Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 85

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85. The Gate of the Sixth Sense


As soon as he woke up, Encred looked for Saxony.

“Is there a problem?”

“The sixth sense door can instinctively sense danger, right?”

“That’s the beginning.”

This was also the reason why Saxony had been shooting people at random until now.

survival instinct.

Something that every living being has.

If that’s the beginning.

‘This is it.’

A tickling sensation that touched my heart.

I should say it was vague, but I definitely felt something similar to that.

Of course, it wasn’t possible to engrave it perfectly on your body just once.

It’s due to lack of talent.

However, I didn’t lament or anything.

Nothing would change if I reminded myself that I had no talent, so I just kept moving again.

Encred stood up. Today started again, it was time to move diligently.


I received the same request, brought a torch, and headed to the shoe shop.

Now it’s the fourth time.

This time I arrived before the first hammering had even begun.

“Let’s dig through it together.”

“to? what?”

Encred joined forces with the puzzled craftsman and dug a hole in the floor.

And so we come again to six crossroads.

This is the moment when we face the first and second passages.

I felt a tingling sensation.

It’s fair to say it’s ominous.

Encred laughed at that moment without realizing it.


This is the place I entered because I couldn’t bear to watch the worker die.

A place where there is a spell trap that should have been sealed after trying a few times.

Encred had no intention of being tied down to this ‘today’.

This was an accident, and this accident can be avoided if you have the will.

Right now, all we have to do is send the worker and his daughter out by force and ask for troops to investigate the hole.

Of course, that was a last resort.

There is a spell trap, so if you go in without knowing anything, you will definitely die.

Even if it’s not you who’s going to die, you can’t just sit back and watch.

However, since there is a spell here, you can’t ask me to bring a wizard whose ransom is more expensive than gold.

Not only is there no way a wizard will come here just because a squad leader requests it.

Even if they said there was a spell trap, who would believe it?

Most people’s reaction would be to say what kind of nonsense this is.

‘I think our squad members and company commander will trust us.’

Anyway, the conclusion was this.

This is the best place to train your sixth sense.

When I realize that, an exhilarating feeling of joy soars. After only four attempts, there was a gap in the door of my sixth sense.

Now all that remained was to open it.

So I stepped into the third aisle.

Encred experienced a different kind of pain at that moment. An invisible blade cut his body vertically above his head.

Terrible pain, pain, the sound of the wind whistling, the chill that lingers on the body, blood pouring to the floor, a feeling of exhaustion as if all the energy in the body was draining out.

It is a pain and sensation that one does not want to experience twice. pain. It was natural.

However, the traces of my newly realized experience helped me forget the pain.

So, this repetitive day wasn’t painful.

I just run and struggle for tomorrow.

* * *

The moment the fifth morning arrived, Encred set a goal not to be satisfied with today.

‘Open the door of your sixth sense and pass through this cave.’

If anyone knew, they would say it was crazy.

For Encred, this was just a moment of training.

Moving forward.

Growing up.

It was different from struggling for tomorrow.

“Well, there’s a hole under our store, why are you laughing?”

The shoemaker looked at the smiling Encred and asked.

“I have a hobby of exploring the unknown.”

I was about to say something and go down, but the worker grabbed my arm.

“I heard something passing below, so be careful… … .”


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“Yes, of course.”

There were many things I wanted to try.

Get down and face the passage. The sixth sense that felt an ominous feeling piercing my entire body did not immediately sound a warning.

‘I thought the door had been opened.’

I was planning to open it from now on.

I gave up the thought of ignorantly throwing myself into a trap.

I figured it out after trying it. It doesn’t work that way. It’s the fifth today.

Even if I can’t end it here, I still plan to struggle.

Don’t let this moment go to waste just because it can be easily repeated. I had no intention of doing so.

So what to do?

Encred walked back and forth in front of the aisle at a slow pace all day long, really all day long.

First to second front, second to sixth.

I repeated from the sixth time back to the first time.

Until all five perches are burned.

If I spend the day like this, I get to the point where I wonder if today will end like this.

“What on earth are you doing?”

The craftsman was puzzled at first.

“Why don’t we eat lunch?”

They provided me with meals.

“But why do you just go back and forth from side to side like a duck going back and forth in a river?”

