Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 80

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80. Leona Lochfried

“Are you trying to cover up a crime in Azpen’s name?”

Leona asked again.

“I think it’s up to us from there.”

Torres interrupted Leona.

“is that so? Anyway, the misunderstanding has been resolved.”

Leona smiled brightly. It was a smile like, ‘I’m innocent, I’m naive, I don’t know anything.’ Of course she knew everything and she wasn’t naive.

Instead of answering, Torres pulled the man’s shoulder and said,


There was no greeting to Encred about returning and seeing him. I just pushed the shoulder of the man whose face was all messed up and just rolled his eyes.

“Uh, uh, please save me.”

“Shut up. “On the subject of being a spy for the enemy army.”

“I will tell you everything, everything I know. Not a spy. There is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding.”

“do not worry. “I’ll cut the tongue last.”

The man’s legs gave out at Torres’ words, but he was not free to fall.

The two members on his left and right put their arms under his armpits as if they were carrying him around.

Looking at Torres’ attitude, it seemed like he was annoyed that things weren’t going as he expected.

‘There was a head fight.’

I was so obsessed with the sword that I didn’t look back on the situation, so I only saw these things now.

Why doesn’t Leona blame Paulid?

What will happen if it turns out that Pollid instigated it?

‘Is that only Pollyd’s responsibility, or is Lochfrid’s upper management also responsible?’

If responsibility is placed at the top, is it better for Leona to admit it or to deny it?

If you are sure that the top is yours, it is better not to admit it.

That is, if you don’t have to kick out an idiot called Pollyd over this issue.

Encred thought that Leona would make sacrifices and defeat Pollid in order to succeed to the top.

In that case, the Border Guard would have demanded payment on the pretext that a member of Lochfried’s upper class had instigated the assassination.

In any case, the reputation of the city was tarnished due to an incident instigated by the top.

The honor of the city is the honor of the unit, so based on this, they would have been able to get a good share of it.

‘Are you saying this decision was made for the sake of the top?’

Is it because she cares so much about her top?

“why? “Have you fallen in love with my beauty again?”

Encred was staring at her face without realizing it.

What on earth is this woman?

Her face was twice as bright as when she slapped Paulid’s face.

I suddenly felt relaxed. Although he looks relaxed, there is no gap in his sitting posture.

It was the face of a merchant who had finished calculating.

The attitude is that there is no need to sacrifice anything at the top. There was definitely a part of him that believed in it.

That’s not the border guard standing army.

She was a truly strange woman.


Encred answered what needed to be answered.

Regardless of her thoughts, attitude, and intentions, Encred just had to carry out his mission.

“That’s too bad.”

Leona laughed.

Did you think that beauty didn’t suit a spider?

I needed to fix that thinking.

Now that I look at it, it suits me even better, doesn’t it?

The smile she wore now, after taking off the mask of innocence, was like a spider with prey in it.

* * *

“Thank you so much.”

The request is coming to an end.

Leona said as she came out from the inn with her luggage.

Next to him, Pollyd laughed heartily. In fact, did he hope to win the argument with Leona regarding her succession, or did he hope that the assassination he had prepared would succeed?

Still, he smiled.

The smile seemed to say that he was now the owner of the top.

“Hey, soldier, you’re going to be holding onto my pant legs later.”

‘I think I had an argument with Saxony at first.’

At some point, the arrowhead turned towards Encred. I tripped over Encred every time.

‘Should I have ignored it?’

Did the problem arise because he was kind? A thought like that suddenly occurred to me.

Paulid’s face looked like a model of triumphant expression.

Smiling lips, confident eyes, and even snorting due to internal excitement.

“Instead of grabbing your pants, I can cut off your hair.”

Encred muttered to himself, not wanting to give the other person something to answer.

The only people who heard it were Saxony, the company commander, and Leona, who was nearby.

“If that’s the case, cut off his head. That’s fast.”

Saxony advises.


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“You’re popular with men too, soldier.”

The company commander teased.

“I feel sorry for no reason.”

Leona apologized.

“huh? “What did you say?”

Pollid asked, unable to hear what Encred was saying to himself. Encred completely ignored it.

