Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 69

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69. I dreamed of hugging a woman (2)

Encred had a dream.

A flower field and a woman appeared.

“I’m going to be in trouble for a while, that’s what I know.”

He had a mysterious charm.

Even though Encred was someone who didn’t often look at women, it seemed like he wouldn’t be easily forgotten.

The dream was messy.

It was a flower field, then a black river, then a boatman, then a woman, and then suddenly a leopard.

‘Why are you out here?’

I asked to myself, but the leopard shook its head and turned its head to one side as if it was sulking.

It was so cute, Encred couldn’t resist and scratched the top of his head with his finger.


I heard that the lake panther is a wild animal, but in times like this, it looks just like a cat.

The guy let out a happy cry. The growling sound was also pleasant for Encred to hear.

Then I opened my eyes for a moment, but it was unclear whether this was a dream or reality.

In front of me, the woman I had seen in the flower field and black river was in my arms.

And naked too.

When I blinked, the woman disappeared and the leopard’s head appeared. It seemed like it was a dream.

‘For that matter.’

A heavy feeling remained in my arms. It felt even more strange because it left behind a scent and warmth that cannot be felt from a small leopard.

‘The dream feels so realistic.’

Then sleep poured in again, and Encred didn’t bother to overcome the pouring sleep.

When I opened my eyes in the morning, the leopard that never left my arms before I woke up was nowhere to be found.

“Ticket, Esther.”

Encred, who was trying to call him something randomly, remembered the name he had made up in his sleep.

Then, I saw the Lake Panther standing upright on one side moving.

It was so amazingly hidden in the shadows of the hotel that it was difficult to find it unless you looked closely.

He has eyes as blue as lakes and hair as black as ebony.

He walked on the floor, and sat down on one side looking as if he had nothing to do with it.

This is a piece of leather made to rest on one side of the hotel. Of course it’s heated leather.

‘I went from being wealthy to being extravagant overnight.’

The sight of even a leopard trimming its nails on heated leather.

There was beef jerky on top of it, either brought by Wangnuni or Rem.

The leopard roughly cut the beef jerky with its fingernails, put it in its mouth, and started chewing it.

But what is so empty?

Is it because you don’t have the little animal that warms your arms in the morning?

Or is it because the dream is too realistic?

Even if I were asked to draw the naked body of the woman in my dream, I felt like I could draw it.

Of course, since I don’t have the slightest skill in drawing, I’ll draw it in a mess.

It remained so clearly in my memory.

‘It was pretty.’

Her beauty was outstanding. It is comparable to that of a fairy company commander who boasts inhuman beauty.

“What are you thinking like that?”

“I had a dream and it stayed in my memory so clearly.”

Esther looked at Encred. The leopard’s eyes were strange.

When you say your name in a dream, your thoughts may have remained stronger than you thought.

For someone with weak willpower, that alone could have taken a mental toll.

So, what should I do?

Should I try to think of a way to use my hands even with the body of a leopard?

The leopard became serious.

“What kind of dream is this?”

Rem asked while lying down with the leather rolled up.

“Are you a caterpillar?”

“That’s right. I am a caterpillar. It’s a caterpillar with only a mouth. So feed me breakfast. Otherwise, this weak caterpillar will starve to death.”

This kid is definitely half crazy.

Encred ignored Rem’s words. He’s still a good guy.

“So what was your dream?”

Rem asked again. En Creed replied, scratching his chin.

“It was a strange dream.”

“It’s strange?”

Rem tilted his head. Since only the head is exposed, all expressions are made only through facial expressions and head. If this was a talent, it was a talent.

“I saw a naked woman.”

“Cruk! Kak, Kak!”


Encred’s eyes turned to the leopard.

A leopard was seen coughing repeatedly, as if a piece of beef jerky was stuck in its throat.


The leopard put its head down on the ground and ignored the call.


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This leopard has had mystique spread throughout its body from the moment I first met it.

The beast of beasts, the owner of the Green Pearl.

A leopard with eyes that resemble a lake, the Lake Panther.

