Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 61

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61. Fairy Joke

Encred gathered the dead bodies in one place and waited for the patrolman.

“This is work too.”

It was time to pick up the body of a half-blood fairy while talking to myself.

As I was reaching out to pick up and move the assassin, I felt a strange sensation in my fingertips.

It was around the chest. As I followed it with my finger, I felt the texture extending all the way to my side.

When I opened the bag, I saw a raincoat on my body. The four remaining whistle beads were also visible inside. It was not a common item.

‘I almost forgot.’

It’s a great weapon.

I just happened to learn how to throw.

It will be useful if you have it. Haven’t you experienced the power of Whistling Bido in real life?

While he was taking care of Bido’s entire house, he also searched through other people’s arms and took things like Crona.

In addition to the whistling rain, there was a leather bag that I didn’t know what kind of powder it contained.

I felt like I shouldn’t mess with something that had a strange smell.

If it were a poison that poisoned you just by contact, you wouldn’t be able to get an antidote right away.

Above all, since I was originally reluctant to use poison, it is an item that burdens my heart in many ways.

Encred left the poison pouch as is.

Afterwards, it was natural that the patrolman who discovered Encred was shocked.

The accident-prone squad leader, who had disappeared during working hours, suddenly appeared with five bodies.

“What is it!”

At first, I was surprised and aimed my spear.

“He’s a spy.”

Encred explained briefly. That was enough.

“I know that guy, but he said he was a peddler who arrived four days ago.”

One of the patrolmen held up a crossbow and pointed it at the dead man.

A peddler refers to a merchant who moves around carrying a load that can be carried on his shoulder.

It was an appropriate disguise.

“Didn’t you check your ID card?”

“I did it, it was elaborate.”

A sophisticatedly forged identity.

Was it possible to make something like that common?

Probably not.

Afterwards, one of the soldiers who searched the half-blood fairy’s arms with the tip of a spear was impressed when he saw the body with its head split open.

While Encred was waiting on one side, the 4th company commander, that is, the fairy company commander, appeared.

She spoke soon after examining the dead assassin’s arms.

“It’s poisonous. “The assassin is right.”

This was a conclusion reached after examining not only the venom but also the body shape.

Encred obediently explained the existence of the assassin.

That was the end.

The patrolman looked at me with suspicion the entire time I was waiting, but the misunderstanding was short-lived.

“Did you catch five? “I think one of them must have been at a pretty high level.”

“These three are Jack, Bo and Rotten.”

One of the patrolmen pretended to know. Jack was good with his spear and Bo was agile. The opinion among ordinary soldiers is that Lawton is a formidable man.

In addition to those three soldiers, there was also a mixed-blood fairy assassin and a soldier with a crossbow.

I dealt with them all, but no one was seriously injured.

A few scratches are all.

“… … alone?”

The patrolman asked, forgetting the presence of the company commander next to him.

It must have been that much of a surprise.

“It just so happened.”

Encred answered and looked at the company commander. The fairy company commander was speechless. There was no change in expression.

I just looked at Encred with my still jewel-like green eyes.

“I get it. Come back.”


Show military courtesy and turn around. The fairy company commander said while looking at Encred.

“I left my duty station, so I have to make up for it later.”

That sounds like a knife.

In this situation, I can’t believe you’re asking me to leave my workplace.

The three patrolmen looked at each other. In fact, En Creed silently nodded his head.

“all right.”

The company commander is the superior. Thinking about it will only make your mouth hurt.

There are people in the unit who are fiercely opposed to military laws and regulations.

The fairy company commander doesn’t seem to be that type.

Isn’t it the duty of a subordinate to listen when someone says something like that?

Even if you stretch for no reason, there is nothing left.


Only then did Encred leave the scene on foot.

Two days after that, two of the border guards visited Encred again.


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This was a move for on-site inspection, as field inspection within the city was the responsibility of the garrison on the border.

Encred did everything sincerely.

“They attacked suddenly.”

“What did you know that made you leave your workplace?”

“That’s not it. “The two of us looked awkward, but we just wanted to get some air.”

“Leaving the workplace just happened to reveal a spy? “I think these two died in a single blow?”

“I thought they were going to kill me right away.”

“But you actually subdued him without any injuries?”

The questions of the two guards were sharper than expected, but Encred was calm.

Of all the people who saw it in person, he was the only one who survived, so it was natural.

“Yes, I was lucky.”

“If I get lucky twice, I will even tear down the castle wall. “I guess that means there was a gap in skills.”

One of the two told a lame joke.

