Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 70

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70. Technique of Isolation

The basis of the ‘technique of isolation’ was subordinates.

Develop motor skills by lifting heavy objects and performing movements repeatedly.

This means that training by lifting heavy weights does not stop at simply increasing muscle strength.

“Shall we do it now?”

It’s been a month, and it’s a corner of the parade ground where the cold hasn’t gone away yet.

Encred proposes sparring. Au Din smiled and nodded his head.

“Do you have a good arm? Do you have good legs? “Brother?”

It is a signal that one of the two will be twisted.

“You have a long tongue. “Audin.”

Both were bare handed.

I didn’t just learn isolation techniques throughout the month.

The two glare at each other. I had to raise my head at an angle to meet her eyes with Auddin. The difference in physique was clear.

Still, it was Audin who moved first.

The moment it kicked the ground, it lowered its body and rushed at it, so fast that an afterimage was visible for a moment.

It doesn’t live up to the nickname “praying bear.”

In the past, Encred’s best response would have been to raise his knees.

It was different now.

Likewise, lower your posture, clench your fists, raise your thumbs, and aim forward as if thrusting. It’s a position where your eyes can explode if you rush at it.

Then, rather than lunging at him, Auddin flipped to the side.

He kicked the ground hard, but the large figure changed positions as quickly as Ester.

It sounds like a nimble leopard.

He has agility and quickness that do not match his size.

If he was caught from behind, the fight would end there, so Encred also turned around several times.

Then, at some point, Audin stretched out his fist.

Before I knew it, it was within arm’s reach. It is unknown when the gap was allowed.

It was a state of one-point concentration.

Encred made a decision and acted in a split second of time. He stuck out his forehead and attempted to block it before it reached the striking point of his fist.

How to get hit without pain was one of the wrestling techniques.

Audin stretched out his fist, then opened his palm and grabbed Encred’s hair.

After that, he pulled down the hair that he had grabbed, hit Encred’s back with his left elbow, and pressed down with his weight.

Encrud withstood Audin’s power and weight, albeit briefly.

Instead of just enduring it, he even tried to put it behind his back.

Audin did not quietly climb on Encred’s back. He shifted his weight and pulled Encred’s hair forward.

Encred’s center of gravity shook due to the hair being pulled at ghostly timing. He couldn’t move his body as he wanted. It was because he lost his balance.

There was no way now.


Encred covered his face with his hand and was crushed by Audin.

“You gave your body in exchange for your arms and legs. “Brother, squad leader.”

Auddin chuckled. It was a cheerful laugh.

“If it were a battlefield, there would have been helmets.”

I meant grabbing the hair. As I spoke with a smile on my face, Audin answered with a smile.

“Then they must have used other means.”

That was correct. Encred didn’t say this because he was dissatisfied.

I asked because I was curious about other means.

“If I had a helmet, I would have used the method of holding the nape of the neck with the palm of my hand or pressing it to the back of the head all at once instead of the hair.”

“I see.”

I was crushed by Audin. The weight of the praying bear seemed like its intestines would burst at any moment, but what he had just learned was more important to Encred.

Audin stood up, leaving Encred focused.

A month is a routine that would drive some people crazy from boredom, but for Encred, it is a calm routine.

We learned isolation techniques in the morning and wrestling after lunch.

I trained my sword skills again until evening.

After dinner, I reflected on what I had learned.

The heart of the beast, the sense of the blade, the focus of one point.

There was room for improvement in everything.

Why should we stop when we can make progress?

However, the learning speed was slow. It was like that even though it was supported by single-point concentration, the feel of the blade, and the heart of the beast.

So Encred crawled.

He was a slow snail and a turtle on land.

“It’s growing really slowly.”

Audin stood up, straightened his clothes and said.

Because the cold had not yet gone away, white steam rose above my shoulders.

The same goes for Encred’s shoulders.

Isolation techniques and wrestling are both sweat-intensive activities.

Encred repeated Oudin’s teachings again and again. He was worth it.

‘How to measure your skills.’

The body contains all information.

For example, right-handed prosecutors tend to have more developed right arm muscles.


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It is an eye that looks at the physique and level of development of the body and reads the experience and level of training of the other person.

After starting training with the isolation technique, I came to a new realization.

What I learned afterwards was also valuable. After he gained a physical foundation with isolation techniques, he learned wrestling.

Audin divided wrestling into three major categories: striking, joint techniques, and throwing.

