Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 65

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65. The person who will come over

‘Predicted the enemy’s actions.’

Saxony believed that it was the effect of the sense of the blade.

It was heart-warming to see them making full use of the skills I taught them.

It was heartwarming.

However, Saxony did not face his feelings. Because I wasn’t used to it, I didn’t know how to reflect on my feelings.

‘What a big deal.’

A person who would be bothered if someone died in front of their eyes, that’s it. What does the author care about about himself?

It is nothing. That’s what I thought.

Saxony didn’t think playing like a stupid soldier was important.

Because your goal is clear.

Even as I thought about it, I still felt uncomfortable.

That was why.

Saxony looked behind Encred at the guild leader.

‘I don’t like how it looks.’

Saxony made up a suitable excuse.

It was definitely not because of the squad leader.

I just didn’t like the way that bastard looked.

Therefore, if you attack it, it will kill you. Here, we will stick to our mission.

Rem saw Encred use the heart of the beast to use his boldness as a weapon.

It’s like digging into the arms of an enemy throwing out a spear.

A few months ago, I couldn’t have imagined that the squad leader would look like that.

At some point, his skills improved significantly, and his teachings were at the center of it.

‘No problem.’

That made him feel good. But an assassin or something was targeting Encred.

‘Just kill them all.’

Rem wanted to destroy all of her opponents.

Ragna once again saw traces of himself in Encred’s swordsmanship.

‘Where did you learn this?’

excellent. How to shift your center of gravity, how to take your feet off, how to thrust your sword, everything.

He said that he occasionally helped with swordsmanship, but to become that skilled, he needed to practice sharpening his bones.


A person who was judged to have no talent suddenly shows outstanding skills one day. Originally, Ragnar had a crush on Encred.

The sight of him constantly moving forward was a good stimulant for Ragna.

An assassin or a gang of criminals targeted someone like that?

‘It’s easier to kill everyone.’

Forgetting his usual laziness, Ragna decided to kill the criminal guild.

However, the leadership in this position lies with the squad leader. I was thinking of following his wishes.

Audin scanned Encred’s body with his eyes and tapped his thigh with his finger.

‘It’s a well-trained body.’

However, it is not a systematically created body. The monks in the temple build their bodies before their skills.

It is the secret of physical training.

Audin improved it several times and created his own technique.

‘If I build my body, I will improve.’

The squad leader is a person who knows how to make honest efforts.

A thought comes to mind again in one corner of Audin’s mind.

Why doesn’t God give talent to those who work hard?

‘Because no human being can know God’s intentions.’

It’s like a dagger stuck in one’s chest. When those words came to mind, a tingling pain spread from my heart to my entire body.

However, there is someone right before our eyes who is trying to overcome the barrier of talent through hard work.

He was a person who completely believed in himself without caring about God’s will.

‘My Lord.’

Auddin prayed inwardly.

‘Bend and watch.

May those who dream of shining do not die by a vain and blind blade.’

Just as he put his heart into his prayers, he also did not like the fact that someone was targeting Encred.

It would be such a shame for someone like that to die from a dagger stabbing in the back.

However, Audin had no intention of killing anyone.

‘All I have to do is break both legs and take off one of the captain’s arms.’

So it was okay to take something other than life.

* * *

A single sum.

The shock Encred gave was quite big.

Yet no one wants to cross the line.

‘It’s not enough.’

What should I do to overwhelm my opponent with force?

Just give the shock continuously.

Encred realized his position. He said there was no need for him to step forward.


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“Kill just three.”

Even if it was just an excuse to avoid eye contact, this was an operation and a mission, and Encred was the squad leader.

Rem went out without much distance.

Even before the shock from Encred had subsided.

Rem ran, spinning the two hatchets in his hands.

It was so fast that it seemed like it disappeared in a flash.

Rem, who had disappeared, stood in front of a guy with a vicious look holding a nail-studded club.

It was a scene I had seen many times. Rem’s arm was bent like a whip. The ax blade attached to the end of the whip flashed.

Juan! puck!

Huh! Jump!


The first blow of the ax cut off the head with a vicious look.

The second ax blow split the head of the guy on the right side of the ugly face.

The last one was again on the left. Rem twisted his waist and hit the wild-eyed guy in the neck with the end of the knife.

Decapitations were made, heads were split open and the last one had its neck broken.

After killing him, Rem swung the hatchet diagonally toward the floor and shook off the blood.

There was a patter and drops of blood splattered on the floor.

Then he turned his back on the guild guys and walked back in stride.

“I killed three.”

Encred thought that two shocks were enough to give him a chance.

“The person who will come over.”

This is the third time the same proposal has been made.

I couldn’t help but not listen anymore.

You can’t be generous to someone who is trying to kill you.

It is a time of death and killing.

