Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 64

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64. One sum

After the door opened, the first person to step inside was Rem.

“any… … .”

I tried to say something as I entered, but I didn’t even have time to open my mouth. Something fell from above Rem’s head.

Rem swung the ax vertically as if he had predicted it.

A flash of light splits overhead and splits the dark room. As soon as Rem swung his axe, it immediately flung his body to the side.

All of this was as fluid as promised.


Only the bodies that later fell revealed what happened here.


Crys popped his head out in surprise.

It was the guy hiding at the top of the ceiling. Holding a short knife in both hands, Rem’s axe slash cut open his chest and crotch, spilling his internal organs and blood on the floor.

The smell of death, along with the bloody smell, stung my nostrils.

“I thought it was just a criminal guild.”

Kreis muttered.

“These bastards.”

Rem showed a twisted smile.

“You’re cute.”

After saying that, he quickly walked inside. The inside was quite spacious. I saw a passageway turning to the right next to a wall made of well-made square bricks, dirt, and straw.

Rem strides forward.

“Is that you?”

He suddenly speaks and swings his axe. Relentless ax cutting created the second body.

It was the guy hiding next to the passage. He held something like a skewer and pretended to stab it, but it was useless.

Rem’s ax was faster than him.

The opponent is a crime guild. They are pickpockets and people who rip off protection taxes.

On the other hand, this group is a group of soldiers whose specialty is combat.

Moreover, Encred himself is a high-ranking soldier, and the rest are better fighters than him.

‘Of course I thought we had the advantage.’

Seeing it with my own eyes, it was a different feeling.

The criminal gang hid in secret and picked knives in the dark, even though their skills were unusual.

Rem destroyed all those surprise attacks. It couldn’t be said that he was going crazy, but there was a hint of quiet madness.

A madman who will cut everything down with an axe if he attacks you.

Rem moved like that and didn’t even breathe.

“Or is it you?”

It opens its mouth every time it kills.

“Is that you?”


“Is that you?”

The fifth assassin split his head and asked.

“Dead men can’t talk.”

As Encred spoke from behind, Rem picked up an ax dripping with blood and scratched his head with the handle.

“I know, but even the living don’t have an answer.”

Someone else might have the answer.

As I passed through the passageway that turned to the right, I saw one more room on the left and one more room on the right, as well as a space in front that was used as a reception room.

It is not a complicated structure.

A drawing room, two rooms, a space that could be used as a pantry, and a kitchen.

That’s it.

And there are five dead assassins.

Everyone said nothing.

“For a criminal organization, they are overprepared. “I think they are really the ones targeting the squad leader.”

Kreis said as he examined the dead body. Kreis, who had been looking at the dead man’s face for a while, raised his head.

“It’s a face I don’t recognize.”

Encred nodded. It was a sign that he agreed with the statement that he did not know, and also that he agreed with the statement that these people seemed to be the ones targeting him.

‘Am I lucky or is it bad?’

To be honest, it was half an excuse to avoid the devil’s shit.

I know that the crime guild is best suited for forging identity cards and leading assassins.

‘Against the professional soldiers of the Border Guard?’

If you want to make a living in this city, it’s something you won’t be able to do easily. And yet I did it.

There must be a reason for them too.

Of course, the reason was none of Encred’s business.

I took a picture of half of it.

It’s like a roughly fired arrow stuck between the eyes of a wild boar.

“Her? “Is this the end?”

Rem said while searching inside. No one answered, and there were only five people attacking me with knives.

It literally ended with one Ram going crazy.

“It can’t be. “If there is this level of preparation and Saxony is properly informed.”

Kreis came forward. It was dark, so he took a flint from his pocket, tied it together with some straw that was lying around, and started a fire.

With the sound of flint striking, the straw catches fire.


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A light appeared in the house where the chilly air was present.

Using a makeshift torch made from straw bales, Kreis searched the surrounding area.

Then, she hit the floor on one side of the living room with her heel.


It was a sound. It means that the inside is empty.

“I will do it.”

Auddin stepped forward. There was a cheap fur spread on the floor and a chair was placed on top of it. He grabbed the end of the fur and threw it to the side.

The chair covered in fur made a heavy clanking sound.

Afterwards, Audin knocked vigorously again.


A hole was created in the wooden door when the fist was struck vertically from a sitting position.

Auddin put his hand through the hole, stuck his arm inside, and unlocked the latch.

“Where does it lead?”

“I saw it.”

