.

Those caught by the axe had their bodies or heads cut off mercilessly.

Encred turned his eyes and saw a group of monsters rushing towards him.

It was a sight that would have scared me before, but not anymore.

I was able to fight calmly because my heart beat with courage.

My head is extremely cold. Even though I was busy thinking about the best route to take in order to cut down the incoming monsters, I calculated where it would be advantageous to move.

My head was cold, but on the contrary, my heart was extremely hot.


Because the burning sensation elevates the body and senses.


What I learned from dealing with the wizard in the sewer sticks to me. The things I trained with my squad members were a process of building up one by one through actual combat.

Rem, who was watching from the side, looked at Encred and recalled the process of building the castle wall.

There was once a time when I was mobilized to build a castle wall under the guise of a worker.

The process of somehow carrying heavy stones and stacking them one by one.

A tedious and time-consuming process that you never know will end.

Ultimately, it is a process that requires patience.

‘It’s fascinating.’

When I look at Encred’s growth, I just find it fascinating.

In fact, it is a series of events that are incomprehensible to those who watch it closer than anyone else.

A person who couldn’t even stack one stone every day.

One day, dozens of stones suddenly pile up. How is this possible?

I do not know. I didn’t even want to know.

It just makes it more interesting.

‘It’s fun. fun.’


A bolt was driven into the head of the last remaining human dog.

After killing the group of monsters by pushing them to one side, Torres approached.

Torres said, licking his lips.

“It’s a shame, you had to come over to our unit. “Why are you still leading the squad?”

That was something the 1st Company platoon commander was also curious about.

Why with that level of skill?

Encred secretly used his body to block several soldiers who had ties to Rem from glaring at him.

This is Rem, who came from the 1st Company after beating up his superiors. I always had a bad relationship with them. In particular, Rem tends to be more provocative.

Only after preventing the accident did Encred open his mouth.

“There is no one who can take charge of my squad yet.”

Encred pointed out a realistic problem.

If he becomes a platoon leader, who will take charge of the 444th squad immediately?

“Anyway, good job.”

The excitement that had been building up to its peak has now slowly subsided.

Ancrid answered the question, but did not listen or answer very seriously.

There was only one thought in Encred’s mind.

‘I need to sort things out.’

After fighting, I understand. You need to tidy up your belongings at least once.

In the meantime, several technologies were combined to create a synergistic effect.

It was also applied to swordsmanship.

Up until now, I had used it as best as I could, so I felt the need to establish it.

And because this was his first experience, Encred felt joy again.

Finding what you need for yourself.

That in itself was unusual.

There was always black darkness ahead, and there was no path in sight.

But what about now? Signposts keep appearing on that invisible road.

I was so happy I couldn’t bear it.

That’s why Encred smiled without realizing it.

Even Rem couldn’t guess what was inside him.

Naturally, the same was true for Torres and the heavy armored infantry platoon leader.

It’s time for the fight to end. Being intoxicated and happy with victory? It’s not that kind of fight.

It was a subjugation where winning was natural and killing was natural.

But didn’t one of the soldiers, covered in blood and running rampant, suddenly laugh as if he was extremely happy?

When the heavy armored infantry platoon leader saw that, he thought it was the kind of smile you would see while soaking in hot water in the middle of winter.

“… … “Is there something slightly wrong?”

The platoon leader of the 1st Company came to Torres’ side and asked, gently pointing to his head with his hand.

Of course, the gaze is directed at Encred.

“It’s hard to call him normal, though.”

Torres trailed off.

Rather than laughing at the moment, he was speaking with more weight on Encred’s daily life.

No crazy person would swing his sword like crazy like the troublemaker squad leader in the unit.

“What you looking at?”

“… … “You bitch.”

While Encred was distracted, a fight broke out between Rem and the 1st Company.

Encred quickly went back to stop Rem, and Torres and others also began to clean up the place.

* * *

There were two requests. One was buried by the company commander, so no one knew that he had killed the wizard.

But I knew everything about subjugating monsters.

From the time I and Rem cut down the wolf beast together.

Even dealing with a harpy with a sword.

Few people were surprised by what Rem did.

People who don’t know him may be surprised at least once, but he was attached to the unit in the first place thanks to his outstanding skills.

“Rem bastard? “He’s a good fighter by nature.”

