Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 79

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79. How to deal with idiots

One thin tree branch and one person.

Arms hanging down, tree branches barely touching the floor.

It looked like a sword. A sword that is sharper and more pointed than any other sword.

After that there was nothing to think, drink or do.

It all happened in an instant and was over in an instant.

Encred saw a vision of the battlefield.

The moment the opponent seemed to move his feet, he lowered his sword out of instinct.


The branch carrying Encrud heavily split the air.

It just split the air.

And the tip of the other person’s tree branch touched his neck.



He reflects on the scene he saw a moment ago. I could see it. So, it would be correct to say that he was harmed even after reporting it.

“It seems like everyone says something after finishing, so I’ll do it too. “It was timing.”

said the man.

The opponent used a quick sword. And I used it like Jeong Geom-sik’s textbook.

Rather than making the first move, Encred took advantage of the downward sword strike.

‘It’s not about accepting it.’

Encred’s eyes turned to the opponent’s feet.

I could see the dirt floor tracing a smooth semicircle along the other person’s boots.

‘Turn your body and hide your center line.’

It’s a basic device. In some ways, it can be said to be a simple technology.

He twisted his body to avoid it and stabbed it with his sword.

‘If it were a battlefield.’

You may have had a similar experience to the first stab.

Even though I thought I was on a completely different level from back then.

Far and high. The opponent’s skills were far superior.

To the extent that an average person would realize their limitations and be overcome by despair and frustration.

There was quite a difference. Just by swinging the stick once.

“I don’t think I’m young.”

The man spilled his words. Since the words contained a question, Encred answered.

“thirty. Once more?”

“Let’s do it one more time?”



At Encred’s nod, the man let out a hollow laugh.

Because in his opinion, this guy wasn’t normal.

showed a difference.

I went out full of passion, but the limits were clear, so I tried to discourage them from wasting time.

Because defeat is painful for everyone.

And the more you face someone with overwhelming differences, the more it will hurt.

What does it mean to lose?

What happens to those who face defeat?

Frustrated, despairing and suffering.

Among them, there are some who do not acknowledge it and struggle.

‘Is it a struggle?’

It didn’t seem that way.

“It seems like the timing of the sword strike was stolen. I wonder how they did it.”

Again, he is asking me to teach him more.

There was no sign of shame. Just like when she first seduced her, she just looked at him with eyes filled with a silent flame that would make anything immortal.

‘You’re crazy.’

Despite that thought, the man took his stance again.

Even though the opponent’s skills and limitations are visible.

Still, I felt like doing it again.

Sparring again, of course Encred lost.

He lost four more times.

I took up the challenge without getting tired and accepted all of Paulid’s tests.

“It’s not yet at a level to compete with.”

Saxony offered comfort instead of advice, but Encred didn’t really need comfort.

I have experienced defeat countless times.

Being defeated by talent younger than yourself.

He was also pushed back by a mercenary who picked up the sword later than he did.

I once lost to a guy who was acting like a vigilante in the village.

I also lost to bandits.

When I was working as a mercenary, I also lost to a bastard who proved that personality and skills are not proportional.

There were countless times when I ran away from demonic beasts or monsters.


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He was busy running away even when the harpy’s claw struck his comrade’s heart.

If Encred had lowered his head every time, he wouldn’t be here and serving as a squad leader.

There was no need for me to be hurt by something like this.


“It was fun.”

It’s just fun. Encred was honest.

“… … “Sometimes, the squad leader is so strange.”

Encred really didn’t want to hear these words from his squad mates.

Saxony was brought in because he was in the best condition, but he wasn’t really an ordinary soldier either.

It’s not normal to completely ignore something called Polid when he talks.

Even now, Saxony has completely ignored Pollyd.

Whenever there is a chance, Pollid will sneak up on you.

“You soldier, I remembered your face. “I am Lochfried’s next top stockholder.”

Even though I said that, he completely ignored me.

“Hey, hey, aren’t you answering? “Why can’t I speak because my spine is numb?”

