Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 59

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59. Tangeomsik

On the eighth day of the day, Encred was hit by a quarrel in the side.

Quarrel penetrated between the ribs and tore through the intestines.

‘This is unexpected.’

After dodging all of the whistling rain and even kicking Lawton who was attacking him from behind.

Suddenly, in a short space of time, Quarel flew in. He couldn’t avoid it.

‘Get ready.’

I did it very thoroughly.

It seemed like the wound would be more fatal if Quarel was pulled out.

As I raised my head, I saw the ugly face of a mixed-race fairy in front of me.

Do all mixed race people look like that?

I don’t know.

It was the first mixed race or heterogeneous person I had ever met in my life.

I know that most people don’t get treated well.

“You have extraordinary insight. you.”

A mixed-blood fairy speaks from above. He was a guy who really liked talking.

“It’s like that. after.”

Encred said and caught his breath.

This is to keep everything in mind, including the location and distance of the mixed-race fairy, and make a final effort.


In an instant, he pulled out a wide-bladed dagger and stabbed it from bottom to top.

An object called a guard sword picked up and grazed the cheek of the mixed-blood fairy.

The fairy dodged by turning her head to the side and kicked Encred in the stomach.



Instead of screaming, a moan comes out. The arrowhead lodged in my intestines stirred my stomach. It hurt so bad.

It already hurt when I moved, but when I got hit, my vision turned white from the terrible pain.


It didn’t take long for him to die. The fairy’s hands were clean and sharp.

Encrid, whose throat was cut, closed his eyes.

Later, on today’s day, Fairy, Rotten, Jack and Bo attacked at once.

Even though Encred died with his hands twisted, he killed Jack and Bo and took one of the half-blood fairy’s arms.

The final blow was again to the heart.

My heart was stabbed by the awl sword that the mixed-blood fairy had hidden in her belt.

After spending nine days like that, the tenth morning dawned.

After finishing gymnastics with Audin, we meet Saxony. It’s a repetitive thing.

Since no day could be wasted, Encred did his best today as well.

“Could you check my posture?”

Since it didn’t matter whether it was an equivalent exchange or something else, Encred showed how to throw rain to distract Saxony.

It is a completely different skill level than when I first learned it.

It was a skill I learned by holding onto the edge of my talent.

It’s true that it’s different from before.

Encred activated one point of concentration, relaxed his body, and used the muscles of his entire body for a moment.

The hand cuts through the air, and the dagger in the hand flies out.

I can’t say it was like a beam of light, but it was several times faster than before.

“I understand that the arms and hands are a launching pad and that the elasticity of the whole body is used, up to this point. “Do you feel like there’s something missing?”


Encred had never seen Saxony open his mouth so wide in his entire life.

Wasn’t he a squad member who always had calm eyes and a calm tone of voice?

He was a friend who showed little emotional change and expression.

The mouth expressing surprise quickly closed. Her eyes were still shaken, but her expression returned to normal.

It only took about a second for my mouth to open.


“Where did you learn it?”

“Some guy throws a dagger in an amazing way on the battlefield.”

“To throw?”

“I watched and learned.”

“Do you watch and learn?”

He’s not a parrot and he’s too busy repeating his words. In fact, it was surprising. This type of skill cannot be achieved simply by training.

It is different from honing the basics.

Unless you are born with good sense, learning it itself is nonsense.

Saxony knew that well.

That’s why I was surprised.

By the way, the squad leader?

My skills have improved a lot these days, but this is a different kind of thing.

Saxony looked at Encred, who nodded, and said what he wanted to say.

“That’s enough. It’s not a technique to dig deeper into. However, since what you are holding now has weight, it would be better to have heaviness rather than lightness at your fingertips.”

Saxony chose the necessary words and said them.


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Encred nodded.

“It’s called the tangeom style.”

Afterwards, Saxony suddenly spoke.

Even though it wasn’t an equivalent exchange, Saxony wasn’t the type that cared about teaching.

Encred straightened his posture.

It was an attitude that was ingrained in me from the beginning, and it is an attitude of listening that I learned to express by watching Krang.

There is a way to do your best when listening.

Saxony, seeing that attitude, felt happy.

It’s barely a throwing technique, so who would take it so seriously?

