Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 8

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8. Snake, tassel, flower, knife.

The superficial reason is that I don’t want to be left alone.

Encred repeated ‘today’ and felt another fear.

The desire to stop here, out of fear of settling here, out of fear that an opportunity like this will never come again if I pass today.

That desire was a fear to Encred.

‘Is this what I wanted?’

To settle for today is to live in vain.

It is a life that cannot be advanced.

Hoping for tomorrow is a natural human psychology.

Moreover, Encred was a human being who dreamed of tomorrow with limited talent.

There was a reasonable and valid reason for it.

‘I learned everything there was to learn.’

There is too little to be gained by continuing training here.

If so, it would be time to move on to tomorrow.

‘What happens if I survive?’

So will this day end?

I thought about it countless times.

To conclude, I don’t know.

I didn’t know. What happens after you survive?

‘If only I could move on.’

Let’s move on.

Isn’t that how I’ve lived my whole life?

More than anything, Encred needed confidence.

Will I be able to see tomorrow with what I have gained by repeating today?

I can not know. Therefore, it is a challenge.

The mindset of a challenger was a daily routine for him.

Today will be a long day.

You’ll have to use everything you’ve accumulated so far.

* * *

“How did you do it?”


“Is that something that can be passed off as luck?”

As soon as we left the tent, Kreis opened his eyes wider than usual and asked again.

The dealer friend who rolled the dice was dumbfounded.

However, they didn’t make a fuss and say it was ridiculous.

It was my hand that rolled the dice.

Thanks to this, Encred was able to get up and come out leisurely.

It wasn’t something that would bother my conscience.

Because I have never committed fraud.

I just knew all the numbers that the dice would spit out, as if imitating a prophet.

“I’ll buy you a beer in town later.”

A soldier who had gotten a lot of credit thanks to Encred tapped his shoulder and passed by.

“It’s really luck. “I’m not good at gambling.”

Encred said, turning his steps. Kreis followed closely behind.

“If you don’t have talent, all the people who do have talent will be buried under the ground.”

“Sometimes luck comes along.”

“… … “If you get lucky twice, your pockets will become very deep, right?”

As they walked, Encred handed over seventeen silver coins.


Hearing the sound of silver coins clinking, Kreis gathered his pockets.

Kreis, who received it, said, ‘Okay, it’s none of my business,’ and moved on.

Then, he suddenly glanced at Encred and rolled his big eyes.

“I knew.”


Encred asked again with his eyes.

He smiles and continues talking.

“Are you trying to get some work done by the commander who is coming tomorrow? So flowers? “No, then something like a rose or lisianthus would be better than a horse flower?”

Even though it was a gamble, the item I was asked to get must have been a very strange type.

“… … Is that okay?”

What’s in this guy’s head?

There were widespread rumors that a new company commander was coming tomorrow and that she would be a woman.

Yes, I did say a woman was coming.

But would you give up just to give me a bouquet of flowers?

This is a method that will not work even for women and children in rural villages.

Of course, it might be okay to have a face like Kreis as a preparation.

No, wouldn’t that work? At best, it’s worth it, but if you don’t, you’ll probably be summarily executed for insulting your superiors.

“The squad leader also has a pretty good face when dressed up.”

“Do you ask me this many questions every time I ask you to get something?”


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Wouldn’t it be possible to get things before lunch if I run from now on until my feet get sweaty?

When I spoke with my eyes, Kreis said he understood and turned around.

Kreis will move diligently.

Otherwise it will be difficult. It’s something I’ve done a few times, but depending on how long that friend takes, Encred will have to work hard to make his feet sweat.

So now is the time to rest.

Encred ate breakfast leisurely.

Breakfast consisted of soup made from crushed barley and wheat, hard bread, and dried meat.

Meat is served only once every three days.

I was fortunate that that day happened to be today.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to even see meat during my repetitive day.

I crumbled the bread, which I would normally dissolve with saliva, into the soup.

When I put the moderately thickened soup in my mouth and chewed it, it tasted good, but it was still dry.

The seasoning was just right after tearing the dried meat and mixing it.

Encred chewed thoroughly. Eating soon gives you energy to move.

Regardless of the difference in skill, there is bound to be a difference in combat power between a soldier who has starved for several days and a soldier who has eaten well.

The warm soup went down my throat and settled in my stomach.

After repeating this a few times, the bowl was empty.

“Is it delicious? “The taste of exploiting and eating the labor of unit members?”

