Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 58

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58. I saw it after I had it.

At one time, it was a life where even being greedy was not allowed.

A life of dreaming and wishing for something, but struggling because you know that it cannot be achieved.

Such was Encred’s life.

But not now. You can reveal your desires and rush into them.

No, in fact, it was more advantageous now.

After exercising to warm up the body, it is time to learn how to briefly throw rain at Saxony.

“I want to learn more.”

“I think it was at a beginner level.”

Saxony muttered as he saw the rain falling. Encred answered indifferently.

“There was a guy who threw things like this on the battlefield. “I watched and learned.”

Saxony looked at Encred with an expressionless expression.

“Trust me, it’s real.”

“Is that so?”

of course.

Isn’t this what geniuses do?

Throughout my life as a Dunjae, I have seen countless things done by people who are said to be geniuses or talented.

Now I pretended to be like that, pretending to be a genius.

It was something I could do because I wanted to repeat today.

Revealing one’s desires meant that it was advantageous to maintain this attitude.

What is a genius?

They know that what is in front of them is something they must achieve, and they will not hesitate to express their desires.

Above all, it was sincere.

In terms of desire to learn, Encred was the best on the continent.


It’s always the same. The worries are short-lived and the rest is filled with seriousness. Saxony taught properly.

It was a pretty fun time.

Encred repeated how to hold and throw the bido.

I was drenched in sweat for a short time.

“Didn’t you say you had to go to work?”

“are you okay.”

It’s just a way to warm up your body, not a level of overwork.

Today is the day that begins again.

No, to be exact, it was the seventh today.

Instead of putting Jack and Bo on the left and right, Encred walked on the far left.

“It’s easier to stand on the far left, Jinx.”

Encred comes forward and says this. What can be done?

Jack and Bo had nothing to say.

“Is that so? “Wow, that’s weird.”

“Yes, please stand in a comfortable place.”

The sweat cooled off quickly, but the heat that warmed my body remained.

Although this day was repeated seven times, the air felt strangely different.

The rays of sunlight break through the cold wind and reach your skin. The chirping of winter birds passes through my ears.

I like the feel of stepping on the soil and the sound of the ground as I step.

The air, the ground, the soil, and the wind.

It all enveloped the body, brushed against it, warmed it, stayed, and then flowed.

The sky was also clear.

The bitter cold, winter, the fourth season of the four seasons, came and marked the end of the year, bringing with it a biting wind.

Even the wind brought more freshness than cold.

Today is a repetitive day, and I always endured it with fierceness.

But for some reason, I feel a little weak today. Calmness surrounds the body.

However, this did not mean that the fierceness was forgotten.

It was just comfortable. This road I’m walking on right now, this moment, everything.

‘Why do I feel at ease?’

I don’t know. I know I’m going to die soon.

Even as the moment approaches when you have to struggle to face that pain and death.

Even though I don’t get used to dying every time, it feels like the first time.

“The moment you throw, relax your whole body before that. Let your whole body relax and concentrate in peace. “It will be difficult.”

What Saxony said was only half right.

It was difficult, but it wasn’t to the point where I gave up.

It was difficult, but worth it.

Boldness is a supernormal ability given by the heart of the beast.

Boldness allowed him to see everything through to the end even when he was on the brink of death.

Concentrate One, concentrating on one point made me perceive the same situation differently than ever before.

The combination of boldness and concentration allowed Encred to hold onto the edge of his talent.

Originally, he would not have been able to achieve this level of boldness and concentration, but now Encred has two strings.


Just a few teachings and a few repetitions.


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You get used to it with just three or four repeated training sessions. It was largely due to luck.

What I should not have been able to achieve even if I tried countless times, I got it.

That thin string was Encred’s greatest joy.

It was an unprecedented joy.

“Are you okay?”

Bo asked from next to me. As she walked with a blank expression on her face and grinned, it could not be said that she was in a healthy state.

You’ll be lucky if you don’t drool at all.

“Oh, um, it’s okay. “You showed a disgrace.”

Encred walked while wiping his mouth for no reason.

Jack and Bo made eye contact as they watched his brisk walk.

Jack asked with a wink.

‘I think that kid is a little crazy?’

‘That’s how I see it too.’

The two communicated only with eyes and hand gestures. It was a familiar thing.

