Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 60

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60. Only ten times

It’s fun, that’s what I want to say here.

“You’re really fun.”

A half-blood fairy covered in rags stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and let her arms hang down. The back of a white hand was visible outside the rags.

I could tell just by looking. It was a ready position.

When the hand moves there, a terrible whistle sounds.

“If you see the projectile and dodge it, it will be too late. So look at your hands.”

The whistle blow that Saxony speaks of is also a law of destruction and a law against those who use thrown weapons.

It is difficult to catch a fired arrow with your eyes.

“It’s really difficult unless you become a knight. But even if you are not a knight, there is a way to avoid flying arrows.”

The way to see is through blind eyes.

Even if you cleverly hide your hands, you cannot hide the entire moving arm.

Keep the enemy in front of you.

Look at your hands and arms.

After that, look at the whole body and avoid it.

That was the key.

Saxony’s tone of voice was quiet, but it caught my ear.

When Rem teaches something, he basically uses his body. My body tends to speak louder than my words.

Saxony is the opposite. After a brief explanation, I use my body. Understanding with your head comes first.

Before Ragna gets interested, he gives a rough overview, and when he gets interested, he continues his explanation and explanation at the same time. He is the type of person who goes with the flow.

Audin is similar to Rem, but his tone of voice is like that of a god of positivity. In some ways, this is probably the worst.

“You can. “Brother.”

“it’s okay. Brother, that’s not enough to reach God’s embrace.”

“Does it hurt? “It’s going well.”

The process of learning gymnastics was not that easy.

But I benefited greatly from it.

It is on the outskirts of the city, under the shadow created by the castle wall. The air was several times colder than the place where the sun shined.

Still, my body felt moderately warm.

There is no hardening feeling. He had to attribute it to the gymnastics he learned from Aud Din.

Even as he thought about random things, Encred’s eyes did not leave the mixed race fairy.

The way to avoid whistling rain is to look at your fingertips.

Hands are faster than eyes, but they can’t control the swinging arm. Draw a trajectory, feel it and see it.

If you see it, you can avoid it. It was something I had already done several times.

Keeping an eye on him was Encrud’s job now.

At the same time, Encred also kept his hands hanging down.

The situation was the same for mixed-blood fairies. Although it wasn’t at the same level as Whistling Rain, the opponent’s throwing skills were also formidable.

‘How can I eat one bite?’

The mixed-blood fairy was excited.

Originally, it was boring and tedious work. The request was to kill an ordinary soldier. There was no room for interest.

The assassin, a mixed-blood fairy, had two eccentricities.

One is to catch the opponent off-guard and stab them in the heart.

The other is to kill a first-class or higher warrior from the front.

Both are my tastes.

Originally, I thought I wouldn’t be satisfied and focused on the former.

‘It’ll be fun.’

Now I’ve moved on to the latter.

The mixed-blood fairy continued licking her lips with her tongue. It was a habit when concentrating.

Keep looking for the other person’s weaknesses with your eyes. It wasn’t easy to see.

The feeling clearly hits my mind. Now, no matter how you throw the whistle, the opponent will avoid it.

It’s okay though.

‘We are preparing for rain, this is it.’

I don’t know how he knew, but the opponent broke the move he had prepared.

And that too with the simplest means.

It happened because we moved the location.

Things went wrong. There were three dead people and there was a commotion, but no one came.

The place originally chosen for the assassination was a busy place in the middle of the market.

Business slows down momentary cognitive abilities.

In addition, the two guys named Jack and Bora, who will be used as expendable items, will use trivial words and do tricks.

That wasn’t the end.

I brought a guy who was good at using a crossbow and hid him on the roof.

I had a guy named Rotten follow me secretly.

All these preparations were twisted with a change of location.

There were no buildings around to hide in.

Two idiots died before we even started.

The moment they encountered it, the guy holding the crossbow was killed by an unexpected rain throw.

‘Have you calculated everything?’

I licked his lips with my tongue again.

As my concentration reached its limit, my lips kept getting dry.


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The mixed-blood fairy guessed what the target had done before arriving here.


It’s all calculated.

I don’t know how I knew, but I knew first.

‘Information leaked.’

It doesn’t matter where the leak occurred. The only thing that matters is the result.

After defeating Jack and Bo, immediately deal with the soldier with the crossbow.

‘It’s neat.’

The calculations, means, and calculations made by the other party.

This is the conclusion after checking everything.

‘It’s the same industry.’

This person either does something similar to you or has extensive experience in doing so.

It was a mistake.

But it was worth it.

The opponent read the assassination method and destroyed it head on.

No matter how much information was leaked, this reaction could only be seen as having experience with this type of thing.

