Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 74

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74. Because I trained every moment (3)

Even though it was on the second floor, it wasn’t that high.

Still, falling after having the weight of an adult man and even being vaguely armed was an act of suicide.

Encred pushed the opponent’s stomach with the top of his head.

I fell and lost my balance.

The opponent was completely defeated by the sudden tackle.

They fell to the floor with a thud and their bodies fell on top of each other.

Above is Encred, below is Assassin.


The fallen assassin vomited blood.

Encred stood up, pushing his opponent, and took a deep breath to check his body condition.

‘There are no injuries.’

There are no damaged joints or ligaments.

That’s it then.

Dropping the position between the assassin and the escort.

That was the escort’s priority.

The road to the second floor is blocked by Saxony.

The remaining minor issues will be resolved by the fairy company commander.

As I checked my body, I also noticed that there were no specific wounds on my back.

Blocking the opponent’s blade with his body was also somewhat calculated.


Armor obtained by robbing Gilpin Guild a while ago.

It was Rem who truly recognized its value.

“I don’t think it will cut with a normal knife, but it’s a precious beast leather, so use it well. “The materials that go into tanning this thing are quite a lot, so what kind of person is he who doesn’t wear this and then falls asleep?”

Originally, there was a curse placed on the box.

It was an item that the guild leader kept because he could not lift the curse.

Because the curse did not work on Encred for some reason.

He has achieved the feat of not shedding a single drop of blood even after receiving the opponent’s blade with his body.

However, I was thankful to Audin because even if I could block the sharp metal, I couldn’t do anything about the impact.

The technique of isolation builds the body.

I learned wrestling by using the body I made.

Encred protected his body with the skills he learned and learned.

This was possible because I trained and trained every moment.

Whether it was dodging the blade or overpowering the opponent, it was all about it.

If you had wasted that one day, would you be where you are today?

does not exist. I could definitely say it.

“You’re crazy.”

You can see that the mask is wet with blood flowing from the corner of the mouth. The guy must have felt uncomfortable and took off his mask.

It was a face I didn’t know.

It was natural. There are over 5,000 people staying in Border Guard, so how can we know each and every face?

However, it feels a little familiar. That strange feeling, as if we had encountered each other on the way.


The guy coughs again. Cough mixed with blood. Blood soaked his beard and fell to the floor. Still, the guy glared at Encred.

The eyes were full of life. The will to kill was clearly evident.


Encred pulled out a long sword.

The opponent pulled out a gladius in one hand and a short sword in the other.

‘Two-handed weapon.’

The balance is not disturbed from side to side, and if you look at the blood spitting out of the mouth, it is clear that the internal organs are damaged, but the eyes are alive.

He is a human who has experienced the battlefield. It was a signal from Encred’s instincts.

Age showed on his face. She had at least thirty lines. Anyone who has survived for that long must have at least one secret hidden away.

‘I think I’ll use my sword.’

Rather than ordinary swordsmanship, attacks will come in bizarre forms. It is a prediction based on what we can see.

“Kurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr possible.”

The other person sucked in his nose and spit out bloody phlegm with a sound similar to a pig’s squeal, and asked Encred whether his nose was filled with blood.

“Where do you belong?”

“You know what to do?”

“If it’s a standing army, you’re my junior.”


He shows doubt with his facial expression. At the same time, Encred’s eyes continued to scan the opponent’s entire body.

There are fewer gaps than you might think. My posture was neat.

“I even became a platoon leader.”

The guy says Encred believed what the other person said. But that doesn’t change anything.

Are there one or two people who served in the military and were discharged?

The guy who becomes an asshole and leaves.

The guy whose name only went out after he died.

Even though his limbs are fine, he gets into an accident and gets out.

It’s impossible.


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Meanwhile, there were some who were discharged from the military in good condition.

For example, if you chose to serve in the military instead of prison, you could choose to be discharged when your mandatory service period ended.

“Belonging to the Slayer?”

The other person asked again.

Encred shook his head lightly. There is only one reason to answer. This is to find the opponent’s loopholes.

But it’s still the same. It doesn’t show any gaps easily.

I’ll do something.

Encred thought and slowly lowered the tip of his sword. As the position of the sword subtly changes, the opponent also changes the position of the sword in both hands. It is a formidable opponent. Both instinct and reason spoke at the same time.

“Okay, now it’s over. “I felt dizzy with nausea, but I thought I would just kill you and kill that bitch above me.”

The other person said it as if it were an easy task, like picking up a piece of copper coin that had fallen on the floor.

I didn’t answer this time.

Because there was no time for that.