It was a hand signal I had been using since my time in the Thieves Guild.

“It’s a nice day.”

Encred said.

“It’s so cold you’re going to get sick, right?”

Jack said, sticking out his lips. Originally, I was supposed to induce the opponent to let down their guard by giving them a boost, but since the opponent was too relaxed before I could make any moves, I naturally felt rebellious.

This guy really wanted something.

“It’s natural that it’s cold. “It is the last season of the four seasons.”

Winter is harsh. However, we must not be fooled by the harshness and cold and miss out on the warmth.

Relaxing your body isn’t something you can do simply by repeating it in your head.

Saxony’s demonstration comes to mind.

A mixed-blood fairy assassin was layered on top of it.

To relax your body, relax your mind first.

Mental load, threat and anxiety.

Encred threw it all away.

In my relaxed mind, I replayed the scene of the mixed-blood fairy throwing the whistling raindrop countless times.

In fact, it was no different from a repeat of today.

What do you learn from defeat?

What else did you learn in situations where your life was put at risk countless times?

We are past the stage where you have to sacrifice your life to get something.

I asked countless questions. Meanwhile, thanks to my moderately relaxed body and mind, my steps became somewhat sluggish.

Although walking, there was no strictness for patrol duty.

As I walked, I suddenly found myself in a market.

“Well, squad leader, what’s so good about it?”

Jack stopped and asked. I probably didn’t ask because I was genuinely curious. Because I saw him slowly twisting his body while asking.

I took a walk on the sidewalk. Both moved into pressure positions.

I turned my body towards Encred so that I could draw my sword and stab him at any time, blocking my surroundings as much as possible.

Encred caught his breath just once while keeping the two in his sights.

Then he stretched out his foot.

I tap Jack’s shin with my toe.

I thought my body and mind had relaxed, but my body moved more willingly than ever before.

It was a strangely timed kick that the opponent could not respond to.

Just right.

“100 million!”

Jack, hit in the shin, lowered his head. En Creed pressed the back of Jack’s head with his left hand and lifted his knees with his left hand, with a movement so light that one could almost say it was light.

rice cake!

The sound of kneading dough erupted. Jack’s head lifted up again after being hit. The bridge of his nose was broken and his face was covered in blood.

“Sibeol, I can’t pay that price!”

One timing earlier than before. This is a separate movement from the plan made today. It wasn’t intentional. Just move as your body goes.

‘It doesn’t matter, right?’

Encred didn’t care.

It was as if I had taken a drug that made me feel dazed and euphoric.

It didn’t matter if I actually took the medicine. That’s how light my body was.


Bo looked surprised. Encred’s hand suddenly reached for Bo’s nape, which was startled.


Bo, startled, craned his neck back. It was as expected.

When you make a move with the charm of surprise, Bo always reacts in one pattern.

I’ve already seen that pattern more than five times.

I was used to it.

Encred turned his body the other way, pressing the ground with his left foot instead of his outstretched left hand.

Turn your left foot as an axis and rotate.

Instead of looking straight ahead, turn to the side and extend your right hand.

In an instant, the reach of his arm became longer, and his right hand touched Bo’s retreating face.

There was no way it would be the end just by reaching it.


A broken fist makes the sound of a leather drum exploding. Encred’s fist, heated by strength, speed, and concentration, broke Bo’s face.


Bo, holding his face, took three or four steps back.

Seeing that, Encred gently turned his body around. Maybe it’s because I started a little early, I don’t know.

Even if today is repeated, the same thing does not always happen.

Everything can change.

Encred knew that very well.

Wherever he looked, he saw a mixed-blood fairy. His hand moved without even taking off his rags.

From bottom to top.

A beam of light flew along the right hand.

No separate means of defense had been created.


‘It doesn’t matter, right?’

For a moment, time slows down.

It was Encred’s second experience.

This is the moment when concentration breaks its limits.

It is a gap in time that those who fall into the category of genius will encounter countless times.

A similar sense shone through when the mustachioed soldier was struck in the final battle against Azpen.

It was still like that now.

Of course, Encred didn’t realize it.

His mind was still half possessed.

The possessed mind, the burning concentration, the sense of a blade, the boldness of a beast.

I saw a beam of light. He had the destination predicted.

