Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 72

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72. Because I trained every moment (1)

I chose Saxony because it was a choice with no reason to worry.

If it is a request, it is right to go with the person with the highest performance ability.

In the troublemaker squad, Saxony took on the most requests.

It means you have a lot of experience. There are so many people looking for it.

The five sensitive senses are helpful in escorting, but if you say it twice, your mouth will hurt.

Compared to other squad members, the probability of conflict with the escort was low.

“Of course.”

Saxony nodded as if it was obvious, and Rem, who saw that, made a fuss, saying he couldn’t understand it.

Ragna again said that he thought this was a bit strange.

Auddin said that it was against God’s will.

As if it was natural, Ragna and Rem got into a fight.

Let’s scratch Rem’s insides with Saxony next to him.

Ragna leaves and Rem and Saxony fight.

Encred tried to stop them again and again, but eventually told them not to make eye contact at all.

“If you’re going to spar, do it with me.”

Encred added the last words and ended the day by taking turns sparring with his squad members.

I could have felt mental fatigue, but that didn’t happen. This was the daily life of the troublemaker squad.

Above all, this was not a big deal to Encred, who insisted that he had no talent, but eventually wielded a sword for a long time.

If I had suffered this much mental damage, I would have immediately put down my sword and picked up the plow.

“As expected of the squad leader.”

Kreis saw that and gave a thumbs up again.

Umji once again praises the squad leader’s mental strength. En Creed nodded his head roughly.

The escort request was tomorrow.

It was a matter of succession to a medium-sized top and an escort mission within the city.

The number of people assigned is three.

They were the fairy company commander, Encred, and Saxony.

There was no need to move early in the morning. It was said that the escort subject would enter the city around lunchtime.

* * *

The next morning, after a good night’s sleep, I found Esther in my arms.

“Why was it like that yesterday?”

As I asked with googly eyes, Esther hit her chest with her hand.

I don’t know what made him angry, but it seemed like a sign of reconciliation.

“Okay, have a nice day today.”

What else is there for Esther to do?

At night, he comes into my arms and sleeps.

My daily routine is to wake up in the morning and roll over.

Judging from the fact that they sometimes go out, it seems like they catch and eat rats near the city.

Although he wasn’t the type to provide separate meals, he was often given beef jerky as a snack.

Surprisingly, all the squad members took good care of Ester.

Kreis was especially careful.

“Lake panthers sharpen their claws when the time comes. “If you take it then, you won’t say anything.”

Just like shedding her hair, she sheds her toenails. So, Kreis was being nice to me for a reasonable reason.

“This guy, this guy.”


The way he turned his head was cute and surprising, so I scratched the top of his head with my fingernail a couple of times and stood up.

It was breakfast time.

“Just leave me and see how well it goes.”

The person on duty in the morning was Rem. The guy rolled his eyes, and En Creed saw that and stretched out his fist without realizing it.


Rem blocked his fist with his palm.

“Was it okay if I left with a broken arm? “It’s a challenge starting in the morning.”

“No, when I saw his face, I went out reflexively.”

“Does that make you feel worse?”

This can be happen.

Even though I said that, Rem didn’t attack me.

Isn’t it the day you go on a mission?

If you have to go out because your body is hurt, you won’t be able to do it.

For breakfast, we were served a dish of flattened roasted pork tenderloin mixed with boiled potatoes, but the taste was terrible.

“It’s good for your body. Meat strengthens your muscles. “Brother.”

Did you say that the technique of isolation is to build a body, and the completion of building a body is to eat?

Encred also ate loudly at Audin’s words. Even if it wasn’t Auddin’s words, he knew well that eating well was important.

After spending the remaining time warming up my body with isolation techniques, it was time to leave.

Encred washed himself in the well and gathered his equipment.

I wore the leather armor I got after robbing Gilpin Guild the other day.

It was meant to cover only the torso, but it was thin and elastic so it wasn’t uncomfortable.

As I put the Whistle Dagger sheath on my armor, Saxony asked from next to me.



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“I killed an assassin before and took the money.”

“You are frugal.”

Is that how it happens?

Anyway, I thought it was a pretty useful tool, so I took it.

The more weapons of this type, the better.

After fully arming myself with a thick Gambison, I went outside.

I walked alongside Saxony to the inn in the city. Throughout the walk, Saxony explained things like how to listen well and how to see well.


“That’s dull.”

I didn’t forget to add this one word.

Encred still didn’t care.

You’re dull, you’ve always known that.

When we arrived at the intersection centered on the four inns, the company commander was already there.

“Has the escort arrived?”

Encred asked after showing a brief military courtesy.

“Not yet. “It will come soon.”

There was a saying that the person being escorted had an unusual personality.

This is what Kreis said.

After taking charge of the guild, I felt like my ears became brighter than before.

‘Did you say you came to decide on a successor?’

I’m just curious as to how eccentric his personality is, but I’m not really worried. A bastard like Rem is not common.

