Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 84

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84. When I decided to save people, I saw a gap.


It’s an explosion. I thought back to the last moment again and again.

It really happened without my knowledge.

We even talked about the assassination of the previous mixed-blood fairy right before she died.

There was no such thing this time.

All that remained was the fever caused by the intense heat and the burning pain of death.

When I was stabbed with a sword or spear, it felt like I was being pierced by a hot iron skewer.

This time, he really burned to death.

‘traps? Seeing it explode, it must be a magic trap.’

“What are you thinking like that?”

“I’m thinking of receiving a request.”

After eating breakfast and talking to Rem, I went to receive another request.

“Please, please. “Please do this.”

Naturally, the leader of the sewing squad asked for a favor.

Is this bastard knowing about your condition and sending him there?

Aside from that, the area under his eyes was puffy, and he didn’t show any signs of picking on the other person.

He just looks like a tired soldier.

“Looks like you have a lot going on these days?”

“The number of kids who get into trouble at night has decreased, but the number of external monsters and demons has increased recently, so there are a lot of troops falling into that direction.”

The boy was in tears. I felt sincerity in those words.

In fact, even if you cheat, you can just refuse the request.

Even if you receive a request, the same thing will not happen unless you enter the shoe shop.

So, it is something that can be ignored.

‘It seems like a wall that can easily be avoided.’

Encred asked while thinking so.

“What if I don’t go?”

“It should stay put.”

There are essential requests that soldiers in the unit must complete, but there are also requests that are not required.

This was something that could be ignored.

“Okay, you don’t have to go. But that’s because the guy at the shoe store isn’t the type of person to talk nonsense. “I wish I could go, but the platoon leader keeps noticing me, so I can’t leave.”

This also seemed sincere.

As I was lost in thought and delayed in answering, the leader of the sewing squad spoke again.

“Hey, you remember me, right? With that bundle of leather, huh?”

“I remember.”

When I returned to the city, I wondered if I would live with a bottle of alcohol in my mouth, but here I was living so hard.

“I’m worried, so please take a look. “I’ve known him since I was young.”

“I get it.”

Let’s go first.

I was going to go and check what happened.

If it were a normal trap, it wouldn’t have been a flame explosion, but a poisonous sting or something.

There was no sound or sign of the trap operating at all.

So then you’re talking about magic.

‘If it’s magic.’

I couldn’t do anything about it at all.

It was not a question that could be answered just by thinking about it.

As I walked with that in mind, I arrived at the shoe shop a little later than I had originally planned.

There was no answer when I knocked on the door.

“This is the Border Guard Standing Army. Please open it.”

I knocked on the door harder than before and shouted, and only then did the door open.

Instead of a craftsman, I saw a young woman beyond the door.

Long braided brown hair and cheeks full of freckles.

“A standing army?”

The woman said with eyes as wide as a deer.

“Because of a request.”

I spoke quietly and looked inside, but I couldn’t see the worker inside either. Instead, all I could see was a large hole.

“Well, my father went in there because he thought there was something under the store.”

Holy shit.

Encred muttered to himself.

“for a moment.”

He pushed the startled shoemaker’s daughter halfway and went inside.


I could see dirt falling into the hole I had drilled.

‘Your personality is so impatient.’

The craftsmen could not wait for the standing army, so they went in first. You may have thought that no one would come at all.

Normally, you would expect that soldiers would not come easily for something like this.

“Is it dangerous? “I said I couldn’t go in.”

The freckled woman was crying. Then, she clenched her molars and spoke.


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“I have to go in and get him.”

“I will go, so please wait here.”

“no. “I have to go too.”

It seemed like he had no intention of listening to me. Above all, we had to go quickly and stop the explosion.

Instead of persuading Encred, he immediately threw himself into the hole.

Place your hands on the edge and push in with your left foot first to go down the cave ramp. All movements are natural.

Because the isolation technique made it easier to control the entire body, I felt an improvement in my motor skills even with simple movements.

