Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 56

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56. A wall is a wall.

“You can think of it as stretching your muscles. “Brother.”

The key to Audin’s bare-handed training method was to segment and stretch each muscle in the body.

“Turn it off.”

A groan came out of Encred’s mouth. It looked like the muscles on the back of his thighs would break if he couldn’t keep pushing, but Auddin climbed on top of En Creed’s folded waist and exerted more strength.

Encred, who was sitting with his hands outstretched to his toes, opened his mouth.


“Is it a threat?”

“I’m dying.”

The voice was as small as a mosquito sound. It really felt like my muscles were going to rupture. If you just take a few breaths, really!

When it reached the limit, only then did Audin take his hand off his back.

“This is the foundation.”

Audin repeated the word basics several times.

Fold one leg inward and press your pelvic muscles.

I held onto something like a pillar with one hand, bent my waist halfway, and turned my body.

Twist, stretch, and squeeze your body.

Yes, I squeezed it.

There was no word more fitting than that.

After squeezing my body like I was wringing out laundry, I was drenched in sweat.

Isn’t this actually torture?

If the basics are this good, does the advanced process break people down?

I had some miscellaneous thoughts, but in conclusion, the effectiveness of the gymnastics taught by Audin was excellent.

It was painful when I was doing it, but after it was over, I felt much lighter.

I just feel lighter.

Heat spread through my body. My heart was pounding and my whole body felt warm, so the cold was much more bearable.

“Eating well, resting well, and moving well are how to endure the cold. “Brother, squad leader.”

Audin said with a smile.

Encred nodded. Training your body is a familiar part of daily life.

And the pain in my body made my brain spin even tighter.

The tense brain continues to think. This repetitive day reminds me of the assassin who came to kill me.

‘That skill.’

It was not even visible how the raindrop was thrown.

Encred was also quite confident in throwing rain.

‘I can’t even compare.’

This is excellent workmanship. In any case, it was a matter of being prepared.

The first pattern is to approach and stab.

If that doesn’t work, throw the rain.

‘For a wall, I would say it’s thin and low.’

The Black River boatman said that a wall keeps appearing in front of Encred.

‘This is enough.’

It was easy. That’s what I thought. That’s why I’m taking my time like this.

“Now, let’s see. Is this difficult? this?”

Rem must have suddenly become excited, jumping out of the bed and copying Encred’s movements.

It’s smooth and not clogged at all. As I watched the body stretch out, I could see at a glance that it had extraordinary flexibility.

“Let’s be more flexible. huh?”

This guy is strangely obnoxious. No, he was originally an obnoxious bastard.

“This is hard? this?”

Rem continued to tease, but Encred cheerfully ignored him, and Ragnar, who had been watching Rem and Encred with half-closed eyes, moved.

He also has an outstanding talent for using his body.

It was also natural that in order for swordsmanship to surpass a certain level, one had to be able to handle one’s body properly.

Therefore, Ragna also perfectly reproduced the movements. Ragna was also the obnoxious type to pick and choose Encred’s whining movements and the movements of tearing his legs and bending his back.

“Have you developed a hobby of twisting your body?”

Saxony, who came back from a night out, came in and said. To him, it looked like a den of madmen.

Encred took a breath while drenched in sweat.

In front of him was a crazy savage with his back bent, his hands on his toes, and a grinning face on his face.

And next to him, a lazy man sat with his legs crossed.

Did everyone go back to the group?

“I was learning training methods to overcome the cold. “Brother.”

Auddin organized the situation. Saxony seemed not to be interested and headed to his place to avoid them.

As it was almost time to leave for work, Encred stood up and opened his mouth out of sheer curiosity.

The dagger thrown by the assassin was a type I had never seen before.

“Have you ever used a dagger shaped like this? “It’s for throwing.”

“What is that?”


“doesn’t exist. “Brother.”

I was just explaining a throwing blade without a handle.

Rem, Ragna, and Audin spoke, and Wangnun kept his mouth shut because he obviously didn’t know, but Saxony frowned and then opened his eyes.

“Where did you see it? that?”


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“I didn’t see it.”

I’m about to go see it now.

“Wasn’t there a round groove on the handle?”

Saxony asked without even sitting down. He took off his coat and held it in his hand to hang it aside.


There was nothing to remember. I had just been struck by the blade of a repeated today.

There was a round groove at the end.

“Why are you asking that?”

Rem asked as he went back into bed.

“I just heard that somewhere.”

As I spoke and turned around, a blue-eyed black panther came out of the bed where Encred was.

