Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 55

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55. Where does persistence end?

It really wasn’t a big deal.

City patrol work was something I did every now and then.

It was a rotating job that required frequent work three or four times a month.

Moreover, where is this place?

Border Guard.

It is a city under the direct control of the King and has high security and does not tolerate any trouble.

It was not for nothing that it was a popular place for transactions between large merchants.

In Naurilia, it was a border city in the Far East, bordering Azpen, and the city closest to the battlefield, but it was the best in terms of security.

Because the number of troops stationed was large, they were on duty day and night.

Border Guard had four inns centered around a well, and the intersection and square where the four inns gathered was the market version of Border Guard.

Because the city was built on a basin, when you go to the outskirts, you can see a gentle slope below, and a river flows down the slope beyond to the north.

Pen-Hanil River.

It is a water source responsible for most of the surrounding cities.

There was farmland around the river and few farmhouses were visible.

This summer, the river overflowed and collapsed on one side of the embankment, and a group of workers were working diligently to rebuild the embankment.

Most accidents happen between people, and in rare cases, we patrol farmland or deal with monsters, but today we were patrolling the market.

“I’m Jack, and I can see this way.”

Since it was a three-person shift, two soldiers joined.

Encred, Jack and Bo.

The three of them were on their way to the market.

“That fog was a witchcraft? Hey, I almost fell to the ground because of those Aspen bastards, but thanks to you, I survived. “Thank you!”

Jack said, spitting phlegm on the floor. He didn’t seem very grateful as he fiddled around with his infantry javelin.

Encred nodded indifferently.

“I almost left without even being able to spend the krona I saved.”

Expressed gratitude for reporting. He was a soldier whose steps were particularly light.

I once heard from Wangnuni that he had a lot of talent.

‘But I think I heard this combination somewhere.’

I don’t have any specific memories that come to mind. Because it wasn’t important, Encred didn’t try to remember.

The three walked towards the market and the atmosphere was good. Encred didn’t say much, but Jack and Bo were in the same squad.

The two of them would talk and praise Encred.

“As a senior soldier, your skills are amazing. No, sir, let’s compete sometime. “Let’s take a look at the skills of a senior soldier.”

Jack said, tapping the floor with the other side of his spear.

“It’s good.”

Encred did not refuse sparring. I thought that no matter who I do sparring with, I ultimately learn something.

“I promised. A punishment.”

Jack lived with a curse at the end of his words.

“Squad leader Andrew praised you so much that your reconnaissance mission was a success.”

Bodo praised Encred.

“I was lucky.”

“To be humble.”

Bo gave a thumbs up.

No one is offended by praise. Encred was the same.

The two walked while laughing and talking constantly.

As I reached the end of the market, I passed several one-story buildings and entered the market.

On one side, they were selling picked wild flowers.

On the other side, they sold tanned leather and other things.

On the other side of the entrance where Encred entered, with the market as the center, the sound of metal being struck rang out from afar.

It was a sound coming from the blacksmith shop.

Even though it was on the outskirts of the market, the sound of metal meeting metal gently stimulated my ears.

“No, if you sell it for just that, there’s nothing left.”

With the voice of the merchant.

“This is bread baked today!”

A boy standing on the side of the road inviting people to come to his store.


Even the carts that go to and from the center of the market.

It was messy. It was a familiar sight because the market was like this.

“Dried apples are delicious.”

As Encred walked, his eyes met a merchant who was collecting and selling various dried fruits.

“That’s it.”

The merchant quickly turned his head.

It was a normal daily life.

After work is over, I guess I’ll try to spar with Saxony today.

Otherwise, I thought it would be fun to hang out with a friend named Jack as soon as I got back.

The day got colder and my body kept stiffening. Walking was better than stopping.

“Shall we walk a little more?”

“yes yes.”

Jack and Bo were by his side. It’s cold and you want to stick close to the left and right.


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A kid covered in rags came from the front and fell forward.

Encred reflexively took the kid.

I felt a sharp, burning pain.

I tried to turn around right away, but my body stiffened due to the cold and was slow to react.

It would have been okay if it had been slightly twisted, but the dagger cut into the intestines without hesitation.

Immediately after being stabbed in the intestines, the blade was stabbed into the heart without even breathing.

A terrible pain hit my brain.

