Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 63

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63. Knock

It was quick.

Is it really Saxony?

I left the unit just as the sun was passing overhead, but Saxony returned before the sunset had even begun to coat the ground.

“Is it fast?”

I had finished my meal with pumpkin soup and well-cooked braised pork leg. Rem asked, patting his stomach.

It seemed like they were teasing me for eating well.

Saxony looked at Encred and spoke without even turning his gaze towards Rem.

“I will guide you.”

It was about to leave right away.

“sit down.”

Encred spoke while sitting down. Saxony hesitated.

They say they have found the location, but as time goes by, they may be caught catching the tail.

The other person may be hiding.

If not, you can prepare.

Rather than hiding, wouldn’t he have the intention of cutting the strings that are chasing him cleanly?

I didn’t know it might be so.

Is there any need to take unnecessary risks?

If you were alone, if you were the one making the decisions and carrying them out, these are things you wouldn’t even have to worry about.

As all sorts of thoughts raced through Saxony’s mind, he heard the squad leader’s voice.

“The pumpkin soup here is delicious.”

Who doesn’t know that?

The name of the inn was ‘Vanessa’s Pumpkin Soup’.

Of the four inns at the market intersection, this one has the best food.

“Kreis released his personal funds. Let’s eat and go.”

Only after Encred spoke again did Saxony sit down.

For some reason, Rem, Ragnar, and Audin didn’t say anything.

Saxony roughly shook off the snow that covered his shoulders and head.

The snow melted quickly thanks to the warmth from the fireplace.

Thanks to this, my outerwear got a little wet.

It wasn’t unpleasant.

“Here, give me the pumpkin soup and the barbecue you ate earlier, one serving.”

“The group you’ve been waiting for has arrived! yes!”

The waitress spoke in a cheerful tone. He was a lively friend.

In general, the troops liked the Pumpkin Inn.

That’s what makes food taste good.

I feel sorry for those in charge of cooking in the unit, but to borrow Ragna’s words, eating in the unit was like abusing the mouth.

Sometimes it’s edible, though.

That’s generally the case.

In contrast, the meal at Vanessa’s Pumpkin Soup Inn was beyond excellent. It was often said that the best chef in Border Guard was located here.

“It’s not good to waste time.”

Saxony said as he sat down on the chair. En Creed nodded his head and answered.

“It hasn’t stopped snowing yet.”

Does Encred want to do hard labor?

It is not training in swordsmanship or martial arts.

Even for him, his eyes are like the devil’s shit.

No, everyone serving in the unit will feel the same way.

If they return after defeating the Thieves Guild now, piled snow will greet them.

For this reason, Rem and others did not say anything.

For the same reason, Kreis probably opened his pocket.

Saxony realized everything.


After that, I concentrated on eating.

It was only when dusk began to creep in that everyone, including Encred, got up from their seats.

“let’s go.”

“come again!”

said the cheerful waitress. Krys nodded his head slightly.

The two seemed like they already knew each other.

There were many scenes of the two whispering throughout their stay at the inn.


Encred asked.

“My name is Reisa, I’m seventeen, my father is a shoemaker and my mother is a weaver. Neither of us have ever joined a guild.”

A shoemaker is a person who makes and sells shoes using leather or other accessory materials.

A weaver is a person who weaves cloth.

Both were common jobs.

Manufacturing guilds and carpentry guilds also exist within the city, but if you have never joined a guild, your skills are probably not outstanding.

“My dream is to one day go to the capital and open an inn. “Right now, my goal is to learn the cooking skills of Vanessa’s Pumpkin Soup.”

“The dream is wild.”


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Rem stepped in and said something. It was worth it.

An inn is easy to say, but not just anyone can run it.

The Crona that enters is Crona, but having armed guards is also essential.

When alcohol and food are sold, it becomes routine for disturbances to arise.

Today, it’s quiet because there aren’t many people due to the falling snow, but if it were usual, I think there would have already been a few people complaining.

Didn’t an armed guard glance at you as you walked out the door a little while ago?

Encred looked like a retired soldier.

Having an armed guard from the Border Guard would be convenient in many ways. Any commotion can be sorted out.