The leopard that was sleeping in my arms last night has finally opened its eyes.

He was a guy who really liked beds and sleeping.

As soon as I woke up, I started shivering and stretched my body forward and backward. En Creed, who saw this, was stroking the leopard’s back from head to tail, when Saxony’s voice was heard.

“Avoid it if possible. “It’s called Whistling Vido.”

“Whistle rain?”

It was a name I had never heard before.

“It is a nickname given to it because of the sound it makes when thrown, and it is a weapon mainly used for assassinations. It’s hard to handle, but if you find someone who handles it right, well, run away.”

As always, Saxony’s tone was cold, but kind.

However, the content was the problem.

Run away?

He’s just a guy who knows how to throw a dagger?


The leopard let out a happy cry, as if it liked being petted.

When Wangnuni saw this and tried to pet it, the leopard quickly showed its fangs in a vicious manner.

“Aw, I get it. okay.”

It felt like if I came any closer, he would bite me.

At first, I was worried that the leopard would harm my squad members, but I quickly put that worry aside.

No matter how much the leopard can fly and crawl, it won’t be able to do anything to Rem or the other squad members.

You just have to be careful with the big eyes, but the leopard looks very smart just by looking at it.

I stayed for a few days and there were no problems.

Encred said, gently stroking the leopard’s head.

“Don’t hate me too much. “I’ll come back from work.”

Encred stood up.

“Continue with bare-hand training exercises. It will be helpful. “Brother.”

I didn’t say it would be helpful, but I was able to figure it out right away.

What is Encred always obsessed with?

It’s a sword.

It was said that it was helpful in swordsmanship.

“It’s not wrong.”

Rem nodded. Ragna and Saxony’s heads also move.

Everyone responds faithfully to Encred’s work.

It was a truly amazing thing. These are people who don’t even care about certain things.

Encred went out of the barracks to go to work.

I thought it was a repetition of the same thing and that it was relatively easy, but Saxony confused my thoughts a little.

My mind was complicated.

‘Avoid? Run away?’

With your current skills?

Even if we fight head on?

I should have asked that.

No, you will find out if you try from now on.

The price is your life and today.

You will get something that much.

You won’t be disappointed.

Even though he faced death countless times, Encred did not want to let this day go to waste.

Even if there are days when I sacrifice myself for some necessity.

Even in that situation, I tried to get something more and move on.

The instinct that repeated today gave him.

That instinct whispered to him.

A strange-looking mixed-race fairy assassin would be no easy task.

“Oh my, you are a senior witch breaker soldier!”

Jack and Bo were the same. He praised Encred and made the atmosphere softer.

You wouldn’t know it if you didn’t know it.

As it turned out, the intention was evident. Excessive praise was used to distract them and lighten the mood by making them let down their guard.

‘Looking at me like this, he seems very cautious.’

They do this even though the person being assassinated is just a soldier?

Are you a perfectionist?

While I was remembering the face of the mixed race fairy and trying to infer the other person’s personality, I arrived at the market.

“There are so many people.”

Jack was next to me, joking. The gap between sidewalks on the other side was narrowed.

“I see.”

As I answered, I saw a guy in rags approaching from the front. Then he suddenly spread his arms left and right.


This time too, only Jack was hit and Bo dodged.

Encred boldly turned his body to the side.

Although my body stiffened due to the cold, Audin’s gymnastics helped.

My body was less stiff than the first ‘today’ I faced.

As I grabbed Bo’s collar without even having time to draw my sword, Bo reflexively stretched out his fist.

With the boldness of a beast’s heart, Encred watched the fist’s trajectory until the end, predicted it, and dodged it by bending his head.

Tick ​​and the fist grazed my earlobe. After that, it was Encred’s time.

He tightened his grip on the collar and twisted it, strangling Bo’s breathing.


The guy groaned.


Encred took a short breath and swung his weapon to the side, intending to use it as a shield.

Even though it was light, the weight of an armed adult man was on his arms.

I lifted it, twisted my waist, and swung it using centrifugal force.

As he half-turned his body and pulled up the beam, Encred caught sight of a half-blood fairy throwing back rags.

This is the moment when my eyes met his. She felt like the fairy was laughing at her.

Why in this situation?

A human shield has been created here?

I had to panic. This is because the person being assassinated predicted and reacted to the plan planned by the assassin.

The mixed-race fairy was calm. She just sneered and waved her hand.

