Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 89

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89. Because I pondered the past but left no regrets.

“Get in formation!”

The commander shouted.

What is approaching is a wolf beast, and there are eight in number.

Demonic beasts and monsters are threatening beings. In particular, Border Guard was quite active in eliminating nearby monsters and beasts, as it was a city where merchants and merchants came and went.

“Why is it polarized in winter?”

One soldier grumbles and raises his polearm. To Encred’s ears, it sounded like something he said on purpose to relieve tension.

The twenty soldiers who followed the order formed a solid defense against the wolf beast.

The basic rule was to deal with demonic beasts one-on-one.

The platoon leader was faithful to the basics.

And Encred was uncomfortable with that.

‘This is the first time something like this has happened.’

I’m talking about a feeling that can’t be filled with sparring, that is, a desire to run away because I want a real fight.

A bloody fight, a time to sort out what was gained as a result, a moment to literally take a step forward.

That’s what Encred wanted.

Rather than holding a long spear and stabbing the skin of an approaching demonic beast.

This doesn’t help. I even felt bored.

Normally, it would be normal to feel numb when you see a magical beast.

Rem, who obeyed calmly unlike usual, giggled next to her.

“It looks like an expression of frustration.”

Normally, I would have told him to poke the devil’s eyes out when he saw his face, but the words came out naturally out of frustration.

“Do you see that?”

“Now the squad leader has become a rock.”

Rem giggled and said something inexplicable. Then he added one thing.

“Didn’t you know that there is a difference between extraordinary and crazy?”

I didn’t know.

What would happen if I jumped into the midst of eight demonic beasts here?

Under the premise that Rem supports you.

I think it will end much faster than killing them one by one by stabbing them with twenty polearms.

If we deal with them like this, when will we get rid of all the monsters and beasts around us?

It will take a while. It felt like I was wasting time.

Because we have never once neglected anti-vibration training. The body naturally fulfilled its soldier’s duty as a member of the phalanx.

The frustration still remained.

Rem kept giggling next to me, and I felt like he was pushing me.

Why are you following me and doing this?

Encred thrust his polearm forward. The powerful tip of the spear grazed the leather of the beast’s forepaw.


The wolf demon reacted to the pain and showed its fangs. The platoon leader saw this and stabbed the spear in the wolf’s head, but the clever demon beast dodged it by pulling back.

Encred, who had seen up to that point, deliberately thought of random thoughts. Otherwise, I think it would be difficult to resist the urge to run out right away, pull out my sword, and cut him down.

A leopard that he happened to raise came to mind.


After chopping off the head of the crazy wizard in the sewers, Lake Panther soon returned with all his strength gone. It gave off a musty smell, as if it had eaten a rat wandering around the sewer.

I was so absorbed in hunting city rats that I was so exhausted that I just lay down on the floor and wheezed.

I felt bad about that, so I soaked the beef jerky in water and tore it up and fed it to him.

Esther took it in stride.

‘What are you doing?’


It’s a cider for miscellaneous thoughts. The wolf demon came within striking distance of the spear.

Encred pushed aside Esther, who was in the back of his mind, and stabbed the approaching wolf’s head with his polearm.


Part of the scalp was torn and blood splattered.

“Don’t lose your seat!”

The platoon leader’s shout was heard.

A unit that maintains a distance from the approaching demonic beast by threatening the surroundings and stabbing with spear blades.

This is not a fight that will end easily.

The group of demonic beasts that were charging were stabbed a few times by the spear blades and retreated.

This is correct.

This is the norm, though.

It’s still frustrating.

I saw the platoon leader leading the soldiers.

It gives the impression that the whole body is solid.

Was that author from the 2nd or 3rd company?

Feeling frustrated and stuffy, Encred teased the long spear.

It is difficult to regard it as a famous piece of workmanship. All it takes is just poking and pulling.

I felt like I was wearing clothes that didn’t fit my body.

Because I’m never used to the spear.

If I had mainly used spears, I think I would have been worse at using them than swords.

Ragna said:


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“Whether it’s a sword or a spear, your skill level may vary depending on the weapon you use.”

Usually, knights are encouraged to use a variety of weapons.

So I learned the basics, but only the sword felt good in my hand.


Just a sword.

From the first time I held it, it felt like meeting a friend I had known for a long time.

The joy of holding a sword for the first time. pleasure. anticipation.

A pounding heart, the warmth of sharp metal.

‘Ah, I want to use a sword.’

I’d like to reflect on the experience I gained in the wizard’s den.

I want to swing a sword, not a polearm.

“I will make your wish come true.”

Rem muttered next to him. By the time Encred’s eyes turned to him, Rem was already running forward.

“It’s going to leak me!”