Try spending a month in the troublemaker squad.

Any fool can look cute.

Encred was carefree.

Saxony didn’t think anything of it. To him, a request was just a request.

Protected for three days. Once the succession meeting at the top was over, the request was over.

All you have to do is ensure safety within the city.

Since I had finished entering it in my head, there wasn’t much to think about.

The company commander looked at the back of Encred’s head and remembered the reason why he had been brought in.

Troubleshooting squad leader, this man was Azpen’s assassination target. That was proof that the back was clean.

More than anything, I liked the way the Thieves Guild was handled and the subsequent response.

Keep the bribes.

The crime guild was changed to an intelligence guild.

Thanks to this, there was no friction with the battalion commander.

Even though he knew that eliminating the criminal guild would cause problems, he allowed it to be done.

If the bribes stopped and the higher-ups raised an issue, I was planning to use various measures.

That squad leader didn’t even do that.

‘Though it goes differently than I thought.’

This wasn’t bad either.

The company commander opened his mouth while waiting for the escort.

“Were we mixing bodies?”

It was Encred, whose hand was tilted to the sword grip.

His whole body seemed to freeze for a moment.

He, now a well-made statue, slowly turned his head to the side and asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I thought you already knew if I could hear it?”

“It’s a misunderstanding. It’s a rumor. “It’s been so quiet and quiet these days that there are people who spend their time talking nonsense.”

“is it?”


“So you’re saying we’re not related at all?”

“It’s between superiors and subordinates.”


I had to pass it off as trivial talk. The rumor spread widely and deeply.


Next to me, Saxony cleared his throat. When I glanced at it, it seemed like the corners of my mouth were twitching. It is a sign of holding back laughter.

‘Is this funny?’

I just asked with my mouth.

‘I didn’t laugh.’

Saxony also responded with his mouth.

The company commander was a fairy. She read the conversation between the two simply by casting her eyes to her side.

Lip reading was not a difficult skill for a fairy.

“You must have been in trouble.”


Encred’s immediate answer came back.

“You seem to be in trouble?”


“So was it good?”

Why is this happening?

“It’s Anii.”

The pronunciation of the answer was strangely stretched out.

It would be nice to say something like that and at least laugh, but he has an expressionless face.

Moreover, they are casting their gaze across the city without making eye contact.

‘The fairy’s joke.’

I couldn’t quite get used to it.

“It’s coming.”

Encrid got out of trouble with a word from Saxony.

I saw the escort coming.

Doo-doo, doo-doo.

As the two carriages approached, the ground shook.

Encred seemed to be several times more comfortable dealing with the escort than the company commander.

“It was fun.”

The company commander could be heard whispering behind his back, giving Encred a chill.

Even though I was wearing a heated leather cape, I felt chills for a moment.

Soon the carriage stopped and people got out.

It was a little different from Encred’s expectations.

‘Not a greedy toad with puffy cheeks.’

She was a woman with a beautiful appearance. She had long blonde hair and her brown eyes with a red tinge.

I would say it is a beauty that stands out.

There was the sound of the heel of a boot hitting the floor. The woman got off the carriage and looked directly at the fairy company commander.

“Please take care of me.”

There was no need for any introduction as an escort from the standing army.

From then on, she only spoke to those in her group who came with her.

The middle-aged woman next to her, a nanny, only conveyed the meaning of the escort.

The blonde woman said she had just turned 20, and it was unclear whether she had an unusual personality.

‘We’ll have to talk about it to find out.’

I’ve never made eye contact with you, so what can I say?

“Work will be easy.”

Saxony said. Encred also nodded.

I asked for an escort, so I thought he might be coming alone, but he was escorted by five prosecutors.

Three of them seemed to have shields and two had thin rapiers.

Encred used what he learned.

“Age, posture, positioning, eye contact, everything is information. “Brother.”

As Audin said, it is about drawing and guessing the shape of the body based on posture.

‘Is it right?’

I’m not sure. It is said that a proc instinctively gauges the opponent’s skill level.

Did you say that humans cannot do that, so knowledge and experience are needed?

“You just have to do it. “Brother.”

Audin said so, but it didn’t seem like it would happen overnight.

There was no impatience. Encred was busy calmly observing his opponent.

Among the five, one was left-handed, and the chair squeaked and screamed when he sat down at the table, so it seemed like he was wearing heavy armor.

However, no one wore chain armor.

It is winter. Wearing iron armor in the harsh cold called the end season, the end of the four seasons? There would be no reason to do so.

Moreover, if you are walking after a carriage for escort, a thick Gambison would be perfect.

They were like that too.

My previous experience and common sense were aligned with what I learned through Audin.

You can judge your skills by looking at the condition and posture of the weapon.

Ten out of ten, they may not all be correct.

‘All five.’

He looked worse than a frontier guard. If you look at the soldier grading system, it means you are below special grade.

Encred reflected on what he had realized.

