Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 76

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76. Carmen Collection

“Hey, can’t you hear me? “You red-brown head.”

Saxony was ignored again.

Looking at that, Encred once again felt fortunate to have brought Saxony.

What would it have been like if it had been Rem?

“Are you calling me now?”

It’s a good thing if the ax doesn’t fly with the horse.

Saxony just ignores it. What a relief.

However, those who are ignored will be quite uncomfortable.

“This bastard, I am Paulid Lochfried!”

So what.

Saxony spoke with his eyes.

Fortunately, Leona came down before the situation escalated.

Leona, who came down accompanied by her nanny, smiled brightly.

“It’s late.”

“It’s late, what on earth is that guy who brought here as an escort… … .”

“You sent it, right?”


Leona walked over lightly and interrupted Paulid with a question.

Paulid tilted his head and asked what that meant.

Leona’s hand split the air.



Encred was inwardly impressed.

Leona slapped the other person’s cheek without any signal.

It was a light swing and an exciting hit.

The guy who got slapped couldn’t speak for a while.

The guy named Polyd turned his head and looked at Leona with his eyes.

“You said that. “You crazy bastard.”

Leona’s clear and beautiful voice rang out.

I felt like I should correct my answer to Kreis.

That woman was harsh. To other people.


Many draw swords and weapons.

The atmosphere turned violent with a single slap.

Encred didn’t draw his weapon, but he stood behind Leona.

Saxony was next to him, and the fairy company commander remained silently in his place.

“This, this, this, crazy bitch, she’s really trying to kill herself.”

Only then did Folid hold his cheek and say:

“You will die. Did you spend money and troops carelessly knowing where this was? “Did you think that wouldn’t work?”

Encred was watching, wondering what was going on. He also thought that things were really fun.

The Border Guard’s inn also served as a meeting place for the upper class.

Because no official residence was built within the unit.

Thanks to this, the inn industry developed.

That’s why they gathered here.

The innkeeper guarded the hall and his eyes widened.

It’s a situation where they suddenly slap each other and point weapons at each other.

Even though he has been through all sorts of things, he looks embarrassed.

The owner rolled his eyes a few times, then made up his mind and headed into the kitchen.

Give up.

He was a wise man.

I can’t stop it anyway, and I can’t intervene.

Fortunately, it was decided that all damage incurred here would be compensated in the name of the Lochfried Merchant Marine.

So, take your time.

As he entered the kitchen, he gave Encred a quick glance.

‘No big trouble will happen, right? ‘You’ll be okay, right?’

I am acquainted with the inn owner, Allen.

Encred nodded without being seen by others.

A woman named Leona is not stupid. Therefore, there was no way to create a situation that would lead to a stabbing here.

So even though the atmosphere is scary. That’s all the fuss is about.

“Because you’re so stupid, the ancestors didn’t leave the upper management to you.”

Leona opens her mouth.

She didn’t seem to care about her opponent’s resistance or force.

No matter what happens, the thought of how dare you touch me is written all over my body.

Encred felt a strange feeling.

It was solely because of the attitude shown by a woman named Leona.


What should I say about this?


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It is a talent that cuts off the opportunity for the other person to rebel or say something.

“Tell me where this is. right now.”

I was biting my molars and scolding him, but the guy named Polyd was so discouraged that he opened his mouth without realizing it.

“Bo, border guard.”

“Yeah, you idiot, this is Border Guard. Are you recklessly hiring a back alley tramp or a guild that preys on you? Even though you know that I am escorted by a standing army of Border Guards?”

“… … I didn’t do that, no, I never did that, and the fact that there was that border guard escort was later… … .”

I was overwhelmed by the momentum.

The guy named Polyd wasn’t just spouting nonsense, his hands were shaking.

Sreung, tak!

At Polid’s nonsense, the man standing behind pulled out his sword about a thumb joint and put it back.

At that sound, Folid seemed to come to his senses and changed his story.

“It’s not me. “Where were you framed?”

This is a picture drawn when you roughly look at the situation.

‘Before he came, he must have been prepared to deny it was him.’

However, I was so caught up in the atmosphere that I almost brushed it all off.


Leona clicked her tongue. Then she pulled out a chair and sat down. She crossed her legs in leather pants, took a cigarette out of her arms, and took a bite.


The nanny picked up a candle and lit it.

“sit down. “Aren’t you going to discuss succession rights?”

This was said by the woman who brought out weapons on both sides and caused a confrontation. Tobacco smoke billowed from her mouth.

Paulid also roughly pulled his chair and sat down.

Who would be at a disadvantage if there was a sword fight here?

Where do you think the two squads guarding the outside came from?