Saxony answered Kreis’ question. It’s a strange attitude, as if he expected something like this to happen.

Rem looked at Encred.

Thanks to the crackling and burning straw torch, Rem’s eyes, which were originally gray, looked red.

“Keep going.”

Encred opened his mouth before Rem could ask anything.

Shouldn’t we finish what we started?

Rather than clearing out a single criminal gang, the opponent is large enough to be called a guild.

It was not a group of random people gathered together with only the name guild.

In that case, there is a high probability that they will be the ones targeting you, so you have to weigh what you have to consider.

No idiot will quietly leave someone who is trying to take his life. Fortunately, Encred wasn’t an idiot.

“Of course!”

This time too, Rem went first. The crypt was not long.

In less than half an hour, a passage leading upward was visible.

It was extremely cold, but Rem had already thrown away her blanket when she encountered the beggar.

As I looked at Rem’s trembling back, I could feel anger coming from it.

“There’s someone up there.”

Saxony, who was walking right behind Rem, said. It was said that there was someone guarding it.

“It means they expect us to come.”

Kreis said from the back.

“We cannot allow thieves to run wild like this within the city.”

This time it’s Audin again. He seemed to be skilled at breaking down doors.

I didn’t know that this might be my original hobby.

They climb the poorly made dirt stairs two at a time, twist their bodies from bottom to top and hit the door with the border of their shoulders and backs.

It was a unique technology.

Encred’s eyes sparkled when he saw that.


There was the sound of a shell exploding. Or did fire magic explode?

At the same time, the door flew upwards.


I heard surprised sounds from the guys waiting.

After that, it was Rem’s stage again.

“Is it you!”

This time, it soars upward, asking an unknown question. He stepped on the steps with his first step, stepped on Auddin’s thigh with his second step, and flew through the air, swinging his hatchet. Because Encred was underneath, only Rem’s bottom was visible.

But the results were clear. There was a thumping sound and blood flowed to the edge of the hole.

“That brother has bad habits. “He steps on someone else’s thigh.”

Audin patted his thigh and climbed up first, followed by Saxony and Ragnar, followed by Encred and Kreis.


As I climbed up, there were torches everywhere.

“I wondered what kind of crazy bastards they were.”

And this is the voice I hear.

Encred looked left and right. At least thirty men were seen.

Everyone was holding at least one weapon.

A club with nails, a short sword, a spear, and a leather bag filled with sand called a black jack were also seen.

It was said that the armament was diverse.

Thanks to the torch, visibility became brighter.

Kreis threw the straw torch that had been used as snow into the hole and was amazed.

“Wow, that’s a lot.”

Yes, there are a lot.

Encred had the same thought.

“Are you a soldier?”

Among the more than 30 men, I saw a lone man wearing a fine silk shirt and trousers, and a beast leather coat on top of them.

Stand with your cane on the floor.

It wasn’t a cane that I used because I had trouble with my legs.

It was a cane with a jewel on the end of the handle carried by nobles or wealthy merchants to symbolize their wealth.

Both legs are fine, so why do I need a cane? It’s just a symbol of bravado.

“Are they the Gilpin gang?”

Encred answered the question with a question. The cute guy frowned. It was obvious that he was upset.

“Why is everyone going crazy because they want to die?”

“I came to ask about an ambush that occurred within the Border Guard.”

As soon as Encred finished speaking, Rem opened his mouth.

“Is that you?”

A short, but bold question.

I was wondering what he was asking, but Encred finally realized it. He was asking about the assassin who was targeting him.

But if you ask that question, will you give an answer?

Although it is a method that suits Rem well.

‘I won’t even give you an answer.’

“I don’t know anything about it.”

Instead of being embarrassed, the opponent was confident. That confidence was rather questionable.

For Encred’s squad members, suspicion was enough.

“That’s the bastard.”

Saxony muttered.

“Hmm, I guess it was him.”

Ragna also looked at the opponent holding the staff. No, if you think of Ragna as usual, this was at the level of a glare.

Because I opened my eyes and looked directly at the other person.

I usually went around with my eyes half open.

“Brother, are you really targeting our squad leader?”

Audin took a step forward and asked. A man nearby, Cernutt, was slightly surprised.

On a dark night, the shadow created by the torch made Audin look bigger.

Encred was close to 180cm tall, but Audin was a span taller than him.

He is a little less than 2m tall.

It’s not just the height that’s big. If you look closely, your entire body is muscle. Her forearms were thicker than most women’s thighs.

All members of the troublemaker squad, including Encred, had solid bodies and muscles.

