Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 81

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81. Because I do my best in everything.

After the appearance of a man named Mattis.

“Why is he sober?”

Folid’s stupid question followed.

“While we’re spending time here, everything is already done inside the top. Oh, I decided to go back and do the inauguration ceremony.”

The answer was given by Leona.

Afterwards, as people on Pollid’s side began to notice the situation, Leona motioned towards them.

“Please come. “I will accept it.”

Although he didn’t actually say this, it was no different from what Encred heard.

Now let’s live as one under the name of the top, or something like that.

There were two who didn’t move.

A man with a plain appearance and a swordsman who told Encred to put down his sword.

Oh, there’s also Paulid left.

He bowed his chin and fell to his knees. His legs seemed weak.

“why? I’m your son? “Everyone at the top is your father, right?”

Why? Looking at what they are doing, the intelligence of those on the Polid side is rather questionable.

Encred’s gaze fell on the remaining two.

Perhaps it was they who had done the trick.

The two didn’t seem to be in any particular danger. Even though everyone except the two turned away, they remained calm.

“It’s over.”

The prosecutor said.

“Iknow, right.”

A man with a plain expression answers. The two just ignored Paulid.

“I can not admit it! What is this! “I’m your son!”

When Pollid shouted and tried to approach Leona, Mathis blocked his path.

“If you come any closer, I will cut you down. “The son of a former merchant merchant.”

He’s picky.

That was the end of the situation.

The two, who seemed to Encred to have done a trick, stepped back.

Polid showed in real time how a person who falls into a state of panic due to frustration and despair changes.

I started drooling while kneeling on the floor.

The kid was a bit surprised.

Groups of peddlers walking around, merchants and soldiers within the city, and even a group of beggars near the gates looked at them.

When the guard looked worried about what to do, Leona stepped forward.

“Take him. “I can’t let the son of the previous owner drool to death on the street.”


As Mathis gestured outside, someone came in and dragged Polid away.

The guard even made way for me so I could leave in peace.

“for a moment.”

Leona spoke to Mathis and approached Encred.

“Did you give Carmen’s stilettos to a subordinate?”

The way he speaks makes me feel like I gave a gift I received from a woman to someone else. Encrid couldn’t pinpoint it, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

“… … Because I want it a lot. Yes, I gave it to you.”

I glanced behind me and saw Saxony standing silently.

When I first gave the stilettos, Saxony’s reaction was unusual.

I knew I wouldn’t be so moved that I would be in tears, but I just remained calm.

I just took my stilettos and blurted out a few words.

“For what purpose do you keep training your five senses? How can you avoid a dagger flying from behind without even seeing it?”

What may be nonsense to some could be the answer they were longing for.

“That’s what we’ll learn next.”

That one word was enough. Saxony was a man who knew how to make a deal.


Leona smiled and nodded. Just seeing her smile makes me feel like I owe her something.

She is a truly strange woman.

She looked at Encred’s face and opened her mouth again.

“I’m a merchant, and trading starts with knowing what the other person wants. “I gave her expensive items, but she gave them to her subordinates and did not pay attention even though there were two beautiful women.”

Leona had to spend time with the Border Guard.

In my spare time, I observed the person I wanted.

What does this man really want?

He didn’t even bat an eye at the object, which was no different from treasure.

Rather, he showed a secretly bored expression while hearing the origin of the dagger from his subordinate.

It doesn’t seem like he doesn’t have greed, but he doesn’t seem like a person who would wallow in greed.

Leona knew well the strength of her appearance. Because she was like that, she also made subtle seductive gestures.

“The bias against women is severe. be careful.”

There was also a fairy blocking the way.

Even though I saw a gap and got close, Encred didn’t come over.

‘What is it, what does this man want?’

From then on, my pride as a merchant began to stir.


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What is a merchant? A person who makes a deal happen.

Wilderness Shepherd, Black Leather Guild, Glacier Ranger.

They are all closed groups. A merchant is someone who does business with places like that. That is Lochfried.

Leona loved Lochfried and was proud of him.

The opponent can be said to be nothing more than a soldier. Such is his position.

‘I’m worried.’

Although I want a partner.

Still, there is a line to some extent.

Now it’s a matter of pride.

Leona began to observe the other person.

Only then did I see it.

The basics of trading, what the other party wants.

‘It wasn’t a thing.’

The Carmen collection was also the price paid to devour the top.

