Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 75

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75. Demonic Squad Leader

The candlesticks on the walls of the inn hall were only half lit.

There won’t be any guests. Are you thinking of saving at least the price of the candle?

As a result, Encred’s shadow stretched across the floor in a dark shadow.

All morning, I was practicing the blade of my senses.

Quiet interior, the sound of soldiers standing guard outside, the sound of the guard drinking.

Listen with concentration and sharpen your senses at the same time.

Read signs and count the number of people around you. You can also gauge the distance by hearing the sound of a night bird crying in the distance.

Then, Encred reflected on the scope of his perception.

‘If it’s within five steps.’

Even traces can be read. I could even hear the sound of my clothes rubbing against each other.

This is the thought that comes to mind.

‘Is that possible just by listening?’

If you recall the conversation between the fairy company commander and Saxony just before the attack, the two had already predicted the attack.

How did they do that?

You shouldn’t rely solely on your ears. It occurred to her that later she would have to ask Saxony.

If there was anything I could learn, I wanted to learn it.

‘It wasn’t a wall this time.’

Now, at some level, we may never repeat today. However, I didn’t even think about intentionally dying and being trapped in today.

Encred was still the same.

‘for tomorrow.’

I always ran while looking straight ahead.

That was the driving force that kept him from being trapped in today.

Buss, crackling.

The firewood placed in the fireplace broke and sparks flew out.

In addition to reminiscing about the battle, miscellaneous thoughts passed through my mind.

Encred sat down, rested his chin, and thought about the person he had killed.

‘It is the glory of the fatherland.’

Could it be Azpen’s spy unit?

What was the guy who moved that many people thinking?

What are they going to do after an accident like this occurs within the Border Guard?

Will there be another attack?

Breaking through two squads of troops? Are you going to send an assassin?

As I thought about it, I realized that catching the runaway guy might be easier than I thought.

At that moment, Leona came down.

“You woke up early.”

“It was a shift because I was on duty.”

“Oh, I see.”

Leona nodded and approached.

This is the floor where traces of the previous night remain. She seemed like she was trying to be innocent.

Then I would be more concerned.

It would be easier to focus on other things. Encred knew that from experience.

“Is this your first time at Border Guard?”

“yes? yes.”

But didn’t Wangnuni say that this woman had a unique personality?

Although he seems strong, he hasn’t yet shown a crazy side like Rem.

‘No, you shouldn’t compare me to Rem.’

That’s not polite.

“They say there are many legends about the Pen-Hanil River. “Do you know the story of a sword made from river water?”

The bard’s stories always stimulated the heart. Encred memorized several such stories.

Not only was it good to use as a story, but it was also a good way to spend working hours without getting bored.

So what I’m talking about now was like chatting while working.

However, it may be quite refreshing to someone hearing it for the first time.

“Please listen.”

Leona smiled and nodded, seeming to be interested.

Although it was a trivial story, Leona listened with her eyes shining.

They also responded with smiles from time to time.

“So there was a time when there was a trend of making swords out of river water, but as the story goes, swords that evoked the spirits living in the river were never made.”

“You speak well.”

“It’s kind of like that.”

Rem admits that he can’t beat his squad leader when it comes to verbally provoking his opponent.

You must be the squad leader here.

As I nodded, Leona suddenly spoke.

“Would you like to come with me?”

Encred tilted his head and asked again.

“yes? “Where?”

The other party is still under escort. Due to an attack within the Border Guard, two squads of troops have taken control of the inn, so there is no one inside.

Encred’s mission and the request she requested are not yet over.


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Because there are two days left.

So it makes sense to follow wherever she goes.

“I’m proposing to go with you when you leave the Border Guard.”

It’s something you say right off the bat, but it seems like you’ve prepared it. It contains the unique nuances found in those who have managed multiple people.

Sit quietly, open your red lips.

“Please come.”

It was evident that he was confident that the position he proposed would be better.

Leona actually thought so.

What kind of place is the top of Lochfried?

Even though it was a little slower than Rengadis Merchant Marine or other large merchant merchants, it was still an influential merchant in the region.

These groups include the ‘Wilderness Shepherds’ group in the northernmost part of Pen-Hanil, the ‘Black Leather Guild’, a group of hunters who are said to be able to catch dragons if they are prepared, and the ‘Glacier Rangers’, a glacier guardian group who live deep in the mountains with nature as their friend. ‘I also made a deal with him.

