Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 78

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78. Colored with passion

Torres still had outstanding skills.

When Encred sparred with him, he lost seven times out of ten.

“Your skills have improved.”

Torres took a breath and stood still.

This is a question that comes to mind again.

What happens if you hold a real sword and stick to it properly?

I don’t know. Encred was not the type to be confident in a fight.

No matter how good you are with a sword, if your heart is stabbed by a dagger held by a seven-year-old child, you will die.

Regardless of skill, it is impossible to know how you will win or lose in a life-threatening fight.

“Is that so?”

Encred answered while lying down and jumped up.

“I’m next.”

“come in.”

Even though it was the season when breath came out, sweat spattered and heat rose in the open space behind the inn.

I don’t know how it ended up like this, but we only fought against Encred.

It is a series of sparring.

It was a valuable time for Encred.

The border guards, including Torres, were good at anomalous attacks.

However, it was not that he lacked basic skills.

The guard suddenly broke a tree branch and held it in both hands.

“I’m good at daggers. “Be careful not to get hurt.”

They are two tree branches about half the length of your forearm.

“We should be careful with each other.”

“So let’s be careful together.”

The guard laughed heartily. The heat was visible in the laughter. A pure desire to win without any enemies.


The branches collided and Encred fought again.

After exchanging a few moves. Of course, I thought the other person would close the distance.

He crossed the two short tree branches he was holding instead of a dagger, grabbed Encred’s sword, and threw it aside.

After breaking his balance with that, he threw the tree branch in his hand and guessed Encred’s body.

“If it had been a real fight, it would have been eyeballs.”

Then he says. This guy was also outstanding. He’s almost as good as Torres.

I could see why the border guards were given special treatment.

Encred nodded silently. Another defeat.

It was time to take a short break.

Naturally, it is a country rest.

Saxony was standing at an angle at the door connecting the vacant lot and the inn. As Encrid entered, Saxony opened his mouth.

“You shouldn’t focus on closing the distance just because your opponent has a dagger. Just because you have mastered the basics, are you going to fight only with the basics? When the opponent is crawling on the floor, is the only answer to slashing their back with a sword? Why not just kick it?”

Regardless of whether they lost or won, Saxony opened its mouth. It was a teaching time. Some people may think it’s nagging, but it wasn’t for Encred.

He opened his ears and listened.

“I didn’t know you could use that kind of technique with a dagger.”

“The original weapon used will be a sword breaker type.”

Sword breaker refers to a sword with the back of the blade shaped like a saw blade. In other words, one of the author’s specialties is breaking the opponent’s weapons.

“It was good to not give distance, but you should have kept that in mind as well.”

Saxony pondered over everything that happened in Dalian one by one.

Encred did his best every time.

If I had given him distance, he would have been killed. That’s why he didn’t give me distance.

Thanks to you, I was able to see the method of using the sword breaker.

A good thing is a good thing. Saxony also picked it up and said it.

“Try to figure out how to deal with them.”

Training the basics of swordsmanship and body training. Learning a skill. Even the training method of engraving it on your body.

Everything is good.

However, I had to think about how to deal with what happened during the sparring on my own.

These were Saxony’s words.

Encred also agrees.

You had to do the same movement hundreds of times to get used to it.

To make something your own, you had to think hard.

Replay and invention.

That was the weapon Encred had.

He did so.

“After I rest, it’s my turn.”

Another garrison member. He was an operator who was good at using his sword and feet. Instead of simply taking steps, he used kicks every time.

It’s difficult to deal with, but there’s a lot to learn.

All six frontier guards, including Torres, took turns sparring.

Although all six people used similar techniques, they also showed unique techniques.

He has a personality, but his fundamentals are outstanding. There was a lot to learn.

In the past, sparring like this would not have been of much help.


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I couldn’t help it.

People who have not climbed the mountain cannot experience the scenery at the top.

But not now.

‘More focus on one point.’

