Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 73

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73. Because I trained every moment (2)

The attacker’s method was very similar to that of a thief. Black-painted daggers, crossbows, and throwing knives were the main weapons.

‘This is so true.’

However, the workmanship was worse.

‘I don’t think it’s even at Gilpin Guild’s level.’


When he dodged the dagger, he was so surprised that he didn’t smell like an expert.

Originally, assassination was not his specialty.

Encred swung the dagger he had taken from the dead opponent’s hand in his hand.

I snapped my fingers to change the position of the knife, grabbed the blade with my thumb and index finger, and stretched my arm forward.

A series of actions brought about results.

The dagger flew out and hit the forehead of the attacker whose face was covered with a mask. The assassin’s body fell backwards as if he had been stabbed in the forehead.

There was a thud and the sound of the head hitting the floor, and red blood ran down the inn floor.


A few citizens who were just having a meal at an inn run outside screaming. The waitress and waitress who were delivering the food had already hid under the table.

The attack brought screams.

The scream caused a commotion.

Encred and his party were not even scratched.

“… … “Kill them all!”

one of the raiders shouted.

“It’s an attack! Fight back!”

“Get your weapons!”

The upper guard also raised the beacon of counterattack. He each drew his weapon.

The sound of the blade rubbing against the sheath rang out.

While listening to that, Encred did not forget that this was an escort mission.

“I’m coming.”

After speaking to the fairy company commander, Encrid turned around.

Someone had to ensure the safety of the escort.

If the first floor is in such a mess, wouldn’t there be a problem upstairs as well?

Although there is a close escort attached.

‘If something happens here, it’s our responsibility.’

I was almost curious as to what kind of crazy person had instigated this.

Attacking an upper division within the Border Guard that had a standing army as its guard.

Encred headed upstairs. There was no one stopping him in the middle.

It was worth it.

Because Saxony blocked the middle.

He picked up a chair and swung it like a shield to block all the flying daggers.

The chair quickly became a metaphysical work of art. It is a wooden chair with daggers and quarrels stuck all over it.

When throwing failed, some people approached with short swords or clubs.

Every time they came within range, Saxony swung his sword and separated the souls and bodies of each person with each sword.

It was truly neat.

When blocking and cutting, the blade’s trajectory was normal, but the opponent was always unable to block.


One person managed to block it, but Saxony swung his sword in an attempt to cut it off, and the deflected sword stretched out like lightning and thrust it into the opponent’s face again.

With a crash, the opponent collapsed, his nose bone broken and a new hole forming above the bridge of his nose. Saxony pulled out his sword and started the same task again.

Block the flying dagger with a chair and cut the approaching opponent with the sword. Although Encred’s dagger throwing skills are several times better, he did not utilize them.

There was no need for that.

“What the heck, this bastard.”

Saxony did not answer. What kind of conversation do you have with people who will die soon?

The fairy company commander entered the midst of the attackers while Saxony was attracting attention.

Ages were pulled from her waist.

As the leaf sword danced, the attacker grabbed his neck and began to fall.

Cut again and again.

Drops of blood splashed into the air. Drawings made entirely of blood were drawn on her face and body.

There was no one who could respond to the lively movements of the fairy. It wasn’t a group with that much talent.

“If this is all, I’m disappointed.”

The fairy speaks while placing only one foot on the floor and raising one leg two spans above the floor, taking a stance as if aiming a leaf sword at the opponent. It even looked like it was about to start dancing.

It is a clear and cheerful voice, but if you listen to it, it will be like the devil of the list.

One of the masked guys took a step back without realizing it.

“f*ck you.”

One of the remaining guys said with a tearful expression on his face. It was the mutterings of one of the attacking group.

The leader of those who attacked the first floor thought.

‘As long as I achieve my goal anyway.’

It took enough time. Whether or not the work on the second floor was successful, it would be a dead life that would take more time here.

The guards’ capabilities were several times better than he expected.

Did they all bring in slaughterers from the frontier?

I do not know. There is no need to know. He thought his work was done. Now was the time to get out.

“Kill them all!”


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The leader said that and ran towards the door. While his subordinate was buying time, he himself was planning to withdraw. He considered the operation a success.

“Glory to Azpen!”

One of the remaining men shouted. The leader ran away while shouting.

These are the remnants of the spies that remained in the city.

They gave their lives for their country and honor.

Leaders do it for money.