While everyone was focused on the dagger and paying attention to the group that carried out the surprise attack, the resources she had were already cracking down on what was going on inside the top.

As a side note, Encred was used to show a man’s greed, but it was a mistake.

Leona could only find out after observing.

What he hopes for is the future.

your own future. Better swordsmanship, skills, and power.

So I brought Mathis in.

The best warrior in the Rokfried upper world, and the guard captain who was once renowned as a city-level mercenary.

“How about training your sword under Mathis? “What about growing your future here?”

If you are attracted to strong people and training your body.

This was the answer.

Of course, it was a huge mistake. Leona didn’t know Encred’s squad members.

‘I think he’s a great person.’

When Leona was sorting out the situation, Saxony told her something.

“He is a talented person who can represent any small city. “That’s exactly it.”

Even though it wasn’t intentional, his name spread throughout the city just by showing his skills a few times.

That was a city-level talent.

“Compared to Torres?”

“Based on the soldier rating system, he is a special rank or higher, but not a knight.”

Saxony’s assessment was cold.

These are those who are above the special class, but are not knights.

‘Should I say that it was widespread within the squad?’

Rem, Ragna, Saxony, and Audin.

None of the four seemed like they would lose to a guy named Mathis.

What’s more, there is something that has already been learned and proven from them.

“I decline.”

This is why there is no hesitation in answering. Leona failed to manage her facial expression for the first time.

“This is my first time missing out on something so coveted.”

Encred liked this resourceful young lady, Sang Sang-ju, and an outstanding beauty.

‘Especially the fact that you don’t do something clumsy just because you like it.’

If you think about it, isn’t it really fun?

One of the people I met on this job told me to put down my sword.

The other one asks me to come next to him because he is jealous.

There are conflicting evaluations.

“Do I really have to keep it next to me?”

Encred’s mouth opened.

Since the other person’s goodwill towards him was not that bad, Encred also treated the other person favorably.

Leona blinked at those words.

“That’s right. The request is over. So, shall we be friends? Do you think it would be okay to spend some time with a friend one day? how is it?”

Even if we weren’t friends, I wanted to get along well with a reasonable level of affection for him.

“… … yes?”

“If you refuse this too, I think the poor girl will be frustrated here.”

Who is the poor girl?

I have just become the owner of the upper level of Lochfrid.

“Mattis, can I stay in the city one more day?”

“As you wish.”

Mattis takes a step back.

“You’ll need permission from the unit, right?”

To Leona’s next words, the company commander responded instead of Encred.

“In return for carrying out the request, I am granted one full day of vacation.”

It was an unexpected answer.

“why? no, I do not want?”

Leona asked with a mischievous smile. I once again understand the power of appearance.

Even with that expression on his face, he was cute.

A spider that swallowed the top whole makes a cute expression.

Encred nodded while thinking so.

“I don’t like it.”

I met so many instructors, and this is what they all say in unison.

When you rest, rest.

Swinging the sword day and night and overworking my body was not the answer. This was a fact that Encred also knew well.

More than anything, I had a strange debt in my heart that I wanted to resolve.

“great. then.”

Leona turned to Mathis again. Meanwhile, Saxony approached, and Encred, who saw it, spoke first.

“Stop spreading strange rumors.”

“That’s something you would say to a barbarian. Do you think I would?”

Encred once again felt fortunate to have brought Saxony.

If it had been Rem, stories that never existed would have spread.

“Good work. soldier.”

The company commander proved that what he had said so far was a joke by not doing anything to prevent Leona from remaining alone.

“If you miss me, you can come back. soldier.”

However, he always added a fairy joke. After hearing it for so long, I no longer felt any trouble.

“Yes, of course.”

As I calmly accepted it, Saxony spoke quietly next to me.



“If you have more from Carmen’s collection, please bring it, even if it means using handsome men.”

Is this a joke or is it serious?

It was more difficult to judge than the joke of the fairy company commander.

“It’s a joke.”

I was glad to see that they said it was a joke.

No, but it seems like it’s half sincere.

Didn’t you really wish for the Carmen collection?

“I will go first.”

Saxony and the company commander retreated, and Leona came back after settling the situation.

“Let’s go.”

After that, Encred and Leona enjoyed their time together.

I walked around the market, looked around, and filled my stomach with the guidance of Encred, who had already figured out the location of a good restaurant.