Such a beast coughed and drooled on the floor.


To the point where I wonder if I’m going to die like that.

“In all my life, I have never seen a leopard get caught in the neck while eating beef jerky and die. So, is that why it was so pretty?”

It was very pretty.

But there was no answer. What can I say?

It’s just a dream anyway.

“Isn’t it too slow just because it’s winter? Rem?”

Encred said and stood up.

When I woke up, there was no pain anywhere on my body.

Moving itself is painful.

Still, if I stay still at times like this, my body becomes weaker. This is a fact I know from experience.

That doesn’t mean training is necessary. In the past, I would have been more aggressive in my haste.

I know that if I do that, my body will be damaged even more. From then on, I kept the line.

I wasn’t as anxious as before.

‘Resting is also part of training.’

This is what countless swordsman teachers have said.

If you relax your body moderately today, you will feel a little more comfortable tomorrow. The monk gymnastics taught by Audin would be sufficient.

“So you were pretty?”

“You know what to do. “It’s a dream.”

I gave a rough answer and left. It was cold today too. There is no pain anywhere on my body, but I am starting to relax.

I didn’t think much. Rather, after some sparring, it became clear.

It was always a question.

‘What should I do next?’

It is said that those who are talented, or so-called geniuses, can see a path even if they do not want to.

Finding out what you need and what you are lacking right now is also a talent.

So, what about those without talent?

Try this and try that.

From there it takes time. The starting line changes.

That’s why a good teacher was needed.

The presence of a teacher who can pick up what you lack and tell you about it is always like a treasure.

This time, the fairy company commander played part of that role.

Now, other people had to make up for the rest.


In the morning, Audin comes out. cold? I am not a person who cares about such things.

If anything, people around him would call him a praying bear.

It wouldn’t be called that just because of its size.

“Yes, brother, it’s a nice day, isn’t it?”

A sharp wind passed between the two. Border Guard is the northernmost part of the Fen-Hanil continent.

It is a particularly cold area within the Pen-Hanil continent.

Thanks to the cloudy sky, the surroundings looked mottled even though it was morning.

But Audin was originally this kind of person. As soon as the sun rises, as soon as it rains.

I can’t bear to say good morning on a snowy day.

“I see.”

Encred responded. What does the day have to do with it?

No, it was a good day. Any day is a good day to learn something new.

“Teach me wrestling.”

Encred was always the same. He did what he did.

The purpose and will were clear.

Because I always treated my squad members this way, the relationship we have now was created.

Audin tilted his head.

Because to him, this guy is a truly unique person.

As I saw my skills improve in just a few days, I wondered what kind of luck it would be possible to achieve that.

Encrud, the squad leader, was a burning flame in Audin’s eyes.

A flame that burns the surroundings without even knowing that my body is burning.

Therefore, the flame brightens and warms the surroundings.

When I tried to ignore everything in the world and turn my head, I was actually halfway to giving up.

He was the first person I encountered when I entered the unit.

“What are you doing now?”

It’s our first meeting. Encred was swinging a club in front of the barracks. It wasn’t just a club, it was an object made of three pieces of soaked wood tied together with string.

“Strength training.”

Will you easily gain strength just by swinging something heavy?

It may increase, but it is not an efficient method.

It would be fortunate if my body didn’t break down like that.

I thought I would quit in a few days.

Encred didn’t do that. Every day was the same. Even if you go to the battlefield, even if you are on duty, even if it rains or snows.

Even when he was sleeping, he swung his sword.

Audin recalled himself at that time.

You can probably picture yourself at that time in two words: impoverished.

I asked with a hint of gloom.

“Your skills are terrible, why do you do this every day?”

“It will get better if you keep doing it.”

There was no expression of offense. Like a calm answer to a calm question, I answer like that and continue with what I was doing.

Looking at that, Audin felt like a lightning bolt had hit his head.

‘How can they do that?’

What makes him move?

What kind of faith does he have?

There is no smell of faith.

They say that hard work is a talent, but if you don’t have it in the first place, you can’t keep trying.