Of course, now was not the time to think about this.

As soon as we finished going down the ramp, Encred’s trained ears caught the sound of footsteps.

As I cast my gaze forward, I saw a craftsman fumbling his way into the first passage.

The weaver’s daughter came running behind Encred and tried to pass him.


Encred shouted as he grabbed his daughter by the waist and threw her back.


The weaver looks back. His face is a mixture of tension and doubt.

The foot has already fallen. He just kept walking.

Encred felt the air being compressed and pressing down on his body along with a crunching noise.

Everything was just a moment.

Flames, flames, explosions.



The flames that erupted along with the weaver’s death, which he could not spit out properly, burned Encred’s body.

The craftsman and his daughter after him.


As Encred lay dying, he thought the aftermath of the explosion would rise upwards.

It is a death in vain. As I endure and overcome the pain, the darkness passes by. After wading through the dream-like black river, open your eyes again and greet the morning.

* * *

“Did you have a bad dream?”

Rem asked from the side. I couldn’t say it was a good dream.

In my dream, the boatman on the black river smiled.

When repeating the past and today, it felt like I started and finished with my own hands every time.

This time I felt unfair.

I started thinking that it was force majeure.

‘If you leave it alone, you’re going to die.’

Father first, daughter second.

How far will the impact extend?

That was none of my business. Because it will be a failure when they are already dead.

‘It’s enough to just ignore it.’

If Encred turns away, the two will die. I will definitely die.

So does that matter?

It is a world of death and killing.

It’s that kind of era.

Because Enkry made it his business to fight on the battlefield, he also killed countless people.


‘Those people didn’t go to the battlefield to kill and die.’

I’m just a person who runs my own store.

Encred knows that the knight he dreams of is not the great man with chivalry that the bard sang about.

You have to follow reality. As much as the world has changed.

Even so.

‘I don’t want to lose.’

You might be able to ignore this and go back.

What a great thing that is.

All that happens is that one more worker and his daughter die.

However, that’s just what happened right in front of Encred’s eyes.

And Encred is the only one who knows that they are dying.

If this is a war, if it’s something I can’t stop with my own hands.

Okay, so maybe I should leave it alone.


‘You can stop it.’

If so, you can’t just leave it like that. Because it can be stopped.

I wouldn’t call this chivalry.

Just call it stubbornness.

However, this did not mean that the chivalry that Encred knew was blurred.

Even if no one knows, if there is something you need to protect, protect it.

That’s the article Encred knows.

Because those who dream cannot betray it.

Encred had to go there to see the weaver and his daughter.

“It looks like a dog.”

Encred started the day with a rare expression of irritation.

Because he did not like his slow pace, which caused the death of the weaver and his daughter yesterday.

“I guess I had a very unfortunate dream.”

Rem muttered from behind.

Encred started the day again, filled his stomach, and worried all the while on his way to receive the request.

‘Should I go into each aisle one by one?’

There won’t be anything as beggar as that.

You don’t even know how many traps there are in the passage.

But it was also true that no other way came to mind.

However, it is not possible to take any of the squad members with you.

‘What would a shoemaker think if he asked me to go with him because he thought there was an undead monster under his shop?’

Let alone teasing, I don’t think anyone will come.

You can force him to take you, though.

Encred didn’t have the heart to do that.

Will you cling to your squad members every time something happens?

Or will I go through alone?

Will the dream you have longed for come true while standing behind someone else?

Are you at the forefront and swinging your sword?

I don’t know if this will involve using the sword.

‘I do it alone. I protect it.’

It won’t be something to rely on your squad mates for.

“I’m worried about that shoemaker, you know?”

“You know, was the snake wine delicious?”

“It was sweet.”

After regaining my appetite, I received another request from the sewing squad leader and immediately started walking.

“Where are you so busy?”

As I was just leaving, Saxony asked from behind me.

“To the shoe shop to save the unlucky civilians.”