Isn’t loyalty originally something that was raised to be used in times like this?

Saxony, who was watching the back of the leader running away, put his hand on the thin blade hidden at his waist and then took it away.

‘It’s pointless.’

I don’t think killing that one thing will change anything.

It won’t be a big deal if you miss it here.

Saxony turned his head and continued what he was doing.

To mercilessly slaughter and kill the enemy that attacks you.

The role of the gatekeeper is to block the stairs leading to the second floor.

Considering my usual attitude, it doesn’t really suit me.

In terms of the skills of those gathered in the inn’s main hall, they were next to the fairy company commander, and no one could surpass Saxony.

While excitedly swinging his sword, the fairy company commander looked behind him once in a while.

The skill of the squad member standing in front of him was more noticeable than that of Encred who went up the stairs.

‘It stands out.’

Did you say it was a troublemaker squad?

In fact, he is a better squad member than the squad leader.

It’s not that there are no such cases, but the difference in skill was clear here.

‘At least city level.’

The soldier grading system is a system created by Naurilia.

If you go across the continent, skill levels are expressed in different ways.

This was more familiar to the company commander who had lived a wandering life.

Villages, cities, continents.

Among these, there is the question of whether it is a large village or a small city, and whether the continent refers to a region or the entire continent.

The basic structure is like this.

Do you have the skills to make a name for yourself in a village?

Or do you have the skills to sell your name to one city?

How much does it have to be to make your name known throughout the continent?

By her standards, a continent-level powerhouse is at least a knight-level powerhouse.

It is difficult without realizing the ‘power’ they wield.

That is, if you exclude the con artists who hire bards to sell their names.


she murmured.

It was a terrible sound considering that the person who attacked had lost all four fingers on his right hand while trying to stop the older people.

“Ugh, what?”

A man who lost a finger speaks as he sheds tears. The fairy company commander silently hit the opponent on the back of the head with the old pommel.


It’s fainting. Should I stop the bleeding in my hand?

No, it won’t matter.

If you die, I will let you die.

There were plenty of mouths to testify anyway. She didn’t kill them all. The same was true in Saxony.

Among the dogs, some of them looked young and seemed light-hearted, but instead of killing them, they only cut their thighs or knocked them unconscious.

The guy who first shouted Azpen was also saved.

It will be useful in many ways.

‘What about the stomach?’

The fairy fought and threw some of the nerves upward. My hearing opened and I was informed of the situation above.

She smiled strangely.


This is a thought that comes to mind again and again.

Was it when I was young, when I first received my age?

I think it was just as fun back then.

With the thought, the fairy ages moved again.

Before we knew it, the number of attackers had been cut in half.

* * *

Encred went up the stairs to the upper floor, taking the stairs two at a time.

I stepped on the stairs and ran with a huff, but my body felt light.

‘Technique of Isolation.’

It definitely made a difference to my body. Audin said it was slow, but Encred clearly felt the difference.

My body feels lighter than before.

The moment I entered the second floor hallway, an assassin holding a knife fell from above my head.

The level was lower than that of the assassin he faced before.

Because the presence seemed to be visible to the eye.

I turned around in a narrow hallway. As he dodged the wall and avoided it, the opponent holding the sword fell to the floor.

The fallen opponent’s eyes reach Encred.

Encred gripped the longsword with his right hand and half-bent his knees. It is a double sword stance.

The opponent who fell to the ground maintained his balance and raised his shortsword perpendicular to the ground.

It was an attempt to block a horizontal cut, but it was an excellent defensive stance to block a heavy sword attack.

It was a poor posture to block the vertical slash that started from Encred’s left hand.


He deceived his opponent with his right hand and posture and cut off the top of his head with a short sword secretly drawn in his left hand.

The Valencian mercenary sword is a double-barreled sword.

The other person’s eyes trembled.

But I couldn’t say anything. Because the dead have no words.

“it’s crazy? “Where are you hiring an assassin?”

A woman’s voice was heard.


Another woman’s voice was also heard.

Encred jumped over the corpse and started running down the narrow hallway.

I saw a room with the door half open.

A masked assailant blocked his path.

“You idiots.”

He saw Encred running towards him. He waved his hand. There was a ping and a throwing knife flew out.

Compared to the Whistle Dagger, the speed was not even half as fast.

The boldness given by the heart of the beast allows him to look directly at the flying Bido.