Later, my daughter came and expressed her doubts.

“Well, why is that soldier acting like that when he says he came here as a request?”

“I don’t know either. “It’s like that all day long.”

Even the owner of the herbal shop next door came to take a look.

On the surface, it seems meaningless.

Encred worked hard to find the strange part all day, focusing on one point.

By what principle does the sixth sense that detects ominousness come into play?

According to Saxony’s explanation, the process of seeing, hearing, smelling, and feeling is triggered in the realm of instinct.

Your sixth sense catches the danger that you are not aware of first.

The beginning was the task of finding a sense of heterogeneity.

Even though I watched it all day, nothing happened.

Then a thought suddenly occurred to me.

‘What happens if I don’t die like this and one day passes?’

It was a question that came to mind again. After that, I went back and forth in the aisle countless times throughout the day, but I got nothing.

‘It’s about half times taller than my height.’

It’s a fairly deep cave.

I couldn’t go inside, so I don’t know how far the cave extends.

Although crumbly and dusty, the walls and ceiling are quite sturdy.

There are no pillars, but it doesn’t look like it will collapse anytime soon.

What else is different?

The air is dark and humid, but the wind blows through it.

The darkness inside is difficult to see even when leaning against a torch.

‘What else?’

What does it smell like? There was a fishy smell, but it wasn’t bothersome.

Are there really undead monsters?

A priest might be able to tell just by the air around him.

Encred, who until now had been obsessed only with the sword, had no such talent.

Searching and searching again.

As I continued to observe until I felt something strange, it was already deep into the night.

“Are you not going back?”

At the back of the aisle, it’s the craftsman’s call.

When I turned back, I saw the worker’s face at the top of the inclined ramp.

Encred answered as he climbed up.

“I don’t know what’s inside, but it doesn’t look like anything is immediately dangerous. Let’s block the entrance and wait until tomorrow. “I’ll bring reinforcements.”

“I think it would have been better if I had called for reinforcements while I was wandering around?”

In essence, that is correct.

But if reinforcements are called and someone enters the passage and causes an explosion, wouldn’t that be the end of it?

This is the path where we all die together.

“I have something to look into.”

I pretended to be an expert, as if I was good at this type of work, and the worker nodded, although he was skeptical.

I’m on my way back to the base after closing the hole again.

I could see the moon rising above my head.

It was a full moon.

The weather warmed up a bit during the day, but became chilly again at night.

Encred, who was wearing a coat made of beast leather, glanced behind him.

It didn’t seem to have gone down through the floor that the shoemaker had blocked.

He seemed like a curious guy.

‘If that were the case, there would have been an explosion.’

This is a question that comes up again here. What happens if the night passes like this?

It couldn’t be said to be additional work.

Today is repeating itself, and someday you will need a moment to end it.

‘I had to try it out right away.’

Well, so far it hasn’t been a good environment for testing.

It was a day that was repeated on the battlefield where you would die if you failed.

Today was the day when I was dodging the assassin’s dagger.

Going through today and facing a day like this could have felt bland, but Encred was calm.

I trained and repeated the same way at any time.

It was no different from ‘today’.

“You’re saying you’re going to catch a demonic beast? But you went to kill Boots instead? “Did you kill him?”

Upon entering the dorm, Rem asked.

It seemed like he already knew where he went and for what request.

Encred answered, shaking off the bottom of his pants that had dust on them.

“I killed about three, it was a worthwhile day.”

“… … “Let’s stop talking.”

Rem didn’t start an argument that he knew he would lose.

Encred showed superior talent when it came to using his tongue when he decided to attack.

After being tormented by Saxony’s murderous behavior before going to bed, Encrid lay down on the bed.

Wouldn’t someone kill themselves to repeat today? I was worried, but nothing happened, so I slept without any problems.

* * *

When he opened his eyes the next day, he saw the situation unfolding and muttered to himself.

‘It’s a repetition.’

Today’s repetition. I guess it was all the same, whether it was waking up or falling down.

And so today begins again.

Encred lingered in front of the crossroads again.

It was a repeat of today without the pain of death, but he remained the same.

I still did my best, and I still struggled.

Because being tied down to today was the worst situation for Encred.