It is said that if the opponent is smaller than you, the fight becomes easier just by throwing and throwing.

“What if I were shorter?”

Encred knew how to listen properly, but he also had a lot of questions.

When it comes to learning, I never passed anything easily.

Audin used to think about it every time.

This is the squad leader’s advantage.

“If something is small, there is a way to fight. Those who are good at joints, striking techniques, and box fighting can use their opponent’s strength to use them. “Counters are kind of like that.”

What the fairy company commander did was probably of the same type. A technique that knocked oneself down with a single wave of the hand, that was the word that came to mind.

In fact, Audin even showed a demonstration in that way.

Auddin was kind. Although he was devilish when practicing isolation techniques, he was rather gentle when teaching wrestling.

“If you apply more force here, your arm will break and your joints will be damaged. “If you don’t receive divine treatment, you won’t be able to recover, so you will end up as an asshole.”

If he made even the slightest mistake, Encred’s body would be dismembered with his bare hands. Naturally, wrestling became a mild taste.

“Of course you have to have strength and speed. In addition, you need to learn how to identify vital points, how to knock someone down, how to break bones, how to break joints, etc. There is no way to learn anything roughly.

So, rather than learning something new, you need to repeat what you have learned more.

“But you still want to learn something new?”

Sometimes I even scolded him. It was worth it.

Rather than reaching the level of mastery of a single technique, Encred tried to learn as much as possible and put it into practice.

‘Is this right.’

For Encred, there is a repetition of today.

You can’t expect to become skilled in technology just by learning it now.

To Audin, it just looks like he’s greedy and his body can’t keep up, but for Encred, this was the right path.

My thoughts of reflecting on what I had learned were broken by Audin’s voice.

“Why do you think you grabbed my hair in the situation a moment ago?”


Encred answered simply. It wasn’t because I didn’t know.

“That’s right. “Even though I’ve said it countless times, the squad leader is really dull and slow.”

Encred was still the same. I don’t get hurt by words like this. There was no time for that.

Because I was busy repeating what I learned today.

There were dozens of types of joints.

Just memorizing it and hitting it roughly on my body was the limit.

In addition, I had to learn throwing and hitting techniques, and I also had to ingrain the basic principles into my body.

“I’ve said it several times. Physical strength is essential. Reading gaps is like swordsmanship, and lastly, if you are not agile, everything is useless.”

Auddin was a good teacher. I’m not saying this because the way he teaches is great.

‘I don’t know how to give up.’

Even though I couldn’t see him growing because he was slow and slow, I taught him honestly.

This kind of teacher suited Encred best.

Even a little bit of honest teaching will remain in the body and mind, so I postponed training and mastery, but learned and learned Encred honestly.

“Stamina, spacing, athleticism.”

Encrid reflected on Audin’s words.

Whether it’s a sword, spear, blunt weapon, or wrestling, strength and speed are essential.

I’m quite used to measuring spacing, but Audin was more skilled than Encred. So he suffered.

“Did you roll on the ground again today?”

When I returned from wrestling, Rem was waiting for me.

“Are you going to rest today?”

It’s the same question every time.


This time it’s a sword. There were times when I carried a wooden sword, but now I find the real sword more comfortable.

The familiar longsword is aimed at Rem’s entire body. It wasn’t just Rem I dealt with every day.

One day Ragnar.

“Now that I’m looking at it, I want to join in. “Squad leader.”

Another day, Saxony came forward.

“There is still time. “Come out with your sword.”

These are all people who do not refuse Encred’s request.

And everyone had similar thoughts.

For example, Rem.

‘What kind of talent is this? ‘Do I need practical experience?’

It seems like my skills improved day by day on the battlefield, but when I returned to the city, I was back to the same level.

Of course it’s better than before.

There is no dramatic growth. That’s how Rem sees it.

The only reason it was better than before was thanks to the heart of the beast, one-pointed focus, the sense of the blade, and the technique of isolation.

Because the quality of the muscles was changing thanks to the isolation technique.

Of course, dramatic changes could not be made in one month.

Just move forward little by little, half a step at a time.

It moves forward like a slow snail crawling.

Ragnar also had similar thoughts.

‘The basics are solid, but why is the application skills improving so slowly?’

Didn’t his talent really explode when he was 30? Why did I become a fool again?

I can not know.

Nevertheless, Ragna showed motivation.

Encred was a person who naturally made me motivated.