Neither of them said this because they were suspicious of Encred. It’s ridiculous to even suspect the person who was secretly attacked.

Above all, the border guard had already thoroughly investigated Encred’s background.

By the time I tried to receive it from my unit, the investigation had already been completed.

“You worked hard.”

“I heard you got a higher grade? “Congratulations.”

“thank you.”

Both were above him in rank. The rank of the frontier guard was originally something like that.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come here? “My skills are a waste.”

After the investigation was over and I was about to go back, a guard with short hair said.


The answer, which cuts like a knife, leaves me speechless.

“Uh, okay.”

Encred returned to his lodgings.

As I open the door, something suddenly falls on the right side of my head. En Creed reflexively twisted his body to the side to avoid it. After he dodged, she lowered her posture and rolled over. Because she barely escaped, part of her hair was cut off.

I narrowly avoided the thing that flew by, so I wondered something.

“Oh, I passed the sneak attack avoidance!”

I see Rem speaking with a hearty smile. The ax wielded by Rem was the culprit.

“Rem, you crazy bastard.”

It was something worthy of being cursed.

Encred’s cut hair fell fluttering in the air.

If I had been a little late, I would have had an ax blade tattooed on the back of my neck.

These are tattoos and scars that bleed profusely.

“Don’t worry Mashu. “Even if I couldn’t avoid it, I was thinking of just cutting my hair.”

“Let’s not talk.”

There are a lot of crazy people in the world, but there were some really crazy people in my squad.

Encred didn’t get angry because he realized that fact right away.

“Now that assassins are coming, shouldn’t we learn how to prepare for sneak attacks?”

“It’s a good excuse.”

Encred shook his head.

“I think it’s time to cut my hair, huh?”

Rem said irritably.

It’s already time to trim my hair.

The bangs used to cover the front of my eyes.

I was in a state of high concentration when I was dealing with the mixed-blood fairy before, and I didn’t notice because I was preparing a few moves to deceive my opponent.

It has become a nuisance to my daily life.

“Do me a favor.”

Encred said. It wasn’t Rem who stepped forward. Kreis came up from behind.


Kreis was more dexterous than I thought.

The other guys were amazing with weapons such as swords and axes, but when asked to cut a person’s hair, they made it into a bizarre shape.

“I’ll make my bangs a little shorter and trim the rest appropriately.”

A short dagger, scissors, and a comb made of horn were Kreis’s equipment.

“Please give me ten copper coins.”

“It’s gotten expensive.”

“My skills have improved. “If you don’t like it, go to the city barbershop.”

I didn’t like that. The barbershops in the city were expensive and less dexterous than Lem.

There was no need to pay twice as much Krona.

Instead, barbershops in the city were excellent at caring for wounds, so they became places where injured people went instead of people who got their hair cut.

“Now, let’s begin.”


The sound of hair being cut soon began to reach my ears.

He took out a chair and sat down right in front of the entrance to the hotel. Before she knew it, white snowflakes began to fall from above her head.

Rem, who was looking at Encred from the side, grumbled.

“It’s like the devil’s dung powder.”

Once the snow fell, it would be hectic for a while to clear the parade ground and drainage ditches.

It was equal for everyone.

It is a labor that neither Rem nor Ragnar can escape.

If we didn’t clear the snow, it would be a mountain of trouble.

“I don’t like it.”

Ragna came out before we knew it, wrapped a blanket around his shoulders and spoke.

“It’s cold.”

The same goes for Saxony next to it.

“No matter how much you warm up, this cold is difficult. “Brother.”

Audin also appeared.

Why is everyone coming out and watching?

Even though it gets a little colder when it snows, the temperature dropped unusually today. As I sat outside, my lips turned blue.

“Aww, my hands are shaking. “If you make a mistake like this, they cut off your ears.”

said Kreis, who was cutting his hair.

“I can hear everything.”

“That’s how focused I am.”

Kreis was absorbed in cutting the hair, warming his hands with a moderately heated stone.

Encred was thinking about spies as he watched the snow fall.

‘How did they get in?’

The guy who came in as a peddler forged his identity card.

The mixed-blood fairy sneaked in.

Border Guard is a city that is harder to infiltrate than you might think.

Forging an identity card is a serious crime.

Neither of these things can be done easily.

Above all, it was awkward that Jack, Bo, and Lawton turned into spies.

‘Where did all three of you say you’re from?’

I think I heard that somewhere.

“You know the three who died this time?”

Encred asked. Kreis nodded his head before he realized he was standing behind Encrid and out of sight.

“Yes, I know.”

“Do you know where you’re from?”

