Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 82

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82. It seems like things have changed a bit.

There was a lot I saw during that time.

Especially when it comes to speed.

The prosecutor behind the fool named Polid was the trigger.

Before that, things I always saw.

The moments we faced in every sparring.

It is an ax that bends like a whip.

The sword of the swordsman who followed the fool named Polid.

Rem’s ax strike.

What I experienced and learned on the battlefield.

It’s something I’ve been training and thinking about alone.

Even the body transformed by the technique of isolation.

Everything gathers together and settles in my mind.

A feeling that cannot be expressed in words settles within the body.

Encred entered a state of one-point concentration.

A world where only the sword and yourself are left.

Even the feeling of holding it in my hand becomes distant. What you see is a line connecting dots.

What you need is the strength needed to connect the line.

The moment I looked into Rem’s eyes, I spit it out.

The tip of the dangling sword drew the shortest line connecting dot to dot.

The tip of the sword pierces the neck.

I saw a vision. An illusion so clear that you might mistake it for real.

In the fantasy, Encred’s sword pierced Rem’s neck.

Rem collapsed with a hole in his neck.

Blood flowed and soaked the floor.

Rem collapsed, her eyes wide open as she bit into blood bubbles.

There was no trace of resentment in those eyes. All I could see was surprise.

“f*ck, this one was really fast.”

Encred was so surprised that his illusions were shattered and destroyed by a single swear word.

The scene that remained an illusion seemed to become broken glass and flowing down.

Beyond the broken glass, I saw Rem with startled eyes. I was surprised for a moment. Immediately, Rem’s eyes softened.

The eyes are like that of a child who has discovered a fun toy.

“What have you done?”

A blood stain was seen on the back of Rem’s neck as he asked. It was because the blade had grazed.

“It almost went to goal.”

Encred opened his mouth to say one after another.

“I’m sorry, I almost killed you.”

“… … “I never thought I would say something like this, but my squad leader begged me to grow up, really.”

“Aren’t I actually older?”

Encred was also taller.

“Wow. “He’s a fun guy.”

As he spoke, Rem suddenly stabbed the ax.

When Encred reflexively turned his head to avoid it, the ax blade began to follow Encred’s cheek.

It is a series of sparring.

Afterwards, Encred had to live and die due to Rem’s axe blows.

“Have you realized what it means to swing quickly? It’s good. “Let’s do more.”

What is this? Is it because I have a scratch on my neck? I guess it’s half resentment?

Still, Encred did not back down.

“Are you acting like you’re going to kill me again? Don’t worry. “I will kill you first.”

Rem’s eyes glowed fiercely. Afterwards, his arm became a beam of light rather than a whip.

The ax blade, which he had been barely able to dodge, block, and parry until now, suddenly reached the nape of Encred’s neck.

Without even scratching the skin.

The ax blade hit his neck and he fell back. Because there was no sharp edge, there were no injuries. All that remained was the cold feel of the ax blade.

“If I don’t have complete control over the weapon in my hand, that’s half a penny.”

Rem’s words, announcing the end of sparring. While lying down on the cold ground, Encred summarized what he had gained from the sparring a little while ago.

What is fast?

The conclusion reached now is the trajectory and movement line.

This is an action that instantly draws a line connecting dots.

What is needed there, to draw a line in your head, and what else is needed to implement the line you drew.

It’s a body. Your body must follow suit. Therefore, physical training would be necessary.

Why does the ax look curved like a whip?

‘Strength, trained muscles, athletic ability.’

Aren’t these the things that Audin has been telling you to accumulate in your body?

It is the same as obtained through the technique of isolation.

Strength is the foundation.

The basis for stabbing or swinging the sword in your hand faster than ever before.

The concept of movement line is included there.

As soon as I draw a line connecting dots in my head, I realize it in an instant.


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‘This is fast.’

Jeongjunghwan recovery.

Among them, it was part of the quick search ceremony. Encred fell down and laughed.


Even though I didn’t repeat today.

Even though death did not happen again.

Even though I didn’t meet the ferryman of the Black River.

‘A sword for tomorrow.’

Because I realized my own growth.

Above all, I was more proud because I realized it myself rather than learning it from someone else.

It’s a life where you only hear that you have no talent. When did you ever imagine that you would experience something like this in your life?

‘I can do more.’

Encred’s heart pounded as he could see the way forward.

Afterwards, I dug into Rem’s words.

Replay and invention.

It was time to sink inside.

“If you don’t want to freeze to death, you might want to come inside.”

The voice addressed to Encred, who was lying on the floor, was from Saxony. It seemed like he went outside and then came back.