Every day, regardless of whether I have work or other circumstances, I repeat the same rigorous training.

If I worked in the morning, even late in the evening, I would hold a rock or something and assume strange postures.

The same goes for wrestling and swordsmanship.

If I have work to do during that time, I go to work, then come back and start training.

Split your sleeping time and split your eating time.

When going into group training, the five of them – Rem, Ragna, Saxony, Audin, and Kreis – tend to be lazy or skimp on the training, but Encrid did his best in training.

After that, I returned to my dorm, went to the training ground, and repeated my training again.

It was so consistent that it was disgusting.

That’s why Ragnar was stimulated by seeing the squad leader.

The same was true in Saxony.


My hearing is at the level of having an eye on the back of my head.

After that, the sensitivity of the senses does not develop.


Is it your fault as a teacher?

Or is learning Encred the problem?

‘It’s the one who learns that’s the problem.’

I know this because I have already taught it several times. So it was just amazing.

It’s really slow and slow to improve your skills.

‘But I don’t give up. ‘It’s unique.’

Saxony almost smiled happily, but then returned to his original expressionless expression.

‘What’s important about the squad leader?’

Even though he thought this, he always did his best.

As we took turns teaching, the order was decided, and Saxony worked the hardest.

Esther looked at the man she had chosen.

The black leopard’s blue eyes catch the other person’s image.

How can that happen?

There was a time when I was crazy about the world of spells.

There was a time when you didn’t need anything if you were immersed in the world of spells all day.

I didn’t want to eat or sleep or anything.

‘And then it happened like this.’

Esther pondered the past and followed Encred with her eyes again.

‘It’s different from me.’

That man’s routine is simple and repetitive. Eating, sleeping, and even resting are performed as if they are part of the daily routine.

He was a person for whom it was very fitting to say that he was resting diligently.

I can’t wait to see it.

‘If there’s anything I can help you with, me too.’

I want to help. He was that kind of person.

In fact, Encred didn’t have time to look around.

I was literally busy carving various things into my body.

He was originally crazy about training, but recently he has become even more so.

There was also a benefit to the technique of isolation.

‘The quality of muscles changes.’

I almost want to take off my clothes and look at my body in the mirror.

Who feels this best?

It was Encred himself.

Whenever movements that were difficult before became smoother, I was so happy that I almost went crazy with joy.

Starting from stabbing to the basics of heavy swordsmanship.

Now that I have a changed body, everything is different from before. Softer and more flowing.

I am now somewhat familiar with Yoo Geom-sik’s shedding technique.


Sword meets sword and sheds the opponent’s weapon. He had just knocked Rem’s ax aside.

“It’s a little better.”

This is a leak acknowledged by Rem. I can’t say it’s perfect, though.

‘It’s better than before.’

Even Encred himself feels that the level of completeness of the technology is different.

In all of this, there was a technique for building the body.

In other words, it is a technique of isolation.

“Are you regretting not learning sooner?”

Auddin once asked. Doesn’t he think it’s too late to get fit?


Encred shook his head.

I have no regrets about the days gone by.

If there were any regrets like that left.

You are probably already stuck in ‘today’.

In the past, what I learned at that time was important.

Therefore, be faithful to the present.

That was right.

I had a dream about a boatman just once for a month.

“Living today is no different from being trapped.”

The boatman spoke and collapsed, resting his chin as a feeling of boredom radiated from his entire body.

Where has the guy who laughed so harshly the other day gone?

What the boatman said was right.

Encred spent a month that was no different from the repetition of today.

The only things that changed were working hours and the weather.

“If I had learned it before, my body wouldn’t have been able to accept it.”

Audin left these words. He didn’t really care.

What was important was today, now.

The end of the four seasons, the fourth and harshest winter, has already arrived.

“Wait a moment.”

One of those days, the fairy company commander came to visit Encred.

As we went out in front of the dormitory, the company commander, facing away from the cold, looked at me with his green eyes and said.

“It’s a mission.”

Border Guard standing forces are each drawn up as needed. Fighting on the battlefield was not the only duty.


“It’s about protecting the heir to the top. Please select only one person from each squad and come with us.”

The company commander conveyed the matter through an order. It was an order from superiors. Encred had to follow suit.

Requests and missions.

Actually, I don’t like it that much.

But now I am also interested in accumulating balls.

Develop skills and build up merit. It was on the way to the article.


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