Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 7

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7. Three three

Since he couldn’t keep smiling, Encred soon stopped laughing.

Rem, who saw this, snatched Encred’s wrist, took out a bandage from his pocket, and wrapped it tightly.

“Just stay behind me today. With my hands like this, it would be perfect for rolling. “If I tell you that it looked like this while sparring, the platoon leader will be so damn sick.”

“it’s okay.”

“I’m just saying something has happened. If I go into battle with these hands, I will die? Do you have any future hopes for suicide? Then I won’t disturb you either.”

It’s not wrong. If you go into battle with hands like this, it will be perfect for you.

However, it was not a big problem for Encred. He just needs to die one more time.

Then the one hundred and twenty-fifth morning will dawn.

‘It’s not boring, though.’

Because I can end this repetitive day.

Encred didn’t just train his swordsmanship during this time.

By repeating the day one hundred and twenty-four times, I came up with a way to get through ‘today’.

When an ordinary soldier returns from his first battlefield alive, it is said that Lady Luck picked up the coin he had spilled.

If you don’t have any outstanding talent, luck can be a great help in saving your life.

Encred calculated that he needed that kind of luck a few times to not die.

‘But you can’t rely on luck.’

Encred didn’t need to do that.

He knows what happens on the battlefield, especially around him.

So you can prepare.

Therefore, I was able to prepare.

For the one hundred and twenty-fourth time, Encred died again, this time with his throat suffocated by a stab wound.

My palms were so messed up that I couldn’t even touch the knife properly.

Still, I didn’t want to waste even a single day, so I kept an eye on the enemy soldier’s stabs. I held my breath and held on until the end.

And he did.

“It’s going to hurt. “It is mercy.”

While listening to the voices of enemy soldiers, I endured the pain of the hot blade that felt through my neck.

Something caught on his tongue, so he spit it out right before he died, and it turned out to be a broken molar.

This happened because I was clenching my molars in pain.

okay. It’s not boring.

I was happy because I had a worthwhile time repeating today.

But no matter what reason you give.

‘It means I don’t want to be left behind.’

Dying couldn’t have been fun.

That too had to be killed by a pervert who enjoyed the other person’s pain.

If I can finish it, I will finish it. As soon as he realized he was stuck on a day, Encrid decided to go for it.


Kang! Kang! Kang!

The one hundred and twenty-fifth morning dawned.

* * *

Encred stood up, picked up Rem’s shoes and shook them off.

“What are you doing? “Is that mine?”

“I know, it smells bad. “If you throw it at the enemy like this, I will kill 50 of them just by smelling their feet.”

“Seeing that you’ve been so damned since morning, did you at least have a good dream?”

Suddenly, a bug fell out of Rem’s boot. Encred crushed the fallen bug with his foot.

“I saw you go in this morning.”

“… … Well, thank you.”

Rem laughed and adjusted his boots.

Leaving Rem behind, Encred rolled back the tent and went out.

As dawn had just broken, I could see the blue of dawn mixed with the yellow of sunlight.

The last watchman is busy stirring pots.

A soldier who had just woken up would rub his eyes and be irritated, or go about his business in silence.

“Damn you, stop knocking. “My head will break.”

“So who wants to sleep after drinking yesterday?”

It was a barracks in the back.

“Why don’t you shut up? “If you are caught drinking, you will be disciplined.”

“It’s terrible.”

This is a conversation between the last night watch and a friend who drank alcohol yesterday.

Hearing that, Encred slowly turned his head back and looked at the drunken soldier’s face.

He was the leader of another unit and a squad leader. And that guy had a good mother.

On the sixty-sixth day, I talked to that friend and pretended to be close to him in order to remember that day.

“Aren’t you on morning duty?”

“You do it.”

While he was looking behind him, Encred suddenly spoke to Rem who was following him.

“why me?”

“You could do it once. “I have replaced him more than five times.”

“Were you counting something like that?”

“Yes, just yours.”


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“Why are you counting only mine?”

“Because you’re obnoxious, you.”

For one hundred and twenty-five times, not a single scratch was left on Rem’s body.

However, there is no resentment. If I had any feelings, the only thing left would be gratitude.

Anyway, Rem will do it.

Entrusting morning duty to Rem was a pattern that I repeated several times to have the highest chance of survival and to start the day in the best condition possible.

“I understand. Damn, what should I do?”

I moved my body roughly to warm up, so my body didn’t shiver in the cold morning air.