Saxony, with his usual expressionless expression, approached with the heated leather cape draped over his shoulders fluttering in the wind.

Encred nodded and got up from his lying down.

I put the drawn sword in its sheath and loosened my stiff neck from side to side.

I got up and went into my dorm, and suddenly I got goosebumps all over my body and felt like my hair was burning.

My entire body muscles were tense. It was a reaction that occurred in the realm of instinct.

I reflexively turned back and drew my sword again.


The sound of friction between the blade and the scabbard rings out.

When Encred realized that he had been holding his breath without realizing it, he exhaled and looked at his opponent.

The epicenter of life is three steps behind. Saxony is just standing there as usual.

The only difference from before is that the right arm is hanging down.

“Not bad.”

Saxony said after seeing Encred like that.

Encred couldn’t understand what was not bad at all.

However, I knew that Saxony had done something.

Could the act of spewing out deadly force itself be able to imprison a person so brutally?

“Carmen’s stilettos are very nice stilettos.”

Saxony opened his mouth again. Only then did Encrid realize that Saxony was trying to keep his word.

“For what purpose do you keep training your five senses? How can you avoid a dagger flying from behind without even seeing it?”

This is what Saxony said.

And what I just showed you is a master of stilettos.

“When you make up your mind to kill your opponent, you often gain momentum without even realizing it. We also call it living.”

Momentum, living, fighting spirit, will.

Everything was a similar concept.

Encrud thought of a top guard warrior named Mathis.

He revealed his name and raised his spirits. That alone caught everyone’s attention.

Through this, Saxony evaluated its opponent as a city-level powerhouse.

“It’s how to sense life. In fact, what I was seeing was at a level that even a small child passing by could feel and be frightened, so it was natural to feel it. Keep feeling. I feel it with everything, including my five senses. That is the next step of the ‘sense of the blade’, the ‘door to the sixth sense.’”


My heart was pounding again.

Just as when establishing the concept of fast.

“i get it.”

I answered calmly, but my heart continued to beat with boldness.

Because this also seemed like it would make me crazy with fun.

The biggest change that occurred to Encred as we repeated today would be this.

That every day has become infinitely more enjoyable.

The joy of growth, which he had never felt before, became both a stick and a carrot, pushing Encred’s back.

You can do more, you don’t have to stop here.

‘For what.’

The goal was also clear.


The dream became a shining star and shone in Encred’s heart.

“Let’s go in.”

Saxony said that and went into the dorm first.

After that, Encred goes in.

“Have you trained today?”

Auddin asks.


This is also something that must be done. Before I did it, it was painful because it meant throwing my whole body into the sea of ​​pain, but it wasn’t painful at all.

Because the fruit that falls into your mouth after crossing the sea of ​​suffering is so sweet.

The pain caused by squeezing the body turned into joy.

“Let’s get started.”

Afterwards, I started using the technique of isolation with Audin.

After finishing the training, I washed my exhausted body and came back and tried to lie down on the bed, but I saw Esther lying down on my bed first.

It put its front paws together in front of its chest and gently raised its head above them.

Encred reached out and tried to stroke Ester’s head.


My fingertips were just about to touch the top of my head when Esther scratched the back of my hand and pulled me away.

If Ester decided to swing her claws, she could cut off her wrist instead of scratching the back of her hand.

Therefore, what you see now should be seen as a cute antal.


“Why are you doing this again?”

I just don’t know why.

Crys laughed next to me when he saw that.

“Iknow, right. No, it’s been that way since I heard the Demonic Squad Leader song.”

In the end, it seemed like the helpless greats were excitedly singing the song “Demon Squad Leader.”

“Yoo-hoo, put all the women in the city down!”

“A hunter targeting every passing woman!”

“Demon, demonic, demonic squad leader!”

Kreis started the first verse and Rem added.

The lyrics and melody were a mess. Actually, it’s hard to call it a real song.


For some reason, Esther seemed to hate that song very, very, very much.

As soon as I heard the song, I immediately let out a vicious cry.

‘Is it because of Chrys?’

Kreis was not good at singing. Surprisingly, Rem’s voice is straight and masculine, so it’s easy to listen to.

“What about the company commander? Another woman? Demonic squad leader.”

Ragna asked from the side. It seemed like he was really curious, but that kid was just teasing him and being sincere.

“Shut up.”

Rather than solving each misunderstanding one by one, it was better to quietly wait for the rumors to subside.

If I said one more word for no reason, the fire would get bigger.

“So I did it or I didn’t.”

Still, this had to be answered. It’s a matter related to Leona’s honor.

“I didn’t do it.”

“… … “Are you serious about that?”

“There’s no reason to lie about something like this.”

