Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 53

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53. The turtle and the frontier slayer (2)

“Don’t you want to transfer companies?”

This was before I even got out of the barracks and walked five steps.

It was not common to directly remove unit members from within the unit.

‘Is this because I became a senior soldier?’

I didn’t know it might be so. Because there are not many senior or top-level soldiers in the unit.

Or I thought there might be another reason.

Sorcerer destroyer.

Because it is the name that is currently being talked about the most in the unit.

Get noticed and get attention. This is the first time this has happened. But that didn’t mean I was excited and ran wild like a 15-year-old.

It was fun, but there were also things that had to be overlooked because they were fun.

Encred had experience. While he was in his thirties, he had no experience of living without being hungry.

“You mean the 1st Company?”

“Then you think I’m here to put you in the stupid Palto Company or the Rayon Company?”

Palto and Rayon are the names of the commanders of the 2nd and 3rd companies.

“Come to my unit.”

Encred’s promotion sparring was strongly engraved in everyone’s minds.

Among them, Graham, the 1st company commander in charge of the heavy armored infantry, especially liked Encred.

He was originally a great man who was famous for caring for talented people even within the military.

He was also mentioned as the next battalion commander.

That’s his suggestion. It wasn’t light.

The 1st Company, famous for its heavy armored infantry, was the core branch of the Cyprus Division and was also an elite course within the military.

But Encred shook his head.


It was a euphemistic rejection with no need to worry.

“refuse? why? “If you’re worried about a falling out with the company commander, I’ll stop it.”

“It’s not like that.”

Encred’s attitude in answering was overly plain. There wasn’t even a hint of distress.

Graham frowned and then straightened his brows.

“You don’t seem to have any regrets?”

“Is that so?”

Graham looked at Encred silently. Encred made eye contact, wondering if he should say anything more.

“It seems so.”

This is not a problem that can be solved through coercion or coercion. Graham thought so.


Encred showed military courtesy by pressing his left waist with his left hand and bowing his head.

To receive a military courtesy, you must at least nod your head, but Graham imitated Encred’s movements like a mirror.

He pressed his waist with his left hand and showed military courtesy. Then he opened his mouth.

“Thanks to.”

Thanks to?

As Encred looked at him blankly, Graham continued speaking.

“I lived. “I should say thank you.”

Sorcerer destroyer.

The fog was truly terrible. In particular, the more capable his commander was, the more clearly his power was felt.

The fairy company commander cursed the battalion commander endlessly during the battle.

Graham cursed the battalion commander just as much as she did.

“You idiot, you idiot!”

It was enough to shout like this in the middle of the battlefield.

When nothing has happened, you can just take care of your own food bowl. However, in times of crisis, the commander’s skills were bound to be revealed.

The battalion commander was an asshole.

At least that’s what Graham thought.

In particular, secretly taking the credit for this battle as his own was the most idiotic thing.

In the end, everyone in the unit knew.

The most decorated person in previous battles was not the battalion commander.

The two men, who showed military courtesy, relaxed their posture.

Graham held out his hand first, and Encred took his hand and shook it.

It was a greeting mixed with several emotions, including gratitude, regret, and regret.

“Go, don’t forget that I’m really sad.”

“Then shall we at least send Rem instead of me?”

Encred joked.

“Not with that bastard!”

Graham pretended to be angry and rolled his eyes.

The two soon parted ways with a smile.

‘He seems like a nice guy.’

It was my first time talking to a heavy armored infantry company commander like this.

Encred felt favorable towards the other person.

The barracks are right behind us, but I wanted to walk a little further.

While walking, I looked around the city for the first time in a long time.


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As I continued walking, I came to the end of the market in the center of the city.

Even though it was a military city, it was natural for merchants and farmers to come and go.

In fact, there were far more wandering merchants than people engaged in agriculture.

Border Guard is a place called a border military city. The number of troops stationed here alone is well over 1,000.

If the number of soldiers compared to the population is 100,000, then the number of citizens would have to exceed 10,000.