‘not bad.’

Assessing skills just by looking at posture and weapons is one of the things I would never dare to do.

Because he felt such changes in himself, Encred enjoyed the joy of growth today as well.

This joy never gets old.

It was new and exciting every time.

Combat skills and martial arts, including swordsmanship, are increasing and skills are improving.

The joy continues. fun. It’s really more fun.

Even though there is no need to take out a sword and stab in this mission.

I felt joy in being able to learn something new and use what I had learned in one sitting.

“Would you like to play a fun game?”

Saxony’s suggestion stuck there. It was a fun idea, or rather a training method.

“Guessing sounds is a game.”

“let’s do it.”

Just like Rem, Ragnar, and Audin, Rem had a great passion for teaching. Passion like a cold flame that is invisible on the outside.

It’s impossible not to know that.

You are the one benefiting from that heat.

So this time, it wasn’t really about just having fun.

Encred’s guess was correct.

What Saxony suggested was one of the training methods to train the sense of the blade.

Of course, it wasn’t an easy way.

* * *

“The sound of clicking one’s tongue.”

Saxony said and Encrid frowned.

“It’s late.”

Escort missions are generally boring. Moreover, this is a border guard.

Since there was also a personal escort from the top, it was obvious why the three of them were called.

If they attack us even though we paid Krona and called an escort, it means we should join the border guard standing army.

Border Guard is under the direct control of the King.

Interfering with the kingdom’s soldiers within its direct jurisdiction?

It would be a burden, even if it were the best Rengadis fleet on a continent famous for its blank slate, rather than a medium-sized escort carrier.

“I’m the third man from the table on the left.”

How can you know so accurately just by listening?

I think Encred has now reached the level where he has eyes on his back.

It was a simple but difficult game.

When Saxony speaks, Encred, who is concentrating on the surrounding sounds, can only guess.

“The sound of a knife sharpening.”

Is it the kitchen? no. It’s higher than that.

Encred activated even one point of concentration.

Beads of sweat are running down my forehead. Even though the warmth of the fireplace heats up the interior, the place where Encred is located is a place where cool air flows.


“The direction is correct. What floor is it?”

The inn they are in has three floors.

Should I take a picture? No, then there is no training.

“It must be room 102.”

Saxony gave the correct answer. The key to this game was time. It means you have to say it at the right time.

After going back and forth a few times, the company commander approached me.

“Let’s do it together.”

The opponent is a fairy. A race whose five senses are twice as good as those of humans.

In Encred’s opinion, she seemed superior to Saxony.

“The sound of inserting a short blade and pulling it out, repeat.”

The problem is presented again.

Encred misses again and again.

The fairy company commander answered without even taking a breath.

“In front of the inn entrance.”

“Sound of breathing with mouth covered.”

No, how do you know that?

Encred was at a loss, but the fairy company commander’s elegant voice repeatedly gave the correct answer.

“Outside the window.”

“The guy who sat down and held his breath.”

“Facing the entrance, under the table on the right.”

“A sneaky guy.”

“Behind you.”

From the middle, Encred tilted his head. Because at some point it was no longer a question asking about the sound of suje.

The object of escort is the successor of the superior.

The top even brought individual escorts.

One side of the inn’s main hall was set up as if rented out.


“An attack expected.”

“I agree.”

The moment Encrid understood what Saxony and the fairy company commander had said.

Saxony stood up and pushed back the chair he was sitting on.

Grumble! puck!


In Encred’s eyes, he saw the guy who had been hit in the thigh by the back of the chair that Saxony had pushed.

I see panicked eyes and a knife in my hand. It was a dagger painted black.

Listening training, I always paid close attention to that.

Encrid looked at Saxony and turned around himself. I saw a guy holding a dagger.

It was just before I stabbed him.

The other person’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw Encred suddenly turn around, and for a moment, his body stiffened.

In that moment, Encred reached out and grabbed the other person’s wrist.


Squeeze and twist outward, setting the opposite elbow at a right angle.


The opponent, whose wrist was twisted, was dragged helplessly by Encred.

Just like that, Encred struck the center of the opponent’s chest with his elbow.

simplicity and honesty.

The opponent’s chest bone is broken and the dagger is lost. En Creed caught the falling dagger and lowered his body. A dagger flew to where he was. The flying dagger stuck into the wooden pole with a thud.

If anyone saw it, they would say that I barely escaped it.

Encred was as expected. It was easily avoided.

‘I guess I should say that everything helps.’

The assassin attack I experienced at the medical barracks was aimed at Kraang, but had to go through Encred.

I barely survived every time.

By repeating today.

Afterwards, he faced the mixed-blood fairy assassin’s Whistle Dagger. Moreover, this is a recent thing.

This also repeated today.

Some people have experienced something they might have experienced once or twice in their lives, but over and over again.

In other words, it is the totality of the experiences I have had so far.

Now, these types of attacks can be easily repelled.


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