Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 67

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67. The whole guild

Kreis found the most efficient way to take advantage of the situation.

‘They say it’s called the Thieves’ Guild.’

If you look closely, it is no different from a business.

A business where it would be okay to raise a protective tax, eliminate pickpocket businesses, and use only the good ones.

Above all, Kreis also had a business planned based on the Thieves Guild.

This is Border Guard, a place famous for its tight security.

Originally, it would not have been easy for a criminal guild to make a living.

But not here. Gilpin Guild did it right. I don’t know exactly what he did, but it must have been difficult with average skill.

Right now, heated leather, how much does that cost, and how many pieces are there?

Several coins and bills worth more than 100,000 kronor were also found.

I also got an IOU, but it seems difficult to use it.

If you summarize your plans and the business that this place has.

‘I never suffer any loss.’

Crona was caught. Kreis exercised the wisdom that could be called a wise man, grasped the situation and accepted it.

“Become a thief?”

Encred asked back. Kreis looked at the squad leader for a moment.

He said his dream was to be a knight. He said he was trying to go to a higher place.

For proper training and quality equipment, you will need Crona.

Basically, knights are people who make money through war.

It is not for nothing that he is nicknamed ‘expert in slaughter’.

“You won’t have anything to feel bad about. The Gilpins are finished now, and if they leave like that, how long will it take for another thieves guild to establish themselves?”

Kreis’ head spun. Blood flow to his brain and it spun.

Given Gilpin’s personality, this was a golden opportunity.

“It will be a month at most.”

That was correct. Encred nodded reflexively.

“It’s warm!”

On one side, Rem, wearing a coat made of heated leather, let out an exclamation.

“So, will it be cold?”

Ragna scolded Rem.

He looked away for a moment, but soon Cryce’s voice pulled Encred to him. The voice is calm, but hides a strange heat.

“In that case, Gilpin, that guy seems fine. Let’s leave him alone and create a thief’s guild that doesn’t kill people or steal things.”

It was a plausible statement. It was really fascinating.

Protect your honor as a knight?

That was something Crona could say.

Encred knew reality well.

Of course, if he had the strength of a knight, Crona would come in on his own.

Among martial artists at the level of actual knights, there were those who could only move if you paid them money.

Above all, Encred believes that a knight’s honor lies in following his heart.

There was nothing wrong with Kreis’s proposal now.

If you look at it from a positive perspective, it was actually a good thing.

‘If it makes people’s lives easier.’

Then, there will be fewer crying children.

It will also ease the worries of parents raising their children.

As in any city, there are people who lead difficult lives.

It might be of some comfort to them.

At first, I just wanted to gather firewood to survive the winter, but if I could use this opportunity to help people.

There is no reason not to do it.

“Are you okay?”

“It’s okay.”

“I will divide the profits appropriately and give them to the squad leader. Instead, please protect the other squad members.”

I asked myself, “Why are you holding on to me like this?”

It’s because of Rem and the others.

The moment Chrys steps forward and says he’s going to take over the guild, I won’t just let him go.

“What good is it for you?”

Suddenly I was curious.

Is there a need to have a thieves guild while paying a deductible?

Do you know how much your actual profit will be?


Encred was once again impressed by Kryis’ cleverness.

Information is money. Minor information within the city can become high-quality krona within the unit.

For example, if you could just find out the name and hobbies of the girl at the flower shop, there would be a line of kids willing to buy it.

You can use it in other ways as well.

“I understood it right away. “This is why I like the squad leader.”

Kreis held out his fist. Encred also put out his fist and hit it.

With this, a promise was made and a transaction took place.

Encred gets Crona and stops the troops.

This is a deal where Chrys will have a guild.


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Let Encred stand in front of the fireplace again.

“I’m fine. Kreis can have it.”

Saxony spoke first.

… … Scary guy.

Those were really sensitive ears. I think we spoke at least ten steps away.

“Gilpin, among the people left here after disposing of the bodies, select those who are likely to commit murder, those who have caused great harm to the weak, or those who will become a problem in the future. “I will take you to prison.”

Leaving it alone didn’t mean I was going to leave it like this.

“Well, I guess I have to give up a few guys.”

“And from now on, this guy is the guild leader. This means you can continue to stay here. Oh, if you quit here and start another guild, we’ll meet again.”

“I don’t have the courage to do that.”

Perhaps out of habit, Gilpin said, stroking my white hair.

“By the way, soldier over there.”

