Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 57

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57. After seeing it, I wanted it.

It was a question that came up right away.

However, there was no way for Saxony to panic.

As always, he had a blunt face.

For a moment, Saxony was about to open his mouth, but then stopped. He looked like he was worried.

Encred hung his arms and quietly waited for Saxony to open his mouth.

It wasn’t something that could be done by rushing.

The worry was short-lived.

Soon white breath came out of Saxony’s mouth and spread into the air.

“Whistle Dagger, it was also once called a sound-only rain.”

Saxony scratches his cheek as he speaks. Even though he was about to take her mouth off, he continued speaking eloquently.

“The rain that only leaves a sound is that fast. So much so that it is difficult to follow with the human eye. So it’s difficult to deal with. Most people die without even knowing what happened to them. “The whistle dagger is such a weapon.”

“What if I have to deal with it?”

Is there any way to avoid the assassin?

There won’t be any right now. It seemed like it wasn’t there.

This is someone who has prepared carefully.

He used spies planted on friendly forces and made thorough preparations before and after to kill them.

At least that’s how it seemed in Encred’s eyes right now.

This is because your limbs are tied to chains and you have to be dragged wherever the opponent pulls.

It was time to find a way to get through it.


Saxony tilts his head to one side. It will sound like a very strange thing to him.

“Why not?”

Encred simply emphasizes this once again. Saxony looked intently into Encred’s eyes.

Encred also did not avoid his gaze.

Blue eyes and reddish brown eyes met in the air.

Saxony seemed to be asking with his eyes.

‘Why do you need that?’

Encred ignored it.

Saxony of equivalent exchange is a seller of necessary information. I am not the person who asks the other person ‘why’.

Saxony soon hardened his expression and spoke.

“This information won’t come cheap.”

“The more expensive it is, the better.”

I meant it.

I don’t think ‘today’ will be the last ‘today’ anyway.

When this morning dawns again, the value of the information Saxony just mentioned will drop infinitely.

It will become something we already know, at least for Encred.

Saxony’s expression hardened. I felt like my feelings were somehow twisted.

Encred even ignored that.

Because what was urgent right now wasn’t Saxony’s mood.

“Before you hear the sound, you have to see the hand movement. “Everything depends on the swing of the hand.”

Saxony simply explained the law of destruction.

Don’t be fooled by the sound; by the time you hear it, it’s already too late. Keep an eye on your opponent’s movements.

“You must not lose sight of your opponent even for a moment. Especially if the opponent is a top-notch assassin, he will know how to throw it invisible.”

The most distinctive feature of the whistle dagger was that it had a blade as thin as paper.

The key was to sharpen the blade again and again to make it stick to a breast plate made of standard steel.

If the thrower was very capable, he could actually pierce the steel plate.

It was also said that depending on one’s skill, several thin blades can be used on top of one another.

Saxony divided the throwing method into two major categories.

How to throw with greater power by waving your hand widely.

The other way is to not show the throw.

“Have you ever seen me throw a dagger?”

Encred asked. Dagger throwing is a skill that I once practiced with great passion.

“Yes, it was at the level of being stoned.”

Saxony dismissed Encred’s skills in one word.

It is better to throw stones instead of daggers.

It was also said that if you throw a stone, it will shock you, and why play with a dagger that you can’t even hit properly.

‘It’s poignant.’

No matter how calm Encred was in this way, Saxony’s words were sharp enough to pierce his calmness.

It doesn’t feel like a dagger is flying into my heart and stabbing me.

I felt like it was stuck somewhere in my forearm at least.

“Please tell me. “How to throw properly.”

Encred blurted out the words, feeling a little offended.

“Then let’s learn. “I’ll put this on the transaction list as well.”


“Do you not like it?”

I didn’t hate it. There is no end to learning, and for Encred, who is obsessed with the desire to learn, the current proposal is like an oasis in the desert.

Since he was always thirsty, Encred immediately nodded.


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“No, okay.”

“Starting with how to hold a grip.”

The learning time was short as it was soon time to go on patrol duty.

Half an hour at most.

Encred was able to see Saxony again in that short time.

