Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 71

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71. Rumors have wings of light

“That body is finally worth looking at. “Brother.”

“At this level, the basics are not bad.”

“You won’t die from a blind sword. The response is not bad. “I think that’s exactly it.”

“Hehe, I see you’re in the mood for sparring now, so is the sword in your hand? “Has the heart of the beast ripened?”

This is what each squad member says.

All I could say was that my skills had improved without even thinking about it.

For Encred, improving his skills had a very special meaning in his life.

It was the thread that connected dreams, the moonlight that illuminated the dark night, and the dawn that brought morning.

Because a ray of light seeped into my faded and torn dream.

Because this ray of light became the foundation for rebuilding this thing called Dream.

A knight is a name that is earned by accumulating honor and completing it with skill.

Encred wanted to become a knight, not a knight-level mercenary or warrior.

When asked why, I was at a loss for words to answer.

There is something that tickles my heart. It’s just that it doesn’t come out of my mouth readily.

If you tell me to say something false, I might do it, but I don’t like that.

In this regard, it was a man named Encred who was stubborn.

The unreasonable things I saw during my time as a mercenary also served as a reason for me not to give up on my dream.

That cannot be the only reason.

Why are dreams dreams?

‘Just because I hope.’

I also want to receive cheers from someone.

It’s also a good time to train your sword skills.

It’s also a good time to chat with people around you.

I want to meet people who ignored me and threw me away in the past and show them that I have changed.

It is a complex, intertwined desire.

Because the human heart is not simple.

For Encred, the sum of those desires came down to two letters.


It’s a dream.

Even if my skills are lacking and I still have a long way to go.

If there was a path to my dream, I wanted to walk there.

Therefore, building honor was also something that had to be done.

Also, I wanted to try it out.

‘How far will my sword work?’

Even if I were to spar, I only do it with my squad members all day long.

On the battlefield, he fought and won against a guy named Mitch Huryer, fought a promotion battle, and overcame the assassination of a mixed-race fairy, but the person he was then and the person he is today are different.

Encred clenched and opened his hands.

‘I want to fight.’

I just wanted to have time to prove myself by swinging my sword.

He became a senior soldier in the soldier grading system.

However, there are differences even within the upper ranks.

It is the desire to win and the curiosity that arises because one’s skills have improved.

It was a desire to test one’s skills through actual combat.

It was a request that came in just like that.

Moreover, the company commander is with him. It won’t be an easy task.

‘But why, the company commander himself?’

This is Encred’s question.

Wouldn’t someone else have the same questions he had?

The company commander’s only intention was to stop by on his way back and forth, but it seemed strange to other platoon commanders.

In particular, it was a truly strange thing to see from the 4th platoon commander, Encred’s immediate superior, who should have relayed this story.

It was just a coincidence, but there are people who cannot see a coincidence as a coincidence.

* * *

The Border Guard standing army would lend its force to citizens and merchants within the city.

This happened as a result of one of the two major policies made by Naurilia.

One is the soldier rating system.

They are both soldiers and mercenaries.

Soldiers instead of mercenaries stepped forward to carry out requests, and along with the rating system, it was one of the kingdom’s successful policies.

“The Border Guard’s standing army is trustworthy.”

Words like this came out often.

The soldier mercenary system is where soldiers instead of mercenaries step forward and carry out requests.

It was perhaps natural that it received positive response from citizens and the top.

Mercenaries are rough and rough, but soldiers are less so. Like all disciplined units, they were faithful to their orders.

Additionally, the cost was cheaper than that of large mercenary guilds.

“Isn’t escorting a given for security in the city? “Don’t you think it’s too much to ask for Krona for each of these things?”


There are times when the person in charge at the top grumbles like this.

If you use the escort force even once, that phrase becomes apparent.


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The Border Guard standing army is one that engages in local warfare twice a year.

It is a unit located in a military city close to the battlefield.

As people die and die, it is natural that the idiots will be filtered out, so it was natural that the level of soldiers in the standing army would be leveled upward.

Cost, performance, safety.

Everyone is highly satisfied with it for three reasons, so it is said to be a successful policy.

Receiving a request from the company commander was one of those things.


However, everyone thought this way.