I shouldn’t have included kindness from the beginning.

Folid lost his temper for a moment after being ignored, but soon calmed down. The plain-looking man behind him tugged on his collar.

Then the excitement quickly subsides. Afterwards, Folly de Norm once again expressed his confidence by flashing his eyes.

‘Anyone can see that it looks like something has been prepared.’

It would be obvious without saying what the preparation is.

No more disturbance within the Border Guard will be tolerated.

‘As soon as I leave, they’ll attack me and say they’ll kill me.’

Looking at the faces of Leona and her group gathered in front of the inn, I wondered if they would be able to handle their opponents.

After thinking about it for a while, Leona came up next to me and said.

“I feel like I’m being escorted.”

It didn’t feel like I was being escorted, but it was something I actually had to do as part of my escort duties.

Folid showed his true intentions foolishly, but Leona did the opposite.

What does she believe in?

I started to get curious again. There was no sign of worry in Leona’s attitude.

“I will never forget the grace that saved my life. “I will definitely repay you when I have the chance.”

On the second floor, the female escort, who barely escaped being killed by an assassin who was a retired soldier, also approached and spoke.


Encred didn’t pay much attention. How many times will we meet again on this wide continent?

However, those around him had different thoughts.

The two squads that had been guarding the entire inn were still nearby. While doing so, they also had escort duties. He was responsible for an accident that occurred within the Border Guard.

“Spraying flirtatious thoughts with every woman passing by.”

“Because he throws a poison called charm to every woman he passes by.”

“Your name is Demonic Squad Leader.”

But instead of working, he’s sitting around writing poetry.

“… … “Why are they doing this?”

The female escort said, her face turning red.

“I’m practicing because everyone wants to become a bard after they retire. “Let it go.”

Encred also said whatever came out of his mouth.

The company commander was next to Leona and whispered. My sensitive hearing caught her words.

“You better be careful. “That soldier has a tendency to kill every woman he sees.”

What are you talking about?

Encred had never smelled a woman’s excrement in recent years.

That’s because a series of crazy things happened to him.

“Aren’t you going? “I think it’s time to get out of here.”

Encred politely sent off the two squads of soldiers.

As if they were really thinking of retiring and becoming bards, they quickly made up a song called Demonic Squad Leader and sang it.

They were crazy people.

Because of this incident, the Torres side, i.e. the border garrison, left with a sore throat, but this group of soldiers was calm.

It’s worth it.

Because they’re just doing what they’re told.

Thinking back to the frontier guard, I once again realized that Leona’s resourcefulness was outstanding.

‘Does this mean I owe the Border Guard a debt?’

She turned the situation around with just a few words. I’m not sure if this will be recognized within the Border Guard.

Because the attack itself was treated as a security issue within the city.

If the attack was caused by a succession issue at the upper level, Lochfried upper level would be responsible.

If they attacked Crona because they saw him, it would be a problem with the city’s security management.

‘This is amazing.’

We all know that it was Polid who ordered it, but the assassination target denies it.

Should I say this is something I was born with as a merchant?

It is a story that is visible because it has a conclusion, otherwise it would have gone unnoticed.

Well, Kreis, who stayed at the inn after Torres left, supplemented the story.

“Eventually, the Border Guard will deny it. But the situation seems to be advantageous to that side. “I heard they’re Azpen’s spy unit?”

When I asked why that was disadvantageous, Kreis spoke softly.

“Who will benefit if Azpen’s agent is held responsible for the problem caused? “Which story do you want to give more weight to: that Azpen’s spy was targeting Crona at the top or that he was trying to cause trouble within the city?”

I understand what Kreis said.

From the moment the name Azpen came out, the situation was favorable to the top.

In the end, it can be said that it is thanks to the spy who cried out for the glory of his country and gave up.

As Encred listened to that story, he realized that Chryce’s head was working just as well as Leona’s.

I knew you had a good head.

‘It looks similar to the successor to the large top.’

It’s just a thought that passed through my mind for a moment. What can you do if you have good hair?

Kreis’ dream is to open a salon that caters to noble ladies.