“… … “Do shoes and boots bother the common people?”

No, the underground passage bothers me.

Encred only answered in his mind and went straight to the shoe shop.

Before I even reached the door, I was greeted by the sound of a bang, as if the workman had just swung a hammer towards the floor.

Thump thump!

When Encred knocked hard on the door to announce his arrival, the worker came out with sweat pouring down his forehead.

“Now, let’s see. “There’s a hole!”

“There you are. There’s a hole. Let’s take a look.”

I went and helped open the hole.

They struck it with a hammer and used a thick iron bar as a lever to lift the board.

This is the hole made like that.

“I’ll go and check it out, so just wait.”

“Uh, well, if a monster comes out.”

“I will take care of it.”

Before going down, I lit the perch with flint.


It seemed like any complaint would spark a game. The experience of being burned to death twice would be enough.

The moment he got off, Encred felt a strange feeling.

It was an instinctive reluctance brought about by the fear of death.

Encred didn’t want to enter that passage.

Even so, I didn’t take a step back. She easily overcame it and moved on.

If you don’t like it and turn away.

I will live a life of running away for the rest of my life.

There have been many times I have run away for my life.

I regretted it every time. I didn’t want to experience that kind of regret again.

Therefore, Encred does not turn away. He headed forward.

One step at a time, the more I looked at the first passage, the more I felt dirty.

These are the remaining five out of six passages.

‘Where are you?’

They wouldn’t have created a clear passage and laid traps all over it.

Would the second one be okay?

Encred carefully lifted the torch and carefully examined the floor, walls, and ceiling.

There was nothing that really stood out to the eye.

There is only a crossroads with no difference.

The size of the aisles was also similar.

It was dark inside and there was no end in sight.

Who created this crazy space under the city?

If done well, it seemed like it could even be connected to the sewer.


Dust fell on my head.

I don’t think it was a hastily constructed passage.

I don’t want it to suddenly collapse and crush me to death.

Anyway, now was the time to look inside. I was curious about the face of the guy who made this.


This is the second passage at the crossroads.

‘If you enter the first one, fire will cover you.’

How about here?

The moment he stood in front of the second passage, Encred felt the unpleasant feeling that arose again and wanted to turn around, but he ignored it and started walking again.

The first step I took while nervous, there was nothing wrong. Explosions, flames, and other things.

Encred carefully looked around.

I lifted the torch and observed the surrounding area carefully again.

This is the conclusion reached afterward.

‘You can’t tell just by looking.’

It was a busy time just focusing on one sword. He looked over his shoulder while exploring dungeons as a mercenary, but he didn’t have the knowledge to look for traps.

Only properly trained people can do that.


‘There is no answer to this.’

There is no choice but to move on. An ominous feeling weighs down my entire body. It seemed like the demon was waiting for her with its mouth wide open right in front of her.

It feels like sticking my head into the mouth of a demonic beast with my bare body.

I’m trying to overcome that and move on.

“What are you doing now?”

Before I knew it, the craftsman who had followed me asked from behind. With that one word, my keenly forged sixth sense of ominousness dulled, and taking a step forward did not feel like such a big deal.

Things that I felt just a moment ago became faint and blurred.

“Please don’t come closer.”

Burning to death along with the weaver once was enough.

As I took another step, I felt a strange feeling again.

I can’t pinpoint it, but it still feels similar.

It comes from an ominous feeling, as if a mistake has been made.

‘A step I shouldn’t have taken.’

A thought that suddenly occurred to me was the answer.


It was the same as the first passage.

Explosion, pressure, flame.

I don’t know what’s hidden at the end of this passage.

It was clear that a terrible trap had been prepared.


Burns to death with a noise. Of course, he didn’t just die.


Encred let out a short exclamation as he died. Regardless of pain, the beast’s boldness provides the basis for accurately judging the current sensation.

As the third day ended, Encred felt something unexpected.

That’s how we welcomed the fourth day.


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