Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 87

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87. Those who kill must be killed

“It’s how to read and respond to numbers.”

While getting hit by Rem.

Even after hearing about the sixth sense from Saxony.

Even while I was squeezing my body with Audin and the technique of isolation.

I faithfully learned swordsmanship from Ragna.

Apart from improving your skills, it is really steady.

“Aren’t you frustrated?”

Ragna would ask Encred.

frustrated? There is no reason for that.

Ragnar’s teachings were a path and a milestone for the next step after learning the basics.

How long were the days of wandering around without knowing the way?

Now, the moment I took a step, I immediately saw another path, so it was just fun.

How should you react when your opponent strikes with his sword?

What would you do if the devil was your opponent?

What if someone suddenly stabs me from behind with a spear?

In what situations and how should you extend your sword?

If you have the basics, what you need to know next is how to apply them.

You can’t respond to every situation. This was similar. The point is to learn the trick.

Of course it couldn’t be easy.

“I thought this would end sooner.”

Even though Ragnar said so.

There is no way. Encred knows his talent is poor.

If my talent was at a decent level, would I have suffered this much?

I don’t think so.

However, I don’t hold any grudges. At that time, I will swing my sword one more time.

“The application of swordsmanship is meaningful only when you read and respond to moves.”

Regardless of whether the person you are dealing with is a demonic beast, monster, or enemy soldier, just look at their movements to determine whether there is deception or truth, and then cut or stab them with your sword.

Ragna taught tirelessly.

Encred was not tired, but progress was extremely slow.

I know it’s slow and lacking. You also have to work several times harder than others.

That’s why.

Everything around you, every situation, environment, even any given moment.

Just use everything as a tool for growth.

Encred did just that.

The way to dig a hole and move forward.

Four wolf beasts jumped out.


They barked like dogs and rushed at me without a moment to catch their breath.

The moment I saw the dynamic wolf beast rushing at me, kicking the dirt on the floor, it was enough to make my stomach tingle.

The eyes filled with the ferocity of a beast, the tongue sticking out and the drooling snout, and the yellow teeth glowed red in the light of the torch.

‘Heart of the Beast.’

Thanks to his boldness, he was able to not blink even when a blade was pointed in front of his nose.

It’s still the same now.

Encred was calm. While I had time to catch my breath, the wolf demon came a few steps in front of me.

Encred added instinctive intuition to his sword handling skills.

It was a reflex reaction born of boldness.

I believed that this would also be a stepping stone for growth, and I wanted to make it part of my training.

‘There is no training better than actual combat.’

The only downside is that you have to risk your life every time.

It is unacceptable to spend today in vain.

If I had wanted to live a life like that, clinging to life day after day, I would have tilled the fields and sought God’s blessings instead of singing about my dreams.

Even though I decided to cherish this day, I still have to risk my life to move forward.

This is the only way Encred can sing his dreams.

You are not running to die, you are risking your life to live.

Do what your intuition tells you.

Follow your instincts.


The sound of the wolf beast’s teeth clashing came from right in front of me.

Encred avoided the wolf beast’s bite by pulling back his left foot, then moved his elbow and struck his sword from top to bottom.

Jump! Wow!

It was struck with the face of the sword, not the blade. The wolf demon fell to the floor after being hit on the head by a heavy blow.

I swung my sword and naturally took a step to the left.

The torch was thrown to one side but did not go out, so it served as a light source.

Taking a step to the left, Encrid blocked the torch with his body and dodged the wolf’s paw.

A heavy blow accompanied by a booming sound struck the spot where Encred’s ship was originally located.

It was clear that if caught incorrectly, something like Gambison would be reduced to a piece of rag.

A demonic beast was a monster with the characteristics of a beast.


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Two of them cleverly turned around to catch up.

Perhaps thinking they had an opportunity, the two wolves charged at Encred’s thighs with their snouts resembling short knives that were sharper than those of ordinary wolves.


A strange noise spread through the dark cave illuminated only by a single torch.

It was a momentary thing.

Encrid turned around, shook his hands, and a whistling sound hit the forehead of a charging wolf beast.

It was literally as fast as a beam of light.

Meanwhile, the other animal that rushed at me pulled its thigh to avoid it and then raised its knee, avoiding and hitting at the same time.


As if it wasn’t a big shock, the wolf demon who was hit on the knee did not back down.

Instead, I tried to press Encred’s instep with my front foot, as if showing off my leg muscles.

Encred took a half step back with his raised knees, avoiding the front paws aimed at the tops of his feet, and stood between the two beasts blocking the front and back.

It was like being surrounded.

Even in a situation that could be called a crisis, Encred’s eyes were not looking at the two wolves.

Concentrate and focus again.

The surroundings didn’t feel as slow as before.

It’s not that only dots and lines remain and nothing else is visible.

