Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 77

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77. When I’m bored, I spar.

“Then, we will stay here for two days, and if the problem is not resolved, we will decide to transport both of you to the unit. “Once witnesses and evidence are collected after the transport, we will deal with the issue at that time.”

Torres took care of the situation. Paulid tried to get up, saying he couldn’t do that, but the funny bastard on his side grabbed his shoulder and whispered something in his ear to stop him.

Leona was calm.


He nodded his head calmly, as if it was what he had hoped for.

Encred watched the situation unfold and stabbed Saxony in the side.

The sensitive Saxony blocked Encred’s fingers with his palm.

“What is it?”

“Have you ever had a hobby of collecting knives?

I didn’t know. She had never seen anything like that before. Moreover, all Saxony items in the accommodation are supplies. A guy who doesn’t even handle personal belongings?

“These are Carmen’s stilettos.”

Saxony answered.

As if that were the answer.

Encred didn’t know much. In fact, all I could say was that the Carmen collection was famous and expensive.

Saxony’s mouth opened again at Encred’s attitude.

“It’s not something you can get even if you have dozens of gold coins. Do you know who Carmen is? It is not for nothing that we hear the name of a master craftsman. If one of those knives appears on the black market, fights may break out between people killing each other. In fact, a few years ago, there was an uproar among the Assassin’s Guild when Katar, the third work in the Carmen collection, came out.”

Encred didn’t know it either, but in reality, it wasn’t just a disturbance, but several people who made assassinations as a business died.

Of course, this is something that those who live in sunny areas cannot know.

All that remains is that it was recovered from the greatest assassination group on the continent called Geor’s Blade.

“Stiletto is Carmen’s fourth work.”

The first is a pocket knife.

It was given the name ‘First Murder’ because it was the first time a person was killed with a knife.

The opinion is that it has already broken down and disappeared.

The second is a thin and long cane sword, stick sword.

The third is Qatar, and the fourth is Stiletto.

The fifth made a hunting dagger with an edge on only one side, and the sixth made a sword breaker.

Seventhly, I created an invisible blade where the blade cannot be seen when taken out in broad daylight.

Seven daggers, and seven stories.

That’s why Carmen’s name has persisted to this day.

He made only seven weapons for the seven people he killed, and all of them were for revenge.

The ‘first murder’ was of a slave merchant who was my master.

With the second ‘stick sword’, I stabbed the soldier who had insulted my sister in the back and killed him.

The third ‘Katar’ is a nobleman’s servant who led the soldier who humiliated his sister.

With the fourth ‘stiletto’, he stabbed the heart of the nobleman who owned the squire.

With the fifth ‘hunting dagger’, he cut off the throats of those who had corrupted the nobles one by one.

The sixth ‘Sword Breaker’ means that the nobleman completed his revenge by breaking his beloved sword.

There was even a rumor going around that the seventh and final ‘Invisible Blade’ could not fulfill its role.

Or, there was even a rumor going around that since he was the final target of revenge, he died by stabbing himself in the heart.

The truth was something I would never know.

Isn’t this a story from decades ago already?

“Are you going to memorize the whole story?”

Saxony quickly explained the whole story in a quiet tone.

Encred couldn’t stop Saxony mid-sentence. Although his tone was calm, a strange heat bloomed in Saxony’s eyes as he spoke.

It’s a passion like madness.

Since I couldn’t stop, all I could do was listen to everything and blurt out a single word. Are you memorizing this?

Saxony answered indifferently.

“You just know. “It’s not about memorizing it.”

Only then did I return to my usual Saxony.

“I guess I’ll have to stay here for two more days.”

I wanted to run out right away, but the escort mission got in my way. I have to fulfill my duty no matter what.

However, in Encred’s eyes, his current attitude seemed to have changed his mind.

‘no way.’

Encred had a strange thought while looking at Saxony.

‘Is this something to be ashamed of?’

His face wasn’t red and there was no sign of embarrassment, but it was clear that he had changed his mind.

“I want to go catch him myself, but I can’t abandon my escort duties.”

It seemed like we should hurry up and talk about this topic.

“If you get the Carmen collection, will you sell it?”

That was so amazing that I poked it.

“Why are you selling that?”

Saxony opened his eyes wider than usual and answered back.

Looks like you really like this.

It’s not because of Crona, it’s purely that I want those stilettos.

Your taste is unique.

Yes, it could be a great item for some people.

