Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 9

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9. A different man every day

The issuing of battle orders was not a place to explain strategy.

It’s all about being prepared.

As soon as Encred heard the order, he headed to the back barracks.

By now, the sewing genius who had sent his squad members to the squad leader’s summons under the pretext of being sick would have made all the items.

“You didn’t give me the thread.”

Indeed, it was so.

Hand, knee, and elbow pads made of hard leather woven together welcomed Encred with their unique appearance.


As soon as I stopped pretending, the squad leader who liked drinking snorted.

“What if I just give you the leather?”


‘You will be able to unravel the blanket thread and twist it well to make it.’

This is something I’ve done a few times.

Even if I didn’t give him a thread or anything, this friend who received a wriggling gift took care of it.

“I forgot.”

“It’s not like you forgot at all?”

Even though I was still hungover and frowning, I still noticed.

“no. “I really forgot.”


It looks like he doesn’t believe it. But what does that matter?

Encred took care of his leather protectors.

This is meticulous sewing skill. She said En Creed had made it himself, but the quality this guy made was definitely better.

I was satisfied.

“I feel deceived.”

“Good job.”

After patting my shoulder once, I returned to the barracks.

As soon as Encred returned, he only said that there was a battle in the afternoon and sat down to play with his hands.


Encred took out his sword, held deerskin gloves in both hands, and cut back and forth.

After stretching the half-torn leather lengthwise, I made a scabbard for a throwing knife.

Lastly, he cut the end of the leather into several lengths with a sword, made a knot, and wore it like a belt.

It wasn’t something I had done once or twice.

It was familiar to Encred, as it had been repeated dozens of times.

It was an unstoppable touch.

Rem, who saw this, craned his head over his shoulder and asked.

“What are you doing? “You have a small knife, why are you doing that with that?”

“To test whether the blade sharpens well.”

“You’re also dexterous. “Your knife skills must be just as good.”

This bastard stabbed people with one word at a time.

These words are not meant to be hurtful.

It was a comment that was insignificant even when my skills did not improve and remained stagnant.

Encred ignored it.

“I brought it to you as best I could, but you just tore it up and made a sheath?”

Kreis suddenly popped his head out from over the other shoulder.

‘Why are these bastards so interested in me?’

Is it because her brain is broken and she thinks of herself as a real mother?

‘That’s kind of horrible.’

“Because I wrote it all down.”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking. You didn’t pick something up somewhere, right?”

“Now that I think about it, you walked around today until your feet got sweaty. “What’s going on?”

“What’s going on?”

I passed it off without notice. Polishing the blade once more, Encrid sat quietly and closed his eyes.

Then I thought of the countless battlefields I had experienced so far.

What happened passes by like a panorama.

It is a battlefield that has been repeated one hundred and twenty-five times.

Encred repeated that.

Miscellaneous preparations are for survival.

It is not for improving swordsmanship.

‘Because the battlefield is not a swordsmanship training center.’

Even if your swordsmanship skills are poor, your experience of surviving for a long time will not go anywhere.

Was it really the sword that saved Encred during that time?

It wasn’t.

Circumstances, luck, preparation, composure.

I survived by putting everything together.

Therefore, ‘today’ as well.

‘same here.’

Do your best to survive.


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Encred decided to leave today.

* * *


I hear my troops shouting.

Encred was soon driven into the middle of the battlefield.

I wasn’t embarrassed.

I didn’t even run out of excitement. Raise your head, look at the battlefield with your eyes, and take a breath with your mouth.


The end of a short but calm breath.

The enemy was visible. An ally was also visible.

The enemy is running, the ally is flowing.


pull out the sword

And the flying blade.

Encred hit the spear blade with the shield he held in his left hand.


It is a task that has been repeated several times. There were no mistakes.

Throw away the spear blade and take a step forward.


Put your right foot into the heel of the embarrassed enemy and bend your knees to prepare for impact.

Everything was in one breath.

As if we had promised to spar, the person who was caught by his foot naturally fell backwards.


The guy who fell from the back of his head blinked.

He had a puzzled expression.

I don’t even know how it happened.

I stabbed the spear and tried to back away, but my foot tripped and I fell.

It happened in an instant.

Encred passed by the fallen opponent and kicked him in the chin with his toe.


Tooth fragments and blood flow out of the mouth along with a cheerful sound.

It’s fainting.

I didn’t even feel the need to kill.

As I advanced, I raised my left arm.

earth-! Gagagagak!

The club that struck the shield moved out of the way and grazed Encred’s elbow.


It was a club studded with thorns.

There are no injuries. The leather armor wrapped around my elbows did its job.


The enemy grits his teeth. Underneath the helmet that covered only half of his face, he could see that his jaw muscles were very strong.

It takes a lot of work to deal with this guy properly.

There were many days in the past where I had my left arm cut off by this guy.

Hold the handle and put your left foot forward.