“Is this really delicious?”

Among them, he ate the herb pie and Vanessa’s pumpkin soup and gave a thumbs up.

Vanessa’s Pumpkin Soup is the dish boasted by the best food among the four inns.

“Is this delicious too?”

She laughed at one of Leona’s jokes, and conversely, Leona also giggled at something Encred said.

It was a random time, but funny enough, it was quite a fun time.

After the sun went down, we had a drink or two.

“I enjoyed.”

Although we spent the night together, we never physically lusted after each other.

“great. “We are friends from today.”

“Of course.”

That’s how we became friends, and we chatted until morning and then parted ways.

Although Encred looked blank for a moment, it was clear that it was a fun time for both of them.

* * *

“For some reason.”

Mathis thought it was extremely rare.

Leona was a woman who did not know how to rest. She was fierce, she was certain, and her abilities were outstanding.

If it weren’t for that, he wouldn’t be here now.

In other words, Leona was on a different level from the idiot called Paulid.

‘He’s the son of the former leader.’

He was so stupid that it was natural for rumors to spread that he had been picked up from somewhere.

Leona has lived a completely different life from Paulid since she was young.

She’s tied up with just one man for a day?

It was rare.

That didn’t mean I didn’t respect her, though.

‘The future of the top is bright.’

Now the Lochfried upper section will be headed in a better direction than when the squadron was there.

Mathis believed in Leona.

After a day of rest, Danju returned with a relieved expression.

“Let’s go.”

So the top went its own way. Keep the will of the top leader to share your last words for succession.

I did everything I had to do afterwards.

Just like that, Leona swallowed everything. This was her answer.

The head of the squadron rescued her and raised her.

She was returning the favor by not killing Paulid.

Leona knew well that the actual intention of the will was there.

She smiled as she recalled last night in the returning carriage.

‘It was fun.’

How many times have you had a fruitless conversation?

Chatting aimlessly was something very out of character.

And yet.


The other person’s name remained in my mind.

* * *

A man with a simple expression and a warrior wielding a rapier left Folid and his group and headed outside.

No one caught them. Although the man named Mathis glared harshly at me.

“Leave it alone.”

With Leona’s words, it was the end.

The two walked out of the castle gate.

Even though the last season, winter, was coming to an end, it was a difficult road for the two of us to leave alone.

Because demons and monsters can pop out at any time.

But the two didn’t worry about that.

“Why did you do that?”

The two had the same affiliation. was a member of a nation.

Among them, the warrior with the rapier was a man of outstanding skill. A person of such skill that he wouldn’t even blink an eye at quite a few monsters.

The plain-looking man found this incident surprising, as he knew the indifferent nature of such warriors.

This is advice for those who are passing by, who can be said to be strangers at best, or enemies at worst.

“As I looked at it, I thought it was a waste.”

Nothing in the world ends abruptly.

This kind of thing happens.


The plain man agreed. Now it was time to go back.

Although the operation failed, something was gained. Next, the great Lochfried Dandanju is said to have outstanding abilities.

Information is valuable at any time.

* * *

Encred returned to the unit in the morning.

“You’re so excited, God.”

As soon as he arrived, Rem welcomed him.

You’ve already heard everything.

I knew it from the first word.

“Did you like it?”

It was delusional. I just talked to Leona.

Any answer I gave here would be nonsense. Because Rem is that kind of guy.

Instead of answering, Encred raised his sword.


“This boring guy is good.”

Rem didn’t question it any further and picked up his axe. He loved it when En Creed came back and chose him as his first sparring opponent.

It’s the same this time too.

Encred stood face to face with Rem.

And I thought about what happened during the day with Leona.

It’s a strange thing.

It was a rest and a vacation.

It was nice to see that I had forgotten about the sword and had a good rest.

I chatted with Leon all night long.

A series of chats, a time that could be considered a meaningless conversation.

But why?

‘I think it will work.’

While spending time with Leona, Encred felt a strange sensation. It would be correct to say that he felt something.

Even though time did not slow down or concentration flared up and no changes occurred.

It just seemed like it would work.

It seemed like I could show it off without any hesitation.

The trajectory of swinging the sword, the foot taken before it, the movement of the shoulder.

Everything mixes together to come up with one answer.

What is fast?

Although it was vague, I felt like I could provide some of the answers to the questions I had had since dealing with a swordsman who used a rapier.


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