Especially when Kreis sees it, he’s probably drooling. If you sell it, your pockets will get richer.

However, if you look at it solely for its collectible value, isn’t your taste too unique?


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‘It’s the dagger that the assassin used to kill people.’

What on earth do you think you want to keep that aside from being famous?

It’s not the bad taste of a helpless rich person.

However, I did not argue or ask any further questions.

Encred just maintained the same attitude as usual.

The idea is not to step too much into the daily lives of squad members.

That’s the secret to how he maintained his position as a squad leader until now.

Encred left Saxony behind and looked away.

It’s on the Polyd side. On one side, I saw a plain-looking man, a funny asshole, and a prosecutor with his arms hanging down talking.

The two were whispering and made eye contact with the man wearing the rapier.

The man’s eyes passed by Encred.

Encred also looked at the man.

I still felt like he was someone I wanted to hang out with.

* * *

“Things went wrong.”

“You chose wrong.”

“It was also an inevitable choice.”

“is it?”

The prosecutor asked back what the plain-faced man had started. It’s a boring way to talk.

That’s because I wasn’t really interested.

His eyes scanned the fairy and the other party.

‘They’re fun guys.’

The fairy year is especially interesting. Their ‘age’ is said to be the sword of speed.

I feel like I want to compete.

The people next to him before that also seem quite useful.

What would it have been like if he were under his command?

‘It must have been worth raising it.’

Both are not bad. I especially like the guy with reddish-brown hair, even his gait.

He is a quiet guy who is ready to draw his sword anytime, anywhere.

“What now?”

“What have you done so far when things go wrong?”

The man laughed bitterly at the prosecutor’s question. It was a laugh that was not hateful.

“I solved it with force.”

“Then let’s do it.”

The prosecutor looked at the person who made eye contact with him.

He is a soldier with a handsome face.

I don’t think I’m that young.

I feel like I’m seeing an excited kid who just grabbed a sword.

Why do you show your winning spirit so openly?

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him. Isn’t it like the fate of a swordsman to want to fight back when the opponent is aggressive?

“Please do me a favor.”

The brown-haired man slightly lowered his head and started to comfort Paulid.

“Don’t get excited. No need to worry. Anyway, if there is no evidence, it’s okay. Above all, when we return to the city, whose side will the people at the top take?”

“But, but, what if I catch it?”

“But it’s okay.”

The brown-haired man smiled. Paulid was still anxious, but he forced a smile because he had no choice.

“Have faith.”

In response to his words, Folid mustered up the courage to add.

“If you turn around, it’s over. Since they are all my father’s people, they will all push me. Well then, that w**re just gets kicked out.

“It’s a bit disappointing, so I might take her as a concubine.”

Is that really the case?

The brown-haired man thought Paulid was an idiot, but he didn’t show it outwardly.

A woman named Leona watched the two in silence.

The conversation was out of reach.

The brown-haired man believed in the physical strength the prosecutor spoke of.

The prosecutor was thinking about whether he could fight the fairy if he knocked down the soldier who showed a hostile attitude towards him.

* * *

Saxony heard the conversation between the two, but was not interested.

It seemed like a play to reassure fools called Polyd.

I just wanted Carmen’s stilettos.


In his heart, he hoped that Chrys would properly roast and boil his guild members.

I even believed it deep down. Although he was poor at using his body, Kreis’ resourcefulness was outstanding. He had lived in a squad and had seen something along the way.

It’s nothing to worry about.

‘If it’s wrong.’

A dagger can be obtained by other means.

As Encrid stepped back out of respect for Saxony’s hobby, Torres, who had settled the situation, approached.

“How are you?”

“There’s nothing you can’t do.”

“That’s right. “It looks like you’ve been killing time at the inn for two days?”

It was just as Torres said. But is there really a need to waste time doing nothing?

Encred believed that Krys would do his job.

The back alley world has its own rules.

Because work should be left to experts.

What kind of guy is Cryce?

This is a guy who dared to step into the troublemaker squad.

reason? There may be many reasons, but there is one clear reason. Because he didn’t have to fight in the troublemaker squad.

The atmosphere itself was different from other squads.

He found his place well.

When he said he wanted to join a guild, he must have had his own thoughts. Encred believed that.

Sure enough, around that evening, someone sent by Kreis arrived.

“Is there anyone here named Encred?”

He was a boy who must have been around thirteen. The voice has just started to get thicker.

He rolled his eyes, probably because he was scared, and looked to his left and right and asked. The soldier guarding the inn glanced inside.