But of course 10,000 people were too much, and it was less than 5,000 people.

Still, the city was doing well.

Because this is under the direct control of the King.

With the support of the kingdom, the military city of Border Guard was able to be maintained.

But since we can’t rely on the kingdom for everything, we farm and merchants come and go.

Among them, I heard that the upper-tier attraction project did quite well.

Moreover, I heard that several merchants have recently entered the city by order of the king, and perhaps because of that, the market has become more crowded than ever.

Thanks to this, Wangnuni was talking loudly about how the inn owner’s mouth was hanging from the ceiling.

‘You deserve to like it.’

It was that crowded. As the number of merchants increases in the city, the joy of the inn owner also increases.

Moreover, one of Border Guard’s main businesses is the lodging industry.

‘A major upper trading venue.’

One of the advantages of having a much larger number of professional soldiers in the city is that public security is solid.

Because there were more than enough troops for patrol and guard duty.

As a result, it became the main trading place for each merchant.

A city with not many residents, but many people coming and going.

Although it is a military city, it also has aspects as a trading city.

That would be the true face of the Border Guard.

Encred glanced at the entrance to the alley at the edge of the market, which had become a complex structure with buildings in disarray, and then turned around.

For some reason, I felt like someone was looking at me, but when I looked closely, there was nothing.

Encred turned and walked back to the front of the barracks.

After he left, a beggar crawled out of the alley with a dirty blanket covering his head.

The beggar sat down on the floor and started begging. The eyes inside the blanket covered me were harsh.

So much so that if someone were to see it, they wouldn’t look like a beggar.

* * *

Even before entering the dorm, Rem’s voice struck Encred’s ears.

“Our squad leader is preparing to abandon us. “Everyone, prepare.”

That crazy bastard.

“Is it true?”

As soon as I entered, Wangnuni, who was in the dorm, came running to me.


I immediately refused and tried to explain, but everyone gave me an evil look in their eyes.

Ragna spoke with his eyes half open.

“If you are going, let me go with you.”

It was a man’s calm tone of voice. I don’t know if I’m going to say that because he follows his superiors’ orders well, but Ragna is lazy by nature.

He is a person who does not easily listen to someone’s orders.

Is there any unit that welcomes Ragnar like that?

“hmm. “Moving troops is a common occurrence.”

Saxony agreed and looked through my luggage. It looked like he was going to pack up his belongings and chase after me if I got into trouble.

Saxony is better, though.

‘What about this guy?’

I’m not in the troublemaker unit for nothing.

They keep working hours well, but they also often skip training. It’s common for pick-picks to suddenly disappear, so I often find myself wondering where they’ve gone. Although it is said that he treats people in a friendly manner.

‘It has to be to a certain extent, it depends on the person.’

They put on a show on the outside and hide others. No matter how you look at it, he was not the type of person who would fit in well as a member of the unit.

Naturally, it was not common for commanders to welcome Saxony.

“You crazy bastards, where are you going? Even if the squad leader accepts you, will he still accept you? You are the poison in the squad leader’s path. So don’t come. All you have to do is follow me. Trust me. “I’m going to kick them all out.”

Rem blocked Encred’s path, puffed out his chest, and shouted loudly.

‘No, you are the biggest problem.’

Encred laughed as he looked at Rem’s broad back.

Although others may not know, the heavy armored infantry company commander will never accept Rem.

On the topic of beating up the 1st Battalion superior.

There are many people in the unit who not only hate Rem but also hate him because of the assault on his superior officer.

I don’t think Ragnar and Saxony would accept it, but if I were to be honest, Rem was the biggest poison.

“You definitely seem to have a problem in your head. “I saw many people like that in my life, but they all died before they were 30.”

Ragna said while lying on his side. From the way he was scratching his head, it looked like he hadn’t washed it in several days.

“Then is it now time to die?”

Saxony received the word. I really don’t know why those two have such fantastic harmony at times like this.

But was Rem 30 years old? When Encred took a step to the side and looked at Rem, he saw the corners of the mouth of the immigrant man from the West quirking up.