Just, the movements of the wolf beast were clearly visible.

I was able to picture their next moves in my head in advance.

As the demonic beast’s next movement caught his eye, Encred’s actions became simpler.

There was no need to force the opponent through complex deception and manipulation.

The sword hung down, I swung it wide.

Although it was narrow to swing left and right, the height of the cave was sufficient to draw a large semicircle.

What kind of sword is the Junggeomsik?

Recall what you learned in basic terms.

It is a sword whose specialty is breaking things with one blow.


Two wolves rushed at the same time.

Encred performed the movements he had drawn in his head.

Boom boom! Squeak! Kwasik!

The longsword that I swung with all my might did its job.

The wolf demon on the sword side was split from the chest to the chin and head.

The guy who got hit in a semicircle had his head exploded.

Even if the timing was just a little bit off, one of the two would have gotten bitten somewhere.

The current blow was a feat of force.


Encred comforted his heart by letting out the breath he had been holding.


There is only one demonic beast left.

While the remaining wolf demons hesitated, Encred jumped forward. Funny enough, he ran to the left of the wolf beast instead of in front of it.

The demon beast ran in that direction as if it didn’t even see it.

‘Focus on your left foot.’

In a state of extreme concentration, do what your intuition, body, and experience condensed from previous training tells you to do.

I put my left foot on the ground and extended my sword. stab The straight tip of the sword stuck into the wolf’s snout and pierced the back of its head.


Along with the noise, the weight of the wolf was placed on both arms.

Naturally, he relaxed his strength and threw the wolf on the floor with a thud.

Encrid stepped on the wolf’s head, which had a hole from mouth to head, and pulled out his sword.

The demonic beast’s red blood flowed on the floor between the swords that were pulled out with a swipe. The wolf demon beast’s body trembled.


The last remaining demonic beast’s breath dispersed in vain.

With his arms hanging down over the slain demon, Encred reflected on what he had done a moment ago.


The movements of the wolf beast were simple. A movement left to instinct.

So, it depends on your sixth sense. One-pointed concentration and a sixth sense of instinct.

It was a series of sword strikes that focused on the sense created by the combination of the two.

‘can do.’

I felt like I could now show that it was the sword that Ragna had mentioned.

Read the opponent’s intentions and movements. After that, all that remains is to strike down the sword that has been trained in the basics.

Deceiving the other person is similar.

“It’s something you know how to do. “Even though it’s just a process of formalizing it and attaching it to the body.”

What Ragnar said came to mind again.

Yes, that’s right. That’s what I originally did.

But there was as much difference between knowing and doing without knowing as there was between a cat and a tiger.

Encred clenched and opened his hands, ruminating over and over again.

As I moved forward holding the torch, I kept picturing my sword in my head.

Something that sticks to the body just once is the preserve of talented people.

So, I think about it and think about it.

Encred treated everything as training and did it.

After that, the monsters and beasts were no longer seen.

Instead, I found a passageway connected to the sewer at the end of the passageway.

Only then did I see something else instead of swordsmanship.

‘You’re crazy.’

I can’t believe they dug a hole this far.

What is this?

Spell traps were expensive. Because it’s not like a cheap mousetrap.

What is the purpose of blocking all six intersections like that?

Even a wealthy merchant with a surplus of Krona would not be able to do this.

There are even ghouls and demonic beasts called man-eaters.

What is the reason for blocking it like this? What on earth is waiting behind this?

I could see part of the answer to that question.

“You crazy bastard.”

Encred suddenly opened his mouth.

We arrived at the place by walking along a foul-smelling sewer.

In the light of the torch, I could see things like laundry strewn everywhere.

These are things made by sticking nails into the wall and tying rope around them to hang them down.

It wasn’t clothes. It was the area where those clothes had to be worn.

It is a scene of tragedy that cannot be expressed in words using human intestines, flesh, and bones.

A tragedy that would make even Encred, who has seen quite a few hardships, feel sick.

‘You crazy bastard.’

This was a guy who had to be killed.

Because he deserves to die.

Isn’t it a knight’s job to kill a guy like this?

I know that dreaming doesn’t mean you become a knight.

But I couldn’t just ignore something like this.

There were also corpses that were still in good condition and had a human shape.

One of them seemed alive.

Blink your eyes a few times and open your mouth.


I couldn’t speak.

It was natural. How can a human being with only his head speak?

Opening your eyes and speaking in that state is just grotesque.

“Knight, stylish.”

What do you want to say?

It’s hard to even guess.

If it were Encred himself, I think he would beg to be killed.

I couldn’t figure out how it moved.

Besides, I couldn’t figure out how the string that went through my head was put in, and I didn’t want to know.

Even though I had experienced quite a few things, this tragedy was truly disgusting.

“What are you?”