This is the moment when the assassin’s hanging hand touches my bosom. It was a beam of light. It was lightning. The dagger flew at a speed that was literally imperceptible to the eye.

The beam of light matched the speed at which the assassin’s hand touched his chest and bounced forward.

It was before I could even swing the beam to block my path. The dagger flew out and pierced my heart.


Only the sound of a whistle reached my ears late.

The pain that came with the snapping sound told him what the assassin had done and what had happened to him.

I threw the dagger and it pierced my heart.


My instinct was right.

The opponent was formidable. Just looking at the skill with which he threw the dagger a moment ago, it could not be said to be an average bet.

So what if we stop throwing daggers?

Even though the dagger was stuck in his body, all the people around him could see was Encred and the soldier fighting.

“Let go of this!”

Bo, who was caught by the collar, shouted and kicked Encred in the stomach. My grip loses strength. Encred was hit in the stomach and his collar was loosened.

A dagger was inserted into my heart. It would be even weirder if he was fine. I was crying and blood was flowing from my mouth.

As I got down on one knee and resisted falling, a mixed-race fairy came closer and asked.

“You expected it, right? “Was the acting of the two of you not very good?”

There were cackling and screaming from those around her, but the mixed-blood fairy paid no attention to them.

The important thing was here and now, you and me, it seemed like it was just the two of us.

“… … why?”

I asked, saving my last breath. Even amidst the surrounding screams and commotion, the assassin heard Encred’s words exactly.

“Why are you asking? Because I’m curious. “It was like he knew and was reacting.”

Encred nodded weakly, took a breath, and gathered his last strength to speak.

“The acting was terrible. So much so that a passing dog would laugh at it.”

The fairy nodded and waved her hands left and right.


Two daggers flew in a gesture swung from close range.

Encred’s eyes saw the tip of the blade sticking into Jack and Bo’s forehead.

Two grooves, whistle vido, whistle dagger.


“Why why.”

The two couldn’t speak any more and fell backwards.

The mixed-blood fairy reached there and stopped.

Encred knows that Rotten is behind him. But Lawton did not rush into this situation.

Where are you hiding?

The mixed-blood fairy did not kill Rotten. Who knows, I might come after you after this is over.

Anyway, that had nothing to do with Encred.

“A persistent lover never loses sight of his prey.”

Encred nodded at the assassin’s words.

“I see.”

“Aren’t you surprised?”

“Should I be surprised?”

“Well, I’m usually surprised.”

Sorry, this is already the third time.

Instead of being surprised, Encred grabbed the dagger drawn from his chest and pulled it out.


When the dagger stuck in my heart was pulled out, I felt extreme pain.

Blood leaked out from the pierced chest.

As Encred’s eyes quickly dimmed, the assassin spoke.

“He’s a fun guy.”

huh. Is that so?

‘I’ll make it more fun.’

Encred closed his eyes and thought.

At the same time as the dark scene, a boatman was seen.


He laughed at himself without saying anything. It seemed like a lot of fun. Even though I couldn’t see any of the eyes, nose, or mouth, or even the body language, the feeling the boatman conveyed was clear.

The boatman’s sneer was short. Because a new morning has dawned again after the dark war.

* * *

“good morning.”

Encrid jumped up, grabbed Audin, briefly listened and learned about gymnastics, and as soon as he saw Saxony, who had returned, he grabbed his sleeve and went out.

The moment his sleeve was grabbed, Saxony tried to push the opponent away, but stopped when he saw that it was the squad leader.

“huh? Where is Gash?”

Rem asked from behind.

“I have something to ask.”

Saxony, a country of equivalent exchange, surprisingly knows a lot. Wangnuni knew popular information well, but more important information had to be obtained through Saxony.

The reason it was nicknamed the Saxony of Equivalent Exchange was because it also served as an information merchant.

Give the other person what he or she wants, but you must also give the other person what he or she wants.

“Whistle Dagger, you know?”

Saxony frowned.

“Where did you hear that?”

Encrid, observing Saxony’s reaction, decided that the whistle dagger was no ordinary object.

“let me know. About the whistle dagger.”

“… … Is it a deal?”

Now it was Saxony, not a squad member, but an equivalent exchange.


The price didn’t matter. Because it was a conversation that would disappear if we repeated today.

Even if I had to face it tomorrow, I would have to repay it.

However, I had a feeling that this conversation would be forgotten because I realized that it was a wall that could not be overcome in only the fourth time today.

A wall is a wall. There is nothing that can be easily overcome.

The boatman’s sneer turned into words and seemed audible.


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