If an accident bigger than that occurs, there is nothing the guard can do alone anyway and the guards within the unit must be called.

If you have ties within the unit, you may be able to call the guards more quickly.

For this reason, using retired soldiers as security guards was a requirement for the Border Guard.

In addition, inns tend to levy quite a lot of taxes, and based on border guard standards, inns had to be equipped with not only a conference hall, but also a special room, a private training hall, a restaurant, and a bar.

In the Border Guard, there was no lord and no lord’s house, so all major and minor events were held in inns.

Although there is a conference room within the actual unit, it is a military facility.

It was not a place for just anyone to enter.

It was an environment in which inns naturally had no choice but to develop.

It would be impossible to open an inn like this in the capital. However, there is no reason to give up.

“You know the details.”

Encred said as he walked along with Saxony in the lead.

“Because all pretty women can be future customers.”

Did you say that Kreis’ goal was to open a ladies’ salon?

It is a salon that accepts only women.

Of course, it was said that all couriers were made up of men, especially handsome men.

He’s a creative kid.

He plans to rob a lady’s pocket with the beauty of a man.

Kreis seemed anxious and kept opening his mouth.

“But will Lake Panther be okay? Isn’t he cold? “Why doesn’t he move when I tell him to follow me?”

“Are you still aiming for his claws?”

“no. I didn’t think I would get kicked out if I tried. “It wasn’t expensive for nothing.”

Encred chuckled at Chryce’s words. That’s just what they said, but it seemed obvious that they were still targeting them.

“Please give me a name. “I think I’ll keep taking him with me.”

Encred nodded inwardly at Chrys’s words. Because I can’t call this guy or that guy without a name forever.

As we continued talking, we entered a dark alley and walked for a while. As I turned several times to enter, even Encred, who has a good sense of direction, found the road confusing.

“Aren’t you going to the Thieves Guild’s Crona trap on purpose?”

Rem chuckled for no reason.

Saxony was neatly ignored.

“This guy always chews his words.”

Although Rem was irritable, Saxony maintained consistency in his attitude toward Rem by ignoring him as well.


Encred stopped Rem from saying another word.

“Are you being treated differently? “It won’t be fun if I’m sad.”

It was a good sign if you tripped while trying to hold back.

Because I’m going to end the argument here.

It was quiet after that.

Ragna must have been bored, so he walked, kicking the floor with his toes.

“Winter is cold.”

All Audin said when he saw the group of beggars lying on the ground despite the cold was:

The snow had stopped, but a thin layer of snow piled up on the hard frozen soil.

By daytime tomorrow, it would melt under the sun’s rays and create muddy ground.

“Here we go.”

After wandering around the alleys for about half an hour. I saw an old wooden door.

When you open the door and enter, it is a door that can be commonly seen anywhere in Border Guard.

The sun had set, but the moonlight shone softly, so there was no discomfort in visibility.

Encred is about to push the door open.

“Do you want to go left?”

Rem, who suddenly stopped and turned his back to the moonlight, spoke.

“I take the right side. “You have to pay for what you get.”

Auddin received those words.

“do it yourself. “As long as you don’t attack me, that’s fine.”

Ragnar yawned.

“You’re such a lazy bastard. “Squad leader, we have a guest.”

Encred turned to Rem’s words. They were all guys wearing clothes or something.

When I looked closely, I saw the same litter of beggars I had seen on the way.

A mixed-race fairy appeared in my mind and quickly disappeared.

‘It’s twice as big.’

Encred ran his hand over the back of his belt for no reason.

A knife was caught at the tip of my finger.

It was not a common item. Because he killed a mixed-blood fairy and took the corpse.

He was wearing a secure brace on his chest.

When I looked at the Whistle Bido, I realized that it was not something that was commonly made.

So what should I do? I need to take care of it quickly.

They took everything, including what was stuck on the floor and what was on the fairy’s body.

“I guess I didn’t learn it when I was young, but you shouldn’t come into a place like this when the sun goes down.”

A beggar said. As I spoke, I could see my front teeth, but they looked yellowish and black.

Because it was night, I couldn’t see much.

Even though it was winter and I was only a few steps away, it seemed like it would smell bad.

“That’s terrible.”

Rem answered and moved. It wasn’t a fast walk.