Because at this level, it was not something the company commander should step forward.

Platoon leaders all have eyes and ears. Although I kept my mouth shut for the sake of conduct, they also knew that my company commander’s skills were not mediocre.

‘Wouldn’t it be worth it to try it with the border guard commander?’

The border guard commander is the strongest border guard. Even though the battalion commander is a passing person, this is out of the question.

‘I think I’ll catch the heavy armor company commander.’

The fairy company commander has already proven his fighting skills on the battlefield.

“I will do this request.”

It is said that the fairy company commander is taking a request.

What can you say when your superiors step forward and say that you are doing it?

I have no choice but to say I understand.

“Why do you have to come forward yourself?”

The 4th platoon leader asked.

“Let’s take the troublemaker squad leader.”

That was the answer.

It’s just one request. What’s the big deal?

The problem is because of the person taking it.

This is Encred, a shaman destroyer and senior soldier.

The 4th platoon commander rose to this position entirely by intuition.

As the fairy company commander left, the 4th platoon commander rolled his head and traced the past.

The basis of wisdom is information. If you are late in understanding the surrounding situation, it will have a negative impact on your promotion.

He faithfully recalled his memories for his future.

‘Didn’t you say that you went to see it during the military barracks?’

The fairy company commander went to see Encred in person.

As soon as he took office.

I even went to the military barracks to see it.

After that, I met Encred alone a few times.

Moreover, there were almost no situations where he was alone with other platoon commanders.

It would have been nice if he had answered properly.

The company commander also intervened in Encred’s promotion battle.

The 4th platoon leader also saw the scene.

‘It was time to fight the frontier guards.’

At that time, in the eyes of the 4th platoon leader, it seemed as if he had stepped in to protect Encred, who was in danger.

Also, on a day when it was snowing heavily, the company commander even gave an order to send only the troublemaker squad out.

They returned in the morning after all the snow had been cleared.

‘I even brought heated leather.’

Where did you come from and what did you do?

They just said it was a confidential operation. He didn’t even know about it because he reported it directly to the company commander.

I heard that you and the company commander sparred in a private training hall.

Why did you do that?

Duty barracks, single units, promotion battles, operational orders and sparring on snowy days, and even requests.

All the information becomes one and mixes to create a conclusion in your head.

The 4th platoon leader’s own reasoning gave me goosebumps. Of course, it was a mistake, a misunderstanding, and a series of foolish thoughts, but he smelled a strong scent of confidence in my guess.

This is a thought that comes to mind.

‘Could it be two?’

The platoon leader stood the fairy and the troublemaker squad leader side by side.

It seemed like a better picture than I thought.

“Oh, I guess not?”

I was so sure that I got goosebumps all over my body, but I thought to myself for no reason.

“What do you mean?”

The subordinate next to me asks. He was on free guard duty.

The 4th platoon leader carefully explained his guess.

If I had said it was nonsense, it would have ended there.

“… … Wow, Mr.”

The subordinate’s reaction was strange. His pupils fluttered.

He also seemed shocked.

Although Border Guard is not a small town, word spread quickly.

Especially since some rumors are faster than a horse with wings.

The helpless people in the unit, especially the women who tended the baths and prepared meals, tended to be fascinated by these types of rumors.

Through them, the rumor gained wings of light, and quickly began to spread within the unit.

It took less than a day, and there was no one in the unit who didn’t know.

* * *

“Squad leader! I heard you’re going to be a father soon? that’s right?”

Kreis, who returned to the unit after three days, asked.

Where did it go wrong?

Encred thought about it, but there was nothing he could know.

The rumor has already spread.

At Kreis’ words, Rem next to him held his stomach and giggled.

He laughed so excitedly that his heated leather became disheveled and his bare feet popped out.

“Kihehehe, that’s right. that’s right. He’s the baby’s father. “Wangnun, did you hear what Mom said?”

“Yes, I was wondering what kind of rumor this was. I did it just in case. I knew the kid was exaggerating, but when did the company commander tease him? “As expected, our squad leader.”

When Cryce gave a thumbs up, Encred grabbed the thumb and pressed it back in.

“It’s a misunderstanding.”


“Someone started a strange rumor.”