Encred was that kind of person.

A person who is betrayed every day by their daily efforts.

A person who is betrayed every day but moves forward every time.

‘What are you?’

After that, Audin continued to observe the squad leader.

As I continued to look at the squad leader, I felt like the reason for my disappointment was really not that big of a deal.

‘Because faith is not something you do with the expectation of something in return.’

That day, Auddin began praying again.

“Brother, if you do that, all your joints will be ruined.”

After that, I started watching the squad leader’s training little by little.

Audín looks at the human body. It was good to see that he had an eye for talent as good as that of Frock.

If the proc is called a talent reader.

It could be said that Audín was a body reader who looked at the body and figured out its level of training through the power of acquired effort and talent.

In his opinion, Encred had to work twice as hard as others to build his body.

That’s what the natural skeleton is like.

The muscle quality is also not that good.

But will you give up?

Not like that. He said the squad leader he knew was not that kind of person.

“I need to start by building the body, is that okay?”

Auddin asked. It’s still a blustery day.

Since the day he watched the squad leader and prayed again, he always thought it was a good morning.

Except for snow days, of course.

“However much.”

“It will be painful.”

“are you okay.”

It’s better than dying.

Encred thought so.

“It will hurt.”

“No problem.”

It would be less painful than dying by being stabbed countless times.

“What I’m going to teach you from now on is not Monk’s gymnastics. This is a technology I developed. “It’s called the ‘technique of isolation.’”

Although the name sounded ominous, I also thought it was hopeful.

Once you learn it, it is right to learn it properly.

These are the words of a person who has the best martial arts skills among the squad members, or rather, Encred himself, at this point.

“The Technique of Isolation.”

Heart of the Beast, Sense of the Blade, and One-Point Focus are the names of the fourth skills.

“It will be a training that you understand with your head and perform with your body. “Brother.”


“Then, do it.”

It was a calm tone of voice. En Creed also nodded his head as if it was obvious.



Instead of screaming, moans began to flow from one side of the parade ground.

“Now is the beginning. “Brother.”

Encrid wondered if the person to whom Auddin prayed every day was the devil.

The gymnastics I did the other day was literally at the level of warming up my body.

They often say it’s basic.

“Based on flexibility, we will lift weights and strengthen our muscles. “Do it.”

Audin massaged various parts of his body and made him assume strange postures.

It was a position that literally felt like my muscles would be torn apart.

Why does it feel like the muscles in the front of my thighs are going to tear when I lie down and my heels are pressing down on my buttocks?

Audin grabbed Encred’s legs and pressed them.

Encred felt that Auddin’s hands were like iron shackles.

It is that strong of a force.

Encred, who lacked understanding of the body, had to learn muscle movements using his body.

“It would be easier if you thought you would die a couple of times.”

I was already thinking that way. Because it was truly a series of terrible pain.

To the point where I thought it would be better to die like this.

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr To

Strange moans began to come out of Encred’s mouth.

“it’s okay. “I know the limitations of the squad leader brother.”

‘Why do you know my limits?’

Was Auddin actually a crazy bastard?

Encred had that thought in mind.

Still, I was happy on the inside. Because he was looking forward to what he had gained through this suffering, Encred groaned and smiled even though he was in pain.

“Looking at your expression, you seem relaxed.”

No, I don’t have time.

The evil priest Audin disassembled, split, and tore Encred’s body several times that day.

It is a winter day, the end of the four seasons.

After developing flexibility for three days.

“Please eat.”

This was followed by performing limited movements while carrying heavy rocks and the like.

“Seup, hu. Hold your breath. Put air in your stomach. It is done by abdominal pressure. “Brother.”

The technique of isolation was not a skill used in combat.

It was a technique to modify my body.

For a full fortnight, Encred endured it feeling like he was pooping.

Then it was worth holding on for a little while.

Another fortnight passed.

“Are you worth it?”

It wasn’t as difficult as before. There is no pain like that. The beginning was difficult, but it was worth it.

So again, after a full month had passed, my body began to change.


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