Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 66

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66. Get offered a second job.

“Let’s kill them all.”

Some people went beyond putting down their weapons and ended up urinating.

In front of these people, Rem spoke while holding an ax covered in blood.

“Save me, buy me, please save me.”

It’s okay to be scared.

They had already lost their will to fight.

I thought Rem should be killed.

A former western pioneer, they are referred to as barbarians.

Lem spent his childhood in the West.

The land of pioneering was a world where regrets should not be left behind.

“I think it’s true that they sent an assassin, and if we try to figure out who the culprit is here, what’s left? Let’s just get it over with. “Isn’t that neat?”

Those who were terrified were speechless. It seemed like Rem, standing between Encred and the group of kneeling criminals, would swing his ax at any moment.

They kept quiet.

“Where did you throw the blanket?”

Rem was about to say that if Encred didn’t want to do it, he would take action.

But then an unexpected question came back.



Apparently, when I left the dorm, I had wrapped myself in a blanket.

But at some point, I threw away all the blankets.

“About the end of the alley?”

This is before I see the beggar. The unique instinct, the beast’s sense of smell, prepared Rem for battle.

“So, what are you going to do when you go to bed today?”

I don’t know why he keeps asking me this, but I answered because Rem had a plan ever since he first threw away the blanket.

“Don’t worry, you can just cover the guy who stays out every day with a blanket. “I won’t take away the squad leader’s blanket.”

“If you touch my things, you will die. No, I kill it. certainly.”

Saxony understood and responded. This is Saxony, a guy who often stays out all night.

Saxony had many women to meet. When I entered the city, I often vacated my accommodation every night.

“A shameless bastard wouldn’t even use it.”

“Don’t touch it. savage.”

“Anyway, you sneaky wild cat, your speed is limited.”

Seeing the two begin to argue, Encred clapped his hands.

“There is no need for that. “Rem.”

From the time he first targeted the Thieves Guild, Encred had a plan.

A slightly more plausible plan than Rem’s clumsy plan to steal the blanket.

I started half because they thought they were the ones who sent the assassin in, and half had a different plan.

‘This is unexpected.’

More than half thought that they might not be behind the assassination.

Don’t you know that Azpen sent it in the first place?

So, if someone had asked to bet Crona, the guild would have bet on the side that wasn’t behind it. I would have bet a few fairy tales that I wouldn’t mind losing.

If they are behind it, or if they are not behind it.

There was a more important plan than that.

“It’s pretty cold. Don’t you want to stay warm?”

Rem tilted his head. Everyone looks like they want to talk about something.


Only Kreis, who had extraordinary insight and a sharp mind, understood.

He blinked his big eyes and looked at his squad leader, thinking, ‘No way.’

Encred nodded lightly.

How many years have you been working in the mercenary world to train your sword?

There, I learned of the existence of the Valenic mercenary sword, but I learned many times more than just the sword.


‘It’s okay to pick the pockets of thieves who are trying to rob me.’

It’s like this.

Encred made up his mind.

I didn’t even think that this would affect my dreams.

Isn’t this a criminal gang anyway?

The wealth they have accumulated may not have been gathered in a desirable way.

There were a lot of things that could have happened, such as after-effects.

‘It doesn’t matter.’

As your skills improve, you naturally gain confidence in other things as well. I thought I could solve it somehow.

Encred blew out his breath and continued.

“Let’s shake it off. “Even if we don’t have a magic stove in the lodging, let’s put some heated demon skins down.”

There is silence again. It was an unexpected case.

Soon Rem burst out laughing.

“That’s right, the items from the land I secured are mine.”

It was a rem-like expression.



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Ragna also reacted. No one likes the cold.

“Hehe, God said, steal what belongs to a thief and use it for good.”

Are those words actually written in the Bible? Or do they teach such words in temples?

I don’t think it’s both.

However, Auddin firmly believed in what he said and conveyed the correctness of this matter.

“Not bad.”

Saxony also nodded.

“Are you just going to rob me?”

Kreis expressed his advanced opinion.

“Let’s go in and talk. cold.”

The temperature is such that the heat emitted by the intestines and blood of the dead quickly cools down.

They went straight into the mansion. As Chrys urged those who were hesitant and watching to go in, the remaining people also came in.

Because there were people left with both broken legs.