If you try to kill your opponent, you will know that you may also die.

“… … Was it a border guard unit?”

The guild leader, who exuded cuteness, asked.


Encred only leads a small squad. However, they are just people who have unique aspects that make up the squad.

“This is an infantry battalion belonging to the Border Guard Cyprus Division.”

He loosely holds his sword and reveals his origin. There was no reason to hide it.

When some of them hesitated and tried to put down their weapons, the guild leader glared fiercely.

“Just try your best to survive. Let’s see if I leave it alone.”

Those words were directed at my side.

What Kreis said came to mind.

Did you say that Gilpin rules his subordinates with fear?

If you stumble, they cut off your limbs and cut off your tongue.

“Don’t get caught up in the atmosphere! Those bastards are people too. These are the people who give up when you prick them. Can’t you see that I’m not wearing proper armor? Kill it! “There is no one who can withstand ignorance!”

Write a text on the subject.

Encred thought that this was true.

Enter a number and press it.

In general, this is the correct method.

Trained soldiers are most effective in group warfare.

In a few fights, even a passing thug was able to kill a soldier.

How will you survive if you aim for an opening and stab the blade?

In a fight between a few and a few, the gangster may have the advantage.

Of course, this is not a story that applies to knights or those who have surpassed human limitations.

And even now, it’s a story that doesn’t work.

“do not do that.”

Encred warned.

The Troubleshooter Squad is initially a group of guys who fight arbitrarily outside of strategy and tactics.

These are great people who fight excitingly against many enemies on the battlefield and come back alive and well.

Attacking these people with just 30 armed troops, who were not even soldiers, was an act of suicide.

“Leave it alone, there are people who shed tears when they see the coffin.”

“Brother, it seems like it’s time for God’s punishment.”

“Why don’t you step back and take a look?”

For some reason, even Audin and Ragna showed enthusiasm.

Saxony walked out without saying a word.

He took out his sword and took a quick step forward, and a thief came out from the other side as if he had a short temper.

As he jumped out, he swung the broad scimitar in his hand. Whoop, the blade falls on Saxony’s head.

Saxony raised his sword horizontally with the scimitar’s blade, caught the opponent’s blade with his own sword, and then lowered his sword.


The sword passed through the opponent’s stomach.

Although it didn’t seem like it took much force, it must have been enough to cut the belly skin and show the internal organs.


The guy who spilled out his pink intestines fell to his knees.

That was the beginning.

“Only kill those who attack you.”

Encred said.

At those words, Rem just swung the ax in place.

Still, it was no different from a grinder.

The man wielding the flail stepped back when his weapon was cut off in the middle, but the ax had already split his head.

It retreated, spilled blood and brain drain, and fell backwards.

Ragna picked up an arming sword and mechanically swung it from top to bottom.

I don’t think there’s any magical technology.

The number of bodies increased with each strike.

The top of my head is split and my shoulders are cut off.

Audin held two clubs in both hands and struck away the flying blades.


Thanks to this, Audin was the noisiest.

Auddin put away his weapon and closed the distance. His feet were very fast. So much so that it can be compared to Rem.

After narrowing the distance, Audin swung his club appropriately and broke the enemy’s leg club.

Wow, wow!


The screams of those with broken legs echoed through the vacant lot.

This sound made me wonder if a patrol guard would be dispatched.

Fortunately, no one came here.

Kreis thought that was natural.

‘Half an hour in the crypt.’

The base we found at the end of the alley was originally on the outskirts of the city.

This manor is probably a high-end manor area invested by some wealthy merchants within the city.

It is a place where there are usually not many people. Isn’t the opponent a criminal organization called Gilpin Guild?

He must have paid bribes to his superiors.

‘It must have been bitten to prevent people from coming around.’

They probably thought it would be easier to get things done without people around, rather than having patrols coming and going clumsily.

Kreis was not embarrassed by his opponent’s numbers and did not feel threatened.

He is also a member of the troublemaker squad.

I roughly knew the level of the squad members with me.

Encred, who has become a senior soldier, is at a level that is embarrassing.

‘Everyone is above the border guard.’

Then, the answer comes out. The answer is that there is no way they can be your opponent.

Kreis’ brain was racing with activity, planning for the future.

For this purpose, information was leaked on purpose.

‘I’ll deal with that friend later.’

The information that was leaked in the first place and the current situation were, to some extent, within Kreis’ intentions.

Has anyone noticed this?

The squad leader might notice. He may seem like a simple fool on the outside, but the squad leader knows how to use his head.

If Rem has a clue, he might know.

He doesn’t know how the city works.

‘Maybe I don’t know.’

There is no need to mention Ragna and Audin.

As long as I am clear about what I want, Saxony will not care about anything else.

So, that’s it.

Meanwhile, the number of corpses was increasing countlessly.