It was a very angry face.

“Squad leader, is it okay for us to kill those two and go on our own?”

Where are you going, who are you going to kill in the first place?


It was best to stop it before it became a big fight.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

When I spoke briefly and tried to resolve the situation, Wangnuni said, ‘Really?’ and nodded his head.

Not everyone went down easily.

When I tried verbally and that didn’t work, I tried to block the squad members with my body, but someone smart came knocking on the door.

Only the religious squad member was absent, but he would not come to my dorm and knock on the door.

Therefore, he was a guest.

Encred winked, and Wangnuni opened the door.

“who are you?”

Encred also turned back at the sound of Chrys’ voice.

Beyond the poor wooden door, a member of the frontier guard was seen.

It was Torres with eagle epaulettes.

“See you again.”

He raised his hand in greeting, and Encred showed military courtesy by pressing his left hand to his waist.

“Can we talk for a moment?”

“With me?”

“Then who would it be?”

Encred pointed at himself and blinked a few times. Then he immediately nodded his head.

Encred, who turned to tell everyone, including Rem, to calm down, was startled.

Before I knew it, Rem, Ragna, and Saxony had stood up and were standing behind me.

It was a movement so agile and quiet that no one could even detect it.

“That guy back then had bad hand habits.”

Rem says.

Ragna and Saxony just watched in silence. Torres raised his hands.

“I didn’t come here to fight.”

A look passed between the three and the one. The air in the dorm seemed to be getting thicker.

The silence was broken by Torres.

“They say they are a troublemaker squad, but they really attack without hesitation.”

Torres showed an expression of displeasure. It seemed like if anyone made even the slightest quarrel, there would immediately be a stabbing attack.

At that moment, Encred stepped in between them.

Encred said, blocking the eyes of the three members of his squad with his back.

“Let’s go out.”

If an accident happens for no reason, it is just difficult to fix it.

As I was leaving the dorm, I heard Rem snoring behind me.

As we walked outside, Torres frowned and said,

“Why are you in such a state? Are you all frustrated? When things boil over, tell them to go to the red light district. “Don’t even think about seeing blood.”

Torres saw what Encred couldn’t. The moment the door opened, the rapist named Rem moved first. He stood behind Encred, carrying his life with every step he took.

The guy behind him was lying on the bed at an angle. He seemed to get up, but then he silently stepped forward and stood behind En Creed.

At that moment, I saw an illusion of a shield being placed in front of Encred that could not be penetrated no matter what he did.

Lastly, Torres also missed the appearance. He was a man with reddish-brown hair, and before he knew it, he too was standing there looking at him.

The deadly force stabbed, tore, and hacked my entire body. It was natural for Torres to become sensitive.

My pride was hurt, but at that moment, if I moved even one wrong fingertip, I might have been the one to die.

‘Only three regular soldiers?’

The skills of the troublemaker squad members were famous. Still, I didn’t know it was this bad.

Would the situation have become funny if Encred had not stepped forward?

When he faced Encred before, Torres showed only half of his skills. That was enough.

So could that have been done against one of those three?

In the military, excluding the Knights Templar, they are considered to have the best training and talent.

In particular, the border guard unit was a unit that had fully proven its might so far.

My pride could have been hurt.

Still, work is work and I had to say what I had to say.

Torres took a few breaths and composed himself.

“Say it bluntly.”

He was given a mission, and he carried it out.

“Come to the border guard.”

The direct army and border garrison were proposed to be no less than turtle heavy armored infantry.

It was a military unit under the direct control of the kingdom.

A unit that receives direct instructions from the Royal Army, not the Cyprus Division.

It was certainly an attractive offer.

“How is it?”

Torres’ attitude was full of confidence. He also showed pride in being a member of the frontier guard.

Encred quietly looked at Torres and then opened his mouth.

“What is the purpose of the border guard?”

What can you do if you become a garrison member?

Where are you headed as a single soldier?

Encred asked.


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