“Please support everyone and bring them in.”

These people looked at each other’s faces and observed what Kreis said.

Wouldn’t it be better to just run away like this?

Concern was clearly visible on his face.

“I will chase you. The person with the axe earlier. Or someone whose hobby is breaking legs.”

Ragna and Saxony fought well, but in the eyes of the gang, the scariest ones were Rem, who was chopping with an axe, and Auddin, who was hitting his legs with a club.

It was truly terrifying.

“Do you think you can avoid the standing army within the Border Guard? Or would you like to explore the end season where demonic beasts roam this night? It becomes food for verbs or demonic beasts. “I won’t kill you, so come in.”

Kreis was a genius at persuasion.

As Encred went inside, he listened to Chrys and complimented him.

“Even if you cheated, you would have done well.”

“Is that a compliment?”


“I don’t think so.”

When we went inside, there was a fire burning in the fireplace. Seeing the warmth of people everywhere, it seemed like the dead had lived here.

Two sharp swords and a shield were hung cross-legged above the fireplace, and several paintings were hanging on both walls.

“Is it expensive?”

Encred asked, glancing at the painting. Kreis said as if there was nothing to look at in detail.

“no. It’s cheap. “I wonder who would have bought something like that.”

It was the same even for Encred, who has no artistic ability.

“Even if I draw with my feet, I will draw better than this.”

Rem seemed to have the same opinion.

Everyone was standing near the fireplace, and a long shadow appeared behind them.

“Light the perch on fire. dark.”

Encred also spoke while basking in the fire. I wasn’t referring to anyone. No one moved.

Encred added.

“Gilpin is dead, so the next one comes out and does it.”

“Gilpin is not dead.”

Then one of the guys with intact limbs came forward. It was a friend who had white sand on his head instead of hair.

If you had seen it during the day, it would have been dazzling.

There was a long scar above his eyebrows, and even the combination of the scar and baldness couldn’t change his appearance.

The corners of his eyes were droopy and his lips were thick, so he didn’t look very scary.

But what?

“Isn’t Gilpin dead?”

Could it be that he has regenerative powers like some kind of monster?

So, does that mean he survives even if his throat is cut?

The one who is now dead in the vacant lot in front of the mansion?

There was no sign of that at all.

The bald man on the sandy beach opened his mouth.

“Because I’m Gilpin.”

What is this situation?

“He’s not the leader? Ah, that’s it. “Something like cutting off a lizard’s tail?”

Kreis asked, pointing outside, and then answered himself.

Those words reminded Encred of the chatter that took place over drinks in the mercenary industry.

“This is something criminal guild bastards do sometimes. They name their gang after their subordinates for no reason.”


“If you make a mistake, you sell out your subordinates and get out. “It’s a trivial tactic used when the military suddenly comes in to eliminate criminals.”

“Why do you know that so well?”

“I worked there for a while. It’s not common for people to do something like that, but they are very bastards.”

This is the first time Encred has actually seen someone do something like this.

There were many cases where my name was used as the name of the gang, even if it was out of a desire to be honest.

He put his subordinate’s name first, which meant that the guy out there was a very sneaky bastard.

“You were a son of a bitch.”

Encred understood and spoke.

From behind, Ragna asked what this meant.

Crys, who was quick-witted, explained the situation roughly.

Encred’s plan was plausible, but simple.

If you attack the thieves guild and they cooperate, you will receive a reasonable amount of goodwill from them.

If he resisted, he planned to beat him up and return with a sincerity.

Of course, if you mess with the Thieves Guild for no reason, there will be consequences.

Even he had the confidence to press down by force.

Just you and your squad mates will be enough.

However, it was actually related to the assassin who was targeting him.

So what does that mean?

‘What does it matter?’

“Are you really going to keep me warm?”

Rem whispered from behind. It was unpleasant to press so hard on her face.

“go away.”

Encred whispered and looked at Gilpin. Gilpin stroked my white hair with his hand, looked at me, and said.

“If you’re going to kill me, just kill me and spare the rest. Among them, there are people who have a hard time taking care of their sick elderly mothers.”

“It’s not okay to pick someone else’s pocket just because it’s hard.”

There is no way to take advantage of someone else’s chest by holding a knife to his or her sick old mother.

“Eh, I would be grateful if you could just save me.”