The burning concentration of one point made the flying rain appear slow.

The sense of the blade attaches to it and reads the path of the blade.

This is because the body has the muscles and agility to support all of these processes.

Encred just cocked his head to the side.

It is an action that could not be imagined before repeating the past, that is, today. I just thought it was a stunt.

To avoid a flying raindrop by just bending your head.

In fact, on the battlefield, I didn’t raise a shield because I couldn’t avoid the arrows of a guy who looked like a hawk’s claw or something.

It seemed like he could dodge that arrow now.

All that remained was the sound of the throwing material flying into my ears.

When I just tilt my head to dodge and charge, the opponent’s eyes widen. I was surprised. Yet the other person moved his hand. It looked like he was planning to throw a dagger again.

Encred raised the shortsword in his left hand and pretended to charge, then waved his right arm once.


Following the arm’s swung trajectory, a whistle sounded.

The whistle dagger penetrates the opponent’s neck.


Blood burst from his neck and foam flowed from his mouth. The guy finished his movements reflexively.

He threw the dagger in his hand. However, because he was already dying, he had no strength and just fell to the floor.

All the dodges and throws happened within a few breaths.

Without slowing down his running speed, Encred hit him with his shoulder and threw the guy with his head pierced to the side.

Boom, boom, boom!

When the flying one hit the door in the opposite hallway, a startled scream came from inside.

This is an inn. Of course, there were people staying there.

Although it wasn’t until daylight, they still carried out an attack like this in the middle of the city, especially at an inn.

The opponent did not usually have a strong heart.

Or they’re all idiots and idiots.


This is the moment I kicked open the door and entered the room after having just dealt with one guy.

The guard at the top was seen getting stabbed in the stomach and falling down.

The person wearing a mask, who placed a knife in the bodyguard’s stomach, pulled out his sword and tried to cut down the bodyguard.

A momentary gap.

Encrud’s whistle dagger flew out of his hand.

Beep! earth!

I was in a hurry so I didn’t throw it with all my might, but the whistle dagger did its job. Because the opponent hesitated to block it.

It’s Encred who throws and runs.

The opponent did not deal with Encred who was running towards him.

Instead, he swung the sword that blocked the whistle dagger again at the guard target, the lady at the top.

‘f*ck you.’

Encred cursed at the persistent assassin. Because there is no way.

For a moment, he imitated the movements of the squire he had seen on the battlefield.

Of course, you can’t do it like that. He doesn’t have that kind of talent.

But it was a short distance. A not very spacious room, with only one bed and a couple of pieces of furniture.

Since it was a small space, it was worth at least trying to imitate it.

Lower your posture and kick the ground. Narrows down the space in an instant. Thinking that even if he pulled out another whistle dagger and threw it, he wouldn’t be able to stop his opponent, En Creed threw his body.


The blade flew out and hit Encred’s back, who came between the sword and the guard.

Gambison was cut, and the blade entered inside, cutting open his back.

Encred reflexively twisted his waist and let go of the sword that hit his body.

Encred blocked the blade with his body and the object of the guard came into view.

I expected surprised eyes and a white complexion, but instead I saw a woman with a serious look with her molars clenched.

It’s an escort mission. What is a mission?

It’s my job. Of course it is something that must be done.

Because he received the sword with his back, Encred was able to withstand the impact with his body.

At the same time, I expressed my gratitude to Audin in my heart.

‘thanks. ‘Audin.’

“A good fit is the priority.”

It was said to be the foundation of wrestling. It is a sword slashing exercise done with the body, shedding strength while being hit.

When I was learning, I felt like I was dying.

After learning it, I can use it like this.

“for a moment.”

Encred said and pushed the upper-class girl with his hand.


The young lady held her breath instead of screaming. He seemed like a strong type.

“This bastard?”

The assassin, who understood the situation, glared at Encred with a gladius, a sword with a thick blade.

“Shall we go down and talk?”

Encred turned back, spoke, and then rushed forward.

The opponent’s blade stabbed in between the eyes.

Encred never dreamed that his experience dealing with Whistle Dagger would be so helpful.

It’s a slower stab than a whistle dagger.

I dodged, lowered my stance closely, and wrapped my palm around the back of the opponent’s thigh.

Lifting the opponent from bottom to top, he ran to the window.

Boom, boom.

The wooden frame breaks and the window shatters. Encred and the assassin fell to the outside of the second floor.


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