‘Then what means will I use?’

A few things remain.

There are also three types of poison in its arms.

He also has his own shortened, improved weapon behind his waist.

It is a long awl the length of your forearm. The name of the weapon was one of the weapons frequently used by the fairies, along with Needle and Niseul.

Pull it out and stab it. That was it.

So far, only one person has survived this method, a certain Proc to be exact.

Frock bastard.

“Why do you look so dirty?”

A crazy frog who didn’t hesitate to disparage his own appearance.

The mixed-race fairy had a complex about her appearance.

Originally, fairies were supposed to be beautiful, but mixed-race people escaped the blessing of beauty.

Since the day she met the Frog cub, the mixed-blood fairy always ended her work by bursting the other person’s heart.

Licking your lips when concentrating and making sure to aim for the heart as the final blow.

Now it has become a habit.

‘Poison is a waste.’

When I think of Frog, I want to rip the other person’s heart apart.

It didn’t even feel like it was that difficult.

‘After narrowing the distance, pierce it with the needle in one go.’

It is said that the opponent is talented in swordsmanship, but that only applies when fighting head-on.

The mixed-blood fairy believed in her secret weapon.

So, how do we narrow the distance?

I’m in the process of thinking of some methods. I felt the idiot named Rotten flinch.

‘You idiot.’

The mixed-blood fairy said.

“Don’t move. “You idiot.”

At those words, Lawton swallowed his saliva.

It was the moment when I was about to take my step. I could feel her pressure and I had a strong desire to get away from her.

Rotten, who had been active in the Thieves Guild for a long time, knew that this was the air of death.

My sixth sense was frantically sounding the alarm of danger.

“How many are there?”

The half-blood fairy grabbed Rotten with words and then raised her voice toward the front.

Encred shrugged his shoulders.

He was probably asking about the number of daggers in his hand.

“I only have two.”

The half-blood fairy lied. After putting saliva on my lips several times.

“I have one.”

Encred answered honestly even though he knew everything.

“I think I have the advantage?”

“That’s your opinion.”

The dagger that Encred threw was the secret weapon that had been used to save Kryce since the morning.

I asked him to find something thin and light, and Kreis got it.

Thanks to this, a soldier lost his meat-cutting knife.

Encred had sharpened it so much that he ended up with a throwing knife whose blade was as short as his finger.

“It’s really fun. you.”

The fairy chanted.

If you make a mistake, a whistling rain will come flying at you. Nevertheless, Encrid agreed with the fairy’s words.

Tension heats up my whole body.

If you blink one wrong eye, the hand of death will tighten around your neck and strangle you.

Still, it’s fun. It’s about assessing your own skills and competing against your opponent.

Compare the moves your opponent has prepared with the moves you have prepared.

Along with the desire to win, the heart is filled with the desire to win. It was something I couldn’t easily have before.

Was there a moment when you were able to decide to win?

I was busy struggling to survive.

So, what about now?

Today is a day that repeats itself, a day that faces death in an endless line of fire.

Thanks to that, it wasn’t just swordsmanship that changed.

He had a personality that did not know how to give up, but he could not hope for victory easily.

Especially when it comes to opponents with skills above a certain level.

But now.

‘can win.’

I wanted to win, and I was able to win.

It’s a change in mindset.

“Lift the body. “Use it as a shield.”

The half-blood fairy spoke to Rotten without even caring about Encred listening.

“If he throws it at you, he too will die. I won’t use that tactic. “Bring a crossbow, too.”

The mixed-blood fairy chose the most rational, efficient, and surest method that came to mind.

It’s about taking advantage of numbers. There were two on this side.

Lawton hesitated. The mixed-blood fairy explained the situation in a calm tone. It was necessary.

“This is in the city. “Aren’t there going to be patrols here soon?”

That is correct. Encred was in an advantageous situation just by dragging out time.

A patrolman will come here soon.

Well, that’s it.

The moment he faced them, Lawton knew that not only would his cover be blown, but it would be difficult for him to survive.

“Damn it.”

Lawton lost his temper at the mess the situation had become and carefully lifted the body.

I was so nervous that my back got wet.

‘When did your skills improve so much?’

Rotten’s actions were slow as he moved while glaring at Encred.

He groped the floor, placed the crossbow gently on one side, and picked up the dead body with the blade stuck in its head.

It was heavy. He groaned and exerted his strength. If you stumble here, it’s over.

Lawton concentrated, sweat dripping from his forehead onto the body.

‘You just have to move carefully. That kid can’t throw a knife.’

With that in mind, I was using the body as a shield.

Whoop, whoop!

Encred’s arm moved.

The rain was flying.