Their core trading partners are the three above.

There is also a map containing the experiences of the ancestors who wandered throughout the Pen-Hanil Continent.

Lochfried Sangnodo is a thing.

It’s a map that records the ascent.

It was a treasure of treasures that organized the special products of each top and the quickest route.

It’s such a treasure that if someone steals it and sells it, you don’t have to worry about living on it until you die.

Lochfried was at the top. He was worthy of anyone’s greed.

Especially, if he was related to his ancestors, he could consider it his own.

That thought may have led to yesterday’s bold attack.

‘I can’t believe you pulled out the sword here first.’

That’s why I’m angry. Why is that boldness happening now?

Even though he is not a drop of blood, he tries so hard to keep his ancestor’s will.

Why does the other person ignore all of that?

Yes, if it weren’t for my ancestor’s will, I wouldn’t have come this far.

What was the will of that ancestor?

“Please try to reach an agreement before we kill each other. Would you please do that? “Leona.”

My predecessor, the person who raised me like a daughter.

But he was also a man whom I could not easily call my father.

‘No top, no blood ties.’

This is my will because I cannot give up both. Leona understood her ancestor’s feelings.

I raised Leona to raise the upper level of Lochfrid.

I couldn’t just ignore the guy who was born with my blood.

That’s why I’m here now.

Naurilia’s border guard, a place used as the last bastion of conversation without a sword.

It was a succession competition that would have ended long ago if it were not for the will of the predecessor.

It is a secret attack in such a situation. How much more so, pulling a sword from a border guard?


It was the end of miscellaneous thoughts.

The moment she was in danger, the man who saved her caught her eye.

The first thing I noticed was snow that resembled a lake. Those blue eyes.

The eyes were so attractive that they seemed to be imbued with magic.

A well-trained body with black hair and blue eyes.

Plus, he has a handsome face.

There was a possibility that there would be interest.

‘You look really nice.’

Also, his skills were outstanding. He runs into the room at once and subdues the opponent.

What about the personality of not wanting anything?

After rescuing her, Leona’s heart raced at the word “work.” It was from then on.

I was jealous. I wanted to take you with me.

“I promise you a better position and better treatment than now.”

Encred had nothing to worry about.

Wouldn’t it have been considered an escort at the top?

If your goal is solely Crona.

‘That wouldn’t be bad either.’

It will be okay to live as a sword at the top that will grow in the future.

However, I have a dream, I have seen a path to take, and even though it may be slow, I am currently walking that path.

There was no time to look away.

“it’s okay.”

This is a posture with both hands on your thighs and your back straight.

A clear answer from an upright posture.

It’s better to be clear when refusing. Encred knew that from experience.

Leona’s pupils shook.

“It’s ugly to catch someone you don’t like.”

When I came down, I heard Saxony’s voice from behind.

“I see, it’s ugly.”

I also heard a word from the fairy company commander.

“is that so.”

Leona didn’t get angry, irritated, or irritated.

I just nod my head calmly.

“You seem satisfied with your current position.”

Not really.

Because you have to be here to see the way up.

“Hey, it’s a business.”

The inn owner came out before he knew it and sighed deeply.

The blue light of dawn was slowly changing to the yellow light of dawn. It was morning.

“The loss will be compensated by the top.”

Leona spoke again. It seemed like she said it in the first place because she wanted to get a confirmation.

“Oh my, if you please.”

The innkeeper rubs his hands together and says. Leona looked at it and nodded her head.

“Don’t worry. “The guests will be arriving around noon, so please get ready.”


He seemed accustomed to giving orders while sitting.

Soon a nanny came down from above.

Leona left, saying she would rest.

Then Saxony came up and said:

“There are many pretty women in the city, so don’t bother messing with the heir to the top.”

I didn’t touch it. She said no.

Encred also has a lot of experience being seduced by women. Because the face isn’t going anywhere.

Moreover, a well-trained body is a great tool for showing off your charm in many ways.

“Senior Encred.”

He is a company commander. He didn’t even come closer, but instead stayed in her place and asked after she called him with the same posture and tone of voice as usual.

“Do you have a history with women?”