Encred, who was already training his body using isolation techniques in the hall using chairs and tables, heard that and stepped forward.

Since he was taking off his top, he had a large cloth wrapped around his body. When I went outside, the cold wind quickly cooled the sweat on my forehead.

The day was very cold.


A boy wearing a coat made of thin fabric looked at Encred and said.

“I have an errand to run.”

The boy’s tone became harsh.

Encred took out a few copper coins from his pocket.

I saw him getting scared and trembling, so I thought he might need a few pennies.

I also like the sassy tone of voice.

However, the boy rejected Crona.

“no. “The allowance is received from the guild.”

The boy who refused handed over a small note. It was very impressive. It also seemed like Kreis had complete control over the guild.

A kid running errands rejects Crona.


One of the soldiers surrounding the inn approached and asked.

Encred honestly said that he was sent by Chrys.

“What else does he do outside?”

Kreis is a resourceful person who dabbles in various things, handles information, sells tobacco, and calls pr****utes.

Hiring a little boy to run errands was a normal thing.

Encred came back in and opened the note.

– Until two mornings ago.

Although it was short, it had enough meaning. They said they would catch it soon.

“May I ask what you are doing all day?”

As I threw the note into the fireplace, Torres asked me from behind.


“During an escort mission?”

“I don’t think anyone will attack me right now.”

“But the client doesn’t say anything?”

“as you see.”

“It looks nice.”

Leona was also watching. Encred didn’t care who was watching.

Didn’t Auddin say that?

“The technique of isolation is to add one day to the next. Think of it as painstakingly building a wall called your body based on today.”

I thought it was cool to say not to miss a day.

I decided to keep my word as much as possible.

Encred was a person who did whatever he wanted to do.

I mixed the technique of isolation with my daily sword training.

“Aren’t you tired of it?”

No way. It’s just fun. It’s fun to see yourself changing day by day.

While training, I maintained the feel of the blade.

One-point concentration was also used.

The Heart of the Beast was a skill that could not be easily utilized when training.

And so he was performing the technique with his top off again.

“I guess it’s because you’re the daughter of a superior, so you don’t have a wife or a wife.”

Torres said with a grin. He was sitting in one of the chairs turned back.

Instead of answering, Leona responded with a light smile.

Then she admired Encred.

That face and that body.

Even the sweat flowing from training.

It suited her taste perfectly.

Encred still moved without paying attention to anyone around him.

Looking at this, the fairy company commander sat on the steps of the inn and asked Saxony.

“Do you usually enjoy being stared at? “Who is the soldier’s squad leader?”

“I don’t know.”

Saxony was harsh, and the company commander did not ask any further questions or argue.

She was also watching Encred closely right now.

Aren’t a handsome face and a well-trained body always welcome?

Encred pressed the chair with both palms, stretched out his feet forward, and placed his weight on his forearms.

The muscles on the outside of his forearm twitched every time his body went down and up on the chair.

Two more frontier guards joined Torres, who was watching this.

“Is that your friend?”

“The spellbreaker who set us down? That’s right.”

The two of them are talking as if to listen.

Encred was just about to complete the technique, so he suggested it to Torres.

“If you’re bored, how about sparring?”

It’s time I have to spend anyway.

There is also a large vacant lot behind the inn. Everything is a facility for those who visit the inn.

It is a space for mercenaries or swordsmen who guard the top.

Sometimes, when there is a quarrel, fights break out there.

So, it is a good enough place for a sparring match.

“The lady is generous.”

When Torres spoke and looked at Leona again, Leona nodded without hesitation.

“It will be a nice sight.”

Torres asked if it was okay, and Leona immediately agreed.

Torres also felt itchy.

More than anything, the two frontier guards behind me were more welcoming.

“They say he’s a senior soldier.”

“Will Captain Torres go first? “Isn’t this something that goes up from the bottom?”

Everyone seemed very interested in Encred.

Encred was happy because he had more opponents.

“You do everything.”

From then on, an untimely sparring craze broke out.

If the true sword was drawn, the sparring might not end in sparring, so a suitable tree branch was broken to replace the sword, but everyone was serious.

“I’m involved too.”

Everyone in the inn, including the company commander, became spectators.

“You’re crazy.”

The only one who stuck out his tongue was Leona’s escort.

They are all crazy.

What kind of sparring during escort?

Of course, I couldn’t stop him.

It was a version approved by my owner, Leona.


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