It is a Balen style foot sword technique.

Make eye contact with the other person. If you draw your sword, you cannot avoid a fight.

I know the opponent and I also know Encred.

As soon as the two eyes meet, a tacit agreement is reached.

Let’s fight with swords and clubs.

The opponent’s eyes were focused on Encred’s right hand.


Before even a single word of the sword was drawn, Encred’s left hand moved first.

The throwing dagger attached to my waist flew through the air.

The opponent holding the club raised his arms in confusion.

With a thud, the blade plunged into the enemy’s arm.

Even if you wear a gambison (cloth armor), you cannot wear thick cloth around your arms.

Then it restricts movement.

Therefore, the blade must have reached far enough into the skin to pierce it.

“You coward!”

The enemy said:

Is there anything cowardly or mean in fighting?

Encred silently put his sword back.

Balen style swordsmanship is essentially throwing daggers or stones while pretending to draw a sword.


The angry thorn club enemy causes a blood clot to appear on his forehead.

Then the effects of the medicine would spread faster.

The guy stopped running and fell forward.

The paralyzing poison was activated properly.

With a thud, I fell nose-first into the ground.

Then he groaned and breathed heavily.

Encred looked at it and leisurely passed by.

The next opponent kicked him in the balls and pushed him aside.

Then he walked quietly and pushed his back from behind.

The ally’s hammer hit the head of the enemy soldier who was embarrassed after being pushed back.


Even if you use a helmet, your head will explode if hit by a blunt object.

Moreover, it is not an iron helmet, but a leather helmet.

Encred didn’t show a particularly great performance.

He just showed the necessary movements and actions moment by moment.

Of course, it all came back as a minor victory for the surrounding allies.

“Thanks to you, I survived.”

A faceless person spoke. I nod roughly and pass by.

Because it wasn’t really a big deal.

“I am indebted to you.”

“Sasasa squad leader? Is it luck or skill? “Anyway, I’ll buy you a drink later.”

“f*ck, I almost died.”

These people were not the only ones.

Growth that cannot be compared to before the first death.

It was natural that at the center was the heart of a beast.


And calmly again.

The heart of a beast does not fluctuate carelessly.

Because it has a wild nature, it can look at everything calmly.

In the middle of the battlefield, Encred walked again, feeling his heart pounding.

A battlefield that has been repeated dozens of times.

That doesn’t mean I wasn’t nervous.

‘The more you get used to it, the more you are affected by variables.’

Just because today repeats itself doesn’t mean everyone I meet will repeat the same thing.

Depending on how Encred responds, the opponent’s behavior changes.

Therefore, walk slowly and make it a priority to pay attention to your surroundings.

‘About here.’


Someone draws a dagger from below.

This is a novel attack aimed at the leg after falling during the fight.

‘I got hit with this too.’

I even tried to avoid it a few times.

Then I found an easier way.

It’s like blocking an arrow.

If you can’t avoid it, just block it.


The dagger that struck the leather gaiter failed to cut Encred’s shin.

It was natural.


The foolish enemy’s single words were his final words.

Encrud stamped the back of the man lying on the ground with a metal frame wrapped around a shield.



The screams are short and small.


Instead, the shouts of battle just ring in my ears.

Encred’s hard work could not change the direction of the battlefield.

Only those around him felt a little more comfortable.

‘You can’t save everything.’

This is a battlefield, a place where dozens or even hundreds of people are dying.

It was foolish and foolish to try to save everyone in a place like that.

“Whoa, everyone come at me! “You bastards!”

The owner of the shout is the spearman of another squad.

I could tell even without seeing his face.

The number of enemies Encred caught while walking was more than five.

That guy who shouts triumphantly has actually died dozens of times.

If Encred hadn’t stepped forward, he would have died today.

It was common for me to cut my shin and fall while rolling on the floor.

I straightened my back and took a deep breath and exhaled.

‘This is the first one.’

It is a battle that has been repeated dozens of times.

Encred has set its own standards.

My first goal was to join the front lines without getting hurt.

‘There are no injuries.’

I just achieved my goal a little while ago.

second is.

‘Finding a familiar face in a melee.’

Of course, injuries must be avoided even in a melee.

Only then will it be worth fighting against those perverted stabbing enemies properly.

As I rolled through the battlefield over a hundred times, there was only one thing I thought about.

‘I want to fight in perfect condition.’

Will what I learned, learned, and trained over and over again today work?

Will you be able to win against a pervert who prefers mercy?

Will we be able to get through today with all our efforts?


My heart is racing.

Apart from the boldness that comes from the heart of a beast.

‘I’m passing today.’

Because the goal has been set, the purpose is clear.

Encred’s heart was pounding.

Back to the battlefield, walking. Sometimes it runs.


“f*ck, save me.”


“You bastards!”

In a duet of swearing and shouting.

Encred turned his head in all directions.

‘The guy who bends down and looks at me.’