Screams were going out like crazy from Audin’s side.


Auddin only broke one leg and did not finish. He made sure to come back and break his other leg as well.

And he did not forget the sermon.

“I won’t ask you to become a saint. However, avoid living a life that causes harm to your neighbors.”

I was breaking my legs while saying things that I couldn’t understand even half of, so there was no one who could understand me.

Still, Audin acted consistently.

Encred’s eyes were busy.

At first, I was captivated by Saxony’s restrained movements.

‘Jeong Geom-sik.’

The basic method is the Jeonggeomsik. A counterattack using the opponent’s sword, making the opponent move as intended along a designated sword path.

A quick sword was mixed in there.

This is the beauty of a straight sword, a sword that combines offense and defense into one.

Beyond simple swordsmanship, his judgment in wielding a sword was extraordinary.

Definitely choose a means to kill the opponent. It was a sword for murder.

There was a lot to learn.

After that, Rem came into view.

All you have to do is strike the approaching enemy, but the ax’s trajectory paints an unexpected picture.

‘How could they do that?’

It was like a sword that didn’t belong anywhere.

It was natural. Rem’s ax cutting was entirely based on feel. If I had to classify it, it is a mechanical sword.

Of course, since I use an axe, I have to say it’s a donation ceremony.

Encred also learned something here.

The same goes for Ragnar’s double sword ceremony.

It shows the extremes of the basic swordsmanship that one has learned.

If you block it clumsily, it will break through and hit the target.

The blow broke the top of his head and cut his shoulder.

What are Audin’s martial arts skills like?

Swordsmanship is basically based on physical arts. It could not be called proper swordsmanship without using fists and feet.

Learning close combat is a prerequisite.

In that respect, there was the most to learn from Auddin’s fight.

Watch the process of breaking the bridge with two short clubs.

I remembered a movement in my head that I didn’t even know I had seen before.

Encred didn’t even know where he was and was busy stealing technology when he saw the four.

Realizing it with your body is a different matter.

What is certain is that there was a lot to learn.

The fight wasn’t long. It couldn’t take a long time.

People who lost their will to fight appeared one after another.

In the meantime, Saxony cleared the path with unusual courage.

It was aimed at the guild leader holding the cane.

Saxony, who had narrowed the distance, suddenly swung his sword. It was an upper horizontal slash aimed at the top of his head.

The guild leader pulled the handle of his cane upward. It was not a regular staff, but a sword stick.

It was a staff with a blade hidden inside.

The long blade, which was pulled out with a clang, blocked Saxony’s sword.

A spark flew between the two.

Then the two guys who were guarding the guild leader tried to join in.

“do not do that.”

“Let them fight.”

Rem and Ragna approached before we knew it.

The two who were escorting the guild leader looked at each other.

Shall I attack you?

Their eyes turned to the path Rem and Ragna had walked.

It is a bloody path. There were only dead bodies. The only ones who survived were those who peed their pants out of fear and those who didn’t attack because they were aware of it.

The two guards quietly lowered their weapons. Both were holding daggers. He put the dagger back in its sheath and quietly knelt down.

It is an attitude of surrender and submission.

“You bastards!”

The guild leader screamed when he saw what the two guards were doing.

But what can I do?

The most important thing in the world is your life.

I only felt pity for those who got caught up in the atmosphere.

Saxony was expressionless. Brown eyes with a red band followed the guild leader.

“I surrender!”

The guy shouted. Saxony did not listen.

“I said I would surrender! Why are you doing this? “If you need money, I’ll give you money!”

The tone was urgent.


As the guy opened his mouth, Saxony’s sword suddenly sped up. He struck the sword stick five times in a row.

Sparks fly through the winter night. The darkness of the night and the burning torch.

Dead bodies and groaning crowds.

Those who are terrified and those who inflict fear.

Saxony’s voice rang out among them.

“I don’t like how it looks.”

‘What kind of bullshit is this?’

That was the guild leader’s last thought.

Soon, Saxony’s sword cut through the guild leader’s expensive clothes and decapitated him.


At the eerie sound, the guild leader died with his eyes wide open in shame.

There was still a lot to say.

Do you know who is looking after you?

Above all, how much Crona has been poured into those in power?

It’s unfair and it’s unfair.

It’s natural. A person who dies by a sword is always treated unfairly.

Saxony lowered his blood-stained sword.

Before I knew it, all the fighting around me had ended.

Encred closed and opened his eyes, reflecting on the movements of all his squad members.

It was time to sort out the situation.

On a dark night, with the cold winter air and torchlight as a background, Encred took a step forward.

It just so happened to be in the center.

Between the round torches, shadows gather and gaze gathers.

After gathering everyone’s attention, Encred’s mouth opened.

“Who will come over?”

One word was enough.

Everyone who survived dropped their weapons.


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