Even as he twisted his body around, Encred did not leave the front of the barracks.

One by one, the squad members came out.

The first is Saxony. He is a squad member who is on the hard-working side. Saxony, who made eye contact, greeted me with his eyes.

Encred also nodded roughly.

After that, several people came out one after another.

Encred grabbed the last member of the squad to come out with his eyes half-closed.



Nickname: Wangnuni, real name: Chrys Allman.

He is a handsome looking squad member.

And although he was said to have gathered only the worst, he was the only squad member with below-average skills among the 444 squad members who had excellent combat skills.

To be more precise, he was a guy who would explode even if he fought Encred.

“Haam, why so early in the morning? “For high-level professionals like me, waking up early in the morning is torture.”

Kreis said, his mouth wide open.

There wasn’t even a trace of mucus on his eye or any moisture on his face, but it was a face worth looking at.

It’s the kind of appearance that people interested in sodomy will take notice of.

“Get me a few things.”

Cryce tilted his head at Encred’s words.

I was skeptical because I wasn’t the type of person who would normally make such a request.

“Did you learn it at the beginning of the year? Or alcohol? Women can’t. “No matter how much I do, I can’t bring him here at a time like this.”

Kreis was a black marketeer within the unit who had nothing he couldn’t get.

“Do you think I can save the girl?”

“no. “Then what do you need?”

“Five throwing knives, oiled leather, a large needle, deerskin gloves, and finally about ten horse flowers and a fistful of alum.”

When talking about the leather part, Encred roughly measured the size with his hand.

It was large enough to envelop the torso of an adult male.

“… … “There are so many things I don’t know what to do.”

“So you can’t get it?”

Cryce looked at Encred for a moment, then nodded.

“There’s nothing I can’t get. Instead, no matter how much you are a squad leader, you can’t get something for free. “You know, right?”

“How much is it?”

“I have to give you seventeen pieces of silver.”

You’re a fraud.

Five throwing knives can be purchased at the blacksmith shop for a silver coin or two.

Of course, when the price of iron soars, there are times when it exceeds three coins, but in general, it is like that.

Moreover, what Kreis is seeking is probably not a product made entirely of steel. Still, I’ll probably get a useful knife.

It is said that high-quality leather is expensive, but it would not be possible to bring the leather to a famous workshop.

The only things that cost money here are needles and deerskin gloves.

Obviously, no matter how little you give, you have to give at least three silver coins.

Well, you can get white horse flowers for a few pennies if you go to the village.

If there is a leather workshop near Baekbando, you can get it without spending a lot of money.

Encred also has a keen eye for this kind of thing, but he didn’t question it.

First of all, the first reason was that it was difficult to obtain items outside of the military base, that is, from Chrys.

The second is because of the ambiguous price of 17 coins, which is not an exact number.

That’s probably the appropriate value set by Kreis.

There was another reason as well.

“You can get it right after breakfast, right?”

“Do you know that means I have to skip breakfast?”

“You didn’t eat well anyway.”

“Heng, that’s right. But um, as far as I know, the squad leader doesn’t think this will be enough?”

Kreis curled his thumb and index finger to make a round shape.

“Not now.”

There are times when I save up my salary, but recently I’ve used it all up to get a new sword.

Now I was broke.

You will receive a salary after the battle, but if you ask for it now, you will be treated as a deserter.

“I’m sorry, it’s going to be difficult if you do this.”

Encred smiled at Chryce’s words.

It was a leisure that only a person with a strong belief could show.

“Please lend me five copper coins.”

Kreis did not trust ordinary people.

However, if the opponent was Encred, the story was a little different.

‘Because it’s the squad leader.’

Encred, whom I had seen so far, was not a person who would do foolish things.

More than anything, he was the person who saved my life.

Kreis took out five copper coins and handed them over.

Encred rolled the jingling coin in his hand and headed to the barracks next door.

As I went inside, I saw the guys who had been fighting since early morning.

It was a dice board where the last watchman and three guys who liked gambling more than sleeping in the morning gathered together.

Surprised eyes looked at Encred and immediately checked his face and expressed questions.

“what? “Wouldn’t it be better to be the 444th squad leader?”

“You’re very enthusiastic from early in the morning.”

Kreis looked at it and was impressed. He hated gambling. He didn’t like being caught by a scammer and getting robbed, but even if that wasn’t the case, he also hated leaving the money he had earned to chance and losing it.