The 4th platoon leader gave it, but Encred didn’t know that fact.

Kreis, who has been struggling with information lately for various reasons, didn’t know either.

It’s not impossible to find out the source of the rumor if you’re determined and dig deep, but it’s not likely.

It’s not like my life is threatened.

“Hmm, not bad. “If you keep him as a pet and make him a swordsman teacher.”

Ragna also added a word.

What’s in that bastard’s head?

Sometimes, it seems like there’s more to it than just RAM.

Are you trying to use marriage as an opportunity to improve your swordsmanship?

“Huh, kiiiii.”

Rem, who had been laughing non-stop next to me, now began to let out sounds similar to the cries of a demonic beast.

“Don’t worry too much. “If you get dumped later, you’ll have a hard time.”

Saxony was folding his clothes on one side.

‘Is it a foregone conclusion that I am different?’

Isn’t the premise seriously wrong?

“Bless you, brother.”

It was a joke that everyone knew.

Doesn’t everyone know Encred’s routine?

It was a series of busy schedules that made it difficult to connect with someone and do something.

“Let’s not talk.”

It was just a useless rumor. With that thought in mind, I reach out to Esther.


Today, Esther refused his touch.

“I’m not Chrys.”

An aggrieved Encred spoke, but Esther only glared harshly and lay down on the heated leather.

After being buried in his arms all day, why is he suddenly acting like that?

“I see you’re jealous. Please give me some comfort.”

Rem said something next to me, then held her stomach and laughed like crazy.

Rem was, as expected, a crazy bastard.

“Ha, thanks to you it was fun, so when are you leaving?”


“They said I had to take only one person for an escort mission.”


“Of course you should come with me.”

This is said by flapping the skin and half-rising the body.

Then he proudly points to himself with his thumb.

The heated leather fluttered over Rem’s shoulders as he stood up, spread out, and then was suddenly draped over Rem’s shoulders, hanging down like a cloak.

“Are you saying this because I made fun of you? Let’s think calmly. Squad leader, that icy Saxon over there? Even if the escort subject makes a single noise, there will be an uproar. Do you want to see a sneaky wild cat scratching its guard?”

Is that what comes out of your mouth?

Encred was taken aback, but his expression remained the same.

The attitude is to say whatever you want.

“You’re lazy, you won’t be interested.”

Ragnar doesn’t usually take on requests. That is, unless it is something you do reluctantly.

“So are you going to take Wangnuni with you? “It’s not like he’s increasing the number of people to guard.”

This is correct.

Kreis wasn’t an option in the first place.

“The lump is, well, let’s say it’s usable. But what if you mumble that you are praying next to the escort? All day then? “I don’t think the escort will be very happy about that.”

The lump was referring to Audin. Lem is an immigrant from the West, and his speaking skills are amazingly smooth.

This is a way of speaking that makes it sound like the only option left is REM.


‘You are the biggest problem.’

Why did you assault your superior?

It’s because of my nature.

If you have to protect the escort target by beating them up, then Rem is fine. It might be okay.

But what if you can’t beat it?

What if the personality of the person being escorted is even a little bit disgusting?

You can’t attach Rem to the escort target.

A catastrophe is expected in less than a day, or even half a day.

This means that unless you are making a contribution by taking on a request and don’t want to incur a penalty or a lot of money, Rem is the number one thing to avoid.

“You can’t. never.”

There was no need to catch my breath, so I spoke firmly.

“… … Wow, I’m hurt right now. Especially when you say absolutely. What are you going to do with this? “Leaving a scar like this on the chest of a grown man?”

“But that doesn’t work.”

“I’m going to be crooked.”

I ignored it. Rem must have been stuck in his head, because he was prone to making strange noises.

I looked around the unit.

“If you ask so.”

Ragna, who made eye contact, spoke. It’s funny. If you take that with you, you’ll be lucky if it doesn’t mean you’re escorting it, but rather just sleeping around.

It must be hard to wake up that child who sleeps a lot in the morning.

‘I can’t send it somewhere alone.’

Because you will get lost.

Ragnar is an incredibly harsh spirit.

The two remaining options were Audin and Saxony.

I said there was nothing to worry about.

“Yes, I decided on you.”


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