As soon as he spoke, the other person ran away. fast. The gladius and shortsword danced and played in the air.

Left and right, both hands moved at different beats.

‘Valennese Duet.’

It was a skill I knew. I couldn’t try it due to my limited talent.

Two swords of different beats both aim for fatal wounds. The opponent’s footwork and swordwork were both formidable.

As soon as Encred saw his opponent’s charge, he held the grip with both hands and lowered the tip of his sword, letting it hang behind his left waist.

The running opponent’s eyes shine.

Encred was not embarrassed. The heart of the beast gives you boldness.

Opponent movements cannot be predicted. Because the Valencian duet is an art that I cannot perform with my own body.

That doesn’t mean you can’t deal with it, though.


Put your left foot forward.

It moves to its own beat regardless of the opponent’s beat.

Two blades fly in a circle.

Before it reached Encred, he moved.

“Your strength is amazing.”

Audin criticized everything else as dull, but acknowledged only one strength.

Encred knew how to destroy the opponent’s sword using strength and heavy swords.


The longsword splits the air. The blade mixed with valeric steel cut the space horizontally.

Of course, it wasn’t just the space that was cut.

Boom, boom!

Interrupted horizontal slash.

Technique with strength.

We’ve sparred dozens of times so far.

After repeating today, my skills have improved significantly, and I have greatly expanded the scope of what I can achieve during sparring.

I recognized things that I had not seen, felt, or passed by through the heart of the beast, the sense of the blade, and single-point concentration.

I reproduced and trained what I recognized with my body.

The body that did not follow was repaired using the technique of isolation.

It’s like dodging a dagger by just nodding your head.

However, the only difference this time was that I swung the sword with my mind in mind.

Through the created body, the muscles are twisted around the left foot.

The whole process happened in an instant.

The blade that sliced ​​through the middle cut the opponent’s body in half.

There was an attempt by the opponent to get in by blocking with one of his swords and deflecting, but he was defeated by using force.

It is a clear victory of strength.

Encred looked at the man whose body had been cut in half and whose hot, steaming intestines were spilling out.

“Goodbye. senior.”

Even when his body was cut in half, he showed persistent vitality. He had regretful eyes.

He muttered, his lips quivering. Encred read his lips.

“Glory to our country.”

Is all of this an expression of loyalty to the country? Did it lead to the assassination?

I do not know.

However, it seemed worth checking.

After swinging the sword to shake off the blood, he swung the sword away, and only then did the fairy company commander and Saxony come out.

“It’s a noisy fight.”

As he spoke, Saxony’s eyes swept over Encred’s whole body.

There didn’t seem to be any injuries.

There are only scratches from breaking through the window.

“If you’re my lover, you should do this much.”

The fairy company commander uttered a bloody word in his usual blunt tone.

“I misunderstand. “If other people hear it.”

I was so embarrassed that the first thing that came out was a misunderstanding. The words changed back and forth.

“is it?”

The company commander ignored it.

“How many people were captured alive?”

“I did.”

Encred nodded at Saxony’s words and went inside.

When I got to the first floor, I saw people who were already tied up.

Looking around, I saw only a few people who were the upper level guards. There is a dead person.

‘The level of the attacker.’

Not high. However, that was Encred’s standard.

It would have been quite difficult for an ordinary upper-level escort to deal with.

Above all, the person he kills in the end is a retired soldier.

One or two clumsy mercenaries could have been cut down in an instant.

Where did this group come from?

A question arose.

When I entered the first floor, the escort, the lady from the top, had already come down.

There is blood and corpses all around, and there are some of our allies mixed in as well.

It was nice to think of it as the middle of a battlefield.

Because there were at least twenty assassins.

More than half of them were killed or captured by the company commander and Saxony.

There were also three people at the top who were throwing a fit. It was worth it.

Corpses, blood, and internal organs were rampant.

Still, she only frowned and looked calm.

She came over, bouncing the heels of her boots.

“The name?”

The woman approached and asked. En Creed pointed her finger at herself.


Looking at the other person who nodded, Encred opened his mouth.

“This is Encred.”

“are you okay?”

The woman asked, gesturing towards the back, and Encred nodded.

Thanks to the leather armor. As Rem said, it won’t get cut by any kind of knife.

For a moment, I understood the opponent’s level and decided that I could block with my body, so I blocked.

If not, how could it have been prevented?

Other means would have been used. He may not have recklessly tried to block it with his body, but at the time he thought it was best.

“is it so. “You will pay for it later.”

It wasn’t something I did because I wanted an example.

“it’s okay. “Because it’s my mission.”

At those words, the woman pursed her lips a few times before speaking.