I just narrowed the distance by walking with long strides. The beggar stepped forward and pulled out a penknife from his sleeve.

It is a knife with a blade less than a span. He picked it up and pretended to stab it.

“I’m tired. you.”

That was his will.

Rem didn’t stop walking and the guy stabbed the knife.

The beggar was aiming for the stomach, but Rem grabbed the opponent’s wrist with his left hand.

Rem pulled the beggar inward and struck his head with his right elbow.

Sigh! Wow!

It was a bold and sure blow.

The beggar’s neck was bent at an abnormal angle after being hit on the head by an elbow.


At the same time, on the other side, Audín was seen grabbing the beggar’s chin and twisting it with only his thumb, index, and middle finger.

I grabbed my chin with three fingers and my neck was bent. It was a stunt performed with incredible strength.

“You crazy bastard!”


Of the remaining three, two stood up and one noticed and quickly tried to pull away.

The fight between Rem and Audin was short.

I closed the distance, ignored the knife, and struck with a single blow, that was all.

Rem struck the beggar’s neck with the blade of his hand and then cut off his temple with his fist.

With that, the consciousness of a beggar was blown away.

Audin was simpler.

He stepped forward with his left foot and stretched out his left fist.

Whoop, boom!

The fist felt like a cannonball.

This is a blow that follows the twisting of the waist that started from the toes.

The nose of the guy who was hit by an outstretched fist starting from the shoulder disappeared. His face sunken in, his knees sank and he fell sideways.

The face was crushed by a single blow. It was natural for her to faint and collapse.

In the meantime, Encred took care of the guy who ran away.

Bang, bang!


The guy who was running fell forward, using the dagger stuck in the back of his neck as a decoration.

Rem, who had been straining his toes to chase after him, turned his head back.

Audin also blinked a few times, and Ragna, who had been half sleepy, also opened his eyes wide.

Saxony’s eyebrows narrowed and then widened.

With heavy, cold air surrounding my body.


Kreis let out a short exclamation.

Encred said, lowering his hand from a position with the tip of his right hand extended forward.

“why? It’s a waste of time. “Chasing.”

“Our squad leader, since when did you become so good at throwing daggers?”

Rem asked.

“As I did it, it increased.”

“It’s so amazing.”

“Isn’t it time to focus on the knife I threw?”

That was correct. Rem nodded his head.

Even though five beggars attacked, no one was surprised.

Moreover, even Kreis was calm.

“Aren’t you surprised?”

Encred asked.

He had already seen the body and hands of the beggar lying down as he walked.

I didn’t make a living working as a mercenary for nothing. What does it take to survive for a long time with poor skills?

Notice it.

Encred also had a unique sense of humor.

Through the existence of beggars, he knew that Saxony was on the right path.

If there are people protecting it, doesn’t that mean there is something to protect in front of them?

“yes? Oh, I’m not surprised. A beggar attacks an armed soldier. The excuse was poor. So, it has become clear that this is either the headquarters of a criminal guild or that they are hiding something.”

Is this something that anyone would notice?

Or is Kreis just being clever?

It seemed like the former.

Still, it was bold. Although he was prone to running away when he entered the battlefield, Kreis was also a soldier who watched the battlefield before his eyes.

This wasn’t even a thing.

“For a criminal gang, that’s surprising.”


“Looking at what they’re doing, it looks like they work in shifts, but they’re too meticulous for a gang. “I think Gilpin is very resourceful.”

Kreis was also clever. He looked at one side and thought about the other side.

“That’s true too.”

While the two exchanged a few words, Saxony opened the door and then stepped back. I soon saw him grab the handle of his sword and it looked like he was about to cut it down.

Then Auddin came forward.

“I will knock.”

It is the home of a criminal organization. There was no way it would open if I knocked.


But Audin’s knock was a little different.

“Puha, you’re good. “Our religious friend.”

Rem was impressed. Encred was also secretly impressed.

Auddin pulled his right shoulder, pivoted on his left foot, and hit the door with his palm. No, he pulled his hand back as soon as he struck. He was a cutoff.

Then the hinges of the door lifted and the door rolled inward.

So it’s open. In other words, I broke it.

It was an exciting knock.


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