So what should I do to get out of this?

I knew it without the boatman telling me.

‘I guess it goes beyond here.’

* * *

When the perch was turned off, I got used to the light and the surroundings seemed dark.


Flick the flint again and light the torch. Encred looked at six crossroads.

‘In this case, one out of six would be real, right?’

The easy way is to throw yourself and check. All six, one by one.

Instead of using that method, Encred tried to sharpen the gate of sixth sense.

And it worked to some extent.


Something prompted by survival instinct.

Because I vaguely felt that on the sixth day.

Encred is again having a similar day as before.

“What on earth are you doing all day?”

To appease the bewildered shoemaker, I made up an excuse I had thought of earlier today.

“It’s to check what’s inside. Looking at it, it looks like a trap has been laid. “It looks like the Thieves Guild secretly created a secret passage, so don’t go inside.”

The Gilpin Guild isn’t the only thieves’ guild in the city, but I mentioned Encred as if it were one of them.

It’s like selling their name.

It was a plausible excuse. It is the result of much thought, if not much, of walking back and forth in front of the aisle.

The weaver nodded.

“I understand.”

Back at the lodgings, Encred received a glare from Saxony.

I had to feel the killing force he was giving out.

This is repeated every evening.

Even after enduring with cold sweat pouring down his forehead, Encred had no intention of falling asleep.

If it happened again and again, what would happen if I stayed up all night?

I was curious.

I tried to hold on and see the dawn of the next day.


Esther came up next to me and tapped my back with her foot.

It felt like they were protesting and asking what they were doing if they weren’t sleeping.

“Sleep first.”

Encred said while stroking the top of Ester’s head.

So we are waiting for dawn to break.

Encred blinked for a moment.

Soon I saw a black river.


The boatman was nowhere to be seen, but what he said remained.

I open my eyes again.

“What are you doing?”

My head was heavy and my body was tired as if I had stayed up all night, but today was repeated again.

‘What if I don’t even blink?’

So, does the day continue like that?

But how can a person survive without blinking?

That’s something you can’t do even if you become a knight.

Therefore, today’s repetition is inevitable.

‘Is this just for today?’

That’s good too.

Anyway, I already know how to move forward tomorrow.

Encred headed to the shoe shop again.

I endured today more tired than before. It wasn’t that difficult.

There is a history of fighting and running away for several nights.

So I repeat today again and again.

Since there is no pain of death, should we say it is peaceful?

Am I going to be so drunk with peace that I will become complacent about today?

No, Encred didn’t do that.

He hasn’t changed.

Today, today, today, today, today, repeated like that.

This is seventy-eight repetitions. This is after living today where every day goes by the same way.

Encrid, who returned to his lodgings, dodged Saxony’s deadly attack.

Two steps sideways.

This is a trick that can be performed if you feel the opponent’s life in detail.

It might have been a coincidence, so Saxony fired a deadly shot again. It is a principle of spraying death by looking at a local area with the will to kill the opponent if one passes this area.

The life sowed.

Encred turned his body and let it out. He couldn’t even imitate him unless he opened the door to his sixth sense.

That can only be done by opening it wide, not by opening it clumsily.

“… … “What is it?”

‘The efficiency of the survival instinct is amazing.’

The answer I had in my mind.

“It happens all of a sudden.”

What he said on the outside was different.

Of course, what I said in my mind was the truth.

A death trap.

There is no better training tool than that.

Encred chewed, tore, tasted, and enjoyed the tool.

That opened the door to my sixth sense.

So now I was able to make Saxony’s eyes open so wide.


How can this be? does not exist. But it actually happened right before our eyes. Saxony was extremely embarrassed, but did not show it on the outside.

Just nod your head.

What should I do? I said it was done.

I was wondering how to stimulate it since there seemed to be no progress at all.

I thought of all sorts of ways.

Everything has become useless.

“Thanks to you.”

Encred said, and Saxony felt good for no reason.

Of course, I immediately started muttering to myself as usual.

‘What does this mean?’

Even as he thought this to himself, Saxony felt happy again.

Whatever the process, Encred opened the door as he had hoped.

The corners of Saxony’s mouth rose for a moment and then came back down.

It was a sign of how happy he was.


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