‘Can you avoid it?’

does not exist. There is no time for that. The gap between the split new books is closed. Encred’s brain, which was spinning at high speed, came up with an answer.

puck! Beep!

Block with your arm. The blade was inserted into his left arm, which blocked his heart.

The moment I heard the noise of the whistle dagger, a pain arose in my forearm.

Heat pain from heavy impact and blade.

The pain also felt faint.

The surrounding commotion could be heard far away.

After seeing it, I wanted it.

I saw it when I got it.

The trail of the whistle dagger was visible to Encred.

It was blocked like that.

Raise your head and see your enemy. The mixed-blood fairy, who had already thrown away the rags, moved both hands non-stop.

It was like a living, repeating crossbow.

No, it’s scarier than that.

I couldn’t avoid the first one. But I was able to avoid it this time.

I saw the starting point of the hand and predicted the ending point of the flying beam of light.


Two were perfectly avoided and one grazed the ball.

Three whistles and three cries were combined to create a strange harmony.

Encred dodged them all and pulled out the dagger stuck in his forearm.

Blood flowed from my forearm, but not to the point where I couldn’t move.

Rather than hitting the target the opponent was aiming for, Encred blocked it with the area he wanted.

Thanks to this, there were knife marks on my arms, but they were not severe enough to prevent me from moving.

The leather armor attached to my forearm also did its job.

“This guy.”

The mixed-blood fairy narrowed the distance with great anger. As I narrow it down, I don’t know where I’m hiding it in my body, but the light still pours out.

I couldn’t avoid it all.

No, I probably could have held on longer.

Today was different from any other day.

Before I knew it, Lawton came up behind me. Encred didn’t even notice that.

Rotten pushed Encred’s back.


That was the end. Three nasal passages made noise, one in the heart, one in the side, and one in the neck.

A terrible pain came over me.

Encred’s body slowly collapsed. He squeezed his strength, lowered his chin and knelt on one knee to support himself, and he gurgled and something warm flowed back from the back of his throat. He could not bear it anymore and opened his mouth, and his blood foamed out.


Only then did the screams around me really hit my ears.

My dazed mind returned to its original state. I started to feel the pain clearly.

A mixed-blood fairy assassin approached the fallen Encred.

The expression on his face wasn’t very good.


He said one word and said nothing more.

A persistent lover never loses sight of his prey.

It was my turn to say it. But I didn’t. No, I couldn’t do it.

The assassin’s eyes turned to Encred’s face.

“This bastard.”

Then he opened his eyes like a poisonous toad.

Encred was smiling.


He laughed even as he vomited blood bubbles.

There was bound to be a misunderstanding here.

The fairy felt that the other person was laughing at her, but Encred had no such feelings at all.

As I was dying, I thought about it.

‘Only seven times.’

Today was repeated seven times.

However, it was not at the level of a breakthrough, but I could see something beyond that.

Only seven times.

No, it couldn’t be said at best.

I was able to do this because I didn’t know despair and frustration and ran with only tomorrow in mind.

Insignificant talent created humans who worked hard endlessly.

Endless effort allowed a person to reach the end of his or her talent.

It was a miracle. No, there was no such thing as a miracle.

This was the reward I got for not harboring frustration or despair in any of the repetitive today.

One day, today will happen again.

Encred believed he could end this.

“You crazy bastard.”


The fairy once again pierced Encred’s neck with the long, straight blade in front of his nose.

That was the end. It is a moment of death.

Death approaches and cancer turns the world upside down.

Beyond the darkness, I saw a boatman riding the river.


He laughed at Encred again.

Encred was very curious about the next time he met the boatman.

How will that ridicule change?

* * *

“good morning.”

The morning when I opened my eyes again.

Encred stood up easily.

I can’t say it’s perfect, but I learned how to throw a whistling bido.

Also, I can’t say it’s perfect, but I learned the basic monk’s gymnastics from Audin.

“It’s so cold it’s so cold, what’s so good about it?”

“Have a nice dream.”

It was a very, very good dream.

It was a day spent in a hazy state of mind.

That day, that today.

Encred took a peek into the life of someone with talent.

I was more than satisfied.

At the same time, a path forward was also visible.

It was talking about a way to move forward and a way to overcome the wall blocking one’s path.


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