What’s more, even Kreis built his body for every woman he met and had chiseled abs.

Among them, Audin had overwhelming power.

If muscle thickness was a measure of a man, Audin might have been one of the greatest men on the continent.

“Is that correct? “Brother?”

“What nonsense, what can you do as a squad leader or something other than sending an assassin to kill a single soldier?”

He must have flinched when he saw Auddin’s body, and he even spat out unnecessary words.

“I didn’t say I sent an assassin.”

They said it was an ambush, but they didn’t say there was an assassin.

Hearing Encred’s words, the man who exuded cuteness actually became calmer.


What should I do?

They are a criminal gang of over 30 people. He was also well armed.

It seemed like they already knew that Encred and his group were coming. It means that information was leaked somewhere.

So is anything changing?

does not exist.

At least Encred thought so.

The same goes for criminal facts.

There is no evidence. So whether I acknowledged it or not wasn’t important.

So nothing mattered.

It was the same for the opponent and Encred.

What kind of evidence is needed to take down a criminal organization?

So, what should we do now?

Even if it’s a criminal guild, there are probably some people out there who grab sticks without any hesitation.

Should we kill them all?

Encred had no intention of doing so. So he decided to give it a chance.


Encrid wordlessly pulled out his longsword, placed it on the ground, and slashed.

A few people flinched when they saw the sword drawn, but no one attacked.

A line appeared on the frozen dirt floor in the winter cold.

Since the torch is the only source of light, it is a line that cannot be clearly seen, but it is enough to convey the meaning.

A short line appeared in the wide open space.

Encred spoke while pressing the tip of his sword against the line he had made.

“Those who have never killed the weak in their life, those who will go to prison calmly, and those who do not want to die, please put away your weapons and come over.”

This is not a battlefield.

Even if they are criminals, from now on it will become a one-sided slaughter.

The opponent may not know, but Encred knew this and gave him a chance.

“Be careful. “Or we all die today.”

Put slaughter in your mouth. It’s that kind of world. We live in an era where it is not awkward to kill or die. Even so, killing wasn’t always fun.

If this is a battlefield.

If it’s to survive.

If that were the case, I would say it couldn’t be helped, but not now.

That’s why I gave it an opportunity.


“huh? “Who dies?”

“Maybe I was so scared that I turned around.”

“Hey, buddy. “Aren’t you tired of peeing?”

The Criminal Brothers laughed at Encred to the fullest. There was also a guy who twirled his finger next to his ear.

In the end, no one crossed the line Encred created.

“What are you doing?”

Rem asked. Encred was not ashamed. Because he wanted to give me a chance from the beginning.

“Brother, their eyes are covered by the devil, and unless they see, they will not believe.”

Auddin whispered.

What kills everything is a handshake.

Encred chose the following method.

“Who is the best with a sword?”

By showing your skills, you are expanding your window of choice.

Unlike before, I was confident now.

I am confident that I can win against any decent opponent.

Encred stepped forward with his sword drawn.

“Deal with me.”

The guild leader scoffed and answered. It seemed like a joke.

The opponent stood in front of Encred.

“Are you a bit harsh?”

He appeared to be a mercenary. He had a beard, so it was difficult to guess his age. He didn’t seem to be older than forty at most.

“Then you die. When I say something nice, I just… … .”

Valencian mercenary sword.

Hit, not talk.

It was a tactic used by the opponent. It was as if I was seeing myself in the past.

The other person stopped speaking literally and suddenly stabbed the spear.

The skill with which he stabbed the spear in his hand was extraordinary.

But it wasn’t as good as the first perverted soldier’s thrust.

It was far below Mitch Hurier, who was blocking the flagpole.

Encrid dodged the flying spear, dug into the opponent’s arms, and raised his sword.

A sword stabbing from the bottom up.


It was a blow.

The match was won with one sum.

The opponent’s level was exactly the same as my previous self.

That’s why.

Encred realized his own growth.

‘This much.’

There was no need to repeat today. The moment I saw him, I knew the other person’s level.

Because it was a fight that ended in one sum.

The man who had been stabbed with a sword was gurgling and bleeding. Encred pushed the guy aside with force.

As I suddenly pulled out my sword, the body that fell to the cold floor began to tremble, and hot, steaming blood poured out.

Silence fell into the hall along with the cold air. One sharp stab was enough to make the opponent aware of himself.

Everyone’s perspective on Encred changed.

Encred asked again.

“Who will come over?”


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