Rem goes out shouting excitedly. There was cheerfulness in his voice. Every time you hit the ground, the dirt on the floor rises up. It was dynamic. The running figure looked rougher than that of a wolf beast.

“That crazy bastard!”

The platoon leader got angry as if he had been waiting. The basics are to deal with magical beasts by protecting the square. If the formation is disrupted, the lives of other soldiers will be at risk.

It is true that jumping out is wrong. Encred also knew that well.


‘You just have to kill all the demon beasts.’

I can’t stand it.

I literally couldn’t resist the desire itself. That desire to immediately go out and swing the sword and relive the experience.

Encred inwardly closed his eyes. For a moment, he relied on his sixth sense rather than rational judgment.

Following the feeling, Encred also threw away his polearm, kicked the ground, and ran forward.

“Why are you doing this again?”

The platoon leader’s shout is pushed back.

Rem’s unexpected behavior was within the platoon commander’s range of awareness.

But not Encred.

So, I can’t help but be surprised.

“Are you excited?”

Recognizing Encred following him, Rem spoke and began swinging two axes.

Two ax blades trace a trajectory in the air. The end of the trajectory was, of course, a massacre.

The first ax strike split the head of the wolf that had just approached the front, and the second horizontal ax kicked the ground and split the jaws of the demon beast that was about to turn sideways and bite off the arm.

The two axes were the blades of the execution platform.


I admit what I have to admit.

Encred also drew his sword. Pull it out and make a large horizontal cut. A demonic beast lunged at me and its front leg was cut.


Even a demonic beast’s moans were similar to those of a dog.

Encred pulled his horizontally extended arm and brought it down vertically.

The head of the wolf beast gets caught and splits.


I pulled out the sword that split the head and struck the head of the wolf running next to me with the fist holding the sword.


The guy who got hit on the head fell to the side.

Only eight.

‘I don’t know when I started talking about eight demon beasts.’

Anyway, Encred felt right now that they were not a threat.

The ax splits the head and the sword cuts through the wolf.

The Arming Sword in my hand was less effective in cutting than the Long Sword, but it wasn’t that bad.

I was disappointed Ragna couldn’t come with me.

One of the eight was killed by the long spears of the troops forming the square.

Four of the remaining seven are from Rem’s axe.

The three were split by Encred’s sword.

It was outstanding workmanship.

It’s like proof that he didn’t get the status of a senior soldier for nothing.

“Wow, you fight really well.”

One of the soldiers who made up the unit muttered with exclamation.

The platoon leader had to get angry. I should have done that.

‘You leave me speechless.’

He literally fights so well. If forming a square is the basic way to deal with magical beasts.

If you have extraordinary power, using it is also a skill of a commander.

Instead of getting angry, the platoon leader focused on efficiency.

This was a good thing for Encred and Rem.

To put it bluntly, the two of them were disobeying orders.

Above all, the platoon commander highly valued Encred’s existence itself.

I’ve only briefly seen it a few times in the past, but I don’t think it was new at the time. When did I develop this level of skill?

Did his skills suddenly increase as rumored?

I do not know. You can’t be sure of anything.

Just consider the results.

‘It’s above the upper level.’

I would believe it if they said he was one of the garrison members called the frontier slaughterers.

In reality, when they set out to subdue demonic beasts, they do not maintain this phalanx, but instead fight with their individual skills.

“You two.”

Instead of reprimanding the two, the platoon leader decided to give them a battlefield.

If you want to fight, we’ll let you fight.

“There is a place where a troublesome demon came out. “Go there.”

“Is that so?”

Among the dead demon beasts, Spellbreaker Encrid nodded.

Some of the soldiers cheered at his calm attitude.

Anyway, didn’t we wipe out the magical beast?

With this, this request is over and this unit will go to support another location, so you can rest for a while.

No one enjoys risking their lives fighting against magical beasts.

Extraordinary or crazy.

It has to be at least one of the two.

“We go back to the city and reorganize.”

The platoon leader decided to lead the unit and retreat.

Encred glanced at Rem. Rem, who was roughly wiping the demon’s blood off his axe, grinned.

“Do you owe me something?”

“What about debt?”

As I said, I felt refreshed thanks to this.

But I still wanted more.

‘It’s not enough.’

A thirst that cannot be satisfied by a few wolf beasts.

Real combat, not sparring.

The fire in Encred’s chest burned brightly.

“let’s go. “Go somewhere else.”

Rem said.

Some of the soldiers who had returned to the unit came up and tapped Encred on the chest.

“Thank you, let’s go first.”

The soldier’s smiling face was familiar.

Encred searched his memory.

This is the soldier who was at the dice gambling table when repeating the first day.

He placed a piece of beef jerky wrapped in a clean cloth into Encred’s hand.