“If it is not accompanied by practice, it will be meaningless.”

How to hold and throw a thin blade, how to hold and throw a hatchet, and how to throw a heavy dagger.

They all have different grips and different throws.

There was also a lot to learn from this.

As I turned around to go back to patrol duty, Saxony said.

It was a small, but powerful voice.

“Don’t make it a point to deal with it. That comes first.”

He treats me in a subtly prickly manner throughout, and ends with concern.

Once again, Encred wonders what he has given them.

‘Be nice to me for no reason.’

It wasn’t between a man and a woman, nor had I ever thought of having a deep friendship with them.

Looking at the attitude of the squad members, including Saxony, Rem, and Ragna, it seems as if they are being cared for as if they were children who had been left by the water.

‘No, that’s not it.’

In fact, when sent to the battlefield, battlefield, or other missions, he does not try to follow, so he would not be a child left out on the water.

It was a pointless thought.


Actually, I had no intention of doing that at all. Because you don’t want to avoid something, you don’t avoid it.

“Were you a squad leader on duty? I heard he became a senior soldier? “Aw, Sibeol, congratulations.”

It’s Jack. Of course, the sidewalk was also there.

“let’s go.”

I once again soak in today’s waves. The cold air that would freeze me to my bones hit me, but I put on one more layer of clothing than I did yesterday, so it was no different from wearing handmade cloth armor.

The clothes were thick, and the gymnastics I learned from Audin helped me warm up my body.

The cold seemed to have gone away.

“I can’t pay that price!”

In today’s market, it’s always the same.

Encred used a merchant’s cry as a standard.

It was just around this time.

When the shouts of the leather merchant were heard, a half-blood fairy covered in rags appeared.

At the same time, jacks and beams were attached to the left and right.

Encred had no intention of spending today in vain.

Of course I had plans today too.

Tuk. I stepped on Jack’s foot with my left foot.


To Encred’s left, Jack falls forward. As soon as he felled Jack, Encrid drew his sword from his right hip. It was a dagger called a guard sword.

It was a type of weapon with a wide, thick blade that could also be used as a shield.

Chi-ing, chirping.

“… … crazy!”

Bo shouts in surprise next to him. It was worth it.

The blade of the broad dagger drawn by Encred cut off the nape of Jack’s neck.


There was nothing to call it terminal. Jack, whose neck was cut off, was struggling, holding his neck with his nose stuck to the floor.

Blood flowing on the floor.

Those who saw Jack falling down screamed.



The group of surrounding merchants retreated for a moment. No one would want to die by being stabbed with a harsh sword for no reason.

Meanwhile, Bo flinched. Encred did not allow Bo to move. The broad blade moved again in his hand.

It is a blow aimed at the clavicle from top to bottom.


“You bastard!”

He took out his sidewalk dagger and blocked it. It was a weapon with a thin blade meant for stabbing.

If the suit was wrong, it would have been used to stab Encred in the side.

Encrud pressed down on the blocked blade and pushed it away, causing Bo to step back.

He bought time and blocked the area near his heart with the wide blade and turned around.

It happened in just a couple of breaths.

If you are not prepared, this is enough time to panic and stop your hands.

‘Up to here.’

It went as planned.

Encred’s gaze landed on the assassin.

He pushed back the rags covering his head.

A strangely unpleasant appearance catches my eye. I could see curiosity and interest sparkling in his eyes.

Then it started again.

‘Hands, not sounds.’

Close your ears and focus all your attention on your eyes. It predicts the next action based on visually received information.

This is the law of destruction introduced by Saxony.


Encred knew that the opponent would naturally aim for the heart. Either that or your head.

Because of his concentration, the beam of light seemed to become a blade.

However, I couldn’t see where the blade would reach.

That’s why I covered my heart and turned my head.

The whistle thrown by the opponent hit the right forearm.

Along with the burning pain, my forearm muscles were torn and I had no strength in my fingers.

It was a fatal wound that could not even be recovered without divine treatment as the nerves were damaged.


A hollow laugh came out.