As soon as the knife was inserted, a scream or a moan was about to come out of my mouth, but someone covered my mouth with a thick cloth from behind.

The market was busy.

So much so that even if one person were to fall over, it would happen.

There, Jack and Bo covered Encred with their bodies.

“Oh my gosh, you’ve been having a drink since noon.”

Jack joked.

“Iknow, right.”

The press agreed.

What is it, you bastards?

Encred was experiencing a series of incomprehensible events.

The period ended with a child who suffered pain in his stomach and heart.

“A persistent lover never forgets.”

It wasn’t a kid. Inside the rags, large ears and eyes shining like jewels were visible.

It had a unique appearance.

One eye was green, the other brown.

It’s Odd Eye. Because the green eyes were as clear as jewels, the brown eyes looked very dull in comparison.

It looked as if dirty oil had been mixed with clear water.

The skin was spotted like a spotted cat, and there were dark wrinkles around the mouth and eyes.

If you look at their features alone, they looked pretty, but when they were gathered together like this, it was somewhat unpleasant.

‘Mixed-blood fairy.’

Encred realized the identity of his opponent. But nothing changed.

His mouth was stuffed shut and blood flowed all over the floor.

Encrud was held by both arms.

Jack and Boran left no room.


The mixed-blood fairy said. The wrinkles on her face and the way she spoke showed that she was not young.

He looks like a boy of about twelve or thirteen.

‘I really didn’t expect this.’


And what a persistent lover.

Isn’t it the name of Azpen’s independent company?

There were rumors that he was persistent, but he sent assassins after the battlefield was over.

‘They are truly crazy.’

Considering Crona and the effort that went into sending an assassin, it was definitely crazy to do something like this just to kill a single soldier.

If you look at it from the situation you’re in, it’s even more infuriating.

When Encred tried to throw his head back, the guy covering his mouth with a cloth put pressure on his hand.

“Free me. “I see if you have something to say.”

Is it a fairy’s unique intuition? The small, old half-blood fairy managed to read Encred’s mind.

Soon the thick cloth restricting my mouth loosened.

“Did you send it from Azpen? “Jack and Bo are spies?”

Encred asked, swallowing the rising pain.

“It’s similar.”

“Who is behind me?”

“You’re dying and you want to know that too?”

“Because it would be unfair if I went without knowing. “I will wait in hell.”


The last words were whispered from behind.


Even this kid knows the name.

Jack, Bo and Lawton.

Aren’t they all scouts?

When it was time to die, my head started spinning and memories came to mind.

The reason why I went on a reconnaissance mission at the Green Pearl battlefield.

Jack had a broken arm, Bo had a broken nose and Lawton had been bitten by a snake.

All these bastards missed the recon mission on purpose?

“Mr. Lee.”

A hollow laugh came out.

“You were persistent, weren’t you?”

The fairy said that and stepped aside like in the picture.

The guy started moving around the outskirts of the gun gun and went straight into the alley.

Jack and Bodo subtly let go of their arms and slowly fell.

Lawton had nothing to say.

We used up all our energy while exchanging a few words.

I didn’t even have the strength to scream.

Even if I had strength left, I wouldn’t have screamed.

Instead, I collapsed and tried to look behind me.

I said it was Rotten, but I thought it might be someone else.

But what did Rotten look like?

I couldn’t remember the face.

The moment he realized there was no point in looking at it, Encred relaxed his body.

Blood was flowing from the corner of my mouth and my internal organs felt like they were burning with kindling.

Pain soaked my body and blood soaked the floor.

The cold enveloped my body even more intensely. My body was shaking.

‘You bastards, if you’re going to go, finish it and then go.’

It would be the worst to bleed to death like this. It’s better to go all at once.


A waitress passing by saw the blood pooled on the floor and screamed.

That was the last time. En Creed closed his eyes and faced his death.

* * *


The morning when I opened my eyes again.

I jumped up and asked Rem next to me, wrapped in a blanket.

“Why the nightmare?”

“no. “I want to start the morning energetically.”

“It’s a very cold day.”

Rem has been grumbling since morning. Although he built a large bonfire on the barracks’ training ground and kept a watchful eye every night, he placed heated stones inside the quarters, but this alone was not enough to withstand the cold.

If there was an overabundance of Crona, I would buy things like fur or magical stoves.

There was no such thing as Crona for a single soldier.