Soon the two started talking.

It was a time to exchange what each other had prepared for succession.

In other words, it was a series of words that Encred couldn’t understand.

“You want to take over the top tier even though you can’t even interpret it? Have you memorized all the secret words above? you?”

“Well, a butler can do that! More than that, I have a red background. The girl who came from eating outside somewhere… … .”

“The previous generation recognized that I am qualified to inherit the top. Are you going to break it? When you say you will inherit the blood of your ancestors, you mean you are inheriting the blood of your ancestors, right? However, you can’t acknowledge what your predecessor announced, and you don’t have any ability, so you want to be treated like a blood inheritance? “I’m sure other people will recognize it.”

Encred listened briefly and sighed. Whether it was speaking in the first place or leading the mood, it all seemed like Leona’s victory.

‘So they attempted assassination by flipping the last coin?’

There happened to be a group in the Border Guard that accepted such a thing.

Should I say this is a good talent?

Or should I say he looks like an idiot?

The two talked for a while longer.

Encred heard that Leona was sitting here to mock the other person.

“Are you the son of your ancestor? No matter how I look at it, they don’t look alike. “Do you have any doubts?”

“Mr. Lee, what? what? “Then, does that mean you received someone else’s seed or seeds?”

Grumpy Paulid stuttered because he was so angry.


Then he hit the table and vented his anger.

“Whoa, that’s how it happens? “I didn’t mean to say that.”

Leona was the one who took control of the situation by blowing out the smoke.

But, was this woman always like this?

Wasn’t he discreet and quiet?

I don’t know. In fact, we only saw each other for two days, and we talked for no more than fifty words at most.

Everyone has two sides and is not simple.

“You f*cking bitch!”

“Don’t make fun of your snout. “You ugly bastard.”

“You bitch!”

The man who had endured his mother’s insults raised his hand to the shortsword on his waist when he was told that he was ugly.

Encred saw that and slowly grabbed the grip of his sword.

This is where the border guard guards the place.

We can’t just stand by and watch them fight with their swords drawn.

One of the reasons that increased the value of the city of Border Guard was that everyone, including the upper class and the nobility, could have discussions here without swords and through tongue-in-cheek battles.

Of course, he uses a sword and assassinates people only from behind.

You draw your sword with your opponent in front of you like this?

It’s a call to kill.

Saxony stood to my right, and the company commander stood a step behind as if watching.

With my hand on the grip, I brought Pollid’s guard into range of the sword.

‘Take the first step to the left.’

Pull out your sword and cut the top of your head from top to bottom.

There is no time to get the posture right, so it has to be done at the same time as the kick.

The prosecutor on the Polid side of the range also responded.

Suddenly, I stretch my arms longer.

What kind of swordsmanship should I use?

For a moment, Encred hoped that his opponent would attack him. If you think rationally, that would never happen.

Still, he hoped.

‘What kind of sword is it?’

How fast is it?

Better than Rem’s axe? Better than the Half-Blood Fairy’s Whistle Dagger?

I want to experience. I want to fight back. I want to deal with you.

It’s a good win.

I wanted to purely gauge my skills. The heat that rose up in an instant warmed my body.

If you attack, I will cut you.

A strange atmosphere was formed between the two.

Meanwhile, a guy named Paulid was sweating profusely.

Can I pull out a knife here? If I don’t pick it up, won’t it look like I’m scared?

I had all kinds of thoughts.

Leona despised such an opponent.

It would be better to either draw the sword or use wit.

If you can’t do something, you shouldn’t start.

As expected, if it weren’t for his ancestor’s will, he’s someone I wouldn’t have to see.

As a strange confrontation continued, the inn became quiet.

It was then.


There was the sound of the inn door opening. The thick wooden door swung open and hit the wall.

Encred’s field of vision widened thanks to the person who forcefully pushed the door open.

The opponent also loses momentum. The two took a half step back under an implicit promise.

‘This is it.’

Not even Rem, he was so crazy about the fight that he almost pulled out his sword without paying attention to the situation.

Encred sighed inwardly and turned his head.

I saw a familiar face. This is Torres of the border guard.

Five more people in similar outfits followed behind him.

Over the tunic, he wore brown leather armor with a grid pattern, and on top of that he wore a maroon coat, with eagle-patterned epaulettes attached to the coat’s shoulders.

“We are the border garrison of the army under the direct control of the king. “We have come to catch the mastermind who instigated the Azpen spy unit and caused trouble.”


Paulid let out an idiotic groan. Then Howie came to his side and squeezed his shoulder.

Encred was curious about the relationship between the two.

It did not appear to be a simple relationship between employer and employee.

“You brought Azpen’s dogs into the succession battle?”