It was an unexpected blow. As it covers the heart, aim for his hand. Rather than piercing the shield, it deals with the person holding the shield. It was a different perspective.

‘I’m not a clumsy assassin.’

The facts I had already realized were engraved in my mind again.


The second whistle blew and Vido was struck in the heart.

Does this bastard have some kind of grudge against Proc?

It seemed like I had to insert the secretion into my heart to relieve my pain.


I was coughing and half of it was blood. The blood was pouring out in tears. Kneeling on both of her knees, supported only by his left arm, a shadow fell over his head.

“He’s a funny guy, a persistent lover who hunts… … .”

“You won’t miss it.”

Encred used his last strength to steal what the other person had to say.

When I raised my head and saw the mixed-race fairy, she had an absurd expression.

His mouth was half-open, he couldn’t speak, his lips twitched, and then he blurted out something that sounded like a question.


Are you surprised? You’ll be surprised.

He’s the type of guy who always acts as if he’s expecting everything. He wanted to see his expression ruined.

I was satisfied.

“See you again.”

The other person may not remember, but Encred remembers today.

It was said that we would meet again today.

The assassin was startled by Encred’s words.

“Was it a trap?”

The mixed-blood fairy looked left and right.

A top assassin was hired to kill a single soldier. I thought it was too much.

It made sense if it was a trap. I thought that the other person’s words of “see you again” meant that he had a plan to survive.

Of course, it’s all an illusion.

What is a trap?

With a deep sigh, Encred lowered his head.

Another day is over.

The boatman appeared again and laughed again.

‘Does this bastard have nothing to do?’

With that in mind, Encred faced today again.

“Ugh, it’s so cold.”

I heard Rem whining in the morning.

“Move and warm up. “Then it’s a little better.”

Encred stole what Audin was going to say and spoke first.

Then he got up and started to warm up.

A moderately heated body is better than a stiff body. That was certain.

In that respect, Audin’s gymnastics definitely helped.

Let’s warm up first, and then Auddin comes and asks.

“Where did you learn that?”

I learned it from you.

But I couldn’t say it honestly.

“From a passing priest.”

Auddin said that the origin of the gymnastics he teaches is the temple.

In other words, it is one of the ways priests train their bodies.

To be exact, it is the training method of a monk, who uses baktu and martial arts as training tools among priests.

“You learned it well.”

Audin joins in from the side and warms up again with gymnastics.

“Don’t you know that when it’s cold, the best thing to do is to quietly hug a blanket? Let’s get some heated leather somewhere. “If you become a squad leader, this is how you solve the cold of your squad members.”

As I was trying to ignore Rem’s grumbling, Saxony came back.

“Let’s talk.”

I immediately took Saxony with me.

“What, where are you going and leaving me!”

Behind him, Rem was still grumbling.

“I want to learn how to handle the whistling rain.”

This is one of the things Encred has learned through repeating today.

It is better to throw in what you need right away rather than trying to persuade someone for no reason.

“Where did you hear that?”

“If you wander around, there are things you hear and gain. want to learn.”

“What is the price?”

“I can give you anything you want, even a blank note.”

Famous merchants sometimes issue bills of exchange.

Among them, the protagonist of the most famous anecdote was Rengadis, the largest merchant and merchant on the continent.

The son and only son of the Rengadis merchant lord belatedly joined the demonic beast subjugation team out of a sense of adventure.

The Langadis family found out about it too late and left to find their son.

However, an accident has already occurred and my son is in danger of death.

The Imperial Knights who happened to be passing by saved him.

In honor of that, the Langadis family issues a reprimand to the Imperial Knights.

No matter how much was spent, if the shopping mall could afford it, they would pay that amount.

Famous anecdotes have now become idioms.

Giving a blank slate now means giving anything but your life.

Saxony’s eyebrows narrowed.

“I don’t say things like that carelessly.”

“That’s how much I want to learn.”

Encred received those words.

I meant it.

I also wanted the rain blown by a mixed-race fairy. I wanted to learn. Desire boiled over.

Saxony, who looked into Encred’s eyes, nodded.

There was a fire burning inside it.

It was a fire named desire that would destroy and burn anything it touched.


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