“If I had a good personality, wouldn’t I have become a battalion commander?”

When the rumor spread within the unit, it was Encred who surprised the group of soldiers.

It is true that a senior soldier is at the top of the soldier rating system.

But not all senior soldiers will be able to do that.

Slashing against a harpy?

No, why would you do such an ignorant thing?

But you killed the harpy because of that ignorant act?

If I had managed to kill just one, I would have called it a coincidence.

There are three.

The rumor spread rapidly.

“No, what did you do?”

“I knew this would happen at some point.”

“Encred? “That troublemaker squad leader?”

“Didn’t you say you destroyed the spell last time?”

“Huh, when I got it before, I thought it was barely a grade.”

There seemed to be a lot of talk.

Killing a group of face dogs was also impressive, as there were more than one person who saw it.

“But why are you still the squad leader?”

Rumors and doubts spread within the unit. It was natural for it to reach the ears of the battalion commander.

The battalion commander couldn’t help but care.

Thanks to this, the fairy company commander was called in and asked questions.

“Is it right to just let him stay as a squad leader?”

“Because the squad is so special.”

“I can’t afford to give you a reward, so I think it would be right to raise your status.”

The system of the Kingdom of Naurilia was clear.

If you do well, you will be given more for what you did well.

That was the key.

It is not for nothing that we use policies such as the soldier grading system or the soldier mercenary system.

The price is a reward or honor.

The battalion commander suggested that he be given a position instead of a reward for his own benefit.

The company commander was well aware of the peculiarities of the troublemaker squad.

If Encred is promoted to platoon leader, the squad will become uncontrollable.

Then, we will just have to use a different method.

“Of course.”

After showing military courtesy, the company commander turned around.

She came up with a plan to satisfy the battalion commander and maintain the current organization.

So, Encred.

“The crew under my command is all about ten.”

“Regardless of that, starting today, you will have the same rank as platoon leader. “Do you have any complaints?”

“doesn’t exist.”

These are the words of my superior. There is no reason to question Encred.

Moreover, the opponent is a fairy company commander. It’s even more annoying for him to be the butt of jokes for no reason.

“Go see.”

That’s how I received the rank of platoon commander.

“Do I have to call you platoon leader now?”

“Oh, platoon leader, did you get a raise?”

“So, what about us?”

“Brother, congratulations.”

“The blade of my sword is gone.”

I don’t know if this is congratulations.

Although the final Ragnar is certainly not a word of congratulations.

In reality, nothing changed just because I became a platoon leader.

Oh, there was talk about filling in the empty spots in the squad that had so far been passed over.

The original squad size is ten people.

However, so far there were only six people, including Encred, instead of ten.

Official name: independent platoon under the 4th Company.

It’s no longer a 4th squad.

I said I could do more if I wanted to supplement my platoon.


Since the horse was an independent platoon, it was unlikely that it would engage in individual operations.

If it is the only privilege given.

The platoon leader is not on regular duty.

“Isn’t that a bit mean?”

Although Rem expressed his dissatisfaction, most things were overlooked when he was told that the squad would remain the same.

This is a change that occurred after he became a platoon leader and rumors spread within the unit.

However, that didn’t change Encred’s daily life.

“You mean you want to learn more?”

The beginning is Audin. Apart from organizing what you have.

I hated wasting time. You shouldn’t stop learning and practicing when you have time.

That is the key to taking advantage of the repetitive today that Encred thinks about.

So I found Audin. I’m looking forward to the next step in the skill that I’ve become accustomed to.

“Have you ever heard of bed battles?”

I wonder if this is some kind of nonsense.

“It’s a training method created by Paladin Balaf.”

This is Audin’s explanation.

Balaf style martial arts.

A feast of techniques of grabbing and breaking rather than hitting and beating.

It is an addition to the daily routine of being pressed and bent on the bed.

Of course, Audin wasn’t the only one learning new things.

Before we knew it, the bitter cold, a symbol of winter, was receding.

Encred was still the same.

When a voyeur came out in a dream, you were a daily life that repeats what you are doing.

And then rumors began to circulate.

There will be a full-scale war, not a local war like now.

It was also a natural thing.

In the previous battlefield, the opponent showed a spell and the ally showed a squire, thereby changing the battlefield.

Spring, a more intense battlefield than before, was approaching.

And before spring came, Encred spent his busy days organizing his things.


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