“Jack was caught pickpocketing and served, and Bo was charged with insulting nobility.”

“You were a good friend.”

Rem chimed in when he heard that it was a crime to insult a nobleman.


Encred laughed at Rem.

Rem pretended not to hear and Kreis continued.

“I heard Lawton was some sort of top escort.”

“What top?”

“They used to say that it was a failed top, what did they say?”

The time when all three came in was similar. About a year. As an informant, Kreis knew a lot.

‘If someone infiltrated it intentionally.’

A place where identity cards are forged, people know the city’s inner workings, and they are friendly with crime.

Are such groups common? There will be a few obvious places within the Border Guard.

If it’s the biggest one among them.

‘Thieves Guild.’

It’s a guild, a gathering of people involved in various crimes.

Moreover, didn’t you say that there was a complete change about a year ago?

I heard something like that somewhere.

When I asked Kreis, he said there were rumors like that, but he couldn’t dig into the details.

Encred’s gaze returned to Saxony.

“Do you know anything about the Thieves Guild?”

It was a question asked right away. Saxony looked at Encred silently.

“Why are you asking me that?”

“I think I know.”


Starting with how to throw rain, how to train your senses.

Encred knew how to use his head. Even if he had no intention of doing so, he could roughly guess the origin of Saxony.

Occupations related to thieves or assassinations.

Or something like that.

So I ask.

Saxony was silent for a moment.

Encred blocked what Rem was about to say with his eyes.

Ragna looked at me with half-open eyes as usual.

Audin quietly folded his hands and remained still as if waiting for an answer.


Kreis broke the silence by shaving off his hair.

“I want to know too. “Do you think the assassination targeting the squad leader started there?”

Kreis was perceptive. He was likely to be suspicious of those who actually accepted the situation directly.

Especially for those who know how to use their brains.

Kreis had a quick mind. Also, he must have known something because he lived in the lower class.

Therefore, Encred’s suspicions were justified, Kreis thought.

Soon Saxony’s mouth opened.

I thought I would expect something in return, but that wasn’t the case.

“It was changed about a year ago. I don’t know anything about what happens next. “All the strings that were touching me broke.”

It’s worth finding out.

Encred thought so.

“It’s done.”

Soon Kreis spoke and while he was cutting his hair, the snow started to fall.

“Oh, I really hate it.”

“I don’t like it either.”

“I agree.”

“Brother, this is a trial from God.”

“It’s really annoying.”

This was said to the pouring snow in that order: Rem, Ragna, Saxony, Audin, and Kreis.

Encred looked at it and said.

“I’m thinking of setting up a strategy under the squad leader’s discretion, but instead of clearing the snow, I’m going to head out right away.”

The five ears perked up at those words.

Ten pairs of eyes looked at Encred like hungry wolves.

It felt like I could do anything except shovel snow.

“First, get permission from the company commander.”

Encred said, brushing the hair from his face.

“Let’s go.”

“What are you doing if you’re still not going?”

“This way.”

Seonghwa told everyone to go quickly. Encred thought it was right to move after thinking about it.

I don’t want to go into the barracks and be bothered by those five murderous eyes.

After melting the snow that had accumulated and washing the hair off his face, Encred went straight to the company commander’s barracks.

“You cut your hair. But why here? “Did we get ambushed again?”

Is the sneak attack a joke?

The company commander’s words made Encred worry.

“That’s not it.”


“The thieves’ guild is suspicious. “I want to check.”

The fairy company commander is a one-person lodging. she said, leaning back against her as she watched the snow pouring in through her window.

“What do you mean?”

“I want to engage in random operations.”


The fairy company commander looked out the window with his back turned and asked.

“Isn’t it because you don’t want to shovel snow?”

“It’s not like that.”

Half of it was true, but the other half was also true.

There was nothing to be concerned about.


Permission was granted from the fairy company commander.

“You’ll have to be careful. “The criminal guilds in the city are very good at higher levels.”

As she spoke, she raised her right index finger and pointed at the ceiling.

A military town had a battalion commander instead of a mayor, but it was not the only battalion commander.

There were also several nobles dispatched from the state to handle administrative matters.

They were the key power figures of the Border Guard.

“It won’t be good if you look bad on them.”

Politics comes out of the mouth of a fairy. He was very awkward, but En Creed took the advice.


“When going out, take a sharp turn to avoid the perch. This is my room. “If you start a fire, you’ll be in trouble.”

The company commander’s quarters had a short perch. Thanks to this, the air was warm.

“Yes, be careful.”

Even as he answered, Encred thought that the fairy’s joke was not at all suitable.


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