As I walked, thinking about various things, I arrived at the entrance to the castle gate.

The soldier standing guard turned around when he saw Encred and his group approaching.

“Did you say Encred?”

As I was watching them, a prosecutor from Paulid’s side suddenly approached and spoke to me.

“I didn’t hear your name.”

“I’m sorry about that, I’m not in a position to reveal my name here.”

“… … .”

The swordsman suddenly approached and spoke to me, and when I looked at him, he spoke to Encred’s back.

“I just want to say a few words. “It’s okay to live.”

To Encred’s right, Saxony was already approaching.

“You’re sensitive. “To live.”

Saxony answered. The guy who ignored Paulid so much was quick to answer here.

“do not worry. “It’s easy to decapitate someone without killing them.”

I don’t know when the company commander came again, but she stood behind the prosecutor on Folid’s side.

The prosecutor looked at the two once, then turned away cleanly and looked at Encred.

“Put down your sword.”

This is what I say right away.

“Some things cannot be accomplished with passion alone.”

As an Encred, this is something I haven’t heard in a very long time.

Give up. no talent It’s a waste of time. It’s like walking in a place where there is no path.

Do you know that it hurts when you get hit?

Don’t you know now that it hurts when you get cut by a knife?

Why don’t you realize that the more time you put into training, the more you realize that your talent is insignificant?

I can’t feel it, yes, I know.

This is something I’ve heard countless times.

Even if I didn’t fall into the swamp of frustration and despair with just a few words, Encred knew.

He said he couldn’t become a knight.

Yes, it was like that at one time.

Still, I swung my sword. Still, I didn’t give up.

I have been living with only the fragments of a torn and longed-for dream.

I couldn’t even see what the wall blocking my path looked like. Everything around was dark.

Even during those times, I lived swinging my sword until my grip exploded.

Would anything change just because I heard this now?

The heart of the beast, the sense of the blade, one-pointed concentration, and the technique of isolation.

The basics of swordsmanship, including heavy swordsmanship.

Application of the Valencian mercenary sword.

Today is repeated, continuous training and training, and increasing skills.

In some people’s eyes, a half step was slower than a turtle, but to Encred, it was a half step that was more meaningful than any time in the past.

Just like that, I smiled without even realizing it.

“Are you smiling?”

The prosecutor looked at it and muttered.

“There’s no need to worry.”

Saxony said something.

The company commander looked at Encred silently.

The prosecutor wanted an answer, and Encred gave him the answer he had been waiting for.

“Next time I see you, I might win.”

Predicting a person’s future is arrogant. Encred said.


The prosecutor turned around without forcing his thoughts on the other person, who had closed his ears.

It was a small disturbance that occurred in front of the castle gate.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

When we reached the castle wall.

Leona turned back and spoke to those including Encred.

It’s a moment where I wonder if things will continue like this.

In Encred’s eyes, he saw the guard turning his head back and forth, looking alternately at the group and the outside.

He looked troubled.

When I wondered why, I saw an armed group outside the castle walls.

I knew it the moment I saw it.

If the other side uses military force, what should this side offer?

It was a card that Leona believed in. They were outside the walls.

“Lochfried Upper Guard Mattis is here.”

He was the only one who entered the castle walls.

He had a neat mustache. Her steps seemed light and dust gathered on the shoulders of her coat.

If you are not accompanied by force, you cannot establish a name for yourself at the top of the continent.

Unless you want to be eaten by the surrounding thieves, brigands, demons, and monsters and sell only as bones, force is essential.

The man who stepped forward was the one responsible for the military power of the Lochfried upper level.

He drew everyone’s attention just by approaching and showing himself.

Encred felt a strange feeling. Because his field of vision was filled with only a man named Mathis.

Other than that, I couldn’t see anything. The momentum was extraordinary. He attracted everyone’s attention with just his momentum.

“You have interesting friends together.”

After saying that, he got down on one knee towards Leona.

“The convoy has arrived. Sobriety.”

The man said to Leona.

Only then was Encred able to cast his gaze behind him.

Lochfried Upper Guard.

More than thirty armed troops were seen camped outside the castle gate.


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