Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 83

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83. Hot

As the Black River Boatman said, Encred’s daily life was similar to repeating the day.

It was a day filled with nothing but training.

“Control, control, control.”

The sparring with Rem focused on Encred’s perfect handling of his body and sword.

The killing that sometimes gave me the creeps was a trick performed by Saxony, who was hiding somewhere and glaring at me.

Saxony had a knack for making people feel dry just by looking at them.

I feel like I could die if I let my guard down even a little.

Saxony didn’t actually do anything, but he made me think that way just by looking at him, and it was driving me crazy.

In this way, finding Saxony, who was always willing to kill, was also part of the training.

To achieve this, I attempted to expand the scope of my hearing and five senses, but failed every time.

The concept of the ‘door to the sixth sense’ did not appeal to Encred.

“It doesn’t come easy.”

Saxony just repeated the same thing.

Encred began to lose weight.

Although it is such a difficult training to endure.

But I didn’t tell him to stop.

“Do your best. It’s a sneaky wild cat. “It’s so annoying, you.”

“Did a barbarian or something feel my life? “There was a lack of delicacy.”

“Even though he spilled it on purpose, he speaks very well. “Axe, where has my ax gone? My axe is going to split the head of a wild cat.”

Seeing Encred drying up, Rem said something on his behalf, and of course a fight ensued afterwards.

Then, Encred would stop Rem from singing the tune while looking for the axe.

“I’m doing it because I want to.”

“Sickness. “Do it in moderation, in moderation.”

For a guy who says ‘in moderation’, there was never a day when Encred didn’t have bruises all over his body.

It was thanks to being hit by Rem’s fist and axe.

Rem didn’t know how to do it properly either.

Encred wondered if that was what Rem would say, but he didn’t tell Rem to stop either.

What would have happened if I hadn’t trained my body using isolation techniques?

I probably wouldn’t have been able to hold on like I am now.

Audin asked whenever he got the chance.

“If you’re tired, you can rest. “Brother.”

This bastard definitely looked like a priest of the devil, not a god.

If you’re tired, take a break. You can stop. I lived with these words in my mouth.

It was actually the devil’s whisper.

“I guess so.”

If you say so.

“I need to train my mental strength as well.”

He said that and rushed towards me.

“Mental strength comes from physical strength. This is a secret, and I will only tell it to you, brother. “In fact, mental strength comes from muscles.”

Of course, a word that was said as a joke added to the weight of what I had to lift that day. Isolation techniques and wrestling became more extreme.

A crazy priest had a hobby of tormenting people by imitating the devil.

However, this wasn’t something I was dissatisfied with.

Sometimes, very rarely.

Whenever the exhaustion was too much and he felt like resting, the devil’s whispers that Audin uttered played a role in awakening Encred’s spirit.

“I want to get some rest today.”

I said this on purpose, knowing how Audin would react.

Then, Audin said with a smile on his face.

“I guess it was worth it.”

It is a process of recognizing that it is a provocation, preparing corresponding training, and putting it into Encred’s body.

It’s hard and it’s hard.

No one would say this isn’t hard work.

However, the results of training steadily accumulated in my body more than ever before.

Even though Rem’s ax cannot be blocked when it becomes a beam of light, it is the same.

Two out of three whip-like ax strikes could be blocked without disturbing the balance of the body.

While sparring with Ragna, my ability to read numbers increased.

Until now, we were only focused on looking one step ahead, but now we have become sharper in our ability to make the opponent move according to our intentions by stringing together a few tricks.

Ragna and Rem were clearly different opponents, but both were helpful to Encred.

Saxony’s life sense is still blocked.

‘It’s the door to the sixth sense.’

How many times did you repeat this process of getting goosebumps all over your body?

I got chills when I thought that I would have to face that gaze and that deadly force at any time. It was terrible.

As much as dying repeating today.

I’ve met an assassin twice so far. I had to repeat today both times, but I have never felt so alive.

They say a well-trained assassin doesn’t show any desire to survive.

Encred thought of the assassin he had met.

The first is in the duty barracks.

‘I heard the sound rather than lived it.’


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Was that guy a clumsy guy?

Second, when dealing with a mixed-race fairy who was throwing a whistle, I tried not to miss its movements or even a single fingertip. He had to open his eyes wide and stare as if glaring.

Both are forms that are far from using the sixth sense.

Before we knew it, the harsh cold of winter, the end of the four seasons, began to creep in.

It can’t be said to be warm yet, but the days seem to be warming up little by little.

If it rained when it was supposed to snow, it would become spring rain and signal the beginning of a new year.

Still, the cold will remain for a while.

Originally, this area was like that. It is a place where it is cold for a long time.

As I thought about the assassin, a thought naturally came to me.

‘I said he was persistent, but he’s not coming anymore.’

The Gray Dogs, the special unit that Azpen was proud of, were terrible guys.

Didn’t you feel that yourself?

‘Sending an assassin to capture a soldier.’

I had that in mind, but there was no sign of an attack.