This is before the body completely covers the body. Lawton turned desperately. Perhaps because of that, the flying raindrop landed on his shoulder.


Lawton swallowed a scream.

The fairy’s hand also moved at the timing when he was struck with a sword.

Both hands up and down exactly four times.


The whistles overlapped and rang loudly. The number of raindrops that flew away was four.

Even as Encrid threw the knife in his hand, he did not take his eyes off the half-blood fairy.

Because I didn’t blink even once.

I read the trajectory of the flying whistle and immediately lowered my posture as if I was lying down on the floor, spreading my feet back and forth.

I bent my back and placed both hands on the floor.

Four whistling arrows flew to where Encred’s head and chest were.

All of this happened when Encred had barely taken half a sip of breath after throwing the rain.

And while taking the remaining half-sip of breath, the half-blood fairy’s hand moved again.

This was after throwing four bidos and leaving a very short gap. It was a time-lapse attack.

Two more whistling raindrops were fired, targeting the head and thighs of Encred, who was in a position with both hands on the floor.

Encred reflexively rolled to the side.


The rain was stuck in the ground. En Creed, who rolled on the floor, quickly raised his head again and looked for his enemy.

If I missed the rain, it was over. Encred’s eyes moved left and right.

There was no enemy in sight.

The first thing that caught my eye was Rotten, who had been hit on the arm and rags fluttering in the air.

Encred’s eyes pierced through the rags.

There wasn’t. The assassin was nowhere to be seen.

I missed it because I instinctively looked for a position to throw the ball.

Meanwhile, the mixed-blood fairy lowered her posture and was running towards me.

It is inside the wide field of view.

The ears perk up, signaling the location of the being kicking the ground.

Encred’s eyes finally landed on the mixed-blood fairy.

Before we knew it, the distance had narrowed. It was only a few steps away.

* * *

Use the rag to steal attention and close the distance. The opponent probably couldn’t have predicted that he would close the distance.

It was the target of a mixed-race fairy.

His prediction was correct.

Encred’s expression was one of confusion.

Still, he moved.


‘Son of a bitch.’

The mixed-blood fairy cursed the other person in her mind, not even thinking about the lie she had told.

There was a third vido in the opponent’s hand.

But he wasn’t targeting himself.

The most efficient method devised by the mixed-blood fairy.

Having a large number of people is always advantageous.

It was thanks to that.

If Lawton held the crossbow in check, it was over.

He probably didn’t have a choice either.

The rain flew away with a whimper and landed on the forehead of Rotten, who was holding a crossbow instead of a corpse shield.

Of course, the scene was not visible to the mixed-blood fairy.

He just ran as best as he could.

So two steps in.

Place your hands on your waist. After the opponent threw the sword, he was seen desperately holding the long sword.

Much faster than a sword can be drawn and slashed, a sword resembling a half-blood fairy’s short awl pierced Encred’s heart.

Okay! Tiding!


The mixed-blood fairy was surprised. So much so that it really freaks me out.

Because this can’t be blocked.

Because it was a secret weapon and a fatal blow.

Because if you don’t know, you will never be able to stop it.

But I got stuck. It would be unfair for him.

Encred has already seen the awl sword Needle in the Ninth Death.

Instead of pulling out his long sword, Encred threw his guard sword, blocking the awl sword with the blade of the guard sword he had drawn, and deflecting it away.

It wasn’t a perfect Yoo Geom-sik, but I was able to imitate it similarly. Thanks to this, the blade stopped breaking instead of piercing.

The broken blade falls from his chest like a halo of light.

Encred released his guard sword grip and pulled out his long sword.

It was all in one breath. Block, throw away and pull out. There was no stopping. It was a series of smooth movements. As he struck the long sword he had drawn with all his might from top to bottom, it was like flowing water.

This happened in a short moment when the broken blade fell to the floor.

Even though the mixed-blood fairy was shocked, she covered the top of her head with a needle.

It was too late to dodge, so it was the best defense I could do now.

And Encred took full advantage of the basics of the double sword method.

It is a sword that breaks, destroys, and slashes at anything that blocks it.


The needle broke like a twig, sparks flew, and the blade of the longsword fell on the head of the mixed-blood fairy, performing its original duty.

Bang, bang!

The unsightly appearance of the mixed-race fairy that a passing Frog had shamelessly criticized could no longer be confirmed.

The face was split in half.

The blade of the longsword in his hand split the fairy’s chin and came down.

The dead fairy slumped forward without a word, her face split and bleeding profusely.


Encred let out the breath he had been holding.

Then, after retrieving the sword, I thought.

Ten times, just ten times.

The number of times I ended this repetitive day.

It was the shortest repetition of today I’ve ever experienced.


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