Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 62

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62. A knight does not have a single trace of shame in his heart.

“Wait a moment. “I will send someone.”

Even though permission was given, it did not mean that we could leave immediately.

When I returned to the dormitory, I saw a squad member who had become a baby bird waiting for its mother bird.

“Get ready.”

Let me convey the situation in one word.

“Aww, I believed you. The squad leader knew you could do it!”


Rem and Saxony helped out one by one, and the rest began to move.

Shouldn’t you take your equipment with you, even if it’s just rough?

“Just wait, the order will come soon.”

“Let’s do that.”

No matter what I say now, it will be heartwarming. It was rare that all members of the squad worked together.


Moreover, even though Ragna and Rem collided while moving, both of them passed by indifferently. There wasn’t even a single sigh.

“Sneaky wild cat, do you have any cloaks to spare? “It’s so damn cold.”

Rem especially hated the cold.

Saxony shook his head at his words.

Normally, it would have been a good situation for a fight to break out right away, but it passed smoothly.

‘We get along well.’

How nice it would be if we could just step away from each other and live like this every day.

Of course, it was just wishful thinking.

Encred sat down on the bed as he watched the squad members moving around busily.

Soon the person sent by the company commander arrived.

“What did you do, that the entire squad was sent to work?”

He is the 4th platoon leader. It was a messenger sent by the company commander.

“I’m trying to follow the assassin’s lead. “The thieves’ guild.”

“… … Take care of yourself. Even a knight’s sword cannot avoid a sword that stabs you from behind. “Thieves are dangerous people.”

The platoon leader spoke with concern as he told a long-standing story.

A dagger in the back.

A general who once commanded the continent was killed by the dagger of a subordinate he trusted.

It is a tale from a very long time ago, and although it is not a legend, it cannot be called history.

Something that you may not even know actually happened.

Encred was about to nod, saying he understood.

“No, I can avoid the article.”

Ragna says.

“Avoid even if you are not a knight.”

Saxony agreed.

“If someone attacks you from behind and stabs you helplessly, you’re an asshole.”

Rem finished.

As soon as the platoon leader finished speaking, the three stormed out.

“Let’s not talk.”

The platoon leader shook his head and left.

Anyway, permission was given.

“Let’s go.”

Encred stood up and said. Because the weather was colder than yesterday, the inside of the hotel felt like ice.

When it comes to equipment, all Rem has is a hatchet.

The armoring sword Ragnar exchanged with Encred before.

There was only one sword, which appeared to be a Saxony shortsword.

Auddin took two short clubs that had been drenched in oil and dried, and stuck them in his belt before heading out.

“Stealing is a bad thing. “Let’s go scold him.”

Auddin steps forward and speaks. Rem laughed when he heard that.

“yes. “It’s bad.”

Everyone had simple equipment, but Saxony was wearing thick fur clothes and looked sluggish.

Ragna wore a cape with holes made from layers of fabric that even a passing beggar would not covet.

The best among them was, of course, Rem.

“So you’re going?”

Of course, Saxony is within the acceptable range, and Ragnar, if we look at it leniently, is in an outfit that would nod as much as he likes.

But this is something.

I wrapped a blanket around my body. Should I call it a walking bed?

He didn’t seem to have any intention of stretching his arms. Only her toes are fully exposed.

“I don’t like being cold.”

Are you going to tell me to stop you?

Encred chose an efficient method. He turned away from Rem.

“let’s go.”

The troublemaker squad set off toward the bottom of the market.

“I think it’s dangerous.”

Kreis muttered to himself and followed. It was a choice between shoveling snow until his forearms were swollen or taking the risk.


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I really didn’t want to shovel the snow.

* * *

No matter what fight it was, ruminating over it countless times after it was over was Encred’s old habit and a means of survival.

This time was no different.

The mixed race fairy drew attention to Whistling Bido and Rotten.


It is a simple, but powerful shield.

From then on, the goal was close combat.

I tried to end the fight with just one move, a blow that could be called a death blow.

I don’t know why, but the half-blood fairy was a heart lover.

With that, it was possible to predict the hitting area, and through repeated encounters today, I had already experienced the form of its weapon.

I was able to calculate everything and fight.

‘What if I failed?’