Then he continues speaking.


“Look, I think it would be right to disband. “I think we’ll all die if we stay.”

Everyone die? why?

Encred asked with his eyes.

Gilpin hesitated and then gave me a rough idea of ​​the situation so far.

Most people probably didn’t know it, but the guild leader was a businessman who took Azpen’s money and handled the work.

This means that he is not a spy, but a contractor.

“There is someone who comes periodically to check on the guild’s situation. “If it weren’t for that, he would have changed seats a long time ago.”

Even though he looks gentle and cares about his people, Gilpin is also a member of the Thieves Guild.

It wouldn’t have been normal to be in the current position.

The person who came to visit was the problem.

“If you don’t see that guy, there’s probably going to be an uproar. “I was already planning to sell the mansion for a low price and disappear into hiding.”

“How many people are coming?”

“It’s just one guy. that is… … .”

“that is?”

“It’s a frock.”

Seeds of cardiophobia.

A fighting race whose strength is superior to that of humans.

Encred had also been kicked by Frock before. Thanks to that, I was forced to stay in the barracks.

“Frock is coming?”


What should I do with this?

But what kind of border city’s thieves’ guild even came to watch over Frock?

There is a saying that procs that appeared on the continent are recognized procs.

This means that he has already been proven to some extent.

In terms of Naurilia’s soldier rating system, the minimum is special grade or higher.

“What on earth is this place?”

“Only that guy knows the details. One thing is certain: every time the proc came, we gave him krona as an activity fee.”

You don’t just take money, you give it away?

No, really, what is it?

Encred couldn’t figure out the reason.

“It’s strange. that.”

It was the same with Kreis.

There was nothing to say about the rest.

So what?

“We eat the guild.”

Nothing changes. There’s still time left.

What happens next is a matter to be considered later.

Or, when the time comes, you can disband and give up.

So I decided to take over the entire guild.

Gilpin had no particular complaints either.

I thought I was lucky to have survived.

Encred thought that although these thieves were all in agreement now, it might become a problem later.

Will this gang continue to listen quietly?

Of course, from now on, it’s all about Kreis’s resourcefulness.

He decided to do it, so he just passes on it.

“I’m taking this.”

Saxony packed a few rings and jewelry to give to the woman.

Rem gathered leather to use as a heated coat and rug, and then looked around to see what was in the safe.

Ragna took a look at the swords the guild had collected and commented that they were all trash.

After that, I wasn’t particularly interested in wealth.

The same goes for Audin.

“It is said that if you set your sights on wealth, your eyes will darken.”

He just prayed.

Instead, I accepted Encred’s request.

“Please give me a safe.”

“yes. “Brother.”

It was the safe of the guild leader.

A tightly locked lock, with a chain wrapped around it.

Auddin held the lock in his hand in front of him.

Wood clatter.

From then on, it was no different from a sudden death.

Break the lock by hand. I wonder if this makes sense.

“No, you’re using a lot of your body strength.”

Rem was impressed.

What good is the chain if the lock is broken?

What would normally have taken a long time to sharpen with a hacksaw was completed in one go.

This was the squad member’s power to open a locked door by knocking.

I was also curious about what Encred was in the safe. So she approached with long strides.

“Would you like to open it yourself?”

Rem looked at Encred and said.

“I guess so.”

It was pure curiosity.

Encred asked as he approached the safe.

“So when is the frock coming?”

Gilpin answered, sticking next to him.

“It will come when the first season starts. “It is said to come once at the beginning of the four seasons and once at the third season.”

Once in spring and once in fall.

If so, there is still time.

Encred nodded and stood in front of the safe.

What was inside?

I was curious.

He suddenly grabbed the safe’s holder with his fingertips and lifted it up.


The hinges must not have been oiled, so there was a sound of rusty metal clicking together.


And the safe opened. The heavy lid was thrown back and a crashing noise came from the body of the safe, and the sound was faintly repeated in Encred’s ears.

Too-ung. Touuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Touuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.

I can’t see it. You can’t even touch it. But I definitely felt like something was wrapping around my body.

I feel like I’m alone in the world. Suddenly everyone around me disappeared from sight.

I tried to blink, but my body wouldn’t listen.


I tried to open my mouth, but I couldn’t even do that.

“what? “Did you hear something good?”

Suddenly I heard Rem’s voice. Only then did Encred return to his original state.

Blink your eyes and open your mouth. There were no problems.

“Wasn’t it a little strange now?”