To be honest, I wondered if I would be able to react even if someone was targeting me right now.

Because I was busy being harassed by Rem, Ragnar, Audin, and Saxony.

‘it will work out somehow.’

Now may not be the time to worry about whether your dog is a gray dog ​​or a gray cat.

‘It’s a gift to tomorrow’s me.’

The time I pour into my body today, and the resulting training, is always a gift.

Tomorrow’s me will accept today’s pain with joy.

* * *

Mitch Hurrier let go of the winter spirit in the middle of the sparring arena.

As you move your body and swing your sword, steam rises from your entire body. Mitch forgot about the cold.

I just drew the sword, myself, and my opponent.

Swing and swing again.

As soon as he got out of bed and recovered, Mitch Hurrier started acting like a sword fanatic.

It is an artificial sword with a thick blade and added weight for training purposes only.

The sword drew several lines in the air and then stopped with the tip tilted as if it were piercing the sky.

Afterwards, the tendons in Michi’s arm muscles sprouted and the tip of the sword split the air.

gray mullet-

From top to bottom.

It is a swordsmanship that would give goosebumps to those with a certain level of discernment.

The sword drew a line perpendicular to the ground, but it drew a perfect straight line without the tip of the sword shaking at all.

It was surprising in itself that he was able to show such sharpness even though he was wielding a sword that was three times heavier than a normal long sword and had been swinging it for hours.

Mitch Huryer became a tree that grew from defeat.

‘So you shouldn’t die like that.’

I heard that while he was sick, an assassin was sent to the man who knocked him out.

How irritated I was to hear that.

But the assassination failed.

That made Mitch happy.

‘You must die by my hands.’

Even on the battlefield.

After being defeated by a soldier named Encred, overcoming him became the reason why Mitch Hurrier lives and his goal in life.

“It looks good, but it also looks bad.”

His father severely reprimanded Mitch for doing so. If he turns into a sword-crazy bastard, he won’t be the member of the family that the head of the family wants.

But what does that matter?

It would be better to sell Gray Dog’s name and send an assassin for the sake of family honor.

‘Mine is much sounder.’

Mitch laughed.

I hope and look forward to meeting the person who stabbed me on the battlefield someday.

And it wasn’t a vain delusion.

Keeping in mind what happened to the opposing knights in the previous battlefield, they are gathering a large army in Azpen.

‘See you on the battlefield.’

The other person’s face remained in my memory clearly. It was something I would never forget for the rest of my life.

Because it was my first time losing like that.

Thanks to that, for the first time in my life, I became a training addict who never left the sparring gym.

The original plan to send more assassins was stopped by Gray Dog’s unit commander, who saw Mitch’s condition.

“If we meet again, we can catch it, right?”

“We will meet. And I will kill you.”

After hearing Mitch’s answer, the unit commander covered up the assassin problem. He had no need to send anything to that soldier again.

* * *

“Let’s cancel the statement that things have changed. “I think that’s right.”

Rem said. This was after the sparring had ended.

“It feels like a plateau.”

The foul-mouthed barbarian rarely spat harsh words toward Encred.

“Isn’t it a habit to stop when you feel like your skills have improved?”

Encred didn’t bother to comment on those words.

It wasn’t hard to understand why they did that.

That’s the way it is. Growth stops when the teacher shows passion.

As a viewer, it may be frustrating.

It wasn’t just Rem.

“It’s surprising how unappliable it is. I learned the basics right away. If your skills improve in a short period of time, you should usually say you have talent, but it feels like the squad leader is following you. “I definitely improved my skills in a short period of time.”

There were times when Ragna was sharp.

Anyway, he also said the same thing as Rem.

Audin was similar.

“Brother, training is the only thing that will make your body move the way you think. You just have to repeat it. So, that’s usually the case, but, um, the squad leader brother is a bit slow.”

The term “standing still” is often said at length.

Saxony didn’t say anything out loud.

From the beginning, Encred had no idea whether it was a sixth sense door or a hole.

It was a full morning training session. Standing soldiers are basically people who make it their business to train their bodies.

I wasn’t a professional soldier for nothing.

It is a place where everyone trains their bodies.

Rem, who had taken a seat in the middle of the long corridor and was concentrating on training, suddenly stopped.

“Let’s stop here for today.”


Rem left Encred behind and entered the dormitory.

I’m not giving up. I didn’t think about that at all.

However, what is needed now is not simple sparring.


Hearing his muttering as he entered the dorm.

Esther slowly raised her head and looked at him.

The eyes of the rest of the squad also passed by Rem.

Soon, Ragnar, Auddin, Rem, and Saxony agreed for the first time since joining the squad.

Then, when Encred came inside, Saxony grabbed his arm and said.

“Please take the request.”


“It’s time for real action. “It would be nice to throw it on a battlefield somewhere and come back alive, but that’s not something we can do right now.”

Rem added.

Everyone seemed to have the same opinion. Encred was once again surprised by their attitude.

‘I knew you wouldn’t give up.’

I never thought we would come together and say something like this.