Folid’s complexion turned blue at Torres’ words.

Leona was calm.

‘Who called the frontier guards?’

Encred watched the situation with that thought in mind.

“We will all be arrested.”

Neither Paulid nor Leona responded to Torres’ words.

“Are you saying you’re going to detain people without evidence? This is the body that will take over the upper part of Lochfried. “You couldn’t have taken drugs from the other side, right?”

It’s behind Pollyd.

A man with brown hair and plain clothes came out.

It refers to drugs and bribes.

Torres frowned at what he said, then smiled and answered.

“… … There’s a funny dog. ”

He openly expressed his displeasure. But it was also true.

What is the reason why large corporations in Border Guard are holding meetings to discuss succession issues?

This is because the Border Guard standing army always maintains neutrality.

It is a given that if a problem arises within the Border Guard, the standing army will intervene.

However, they promised to remain neutral no matter what.

Here, it was like saying that if you arrest the other person without evidence, you can’t arrest them because it would be easy to be misunderstood in many ways.

‘Is that what you were aiming for?’

The other person also thought about it in his own way.

Torres also knew it so I couldn’t cut the throat of a funny dog.

A short silence, tension in the air. It was Leona who broke the silence.

“You mean medicine, of course not.”

Once you deny the funny dog’s words.

“Of course, someone at the top could have brought in Azpen’s spies.”

The next words were added.


Folid was startled again by Leona’s words and opened his mouth, but closed his mouth after being aware of the gaze around him.

Seeing that, even Encred almost sighed. This is not like saying out loud that you did it.

“Because we don’t know yet. So I called. Frontier Guards.”

Who’s calling? Even Encred was surprised by this.

Leona continued.

“I want him detained until this comes to light. Both successors. And then we look for evidence.”

Leona looks around the audience. His knack for changing the flow with just a few words was outstanding.

“I heard there was a ringleader who ran away. He captures the bastard and makes him admit it.”

It’s a targeted move, an outsider’s move.

In chess, it’s checkmate, there’s no escape.

If I catch him and torture him, will he survive?

I heard that the people they just caught were also taken to the unit, but no one knew who the ringleader was.

They all said in unison that the captain knew everything.

That leader is probably the one who ran away.

“great. Lady Leona, what if he never comes out?”

The plain brown-haired man turned his gaze to Leona and asked.

“Then, it won’t be a matter for the border guards to be involved.”

Leona answered.

“From now on, it will be a matter for discussion among the upper management. In order to decide on the succession, it would be wise to return to the city and ask the key figures at the top about their qualifications.”

The brown-haired man finished with a smile. You got the point right.

‘Once you get out of the city.’

Can Leona take on Pollid’s escort troops?

I don’t think it will work.

“I am a merchant. I don’t ask people to do anything without compensation. “I’ll give this to whoever finds him and brings him back first.”

Leona took out a dagger and placed it on the table.

It was a stiletto-shaped dagger with a long, thin blade, a black leather sheath covering it.

“Carmen Collection?”

Someone recognized me.

Encred saw Saxony take a step next to him. A friend who is indifferent to most things steps on a dagger?

Of course, it is a weapon worth paying for.


Carmen, a famous assassin who used weapons she made with her own hands.

In fact, his weapon making skills were better than his assassination skills.

The weapons he made are called the Carmen Collection.

That was the weapon I had just taken out.

It is a dagger of a master craftsman that does not stain a single drop of blood even when stabbing a person and pulling it out.

“Hey, why are you giving it away on your own?”

“Because this is my stuff. Given by our ancestors.”

Paulid asked, but Leona ignored him and answered.

“give. “Catch it.”

With this, a bounty was attached.

And Encred thought things were going strangely.

‘I already told you to catch it.’

Even as he thought that, Encred was once again impressed by Leona’s resourcefulness.

‘Call the border guards, bide their time, place a bounty on them, and take what they want.’

It created a good situation for everyone.

Except for the guy named Polid.

Anyway, if you catch it, you will earn over hundreds of thousands of kronor. Everyone’s eyes widened.

“I will catch you.”

And surprisingly, there is someone here who shows willingness.

“I will take action myself.”

It was Saxony. Not only did he speak, but he also seemed confident.

Encrid looked at Saxony and nodded. This is the first time that Saxony has taken such an active role.

‘I guess I really want it.’

It made me think like that.

It wasn’t difficult.

Who is in charge of this city, the nights and back alleys of Border Guard?

Gilpin Guild. The guild’s owner, Chrys, was currently a member of Encred’s squad.

What’s more, I was so worried that I even told him to hold me back.

In other words, half of the items were already in my hands.


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