“The squad leader is actually a bit of a strange person. “I know that well.”

It seemed like no one felt anything.

Encred also thought it was an illusion as he let Rem’s nonsense go to one side.

“I have to see it now.”

He shook his head left and right and looked inside the box.

It contained leather armor covering the torso.


Encred’s mouth opened. It was a question directed at Gilpin.

“I don’t know. “Except for the fact that he was pampered.”

When I picked it up and took it out, it didn’t seem to be an ordinary item. I pressed it firmly with my finger and felt elasticity.

“It looks like precious leather. Let’s go, squad leader. “Don’t leave a hole in your belly skin.”

“It doesn’t seem like a bad thing.”

At Rem’s suggestion, Kreiss examined the item. He was a friend with an eye for seeing things.

I took it for now. Good armor is several times more valuable than good weapons to those who make a living.

“I have this.”

There was no disagreement. After taking care of it, Kreis decided to take care of the rest.

“Do you think you’ve cleared all the snow by now?”

Rem continued to step forward.

Encred pondered the time in his mind and looked out the window.

The accumulated snow has not yet melted.

If I went back now, I might have to sweep snow all night.

Since it was nothing to worry about, Encred muttered and gathered the opinions of his squad members.

“Our mission ends tomorrow morning.”

There certainly wouldn’t be any need to shovel snow tomorrow morning.

“It’s good. “It seems like there’s still a lot of work to do here.”

Rem agreed, taking a seat in front of the fireplace. Rem was extremely gentle right now.

It was worth it. Rem was contemplating the word happiness in the warmth of the heated leather and fireplace.

“Well, there’s still a lot to do.”

On the opposite side of the fireplace, Ragna takes his seat.

“okay. Because there is a will to spread the word of God.”

Audin also said something.

“Then I will come tomorrow morning.”

Saxony demanded individual action.

In times like this, there is no room for disagreement. My hands and feet fit well. I wonder how good it would be if it was like this on a regular basis.

This is a thought that comes to mind repeatedly while doing this work.

“Squad leader.”

Chrys called Encred over and gave him a quick thumbs up. It was high praise.

* * *

“I am reporting the return of all members of my squad. “We have located the location of the thieves guild and destroyed it.”

At Encred’s words, the company commander wearing a thick coat glanced up.

It was a training ground exclusively for commanders.

Even though we lit a fire on two perches, it was still a cold day.

The company commander asked back on the dirt that had frozen like a stone floor due to the cold weather.


What does this man know and ask?

Encred answered calmly.

“Yes, annihilation. “We selected those who were going to jail and killed the rest who resisted.”


The company commander turned his shoulder and said. It felt like my body was relaxing.

Do I really know something?

However, it was not possible to calmly say, ‘Chrys took over the guild.’

“The property that was in the base was brought to the unit.”


Except for a few heated leather pieces and a few accessories, I returned everything to the unit.

It was natural.

Because it was a side benefit that came from going on an operation.

It is true that it belongs to the unit.

In the meantime, it is customary to turn a blind eye to those who miss out on a little bit of knowledge.

“Good job.”

Fortunately, the company commander did not inquire further. Instead, he merely proposed, looking into Encred’s blue eyes with his jewel-like green eyes.

“One round?”

“… … “What do you mean?”

“Don’t you want to receive the fairy sword?”

“You mean Dalian?”

“I heard there’s no way to refuse.”

The fairy’s sword is light, but sharp.

This is the public opinion.

Encred also received the fairy sword a few times. It’s not uncommon to encounter fairies during your mercenary career.

But that was when my skills were poor.

Their sensitivity was at a level where it was embarrassing to even say that they had successfully used the Valenic mercenary sword, as it did not work on them.


It’s a couplet. It seemed like it would be a valuable experience.

It’s a thought that occurred to me recently.

‘The more you fight, the more you gain.’

Encred knows that his talent is poor.

The more experience, the better.

I saw the light when I faced today where all of that was repeating itself.

Of course, even if there was no such reason, there would have been no rejection. Because that was a man named Encred.


“It’s nice that it’s exciting. Come on.”

The fairy company commander drew his sword.


It is the sword of the fairies. It’s a real sword sparring.

Encred also pulled out his sword.


The two clashed with their longswords and swords once.


At the same time, they both took two steps back.

Encred was cautious. I remember falling down with just one gesture from the fairy company commander.

It was during the medical barracks.

How different is he from then?

I do not know. I was going to check it now.


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