Actually, if I hadn’t always shown this attitude, I would have ignored the existence of the squad leader and turned away from him.

“It is a technique that was established as a foundation in the past by a renowned assassin named Geor. There is a theory that Lionesis was inspired by the compilation of the five sword formulas, but I do not know the details.”

It is a technology with a history. Encred’s concentration burned even brighter.

Ragnar explains and tells us the way forward.

As Encred listens, his eyes shine with even more seriousness.

It was called the sword throwing technique, but in reality it could not be said to be a sword throwing technique.

It dealt with all throwing weapons.

In the meantime, without asking, there was also talk about whistling rain.

“There is a throwing dagger called a whistle dagger. Avoid them once you encounter them. It’s difficult to deal with. “The reason why a sword was included in Geor’s sword training was because of the whistle sword.”

Additional explanation followed.

The whistle bido was originally made by layering thin blades.

It was said that the original goal Geor was pursuing was to use only one layer, one sheet of raincoat.

It was said that if you throw just one blade, it doesn’t even make a sound, so it’s not even called Whistling Vido.

‘How many layers was it?’

Encred reflexively recalled the rain thrown by the mixed-race fairy.

When it got stuck in my forearm, I started to remember. The beads on her arm were three-layered.

“Hey, aren’t you working today?”

Bo came to the front of the dorm and called Encred.

I was so engrossed that I didn’t even notice that work time was approaching.

“Oh, I forgot. egg plant. “It was the same shift today, right?”

“Yes, I want you to see it.”

“know. “Belonging to the scout corps.”

Encrid responded to Bo casually and then turned to Saxony.

“I learned well.”

“Is that so?”

Saxony never thought of himself as being talkative, but he had to admit that when he stood in front of the squad leader, he became more talkative than ever before.

Although I only said what was absolutely necessary.

There was a lot to say.

‘Did the whistling rain go too far?’

Why did that story come up?

On second thought, it was worth it. This is a story that is likely to come up.

It was because of the attitude Encred showed.

‘The throwing method is similar.’

Although Geor’s sword throwing method is not a fighting technique with a set method, the basic framework is in place.

However, the attitude shown by the squad leader earlier reminded me of Whistling Bido. His posture was clean, as if someone had been holding him next to him.

It may be impossible for Saxony to know, but he was the one who set Encred’s posture.

* * *

“Let’s go here.”

Encred changed his patrol route on his own.

“Oh, the order from above was to patrol the market? “If you do this, we will be disciplined.”

Jack argued.

“I take responsibility.”

A squad leader, promoted to senior soldier, and a sought-after talent in the 1st Company and Frontier Guard.

A late newcomer who has only just begun to attract attention at the age of 30.

That’s Encred.

There was nothing that could be done even if the two soldiers in the scouting party rebelled.

“I take responsibility. You have to take it easy at work too. let’s go.”

Encred took the lead. The attitude is that it is natural for the two to follow.

“Leaving the patrol area is a punishment.”

Bo mumbled and looked at Jack.

Jack’s hands moved busily.

‘oh my god?’

‘I don’t know.’

Bo shook his head.

Encred seemed to hear the conversation between the two even without looking.

Discussion will not provide an answer. There are some things in the world that cannot be helped. Just like when your boss asks you to criticize, you have to criticize.

And now, the boss and senior person is myself.

The assassin prepared the place, time, and person.

Is there really a need to follow that?

‘Change places.’

The opponent is an assassin, so there is no need to enter the stage he has prepared.

This was the answer Encred came up with after much deliberation.

He moved as he pleased. He walked around the outside of the castle gate. He didn’t even go near the downtown area where the building was located.

Jack and Bo were in trouble.

I tried to convince him that he should head to the market, but Encred was steadfast.

After walking like that for about half an hour.

Encred suddenly stopped.

“to? Why do you stop?”

The two people who passed Encred took two steps forward, then stopped and turned around.

The two of them gave up on entering the market. After giving up, I secretly left passwords here and there.

So now is the time.

Encred asked, looking at the two silently.

“Why did you do that?”

Far away.

Jack and Bo looked at Encred and made eye contact.

What is that guy talking about now?

I don’t know.


Bo asked as representative.

“Why did you do that?”

“What are you talking about? You have to say it so that the damn person understands.”

Jack spoke in a blunt tone.