“… … no.”

“Do you tend to flirt with every girl that passes by?”


“is it?”


It must be a joke. It’s a joke.

His expression was extremely serious and his eyes were extremely calm. So it was difficult to deal with.

‘I wish it would stop now.’


The company commander nodded.

I went outside to catch my breath.

One of the squad members from the 3rd platoon of the 2nd company pretended to know.

“What should a person like me do if he goes around flirting with every woman he passes by?”

If I were to pretend to know this, I would be pretending to know.


“From the company commander to Lochfried’s lady. “Wow, you’re the devil’s squad leader, the devil’s squad leader.”

It is the platoon leader who gives the exclamation. There was a familiar face here too.

There have been many times when I was temporarily called here and there on various missions.

“It’s not like that.”



“He says no.”

Some soldiers heard that. It’s a fortune telling window.

They were suddenly dispatched to surround the inn in the city, so it seems there was nothing to do.

It was probably boring.

There were no separate attacks after that. There was no sign of that happening.

Yes, I understand that you are bored.

‘But I’m not happy that you’re spending your time making fun of me.’

Rumors are always scary.

As expected, it wasn’t long before the rumor spread again.

Kreis, who came to the inn, made me say this.

“No, I heard you slept with the head of the upper division within a day of being the squad leader? How did you do that? It’s not easy for me either, but Lady Lochfried is famous for her arrogance. “He also has a tough personality.”

“I’m not picky.”

“Hey, it’s not like that.”

“If you’re here, do something.”


Encred gave Cryce a task instead of a trivial word.

I didn’t even care about clearing up misunderstandings. Because he knows and is teasing me.

“Among those who attacked, there was one who ran away. “Look for it.”

The guy who ran away, Encred, was curious about his whereabouts.

The man who died by his own sword as an agent of Azpen died crying out for the glory of his country.

Wouldn’t it be fun if the guy who planned this actually survives?

‘I’ll have to pay for what I did.’

That is the natural and right thing to do.

It is good to say that justice is alive.

And the unit will soon receive an order to search for him. I didn’t even want to leave it alone.

If you did something wrong, you should be held accountable, but you left all your subordinates and ran away.

Since he has revealed himself as a spy for Azpen, there is no way he can be sent away alive.


Since there is a night guild, most things happening in the city are known. It was an advantage. So it won’t be difficult to find someone.

‘Every time Crona comes in.’

If I saved up the money this time, I thought I would get a good short sword or guard sword as a secondary weapon.

I tried the guard sword a while ago and really liked it.

Ragna also recommended holding a shield, but the shield was not easy to get used to.

If necessary, you can learn it, but if your specialty is using your physical strength.

“It would be better to hold the sword with both hands and swing it in the first place. Still, it’s better to have a shield on the battlefield.”

It was Ragna who said this.

As a light infantryman, I knew how to use a shield to a certain level.

What is the purpose of the military?

It is a place where the power of the equalized majority is considered superior to the power of the exceptional one.

It was common knowledge that a team of 10 people who were equally trained and standardized was stronger than a team of 10 people who were a mixture of two excellent swordsmen.

There was also group formation training using shields as part of standardized training.

The squad members under his command skipped it, but Encred learned it diligently.

It doesn’t increase easily.

‘I’m not used to it.’

This is the thought that comes to mind every time I lift my shield. As Ragna said, holding and swinging the sword with both hands felt like a much more fitting outfit.

To use a shield or not to use a shield.

If it were to become something that breaks the standardized law of the majority, it wouldn’t be something to worry about.

Not long after Kreis left, a man with grumpy cheeks and about a dozen troops came.

One of the guys who came as an escort caught my eye. It was a man with slitted eyes and arms hanging down.

At his waist was a rapier, a rapier with a long, thin blade.

‘I think it’ll be fast.’

I feel it as soon as I see it. The other person did not bother to hide himself. It seemed like an expression of confidence.

‘I use a fast sword. But you can’t stop it just because you know it.’

It was an attitude and attitude that seemed to say that.

The name of the man whose cheeks were full of grumpiness was Folid.

He was competing with Leona for succession.

As soon as he came in, he took a table, sat down, and said.

“Hey, call Leona.”

The person called ‘Hey’ was Saxony.

Of course, Saxony ignored those words.


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