Still, I ignored it.

“This bastard, I will make you regret it later while shedding tears.”

I ignored it anyway.

Should I say it is consistent?

Eventually, a guy named Polyd complained to Encred.

“Hey, why does that bastard keep ignoring me?”

I wonder if he would be thrilled to be treated like a non-existent person, but in Encred’s opinion, the guy named Polyd looked like he would cry if he were to be hit.

Encred felt sorry for the other person and gave advice.

“Because I’m talking to you.”

It was a smart answer to a stupid question.

Aren’t they ignoring me when I talk to them?

I shouldn’t have talked to you in the first place.

Encred nodded inwardly at his generosity. It was the kindest advice.

When Paulid heard those words, he trembled.

“You, you, you.”

Seeing that he couldn’t continue speaking, Encred sweetly passed by him.

“Soldier, this is terrible.”

Even though the company commander said that next to him.

It couldn’t have been any kinder than this.

There was a time when Leona spewed out the tea she was drinking while listening to it.

“Well, I just want to say again that I really like it.”

Then he left a comment like that.

No, why am I doing this even though I showed kindness?

* * *

The repeated sparring ended after a full day.

Now it was time to finish the job.

A frontier guard, a company commander, and even an unknown prosecutor.

Encred gained a lot.

In fact, everyone, including Saxony, was just amazed by his passion.

It was an invaluable time for Encred.


The opposing swordsman told me what a quick sword was, how to deal with it, and what the opponent could do using his speed.

Although there is nothing that is engraved in my mind right now like lightning.

‘are you okay.’

It will be extremely useful when you hit a wall.

The next morning dawned after I washed off my sweat, warmed myself by the fireplace, and checked my weapons.

“Squad leader.”

Kreis opened the inn door.

Behind him was a bald Gilpin, and in Gilpin’s hands was a friend with half of his face smashed in.

I guess it’s hard to recognize his face after beating him up like that.

“It’s him.”

The company commander recognized it at a glance. The fairy’s senses seemed to be different no matter what.


Stupid Pollyd hiccupped.

I was curious about how Encrud came up with the idea of ​​making such a guy the head of the top, and what went through the minds of those under him.

‘Are you planning on setting me up as a puppet?’

Then what?

Otherwise, why would a prosecutor like that be there?

It doesn’t seem like there’s any particular weakness.

“Uuuuu, please save me.”

The one who was caught was drooling mixed with blood. The dripping blood and saliva pooled on the floor.

It looks like he got beaten up quite a bit.

“This guy was rough at first, but as we talked, his personality softened a bit.”

Kreis said.

Naturally, the conversation Kreis spoke of was probably not tongue-in-cheek.

Fist or foot.

It seemed like a knife was also mixed in there.

Looking at my forearm, I see a cut.

Although it was roughly wrapped with an old linen bandage, the traces were still visible.

“I am the leader. you’re right. “I did this because I was blind to Crona.”

The man spit out something that wasn’t even asked.

“for a moment.”

Everyone was paying attention to the mouth of the man who had been beaten, but Leona’s voice aroused the surroundings.

“I want someone to get bitten? “The person in charge is special soldier platoon leader Torres, right?”

“… … “Sure.”

There were many eyes watching. When Torres nodded, the two frontier guards put their hands in the man’s armpits.

I just headed upstairs.

Soon, Leona and Paulid, Torres and the well-spoken brown-haired man, and even the swordsman who sparred with Encred headed upward.

Encred and the company commander also joined the group and decided to go up together.

“I ask you two to finish escorting me.”

With those words, Saxony remained below. To be more precise, it seemed like she had no intention of moving away from the stilettos from the Carmen collection in front of her.

While everyone was moving, Cryce approached Encred, who was just about to climb up, and asked quietly.

“What is it?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know or to confirm?”

“I want to get what I get, so I’ll just ask.”

Wangnun is crazy about this Crona.

Since you worked, it is natural that you should be paid.