This is the guy I’m looking for. It didn’t seem difficult.

I saw a large figure sneaking around among the enemy soldiers.

‘Just one thing for now.’

There seemed to be a task that needed to be solved before facing the stabbing enemy soldiers.

‘A club in the back of the head.’

This is a guy who even gave me his own nickname.

If left alive, he will stab Encred in the back every time he fights.

If it’s fate, it’s fate.

Of course, Encred doesn’t believe in fate.

‘Everything is decided from birth? It’s all bullshit.’

If the sword is broken, even with a broken blade.

If you don’t have a weapon, even with your fists.

If you don’t have teeth, at least with your gums.

If it doesn’t work out due to talent.

‘I will try to climb up like this.’

What kind of people are knights?

What is the force that changes the battlefield?

A wish that cannot be fulfilled becomes a delusion.

However, if you can approach it, it quickly becomes a dream.

Encred did not give up on his dream.




He takes out a dagger and pulls his arm back hard.

In the middle of a murky battlefield.

Feel the weight of the dagger with your fingertips. Focus your eyes on the target and draw an imaginary line.

This is a throwing technique taught to me by the winner of a dagger throwing contest held at a bar one day.

I also practiced this dozens of times today.

Lift and lift your left foot slightly, then turn your waist and extend your right hand forward.

Lastly, focus on the feeling of your fingertips and snap your wrist.


The dagger flew along the imaginary line drawn by Encred.


The flying dagger stuck in the club guy’s shoulder.

It wasn’t that difficult because the armor was weak.

“Some son of a bitch.”

The guy is swearing. Look everywhere. He didn’t need to make eye contact.

If you don’t have a fuse or an antidote, you’ll have to lie down quietly.

Soon the guy collapsed, and Encred watched that and started leisurely looking for the second guy.

This time, he is good at throwing throwing axes.

This bastard also threw an ax repeatedly to cause trouble.

It must be done in advance so that it does not interfere with the duel.

“Oh God!”

The cries of our devout soldiers were heard.

You can hear swearing and cruel words here and there.

Encred walked while looking around, looking for exactly what he wanted.

Block minor attacks with a shield.

If you see a gap, step in.

Hit the head with the blade of a sword. The guy wearing the helmet stupidly slams his sword down on his head.

With that alone, the allies around Encred felt more at ease.

‘There are three daggers left.’

There was no one throwing the throwing axe.

‘The location changes every time.’

Still, this is roughly the area.

‘First, start with the bell.’

It’s time to save an ally who is about to get his head pierced by a guy with hawk eyes.

‘From here to the right.’

Walk while watching the movements of your allies.

I walked and blocked several attacks, then threw away my broken shield.

No matter how many times I repeated this, it always broke.

‘Around this time.’

A battlefield that has been repeated over a hundred times, and even though it changes every time, there are bound to be some things that become familiar and familiar to the eye.

It is a shield that rolls on the floor.

Encred stepped on the edge of the shield.

The shield on the embedded stone popped and rose into the air.

Grab it with your chin. It was an action that was close to a stunt, but after repeating it countless times, it was easier than bending down to pick it up.

“… … Wow, you’re very talented.”

It was the voice of a friendly soldier who happened to see this.

“Enemy behind you.”

This is a friend who has been looking at himself in fascination for several times today.

Telling me not to die.

Swish and turn around. Then we encountered an enemy soldier carrying a spear.

“What a f*cking rat.”

Soon the two were fighting for their lives.

Our team wins.

It’s a fight I’ve watched twenty times.

Therefore, there is no need to look.

On a battlefield that is too familiar to the eye.

Encred drew a map, dividing it into districts in his head.

‘Let’s start with the bell.’

take a step

“100 million!”

Bell falls.


A shield that blocks arrows.

“Uh, what, I’m alive?”

“Don’t lift your head and crawl back. “Arrows are flying.”

Belle faithfully followed my advice.

During this repeated day, the second arrow flew and pierced Bell’s head dozens of times.

So it is right to crawl.

“… … what? “Have you decided to secretly date Lady Luck?”

It’s Rem.

Anyway, you bastard.

If a devout believer of the goddess hears it, he or she will make a sound that will make you startle without any hesitation.

“Not a single scratch?”

Encounter the stabber in the best condition possible.

That is Encred’s final goal today.

“Why don’t we go and do something?”

“I guess so. “I guess so, but something seems different today?”

“I am a different man every day.”

Among the repeated todays, no day was the same. Because every day was a day of growth.

“… … “I think you need to take some medicine, squad leader.”

With those words, Rem left.

‘Was I unlucky a little while ago?’

Maybe so. But guess what, the truth is like that.

At that moment, Encred caught sight of a guy who enjoyed throwing throwing axes.

This is an enemy soldier with an ax hanging around his waist.

What should I do while waiting?

Encrid pulled out a poisoned dagger.


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