Rem approached and grumbled.


“It’s good to eat it without covering it up. I’ve never seen anyone live that long for a person who eats carefully. “There’s someone like that in our squad, too.”

“For that matter, he seems to be doing well.”

“Anyway now.”

Rem, who had been swearing at his squad mates, immediately gathered his dishes and walked away.

It’s time to diligently wash the dishes.

After filling my stomach with mullgun soup mixed with bread and dried meat.

Encred took out an oil-soaked cloth and carefully wiped the sword, then wiped it again with a dry cloth.

The newly acquired sword was neither made of famous steel nor made by a famous craftsman, but it was quite usable.

The center of gravity is good and the blade stands up well.

It was sharp enough to cut through thick cloth armor or thin leather armor.

After finishing cleaning my sword and stepping out in front of the barracks, I saw Kreis.

Encred called out to him as he turned his head left and right and saw him approaching.


Kreis came to me holding something like a bundle in his hand.

“Here you go.”

Of course, the bundle was something Encred ordered.

When I received it, it was exactly as I expected.

Five throwing knives that were moderately adulterated.

A lump of poor quality but properly oiled leather and a large needle.

“I barely found deerskin gloves.”

As I was rubbing the blade of the throwing knife with my fingers, Kreis said:

Indeed, it was so.

Instead of having one pair of gloves, there was only one left pair.

“So here.”

Kreis returned a coin.

“The deerskin gloves were calculated as two pieces.”

The big eyes are really revealing about money.

This is a fact you already know.

If you ask me, I could probably get it, but then I had to spend time. In that case, it would be better to just focus on what you have to do today.

There wasn’t much time to do this and that.

I brought the dried and dried white horse flowers.

“You said it wasn’t something to confess? “I can’t find a fresh one.”

A fraudster.

Encred nodded. Because this was within expectations.

What kind of crazy bastard would find ten fresh flowers in the middle of a battlefield?

“Instead, there are twelve.”

At least he is a fraudster with a conscience.

“And here.”

Kreis held out a small pouch.

When I opened it, there was alum inside.

If the deal went wrong, he probably planned to force Baekban by saying he couldn’t get it, and later make it up to him by saying he finally did.

It was a dirty joke, but Encred didn’t care.

Because I got everything I needed.

“Good work.”

“But what are you really going to do?”

Kreis was quite curious about what this good-natured squad leader would do.

“I’m thinking of doing some sewing and drinking alcohol.”

So I had no choice but to shake my head at Encred’s answer.

What kind of sewing suddenly? Why do you soak alcohol again?

“Well, I understand.”

Cryce left without asking any more questions, and Encred placed the knife in his waistband and threw the rest into the tent.

After that, he walked briskly.

It is a step with a destination already decided.

As I walked nonstop toward the outskirts of the barracks, a soldier glanced at Encred walking and shouted.

“Hey, what is there? Are you the leader of the squad? “If you’re just going to run errands, don’t go there.”


“The guy who was urinating there yesterday got bitten by a snake. It’s a poisonous snake. “He’s not a harsh guy, but he scratches himself all day and makes a fuss.”

“Urgent. “I’ll quickly c*m and come out.”

“I said.”

It is not something to actively stop. The soldier just let Encred go.

‘As long as your luck isn’t too bad, you’ll be fine.’

Thinking thus, the soldier turned away from Encred.

Encred walked at a leisurely pace and looked around.

This is an area outside the barracks designated for toileting purposes.

There were several foul-smelling pits and dry leaves between several large trees.

Encred sprayed alum, avoiding areas with a bad smell.

Then, he found a place without blades of grass, squatted down, picked up a fallen tree branch nearby, and trimmed the end with the tip of a throwing knife.

He used the blade as a saw to repeatedly scrape off tree branches, and applied force to spread the blade outwards to trim the ends of the branches.

After several cuts, the end of the branch split to the left and right, resembling a spear with a split end.

On the outside, it looked like they were wasting their time with nothing to do, but on the inside, it was different.

Encred kept an eye on the dry blades of grass as he worked.

After finishing the work on the branches, before I even had time to drink a cup of tea, the blades of grass began to rustle and move.

Snakes hate white spots. Since alum was sprinkled on one side, it was natural for the snake to move to avoid that side.

Snake hunting was also something I did occasionally.

If you catch a good poisonous snake, it can be sold at a good price.