This is the voice I heard at that time. Encred’s gaze returned to the voice.

It is the end of a road with human corpses as decorations. In the corner of the sewer, I saw the face of a corpse lover.

He was a young man with a white face and a pale appearance.

He was dressed in a dull green robe and had long hair.

Encred asked.

“This is your work, right?”

The man seemed to think for a moment and then muttered to himself.

“… … How did we get here? Does God love me? I saw that the test subject was being thrown here even when it was still, so let’s see. It looks like they are a standing army, and they are well trained. Feel so good. good.”

The young man’s voice was light and cheerful.

It was like a blacksmith receiving high-quality iron.

He seemed like a merchant who had made a profitable deal.

In a way, he seemed like an innocent young man who quietly confessed his feelings.

It was strange and strange again.

“What would you like to make?”

Encred raised the torch high. Beyond the shadow that flutters behind the man.

A strange corpse was seen, with its body pieced together in various places. While sitting against the wall.

Both eyes were closed and there was no sign of breathing. In Encred’s judgment, it was a corpse.

“Isn’t it lovely? This will be my best luxury item. “The name is Varmilo.”

Encred concluded. In fact, he didn’t even need to say anything more.

Absolutely crazy bastard.

Encred threw down the torch.

Hwareuk, Hwareuk! The perch spun around tightly and flew toward the crazy guy’s head, leaving a long, circular trajectory.


And the crazy guy deflected the torch just by raising his hand.

A spell, that is, a wizard.

So, is that a reason to stop?

no. Those who need to die must die. En Creed threw the torch, and though he saw it fly away with a flick of his hand, he did not stop his steps.

Encred kicked the ground and lowered his body.

It runs forward, burying its body under the muddy ground of the sewer. He kicked the dirt with a thud, and his body reached in front of the wizard with a wheezing sound.

He swung his sword using his running power. Following the sword swung from bottom to top, a diagonal slash cut through the darkness where the torch had disappeared.

* * *

Esther usually stayed close at night, but sometimes wandered around Encred when he was in the city.

Of course, there were many days like that.

‘It’s enough just to stick around at night.’

And there was no need to be together all the time.

Normally, it would be a day where I would just spend time stuck in the barracks.



As I was seeing Encred off, he snapped his finger and hit me on the tip of my nose while I was distracted.


This guy?


Then it goes out.

After that, Esther secretly followed Encred.

‘What are you doing, hitting someone in the nose?’

It is a trail that started out of pure curiosity.

The fact that Esther followed him started from Encred’s capricious fingertips.

Something that never happened yesterday or today.

Knock knock.

The black leopard quickly moved between the alleys, stepping on the ceiling unnoticed by others.

It is a light and easy gait.

It wasn’t a problem to move without people noticing.

Just like that, Ester stepped into the basement where Encred went.

‘What are you doing again?’

It was pure curiosity.

Then, I smelled a foul spell from the place where Encred went in.

‘If you do it wrong.’

It seemed like the person he had chosen would die. It was difficult. He was still the human being he needed.

I had to go inside and see.

Seeing and avoiding spell traps was no problem for Esther.

She once sang of the stars and was a star-bearing witch.

It’s a crude trap like this.

I saw a man fighting a ghoul like that.

‘Have your skills improved?’

There is no knowledge of swords. However, because I have been watching Encred every day, really every day.

‘It has increased.’

A degree of growth was visible.

Then it’s time to kill the wolf demon beast. This was strange even to Esther.

‘What’s this?’

A man named Encred moved as if he were possessed.

To Esther’s eyes piercing the darkness, his movements were a series of incomprehensibility.

Swing the sword, cut and stab. Kicks the wolf with his feet, knees, etc.

I thought it was a melee, but he didn’t suffer any fatal wounds.

There was only a scratch, and that was only a scratch on the armor.

Can a tangled fight lead to such a result?

‘Is the witch half a penny?’

I don’t think so.

Of course, if she had found her original power, such demonic beasts and monsters would not have dared to raise their heads towards her.

‘But you keep going?’

I might as well go back now.

Encred kept going, and eventually Esther saw the scene of the tragedy.

She wasn’t even shocked.

Among the people who create spells, there are many crazy people.

And she eventually realized that what was beyond this was a wizard.

‘how will we do it?’

When dealing with a wizard, should you help?

With the little strength I have accumulated so far?

Then, it will take a longer time to get your body back.

Although there are some that infuse energy into Encred’s armor in their own way.

‘It’s a pain in the ass.’

In the end, Esther withheld judgment, hid herself, and followed Encred.

I saw him and the wizard face each other.

Encred said a few words and immediately continued his attack.

Afterwards, Esther was surprised and surprised again. It was worth it.

Lake Panther, who was hiding in the darkness, was filled with the sight of a man named Encred.

And the man was performing an unbelievable trick.


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