It’s good when it’s soaked, but once you taste it, you’ll be hooked on gambling.

If you lose it, won’t the money bag in your hand disappear in vain?

In Kreis’s view, gambling was a game only played by poor people.

Encred took that position.

“Can I wear it too?”

“This way?”

It is the last wake-up call of the barracks next door.

He rolled his eyes, glanced at his fellow gambler, and then nodded.

“It’s good.”

Hogu was welcomed everywhere.

Encred went in and was about to squat down, but Cryce grabbed his collar with his hand.

“Are you going to throw away my five copper coins here?”

Although his eyes were covered with mucus, his big, bright eyes looked at Encred.

‘The woman must have cried quite a bit.’

Encrud thought about this and grabbed Chrys’ wrist and pushed him away.

“If I borrowed it, it’s now my money.”

After saying that, Encred finally took his place.

The gathered gamblers moved their butts to expand the space.

“Do you know how to play dice?”

A soldier who was rolling dice made from pig bones in a wooden barrel asked.

“If you get the same number, you get double it, and if you bet on a lower or higher number, you get the same amount as you bet. Right?”

I only glanced over my shoulder, but I saw it a hundred and twenty-five times.

I couldn’t have known without knowing.

There are three dice in total.

The sum is 18.

Therefore, you can call a number higher or lower than 9.

The guy sitting in the middle is the dealer.

This side was the one who rolled the dice and the rest were the ones who bet.

“Then let’s go to the first round.”

It’s a fun way to enjoy a little while before preparing breakfast.

The stakes were not high.

Minimum five copper coins, maximum two silver coins.

Encred bet five copper coins.

“Small number.”

“Big number.”

“Small number.”

“Small number.”

“Big number.”

“Big number.”

“Small number.”

In less than ten minutes, two silver coins were held in Encred’s hands.

The beauty of dice games is speed.

It was truly a fun game to play in a short period of time.

They did so.

At first, Encred memorized the numbers just for fun.

Will the dice come up with the same number every day?

Although today is a repetitive day, what happens around you often changes subtly.

So I knew.

The dice are always the same.

“I guess Lady Luck didn’t drop a coin, but at least gave me a kiss.”

When the number of silver coins in Encred’s hand exceeded ten, the soldier in charge of the dealer spoke.

“Isn’t it a scam?”

The dealer said what the other soldier right next to him would have said.

“What about morale, I’m a little lucky today. “It feels like the goddess is whispering in my ear.”

Encred ignored the look of suspicion without much thought.

They couldn’t argue either.

The dealer rolls the dice.

Even if I said it was salty, it was a bit too much.

Moreover, from the middle, I secretly took advantage of Encred’s bet by joining him.

“Scam, it’s your wrist that rolls the dice.”

“I thought he was casting a plague spell or something.”

“I guess so.”

“You kept picking like crazy the other days, right? “There is no stopping just because of bad luck.”

The soldier who had touched some money thanks to Encred chuckled.

The dealer said he understood, and after spinning a few more rounds.

“Let’s do it at the last minute. “Because I don’t have time.”

Before we knew it, breakfast time had arrived.

Encred rolled ten silver coins from his hand.

It started with five fairy tales and ended up like this.

It was all the money of the soldier who owned the dealer.

“It was fun. It’s the last minute. Can you take ten coins? “I want to just shake it off and leave.”

The maximum bet was originally five silver coins.

The dealer frowned at those words. Looking at today’s hit rate, there was no reason to accept it.

“Then I’ll bet my sister-in-law and rob me.”

Encred continued before the other person could respond.

What is the probability that three dice come up with the same number?

I have never seen a soldier rolling dice more often in my life.

I’ve never seen that in real life either.

All I saw was while playing around alone.

Therefore, as Encrid said, it was a joke, and he was going to cough up all the silver he had earned. At least that’s how it sounded to his ears.


Kryce stabbed Encred in the back from behind.

Kreis said with his mouth.

‘Are you crazy?’

No, not at all.

Encred didn’t go crazy.

“Ten silver coins for the same number.”

“… … good.”


The soldier rolled the dice and placed it loudly on the floor.

This is to prepare for any unfortunate incident that may occur if you roll it gently.

“Let’s see.”

The dealer soldier showed an expectant smile and opened the dice box.

“… … Wow, f*ck.”

“The goddess of luck is here, she is here.”

“Nimi, does this make sense?”

Everyone gathered was surprised.

Except Encred.

Three three.

The dice were equal.


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