But I can’t give you stilettos.

“You take care of all the expenses this month.”

The moment Kreis caught the man, he saw the corners of Saxony’s mouth rise slightly and then stop.

It would have taken no amount of skill to snatch the Carmen collection from Saxony’s hands.

I didn’t even intend to do that.

However, I had no intention of making him work and wiping his mouth. Encred gave up his pocket money to the guild, that is, Chrys.

“I promised.”

What would Kreiss do if he found out that the price was the Carmen collection?

Are you still going to let it go?

Actually, there was nothing to think about.

It will happen. I’ll just move on.

Because that’s what Saxony coveted.

Kreis knew his place in the squad.

Encred wasn’t the only one who learned how to survive among squads.

Whether it’s Saxony, Rem, Ragnar, or Audin.

If that’s what they were hoping for, Kreis pulled away cleanly.

When I saw a hunting dog on a leash, I didn’t do the stupid thing of putting my hand into the dog’s muzzle to see if it was biting or not.

“See you later.”

Encred pushed Krys’ forehead and headed upstairs.

These are the people who occupy one room.

There is a leader of the spy unit kneeling in the middle.

Torres was standing next to the man, his hand on the handle of his sword.

There were three on Pollid’s side, and Leona was alone.

When Encred stood next to the company commander and Leona, the composition was established. When they reached En Creed, Leona opened her mouth.

“I know we have to interrogate them separately, but can I ask you a few questions first?”

It was a question directed at Torres.


Torres’ attitude has been the same since day one.

Border Guard was always harsh towards outsiders. Leona didn’t seem to be particularly concerned about it.

Leonada was the target of assassination. Even if it wasn’t an interrogation, it was enough to ask a few questions first.

It was also the cause of all problems.

Because the issue of succession to the top is the starting point of everything.

This is a man who was beaten and turned into pudding.

Leona bent her knees and made eye contact with the man kneeling on the floor.

“Who ordered it?”

“No, I don’t know. All I know is that I should use my available resources to target the lady at the inn… … .”

The man trembled but spoke straight. He seemed to have a premonition that if he didn’t say the right thing, it would be the end.

“Are there any faces you recognize in this room?”

The man looked around. He glanced at everyone, including En Creed, and shook his head.

I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to go out and order it myself.

Usually, when something like this happens, you add a few more people in the middle.

From now on, it will be time for interrogation.

It was Folid who targeted Leona.

Once that is revealed, the issue of discussing succession to the top will be over.

Encred expected that.

“Well, it looks like a few idiots who were greedy for my pocketbook got together and started this.”

Leona began to say something unexpected.

“… … yes?”

The leader of the captured spy unit tilted his head.

“I didn’t do it!”

And stupid Polid showed off his wisdom.

He spoke without really listening to what Leona said.

“Who said what?”

Leona actually responded.

“Eh, ah, that’s not it.”

Folid’s pupils shook violently.

When did you get slapped in the face right away when you first met, and now it’s like this?

Encred thought that even if he were in Paulid’s situation, he would have been very embarrassed.

In the end, Folid was speechless, spitting out the most stupid things he could say with his tongue.

Torres frowned.

Except for Paulid, the people at the top were rather calm.

Things went strangely.

Because everyone thought that they would accuse that guy named Pollyd of his crimes.

“That’s bold.”

The company commander whispered from behind. I could barely hear Encred.

Are you bold? what?

Encred did not easily understand the situation.

As I became curious, my head rolled around and I continued to think.

There is a reason why people do unique things.

Of course, squad members, including Rem, sometimes do crazy things for no reason.

Because Leona is not Rem.

Encred reflected on the situation.

Rokfried Merchant Marine, Pollyd, Leona, succession issues, raids within the Border Guard, frontier guards, captured bastards, Azpen’s spies.

I organize what I know and look back. Only then did he realize something, so En Creed nodded his head inwardly.

This is something I didn’t think about because I was so immersed in sparring and training.

That’s the moment I understood that.


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