The skills learned from Ragnar are paying off. It was natural that the boldness of the heart of the beast became the foundation.

“Keep your senses sharp at any moment.”

Saxony says: This means keeping your senses sharp.

Encred nodded.

Leona came to his sweating side.

“I guess you really like it.”

“What do you mean?”

“Using a sword.”

“Does it look like that?”


Leona often talked to me. It was a trivial topic, but

To Encred, it looked like a spider observing its prey with its prey in front of it.

A greedy spider that will never leave its prey alone.

‘It’s a bit much to be a spider with that appearance, though.’

Isn’t she a beauty worth looking at?

“Is it because of the fairy company commander? “You seem to be insensitive to a woman’s appearance.”

“Not necessarily.”

“So, you’re saying I’m not your type?”

What kind of question did this mean? A hint of playfulness appeared on his face.

“I don’t think it would be common for a man to ignore Lady Leona’s level of looks, don’t you think?”

To put it another way, Encred is not interested.

After a casual conversation, Leona smiled plainly and sat down next to the company commander.

“be careful. “There is a history of women.”

Then, the company commander is spouting nonsense.

Leona laughed at those words.

Do you understand the fairy’s joke?

The joke that gave Encred trouble made Leona laugh again and again.

“You are the wittiest fairy I have ever seen.”

“I hear that a lot.”

Where on earth?

I almost sprained my ankle while preparing for sparring. As I was sharpening my senses, I could naturally hear the conversation between the two. It’s a voice loud enough to be heard even if you don’t listen carefully.

“I have a child too.”


“It means that there are people in the unit who believe that.”

Wouldn’t the misunderstanding deepen if I said that? Although I was worried.

Leona smiled and moved on. Do you believe it or not?

“You’re not going to do it? “Are you tired now?”

Encred gave up his worries as he looked at the people waiting for him. The rumor is going to spread badly anyway.

Because of Leona’s surprise confession the other day, even more damning rumors will probably spread.

“Demon squad leader.”

The people guarding the outside often call themselves that.

“The demonic squad leader who destroyed the spell.”

“A devilish squad leader who can’t just leave a woman alone.”

Now I almost want to stop listening.

“Are you the demonic squad leader?”

Moreover, Saxony also said that word.


“Aren’t all the defenders just looking at the squad leader?”

Well, it just so happened to be like that.

We sparred like crazy for a full day.

The awkward atmosphere that had settled around at first was no longer there. They all came together with their swords and sweat.

In return, Encred suffered bruises all over his body.

“Are you sick?”

When the person who hit him asked, Encred shook his head.


The blow a moment ago was shocking. I was thinking about it over and over again.

To counter a top strike, cut your forearm while pretending to block from the bottom up.

Instant judgment, an eye for timing, and even boldness.

The things I needed suddenly came to mind.

It is the embodiment of an experience that has never been experienced before.


Encred was once again overcome with joy.

He was intoxicated by what was happening.

Sometimes, the company commander would step in and do something similar to wrestling.

Leona spoke to me from time to time.

“IM jealous. “I guess I should have learned it too.”

This is what the company commander says when he sees his arm hanging in the air and putting stress on his arm joints.

In fact, Encred is a skill that was busy holding on from falling.

“Use wrestling. soldier.”

The company commander also began to help one by one.

Was it because he saw Saxony listening to him, or was it pure kindness?

I still don’t know why.

There was no need to discuss that, so Encred maintained a listening attitude.

“The balance between left and right has been greatly disrupted. “Who will watch you train your body?”

It wasn’t just the company commander. This was the same for the border guards.

I also heard what Audin said from the frontier guards.

Difference between left and right balance.

You could say it’s natural since I’m right-handed.

“The first way to reach human limits is to train the muscles of the entire body. “The power is worth using.”

Torres also gave advice.

“Did you just think of killing the distance by saying it was a dagger? Try to make it seem like you’re going to draw him into closer combat. So what will the other person think? “Put an evil spirit in the other person’s head.”