At that time, when I was selling a snake to a city drunkard and asked him what he could use it for, the drunkard laughed and said,

“You’ve never had snake wine, have you? “Don’t tell me if you haven’t tried it.”

He was an exuberant drunkard.


I saw something wriggling through the dry leaves.

It was a guy with a brown body and a moderately angled head.

Encred pressed the tip of a tree branch to his neck.


I mixed this simple movement with the stabbing I had learned.

The snake could not escape.

Then, he hit the snake’s head with the back of a knife and knocked it unconscious.

‘Just one for now.’

The same operation was repeated several times.

I sprinkled all the remaining alum and continued until no snakes came out.

It didn’t take that long.

It was over before the sun even set overhead.

Encred caught five snakes.

Each snake caught was grabbed by its snout and pressed against a canteen lined with thin leather.

The snake woke up in surprise and leaked poison from its venom glands.

He repeated this five more times and stuffed the remaining snake into a thick leather bag.

“Is it constipation? “I was going to go check to see if I was actually bitten by a snake because I didn’t come out at all.”

It was the soldier I mentioned earlier. He had a serious expression. He seemed really worried or something.

“Thanks to you, it was a pleasant experience.”

Encred said anything and walked diligently.

* * *

The mother of the squad leader in the barracks right behind Encrid had been sewing for work since she was young.

This friend, who was very dexterous, used to learn sewing from her mother over her shoulder, and her skills were not bad.

However, I thought I couldn’t make a living by sewing, so I enlisted.

One more thing here.

‘Even liking alcohol so much.’

This is what Encred knows about the sewing squad leader.

Encred threw the lump of leather in front of the hungover squad leader.

“Do you have anything to do?”

Although his complexion was not good, this friend’s sewing skills were really useful.

It’s something I’ve already done a few times.

Even if you threaten to report to the company commander for drinking, he will do it, but then he will just do the sewing roughly.

“Make me some pads for my hands, knees, elbows, and pads with this.”

“why me?”

The squad leader was impressed. It’s a natural reaction. Because we didn’t really interact with each other normally.

However, time was running out to put any effort into persuading them.

Even if you start right away, it’s very difficult to receive it before the battle.

“Do you have some liquor hidden away?”

The guy whose complexion changed at those words twitched his eyebrows.

It looked like a wild boar with a temper. In fact, his appearance was reminiscent of a wild boar.

Such delicate sewing skills with an appearance like this.

“If you dip it in this and eat it, it will taste amazing.”

As he spoke, he quietly put down the bundle of snakes he had caught.

Snakes wriggled and danced on the skin. It’s a crazy dance.

“It’s a snake.”

He said without even looking inside.

“Have you ever tried snake wine?”

The squad leader nodded at those words as if it were natural.

“You know it kills the taste, right?”

I haven’t tried Encred. But thanks to the bold drunkard, I know.

“You know it’s a taste you won’t know if you don’t drink it, right?”

When I said it again, the squad leader nodded his head vigorously.

“I’ll give you a snake. “Make me some of this.”

“How did you know I was good at sewing?”

“I heard the company commander speak the other day.”

It has never been like that. This is what this friend said directly when he was drunk.

Well, it wasn’t important.

“Bad, you dirty-mouthed bastard.”

While grumbling, he grabs the needle. It was a fair deal.

“Then please.”

“f*ck, yeah, I understand.”

The fellow soldier’s eyes did not move from the writhing snake bag.

Snake quite likes alcohol.

Encred returned to the barracks, took what was left, and moved to the place where he had been sparring with Rem.

There was no one to talk to.

In times like this, it was good to be in the 444th squad. Because it was a squad that also played the role of being an outcast.

Behind a small hill with few people passing by.

Encrud wore deerskin gloves and crushed the horse flower with a stone. He repeated this until the white petals turned dark green, then he mixed in snake venom.

Originally, this snake’s venom stopped at causing tickling. However, it was different when mixed with white horse flower.

On the 77th day, there was an enemy soldier who was hit by this poison and was giggling in front of the paralyzed Encred.

He told me in detail what it was good for and how to make it.

So I made it a few times and it was pretty good.

He crushed the flowers, mixed the poison, and applied the sticky green liquid created on the flat stone to the blade of the throwing dagger.

The knife sparkled in the sunlight and reflected an inky dark green light.

‘This is the end of preparation.’

earth! earth!

“Each platoon assemble!”

At that moment, a loud shout was heard from inside the barracks.

Encred knows this well after repeating today.

It was a summons to issue combat orders.


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