“Try it. “It’ll be awesome.”

He said and turned around.

Not only the soldier, but also several others expressed their favor with their eyes.

Soldiers who fight well, allies always receive preferential treatment.

Encred had a good personality, so his reputation wasn’t bad.

It was different from Rem.

Everyone kept a reasonable distance from Rem.

Although he was from a barbarian background, he was well known for his rough personality and his hobby of picking on anyone and picking fights when he was bored.

“We fought together, but it seems like we were treated differently. “What kind of discrimination is this?”

“I guess it’s karma.”

Encred said and tore into pieces of beef jerky and distributed them.

And I take a bite.

‘It’s different.’

It was delicious. A piece of soft beef jerky swirled around in my mouth and went down with a gulp.

The seasoning was just right, and more than anything, the seasoning they put on gave it a sweet, sweet taste.

“What, why is this delicious?”

“Okay, I guess I’ll have to ask for more later.”

I’m just curious what secret method was used to make it.

Encred pulled the gloves on his hands.

The overnight gloves made of thick leather covered the hands and kept them strong.

It was one of the items of a corpse-lover wizard who lived in the sewers.

Especially when I hit the wolf, the impact was much smaller than expected.

This also sounds like a good product.

What the wizard did was really unpleasant, but what was the crime of the object?

The gloves were sturdy. It seems to have been made of several layers of leather, and it not only had defensive power but was also good for punching, so it was good to use as a substitute for a gauntlet.

The leather body armor worn inside the Gambison is equally reassuring.

Isn’t this something that protected him from the wizard’s tricks?

When I heard that Kreis was not an ordinary item, I thought it was just a sturdy item.

Reliable equipment and new knowledge.

Encred said with burning fighting spirit.

“let’s go.”

This is an order from the platoon commander. Encred moved to another area with Rem.

Half a day south of the city.

We headed to the place where our troops were gathered.

“I see you’re here.”

“It seems like that.”

This place was found only with simple directions and guidance.

At the place we arrived, a camp had been built.

Unless the subjugation of demonic beasts or monsters is quite serious, they don’t build up positions like this.

Above all, there was a lot of commotion going on right now.

Before I arrived, it seemed like something was flying in the sky.

Encred muttered and joined the battlefield. Rem jumped up and followed him.


Cries erupt from above my head. A terrible monster has made its presence known.

Below, I saw several soldiers lying around with their eyes gouged out and their arms, legs, and body scratched and scratched.

“My eyes! My eyes!”


“f*ck! Kill it! “Kill me!”

Several crossbowmen fired bolts into the sky.

Toad doo doo doo!

The bolt tore through the air, failing to hit a single target.


The cries of a monster were a terrible noise to hear. I really want to cover my ears.

This was a battlefield.

The opponents were monsters and demon beasts.

Right below the flying monster, a platoon-unit of heavy armor was seen forming a parallel formation.

They are all heavily armored infantry wearing chain armor. So, it is the 1st Company, a company made up of heavy armored infantry.

“Everyone stay in place!”

The infantry company commander shouted.

The name of the monster flying above your head is Harpy.

It was a monster with a woman’s upper body, wings instead of arms, and a lower body like that of an eagle.

The red feather fluttered in the air, and the harpy’s chest heaved. Even though it was a woman’s breast, it didn’t feel sexual.

On the contrary, it only causes discomfort.

When Encred saw the harpy, his body stiffened for a moment.

In the past, I remembered a moment when I had to turn around after the death of a colleague.

The appearance of the Harpy meant nothing to the struggles of a few mercenaries.

Death, death, and flight.

It’s a painful memory.

I can’t call him a friend, but I lost dozens of colleagues.


The harpy’s cry had the effect of shaking a person’s spirit.

There were more than five that came to mind.

Five crossbowmen are aiming towards the sky.

As we saw a moment ago, it seemed impossible to get it right.

This is right after entering the battlefield.

“It seemed like something fun would happen, is it okay?”

Rem asked from the side, and at that moment, a harpy rushed towards the two new arrivals.


A fall that cuts through the wind. Its eagle-like claws are as hard as steel, so if you got caught there and only got your eye gouged, you should have been lucky.

Otherwise, my head would have been torn open.

Seeing the approaching harpy, Encred pondered memories of the past, but it was only for a moment.

He left no regrets about the past.

Instead, I put more effort into moving forward. Because Encred’s life was like that.


pull out the sword

For a moment, I had the illusion of slowing down around me, and at the same time, I drew a movement line connecting dots and lines, and my sixth sense sounded a warning.

The boldness of the heart of a beast gives Encred strength to his whole body.

In line with the falling harpy’s trajectory, Encred’s sword moved in time that felt slow alone.


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