What if you sleep?

Actually it is. There is no need to cover this up with lies. Knowing Encred’s personality, Rem also knew that what Encred said was true.

“Eunuch? At what point was it cut? “Is that why?”

This bastard is real.

“it’s okay. Brother Devil, God loves everyone. “He loves me even if I get cut off.”

A word from Audin there.

But why is ‘demon’ added in front of my brother?


Kreis laughs.

Saxony presses the corners of his mouth that rise and looks away.

Ragnar spat out the words, ‘Then what did you do with the company commander?’, which rarely provoked Encred’s anger.

“Crazy bastards.”

Not all squad members are normal. Encred felt sorry that he was the only normal person in this place.

What do you do when you get angry?

These are people who won’t even blink an eye anyway.

Encred lay down on the bed, taking comfort in the fact that this was better than fighting among themselves.

After joining forces and teasing Encred for a while.

“It seems like things have changed a bit.”

Rem immediately spoke after seeing Encred lying down.

“I think the same thing.”

Ragnar added. The rest just listened.

Change? Encred thought about Rem’s words.

Have you changed? In what way?

“It seems like you keep smiling strangely these days. And I don’t think that’s everything.”

Didn’t you laugh a lot before?

Once again, Encred remembered his past self.

How was it? I don’t remember much, but one thing is certain.

The struggle was the same now as it was then.

However, at that time, I was going through a darkness where I couldn’t even see an inch ahead.

Now I can vaguely see the path ahead of me.

Being able to see the path gave people with talent a joy they could not even imagine.

“I always knew he was crazy about swords, but he seems to be a bit extreme lately. As well as my smile, my skills have improved significantly. “He has changed somehow.”

The reason was a trivial argument, but other squad members agreed with it.

“I think I’m a little crazier than I used to be.”

The last part was decorated by Kreis.

Encred could not agree with that statement at all.

Where can there be a simple and ordinary person like you?

I just spend a little more time training and training, and my dreams are a little bigger than others.

“That doesn’t mean it’s bad.”

Rem added. Encred ignored it. It’s night. It was time to sleep.

This is not the time to talk.

Afterwards, Saxony and Kreis left the dormitory due to work.

Encred quickly fell asleep.

I felt it every day, but as I got used to overworking my body, I always felt tired.

Still, I felt quite light in the morning.

Has your basic physical strength increased?

I don’t know. It seems more like this recently than before.

‘Since when did that happen?’

I don’t remember exactly, but it was recently. Recently, not long after returning to the battlefield.

* * *

Esther was disgusting with the other person.

‘As long as I go out, something happens with a girl.’

Even if you are in the military, things happen. We are together because of work, but how can he leave himself and turn his attention to another woman?

She was once called the epitome of fascination and fascination without any spell.

A man even stood in line saying he would sacrifice his soul just by passing by.

‘That fairy looks ugly too.’

As she continued her thoughts, she freaked out.

This is the moment when I realized that I had transformed into the form of a leopard. What kind of man would fall in love with this look?

Even more so.

‘why me?’

It felt like a trivial idea that had absolutely no need.

Her goal was clear. Neutralizing the damn thing on my body.

Esther moved for it.

So, you should put aside such trivial thoughts as now.

Esther got down from her heated leather seat and easily crossed the center of the barracks.

“Are you going again?”

This is the barbarian who was next to the sleeping Encrid.

“You look like a sulky little boy.”

The barbarian spat a profanity, but Esther ignored it.

She clearly knew what she had to do.

Therefore, there was no need for the housemaster to enter here.

Just like that, the leopard jumped up and silently snuggled into Encred’s arms.

In his arms, the leopard stabbed Encred in the chest with its claw for no reason.

“it hurts. now. “Ester.”

Encred hugged his body.

‘This shameless guy.’

Esther glanced at Encred’s face and immediately touched the man’s bare skin, sucking up some of the fatigue left on his body and throwing it into the air.

It is not a talent that can be easily accomplished.

Actually, it’s not that helpful.

If you work your body out like crazy every day like this guy, it would be quite meaningful.

One more thing here.

He also worked on the leather armor.

Even though it’s a one-time thing, if someone tries to do something with magic, they can stop it at least once.

Because of that, finding my body was delayed a bit.

‘I need this kid to be fine.’

Therefore, this was an act of necessity. I looked at it from a long-term perspective.

Even as she thought that, Esther was intoxicated by the comfort and warmth of the man’s embrace.

In my sleep, I continued to think in vain again.

‘I’ll believe you.’

He said that he wouldn’t have dared to do something with another woman over her.

Because those words seem like the truth.

Actually, I didn’t feel too bad.


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