Encred thought.

‘Did I rely on luck?’

The mixed-blood fairy might not move as intended.

There had to be some degree of luck involved for him to act as a cashier.

Encred asked himself.

First today, when I killed the stab pervert asshole.

Encrud used the thrust of all power as his weapon.

Without considering the future situation, it is literally putting one’s life on the gamble.

I replayed that time and reflected on my mistakes.

Did I make the same mistake as back then?

Not this time.

‘Even if I used a different move.’

In the end, it was probably him who won.

Although I was overpowered in terms of personal tactics, I was confident that I would be overpowered in my previous skills as well.

Even if the mixed-blood fairy decides to fight and Rotten stays behind.

‘The odds of winning are higher for me.’

Of course, it would have been difficult to win as cleanly as now and without any major injuries.

Restoration, ruminating. Repeat that countless times.

As you walk, embody the image and apply it to other situations.

The patrolman who found Encred was surprised twice.

At first I was surprised when I saw the body, and I was even more surprised when I saw the troublemaker squad leader who had become a senior soldier.

He’s a senior soldier.

How many ordinary soldiers actually show this level of skill?

Moreover, he was a person whose skills were poor before this battle.

The conclusion is that, as everyone knows, swordsmanship is no longer at the level of hitting the floor like before.

Still, Encred pondered.

‘There may have been an easier way.’

It is an attitude that makes it difficult to believe that today can be repeated.

But I also didn’t know that because I maintained this attitude, I was always waiting for tomorrow.

As his thoughts continued, Encred even remembered last night’s dream.

‘Maybe there’s nothing to do?’

No matter how you look at it, it is an incomprehensible existence.

He was referring to the boatman of the Black River.

The boatman who appeared in the dream did not laugh at him like before. I just looked at him blankly and blurted out one word.

“What are you?”

It is the voice of a person without a mouth. Therefore, the emotions contained in the voice were clearly conveyed.

No, it was passed down because the boatman wanted it. Encred instinctively felt that way.

The emotion contained in each word is wonder.

Pure curiosity without any trace of emotion, including disappointment and anger.

I couldn’t answer anything.

Because it was a dream.

Of course, it wasn’t a typical dream.

“Squad leader.”

Perhaps he was so engrossed that Encred stopped walking only after someone grabbed his arm and called him from behind.

“Sorry, what did I say?”

I overheard something he said to himself a moment ago.

“They said that if you go in with that kind of mentality, you will get stabbed by a thief.”

Rem said. I don’t think it was that long.

Above all, the bastard Rem I was talking about looked like he was going to be wrapped in a blanket and stabbed if he went in like this.

Saxony said, ignoring Rem.

“I asked if there was an operation.”

Operations? What operation?

A feeling similar to that of the boatman he met in his dream appeared in Encred’s eyes. It’s a mystery.

“Are you just planning to raid the Thieves Guild? Do you know the location of the guild headquarters?”

Saxony asked, crossing his arms. Her thick clothes made her raise her elbows, making her look comical, but Saxony herself was calm.

The opponents are people who do everything they don’t do, including pickpocketing and human trafficking.

The name of the guild is Gilpin.

It literally meant that it was an organization led by Gilpin.

Conventionally, it is called a thieves guild, but in reality it is just a criminal organization.

Will those guys reveal their base and begin their activities?

It wasn’t. Like insects living in the darkness and back alleys of the city, they hid themselves.

“I don’t know.”

“I think we need to start by establishing a strategy.”

“You really didn’t think anything of it?”

Rem also joined in and asked.

Ragna did not intervene and just kept blowing out his breath while looking at the sky.

Audin just smiled.

“You really didn’t have any thoughts?”

Cryce looked at Encred with his big eyes and asked.

“I thought you knew about this base.”

“No matter how much I know the location of this guild. “If you approach to find out that, it’s a joke.”

As he spoke, Kreis pretended to cut his throat with the blade of his hand.

A criminal guild kills a standing army? Was it a good location? Isn’t it worth it to do something like that?

Actually, I wasn’t interested. Because I didn’t have the time or energy to pay attention to these things.

“Have you never conducted a small-personnel operation?”

Saxony asks again. It seemed like he was reprimanding me for moving in a haphazard manner while the entire squad was moving. Encred gradually had nothing to say.