“I thought about it a few times, but I just can’t figure out why. Does it make any difference if you act as a spy as just a soldier? krona? because of money?”

Jack and Bo jumped back at the sudden remark.

Then, we looked at each other in embarrassment, and Bo scratched the back of his head and opened his mouth.

“What do you mean?”

“No, Sibeol, are you recruiting someone as a spy?”

Jack also got angry.

“When you step back and put your hand on the handle of your sword, don’t you think it’s a dirty excuse?”

At Encred’s words, the two make eye contact again. Then.


Both drew their swords.

I see a stiletto-shaped dagger with a thin blade.

Jack wields a relatively thick short sword.

Encred stood still.

“f*ck, you’re quick-witted.”

“I will have to die here.”

The plan went awry, but the task to do was clear. Jack and Bo made eye contact and nodded.

While the two noticed and stopped, Encred also drew his sword.


The sharpened longsword is pulled out and reflects the sunlight. Then, just as I had drawn it, I took a big step forward and drew a semicircle with my sword.

When he drew a large line, Jack and Bo read the gap and avoided it.

No, it didn’t stop there.

Encrud swung his sword widely, leaving many gaps. Bo took advantage of the gap and rushed in.

He was a soldier with excellent physical skills.

Put your strength on your back foot and lunge forward. Encred had just grabbed the sword with both hands and swung it, shifting his center of gravity to the right.

The moment Bo approached, reaching the gap where the short sword could reach.


Suddenly, a blade protruded from inside Encred’s left armpit.

The blade pierced Bo’s neck.

Valencian mercenary sword, shadow stab.

The start was to lure the enemy inside by pretending to swing loudly.

After that, he supported the long sword with only his left hand, covered his right hand with his body, pulled out the dagger from his right waist, and stabbed it between his armpits.

The opponent probably had no idea that a blade came out of there.

It was because Bo trusted his own quickness and narrowed the distance too much. And Encred predicted Bo’s reaction.

How could a guy whose strength lies in being nimble miss the opportunity to narrow the distance?

There was no need to forget what you had previously learned just because you had established the basics of the Northern method.

It was an epiphany brought on by the battle with the mustachioed soldier in the last moments of the battle against Azpen.

The basics are just the basics, and adding and subtracting from them is up to the user.

You can swing a heavy sword gently and aim for a counter.

It would be okay to mix in a Valencian mercenary sword here.

It was enough as long as the framework on which it was based did not falter.

Bo fell to the floor with a grunt. Blood flowed from his pierced neck and soaked the floor.

“… … “I got a bad case of the disease.”

Jack’s expression was disgusted when he saw that.

I don’t have the confidence to run away, nor do I have the confidence to fight.

But what can you do?

“Why did you do that?”

“You know what to do? “What the f*ck?”

Jack was consistent, and Encred did not bother to prepare a blade of mercy for his opponent, so their fight was short.

A long sword strike cut short from top to bottom.

Jack dodged rather than blocked.

Encred, who predicted that movement, slashed the sword horizontally as he swung it as if it would break.

Buuuuk! Jump!

The well-honed blade created a hole in Jack’s side that shouldn’t have been there.

“Huh, sibbeol.”

That was Jack’s last day. Jack collapses with swear words instead of words.

Encred stopped for a moment and waited.

It was after I put the sword on the ground and took a long time to catch my breath.

Only then did the others arrive. With a bang, Quarrel flew in from behind.

Encred, who ducked his head to avoid him, saw a man with a mask covering his face, Rotten who hesitated next to him, and finally an assassin covered in rags.

Encred asked with his sword still sheathed.

“Are you going to come at once?”

I didn’t think asking for a one-on-one fight would work.

It was literally like that.

The guy holding the quarrel aims at himself again. En Creed took a deep breath.

Relax your whole body. He left the sword stuck on her floor and let his arms hang down.

The hanging hands swing like a pendulum.

Afterwards, his right hand curved upward like a whip, shaking off the dagger he was holding in his hand.


Tangeom style using whole body elasticity.

The flying blade stuck in the forehead of the masked crossbow soldier.

It really looked like a beam of light.

The mixed race fairy’s shoulders trembled for a moment when she saw that.

“That’s fun.”

Then he mumbled.

This was what Encred himself wanted to say.


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