“It’s Leona.”


I already know the name.

She said my name, looked around, took a long breath, and exhaled.

“A reward to the family of the deceased.”

“Yes, miss.”

The nanny came over and answered, even though her legs were shaking. In fact, this person seemed more surprised than Lady Leona.

Seeing that there was vomit on the corner of his mouth, it seemed like he had already retched after seeing his surroundings.

The nanny consciously tried not to look at the floor.

On the other hand, Lady Leona.

‘You look calm.’

Are you more tolerant of these things than you thought?

no. The pulpit is different.

Or maybe I was prepared.

Encred looked back at those who were taking care of the surroundings and stepped back.

Leona didn’t say anything more either.

Encred moved to one side of the inn and saw the owner’s devastated face.

This might be his first time experiencing something like this.

I was so curious that I really wanted to know what kind of crazy person did this.

‘It is the glory of the fatherland.’

I heard that there was a spy for Azpen within the Border Guard.

“The person who appears to be the ringleader has run away.”

Saxony spoke from the side.

“Why aren’t you holding on?”

“Why me?”

I came to escort you, so I will escort you. This is the attitude of a proper soldier carrying out a request.

Saxony went beyond words and said what it meant with its attitude.

Encred didn’t criticize that either.

Still, it would be better than bringing Rem or another squad member.

“Good job.”

“There are two days left.”

It was heard as a message to faithfully carry out the escort mission. Work is work. Although Saxony is right.

‘I’m curious about the story behind it.’

It happened early in the evening. As darkness fell, there was only the smell of blood.

The few customers who were still there left the room.

Just as the innkeeper’s face began to distort further, Lady Leona spoke.

“We will compensate for the loss at the top.”

Looking at her back as she spoke, she didn’t look like a scared bird. She was confident.

It won’t just grow nicely at the top.

Encred silently looked at her back and asked.

“Are we staying up all night? “Company commander?”

“Do you want to do that?”


“Let’s take turns, rest first.”


Without hesitation, Encred went up to the second floor.

As I climb up, I clench and open my hands.

What was the level of the person he killed?

At least, he seemed to be at least as good as the stabbing pervert he met on the battlefield while repeating the first day.

Because he made a move by falling from the second floor, his opponent had to fight with injuries.

‘I hurt my internal organs.’

I wouldn’t have had enough strength in my limbs.

However, this does not dim the light on the badge of victory.

‘Even if everything was perfect, I would have won.’

Confidence, these are three words that I never really had since I was born.

A little bit of that bloomed in my heart.

You will still walk like a turtle, but your steps will be different than before.

Encred thought he was one step closer to his dream. It’s so weak that it won’t even look like you took a step.

The fact that he had made progress gave him a sense of satisfaction.

“Thanks to you, I survived.”

One of the escorts ran into him as he came down the stairs.

“If you hadn’t asked the Border Guard for escort… … .”

The speaking female escort’s complexion turned pale. She is the woman who served as Leona’s close escort.

I can’t believe I’m already walking even though I have a hole in my stomach.

I wonder if he was crazy because he wanted to die.

“It was pale. It was close. “There were no internal injuries.”

Howie said, as if he felt the gaze.

“Fortunately, the.”

They looked at each other awkwardly, then Encred passed by first and went up.

“Thank you.”

The female escort spoke again. Encred accepted it without much thought.

It was something that had to be done.

Because that was a mission and a request.

Encred rested for exactly half a day and woke up early in the morning.

“It’s a shift. “Squad leader.”

It was the company commander’s call. Even though my eyes were already open before that.

The company commander, Encred, and Saxony shared one room.

There was no problem with taking turns writing. In the first place, before being a man or a woman, they were also soldiers.

Even though it was escorted by a standing Border Guard force, there was an attack.

This is what happened because of that attack.

In front of the inn, two squads of troops deployed. It was a 2nd company unit.

“What kind of bastard he is, I will catch him and kill him.”

One of the platoon commanders of the 2nd Company spoke confidently.

I heard they took those they captured alive.

Encred went down alone.

Although we worked hard to clean it up, the hall still had a faint smell of blood mixed with several unpleasant odors.

The dim light of the candlestick illuminated the hall. There was no one.

He was a regular guest, but he had already gone to another inn.

Thanks to this, the main hall was empty.

Encred took up one table and sat down.

And then the restoration began.

That was natural to him.

Even if I didn’t have to repeat today, it was something I continued to do.

That’s how I do abdominal exercises and exercises that can be done while sitting.

Just before the sun rose in the morning, someone came down from the top of the stairs.

“You woke up early.”

The target of the escort was Lady Leona.


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