What was his life like during that time?

I was busy struggling to survive.

Those were the days when I took time out of my sleep to swing my sword one more time.

In the meantime, there was no time to learn anything about strategy.

Of course, I also had experience as a mercenary.

I also have experience serving as a squad leader.

I also had several experiences participating in small-scale operations.

However, the flow on the battlefield and the small-scale operations conducted outside were completely different stories.

On the battlefield, small-scale operations, such as leading reconnaissance squads before, were familiar territory, but things were different now.

Even more so.


It was the result of a plan to survive, not a move based on a meticulous strategy.

These were all things I learned while risking my life.

So, should I do that this time too?

Should I throw my life away again and repeat today?

Encred stopped walking. A bitterly cold wind passed through his cloak and brushed his side.

It was a cold wind.

‘I don’t want to do that.’

I don’t want to use repeating today as a method. The pain of death was not that pleasant.

More than anything, instinct speaks. Even though there is no need for that.

So what should I do?

It really wasn’t something I had thought about. I have thought of general means.

“If you ask around, you’ll know everything, right? “No matter how well you hide it, everyone in the city knows.”

There are no secrets in the world. Because secrets are completed through death.

If the only person who knows the secret dies, no one will know it.

A criminal organization would not be able to hide itself like that.

Therefore, the conclusion is that there is someone who knows.

“It would be difficult that way. Gilpin kids cut their tails easily and are famous for being scary. Even if you catch the lowest-ranking kids and fry them, not only do you know nothing, but if you accidentally blow them because you know something, Gilpin will cut off all your limbs and cut out your tongue.”

The idea is to rule the organization through fear of retaliation.

Then how?

There was no solution that immediately came to mind.

As long as you struggle to survive and think about it, you can do as much as you want.

If this is a battlefield, I know to some extent how to defend the position according to strategy.

But that wasn’t the case now.

“Squad leader, give orders.”

As I was lost in thought, Ragna, who was only looking at the sky, spoke.

Encred’s eyes turned to Ragnar.

A genius in swordsmanship who has few opponents to face as long as he holds a sword.

This is Ragnar seen by Encred.

Ragnar was usually a lazy and sloppy person.

A person who often gets lost and spills what he has in his pockets.

But sometimes, really sometimes, Ragna knew how to get the point across and strike it back.

It’s like holding a sword in your hand.

“The captain just has to give orders. “You just have to let someone who knows how to carry out orders do it.”

That one word.

Ragnar’s words, muttered softly, were very loud and heavy words for Encred.

He said he was the leader.

That was his original position.

The squad leader is the leader of the squad.

So, is Encred the leader of the squad up to now?

‘Was I the squad leader?’

no. It is difficult for people with poor skills and who are desperate to survive to become the leader of a group.

What’s more, each and every member of the squad can fly and crawl.

But now Ragnar’s words changed the situation.


Rem admits it.

Saxony nodded slightly.

“That’s right. you’re right. “Brother, that’s what the captain does.”

Auddin agrees.

“You said the right thing, why?”

Kreisman was out of the mood.

This is because he originally made Encred the squad leader in his heart.

“yes. That’s right. Saxony, is there a way?”

Saxony of equivalent exchange is also an information merchant that exchanges information.

If Kreis’ information is shallow and wide, Saxony’s information is narrow and deep.

“there is.”

“let me know.”

“Please stay at an inn in the market and I will be back before the sun sets.”

He asks me to tell him how, but he says he will leave.

“If you leave it to me, I will find out.”

“good. “Let’s go find an inn.”

Once you decide, don’t look back. Encred did just that.

On the way to the inn, there weren’t many people around since we hadn’t yet reached the center of the market, but Encred even spoke his thoughts on the well-trodden dirt road.

“We will find the guild’s home base and wipe it out all at once.”

The opponent is a criminal organization. Even if there are no charges, there will be no need to say anything about trampling with force.

Of course, it would be like making a hole in the back pocket of a noble or a great commander.

‘What does it matter?’

A knight is one who does not have a single trace of shame in his heart.

Just as I saw, heard, learned, and dreamed of when I was young.

Because Encred lived like that.

I still try to do that.


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