It’s just amazing how lazy Ragna is taking action.

The four of them became one in one mind.

It was a scene that Encred thought was a sight he would never see even in his dreams.


Esther cried at her feet.

Encred said as he picked up the leopard.

“I was thinking the same thing.”

I am not saying that I will risk my life to repeat today.

However, Encred always trained himself and wielded his sword on the battlefield and in actual combat.

If you’ve trained and trained, it’s natural to want to test your skills.

These guys are full of talent, and they will shake off all stagnation and rise up.

Because I didn’t have that kind of talent.

The only thing that is lacking is that you have to learn it by rolling around with your body.

‘If it’s blocked and stopped.’

Just do something. As always, whether struggling or dancing, Encred will grasp at straws.

That was the way he lived.

“Go out to receive the request starting tomorrow morning. “It would be nice if we could at least subdue demonic beasts.”

“It seems like they say there is.”

Encred had already recognized it.

“I guess you already had something in mind.”

Saxony says: Encred replied, scratching Ester’s head with his fingertips.


Hasn’t Saxony said it countless times?

What is the Gate of the Sixth Sense?

To open it, I had to look into the realm of instinct.

Is it possible to perceive something with invisible senses other than the five senses?

“it’s possible. However, it’s not really a feeling of being invisible. When a wild animal is hunting or sprinting for its prey, where do you think that instinct to judge within seconds comes from? “What about the sense that herbivores have in avoiding predators?”

This is the definition of sixth sense given by Saxony.

Human senses are not limited to seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling.

Sense of balance, sense of position, sense of movement, sense of heat, etc.

The human body is made up of various senses.

If you repeatedly fight with all your senses raised like blades.

It is a method of naturally reading, predicting, and reacting to life in the realm of instinct.

It is said that at that time, you will be able to avoid a knife flying at the back of your head.

“Anyone who becomes a knight can do it. Even real drivers receive this kind of training.”

Encred sensed Saxony’s crude consideration in his last words.

Although it was unbecoming, it was Saxony-like consideration.

“I get it.”

It is also the training of a knight. So don’t give up.

It’s like he even received support.

Since I used a beast as an example, I was thinking of meeting a similar beast.

The magical beast’s instincts would also be similar.

The killing spews from them will be even harsher than that of Saxony.

Of course, not everything went as Encred expected.

* * *

“request? Then take care of this first. “There aren’t too many people on our side.”

The next morning, while I was looking for a request to subdue demonic beasts, the squad leader of the next platoon suddenly snuck in and asked for a favor.

This is a request from a shoemaker to check that strange noises are coming out of his shoe shop every night.

It seems like there are undead-type monsters living underneath.

“If there was something like that in the city, there would have been an uproar right away.”

“I know. But what can I do? If you complete one request, it’s an achievement and it’s good. Let’s get rid of it quickly. Please listen when you have time. “I used to do sewing as well.”

right. I was the squad leader at that time. The friend who did the sewing for me when I passed my first day, the squad leader who liked to drink.

In the end, I nodded.

After saying that I understood, I planned to just relieve the worker’s anxiety and leave. What kind of monster could come out from under the floor of my store?

Let’s stop by the hotel and get ready.

“Aren’t you going to take on the quest to subdue the demonic beast?”

As is Saxony’s habit, the honorific title at the end of a sentence is omitted.

“Uh, this is gone.”

I also said I would go to take on a magical beast request.

I thought I could go right after this.

This practical experience will be helpful in many ways.

‘The kendo sense, the heart, and the way to use the body.’

I felt like I would catch something if I cut down the magical beast.

It was the shoemaker’s house that we arrived at.

“Look here. “When I finally looked down, I found this!”

The weaver was excited. Encred was also surprised. There was a hole in the basement of the weaver’s house.

An artificial cave was visible inside.

“Wait a minute, I’ll go and take a look first.”

I listened inside, but there was no sound.

Encred said and stepped into the hole the craftsman had drilled.

‘I guess I’ll need a torch.’

It wasn’t complete darkness. Thanks to the light seeping through the hole, I could see a little bit ahead.

It is a slanted ramp. Going down wasn’t difficult.

As I entered and walked forward a little, I felt like I was walking through a dungeon created by a wizard or monster.

I couldn’t even walk a few steps.

The light from the candle lit above still seeped into my back.

This is a six-way crossroads.

“What kind of crazy person made this?”

I couldn’t help but mutter to myself. No matter how you look at it, it smells artificial.

Encred stepped into the first passage on the left among the six passages.

There was no sign. I walked a few more steps and went inside.

Beat, beat, beat.

There were no signs or sounds other than the sound of the wind passing through the passage.



Soon, a small vibration sound is heard.

Encred saw lights exploding in front of his eyes.


I heard heavy drinking, and it felt like things like hot iron skewers were entering my lungs and tearing at my intestines.

Then the memory was cut off and morning dawned again.

Of course, Encred knew why this happened.

‘He’s dead.’

The last feeling left in my body was heat.

So it was heat.

From now on, we were going to find out how he died.


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