How to complicate the other person’s mind.

“You have a bad habit. It’s good to use tricks to deceive the other person, but you shouldn’t lose sight of the basics. “Where will you place the central axis?”

He also pointed out mistakes made while sparring.

I don’t know how it happened like this.

Encred was literally immersed in it and memorized everything. Listen again and again with a listening attitude.

It was different from being sent to sparring among squad members.

Did this look fun?

“Would you like to do it with me?”

A prosecutor from Pollid’s side came forward. He was saying this as he unsheathed his rapier and set it aside.

Encred nodded reflexively.

Because it was something I had longed for.

“What a fun friend. “Sparring like this during a mission?”

“Because I tend to use my time wisely.”

During the escort mission, there was bloodshed due to the succession issue of the large ship.

Even in this situation, Encred grabbed the sword and swung it.

It had to be that way.

Other people’s time and Encred’s time are different.

Those who have talent and those who do not cannot be equal. Therefore, time was always lacking for those who had to make up for what was lacking.

* * *

Rapier’s inspection was intriguing.

‘My skills don’t improve in real time.’

He is a soldier with a charm that attracts people around him.

In particular, the change in the relationship between the frontier guards and the man named Encred is interesting.

The wariness that existed between people meeting for the first time suddenly disappears and they melt. And then you gain favor. It was a truly amazing sight, even though it happened right in front of my eyes.

‘He’s a rare talent.’

However, it is not a talent for swordsmanship. My skills are limited right now. That was seen in the eyes of the swordsman, the owner of the rapier.

The talents of a soldier named Encrid lie elsewhere.

I plan to remember him because he was a person who lived in contact with many talented people.

If I heard that Encred’s dream was to be a knight, I would immediately shake my head.


Whatever his talent.

‘I want to teach.’

It is an endless passion. No words are wasted.

Although his talent was poor, he had a great passion that was different from that.

He has the talent to inspire those around him with just his passion.

The instructor who taught Encred so far felt the same way.

Even though everyone knew it wouldn’t work, they ultimately tried to give Encred what they had. She taught and taught.

It’s a passion and spirit that speaks as if there is no such thing as giving up at all.

“Would you like to do it with me?”

It made me take my steps and open my mouth.


A colleague next to him looks at himself in surprise. She may surprise herself.

If it’s an enemy, it’s an enemy.

I thought it would look funny to leave here.

It gets even funnier if the other person rejects it.

The problem is that I didn’t even think about it until I opened my mouth.

Encred nodded.


There are bruises on my arms, and my whole body is drenched in sweat. My body radiates heat that blows away the cold wind blowing in the vacant lot. Hot steam rises over my shoulders. I must have been exhausted.

Winning or losing is not important.

Right now, that author is purely enjoying sparring.


The prosecutor said without realizing it.

* * *

Saxony was suspicious of the other party’s intentions.

The company commander nodded in interest.

All of the frontier guards thought about cutting them down if they failed.

I have no intention of waiting to see what happens to Encred.

And Encred.

‘Quick sword.’

I was busy picturing the opponent’s sword in my mind.

How should I react?

What way of fighting has a higher chance of winning?

Can you win?

“Don’t worry!”

Rem said that he had never seen any of the cubs that fought with victory or defeat in their heads survive.

Rather than doubting victory or defeat.

“It’s about having confidence. “That comes first.”

Sharpen the knife of confidence.

The heart of the beast embraces boldness.

Encrid lifted the tip of a tree branch and pointed to the sky.

I concentrated as if I was holding a sword grip with both hands.

In an instant, the surroundings change. His concentration flared, turning his surroundings into the center of the battlefield.

You can see the armor wrapped around the opponent’s body.

A thin sword is seen in his hand.

If you don’t escape, you will die.

Encred was completely absorbed in the sudden thought that occurred to him.


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