In fact, there was no need for a magic stove. It would be perfect if it was the leather of a demonic beast that emits a gentle heat.

Even that was an expensive item.

To sum it up, I would say it’s all a vain dream.

“Kreiss, aren’t you cold?”

“cold. very.”

Rem asked Kreis for no reason. Wangnuni was the only person here who had an abundance of crona.

“How about a magic stove?”

“You’re saying we’re using something that only nobles use? I’m full. How about becoming a noble starting tomorrow?”

“huh? “You want to get a massage with an ax blade?”

“It is a bad habit to frequently resolve issues with violence. Squad leader!”

At the end of the conversation, Wangnuni found Encred.

“Don’t bother me.”

Encred, who had blocked bullying within the unit in advance, turned his attention to the religious squad member who stood up with his muscles exposed.

The name is Auddin Pumrei.

For some reason, he is a muscular soldier who is part of the troublemaker squad.

Today was a very cold day.

Saxony stayed out for some reason, but Rem, Wangnuni, and Ragnar didn’t seem to have any intention of getting out of bed.

Even though I was wrapped in a blanket, it was cold.

“Since the squad leader is up, please bring me some rocks.”

It would be better to have a few stones heated overnight in the campfire.


Even after answering, Encred did not move.

Instead, Audin came out of the bed, approached, and said:

“Brother, if I stay in bed because it’s cold, my body becomes stiff. You can overcome the cold by moving your body and generating heat. Now, try following along.”

“go away. “Before I cut you into pieces and warm my body with your blood.”

“Not good. Brother, those words may be unpleasant to the listener.”

“Are you uncomfortable? Well then, it’s a success. “That was the intention.”

“Brother, do you want to go to heaven?”

Well, isn’t it the same thing?

Encred, who normally would have stopped him right away, looked at Audin in silence and then spoke.

“You said there was a training method that preserves body heat, right? “Teach me.”

Audin, who had been looking at Rem intently, turned his head.

“You mean bare-handed training?”

It’s not like Audín isn’t cold either. But it was true that he held up relatively better than others.

Audin had previously said that it was a training method that prevented the body from stiffening even when it was cold.

I don’t know why. That came to mind now.

I thought it might be useful.

You can’t jump around in place just to keep warm.

I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to learn how to train my body to keep it from stiffening.

It was impulsive, but it was also natural.

Because Encred was a person with a thirst for learning.

“huh. that.”

“It’s not difficult to teach you. Is the time okay?”


“You will be able to establish the basic framework in a day or two. “It’s not difficult.”

Audin smiled as if he was happy to see Encred willing to learn.

Rem, who saw Encred correcting his posture and saying that he would start right away, muttered while clinging to the bed.

“No, squad leader, please bring me a stone. “I’m cold.”

Oh, I forgot.

Encred brought me stones first.

There are two hours left before work.

It was a good time to eat breakfast and train my body.

Encred did just that.

The bare-hand training method was a series of pains, but it was usable.

And then I went back to work.

“How come I work with you guys?”

It was clear that someone had played a trick.

“Ah, Sibeol, it’s an honor. “Standing on duty with the spell destroyer.”

Jack answered. En Creed nodded his head.

Since I was prepared after entering the market, I glared at the little fairy before he even approached.

Jack and Bo tried to grab his arms, and Encred extended his fists to his sides.

Tick, tick!

Jack was hit in the chin and Bo reflexively dodged. Bo was quick. He took a step and quickly fell to the side.

Then he placed his hand on his waist. As an armament, a short sword was tied to his waist.

The fairy is still far away. Well then, we’ll have to deal with it first.

Encred also grabbed the handle of the long sword.

Pull it out and swing it. I focused and sharpened the blade of my senses with boldness as my weapon.

It’s the same time.


I heard a strange sound. She tried to dodge, but something flying was faster.


Encred was out of breath for a moment. As I looked down at him, I saw the tip of the blade pierced right into his heart.

It was a secret sword with only blades on both sides and no handle or other decorations.

Among throwing knives, this was a very difficult item to handle.

“A persistent lover never forgets his prey.”

Before I knew it, the fairy who had approached me whispered and stepped aside.

‘I was prepared.’

I didn’t expect anything to be thrown. Even if he knew, it was a skill so famous that it was difficult to stop it.

Encred closed his eyes, thinking that he needed to be prepared.

And the third day began.


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