Encred stood up straight with his arms crossed and looked at Gilpin.

Why does this guy have a pulpit?

The comment about killing only yourself is very impressive.

Then, why didn’t you attack me earlier?

I asked.

“Why for the sake of a bastard who will run away if he sells his name?”

The two guards of the unknown guild leader nodded behind them.

Those two were also the ones who barely survived.

When I looked at the bastard going back, I saw what the bastard had done.

All of my subordinates hate him so much.

“Do you want to spit out what you’ve saved? Then go smoothly.”

Encred moved as planned.

“Cancer, there is no need to kill it if it spits it out.”

The pioneers’ ideology could not be compared to the cold. Rem agreed.

Is it different from other people?

“yes. But that bastard hid the key to the safe.”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

There’s a wizard here who can open locked doors just by knocking.

It’s like a safe box, it’s a snap.

Gilpin was wise. When he said that he would not kill anyone, he vomited all the wealth he had accumulated.

“Oh, it’s heated leather!”

“If you take everything, all the kids guarding the road will die.”

I was talking about a beggar guarding the road inside an alley. Those beggars that I already killed on the way there.

Kreis said when he heard that the inside of their shabby clothes were covered with demonic beast skin.

“You can’t use this if it gets bloody.”

It was no longer possible to steal from a dead beggar.

Anyway, Encred looked at Gilpin again.

‘I took care of everything, even my subordinates.’

Looking at the situation, it seemed like he was more generous than the original guild leader, even though he only lent his name.

Seeing that everyone is following Gilpin’s wishes, even the two escorts who look like they can handle a knife well.

“Leave some behind.”

Encred appropriately restrained him.

Fortunately, no one was greedy.

No, it shouldn’t be just one person.

Kreis is a squad member overflowing with material greed.

But for some reason, he just checked the item and didn’t even pretend to take it.

“Aren’t you taking care of it?”

“Yes, ah, squad leader. “I still have something to tell you.”

Encred also had something to say. They had already heard the information and prepared.

There was only one place where the information leaked.

Not in the unit. Only two people know that they are coming here.

‘Company commander and platoon commander.’

Did those two get Crona in return from the criminal guild?

‘I don’t think so.’

If so, there is only one place left.

‘Vanessa’s Pumpkin Soup.’

When Kreis was whispering with the waitress, he pretended it was a mistake and let slip that he was going to eliminate the thieves guild.

“Waitress, did you do that on purpose?”

“Oh, did you notice? “The squad leader is smart.”

It’s not bad.

How many years have you gained in order to survive in this harsh world?

“that’s right. Because there are many people spreading information to this guild knowingly or unknowingly. The waitress may have been a dedicated informant. A lively waitress at an inn, it would have been perfect to receive various information. Oh, be scared. “That innocent-looking kid is the thief’s informant.”

It’s scary, I think you’re even more scared.

Didn’t he take full advantage of it knowing that?

“I wasn’t sure either. “I found out about this incident.”

I should have told you in advance. It was a pointless maneuver.

Kreis, realizing his mistake, made up an excuse.

“it’s okay. Move over. But next time, it would be better to say it in advance.”

It must have been done with the skills of the squad members in mind. Encred himself thought it was more comfortable this way.

Originally, we would have had to chase down and find those who remained even after hitting the base this time.

If you look at it that way, it seems like Chrys has something to aim for.

What will you gain by gathering the power of the Thieves Guild and destroying it all?

“Hey squad leader, do you need Crona?”

Cryce immediately asked Encred, who showed generosity. Blinking those big eyes.

Pretending to be innocent, opening your eyes like this was a sign that you were up to some trick.

Because Kreis is a guy who knows how to take advantage of my appearance.

It’s also clever.

But that doesn’t mean it would work for Encred.

“Let’s find out what the trick is.”

It didn’t work to make my eyes look pretty, but what Kreis said resonated with me.

Since the word krona, the imperial currency, is used as a word borrowed from money, what Kreis said just now was like asking if there was no need for money.

Money was always needed.

Because I used the reward money to buy a sword, it was difficult to even buy other equipment.

I put out the emergency fire for now with what I stole, but isn’t money something I will constantly need in the future?

“Here, let’s eat.”

Kreis said calmly.

So he offered Encred a second job.


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