Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 5

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5. Valencian swordsmanship

“huh? huh? “How did you know?”

“Not a prophet.”

At Encred’s words, Rem shook the bugs that had gotten into his boots onto the floor and spoke in a confident tone.

“Did the squad leader put it in?”

“I didn’t put it in.”


Rem didn’t look suspicious.

Encred didn’t even care about Rem’s looks. Because that’s not important.

Encred crushed the bug that Rem had dropped with his foot.

simplicity and honesty.

A not-so-pleasant feeling felt through the soles of my boots.


Encred spat and roughly rubbed the bug’s corpse with the dirt on the floor.

“Can you tell me about the heart of the beast?”

“hmm? “Did you remember that?”

Rem said as he adjusted his boots and stood up.

“It’s not something worth forgetting.”

“Whenever you pour alcohol into your stomach to forget.”

It was like that back then. As I kept seeing scenes of my head being cut off by an ax in my dreams, living really didn’t feel like living.

“Can you do it? doesn’t exist?”

“Are you overflowing with enthusiasm today? It’s good. Let’s do it.”

Rem nodded.

“Saxony, please take care of me in the morning. “I will do it tomorrow.”

Eating requires energy, so even if you do eat, there is no need to waste time washing dishes.

“Yes, of course.”

Saxony is a squad member who smiles well and gets along well with others.

He also had an mediocre personality to the point where you didn’t know why he was here.

At first glance, Encred thought that Saxony was playing the role of coordinator here.

Saxony shook out his auburn hair and walked out of the tent.

Rem, who was staring at this, sniffed and blew his nose.

“That kid is in a strangely bad mood.”

Naturally, if Saxony had played the role of coordinator here well, Encred might never have come here.

Although Saxony got along very well with other units, he actually had a bad relationship with the members of the 4th squad.

Except Encred, of course.

Encred was strangely trusted by his squad members.

Encred didn’t know if it was because he silently listened to various requests, or if it was because of his poor skills that made him feel like he would spend his entire life as a squad leader in the Ten Squad.

I just thought it might be one of two reasons.

Rem took a step outside the tent. Encred walked after him.

“He’s an unpleasant guy. “This guy has a bad vibe, so it might be best not to get too close to him.”

What about you?

Encred asked to himself.

Is this what a guy who got into a fight with a superior in his previous unit and broke his superior’s jaw would say?

Although Rem is her benefactor.

Other units, especially the 1st Platoon he was previously affiliated with, often glare at Rem as if he wants to kill him.

The guy who made my platoon commander’s chin like that wouldn’t look pretty.

Encred didn’t argue.

Nothing changes by arguing.

It’s a waste of time. Rather than arguing about this, I’d rather learn the heart of the beast.

There was a lot to do besides learning the heart of the beast from Rem.

“I feel even more uncomfortable, especially when I see him being close to the guys from the 1st platoon.”

Okay, let’s say so.

When Encred didn’t fight back, Rem stopped walking.


“Squad leader, today is really strange. Normally, this wouldn’t be the right time to say something, right?”

Yes. Ordinarily, a guy who broke his superior’s jaw would say that’s not what he would say.

Otherwise, I would have told him not to look at me at all if I didn’t think he would become friendly with me.

Rather than encouraging them to become friends, I think it’s better to keep them apart so they don’t fight.

That was also Encred’s secret to leading a unique death squad.

“I have nothing to say.”

Encred cut off his words.

Rem scratched the back of his head.

“What a strange day.”

The two ate breakfast and found an open space outside the barracks.

Although it might be awkward to see something like training on the battlefield.

Encred has always been like this.

For those who know, it is nothing special.

Passersby didn’t pay any attention to the two.


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And so the transmission of the heart of the beast began again.

“… … Have you ever secretly learned something from someone other than me? “That wouldn’t be possible.”

“I just repeated what I learned.”

“Training can get this far?”

Another death was another experience.

Encred found it easier to compose himself than before.

When Rem saw that, he gave her a puzzled look, but then said, ‘That’s good’ and moved on.

“In my opinion, the squad leader is talented. “If you do it this way.”

Rem said something similar to yesterday.

It’s a talent, so it would be great if that were the case.

Just a moment ago, I was unable to avoid Rem’s axe.

The ax stopped right in front of Mokuldae.

It was close enough to leave a long scar on my neck with just a flick of my wrist.

“It was close.”

Rem said with a grin.

He seemed surprised that Encred was learning like this.

An unknown sense of satisfaction permeated the smile.

Encred felt it too.

“What do you have to do to be able to swing an ax like that?”

That ax blow from a while ago.

Rem’s ax was faster than the stabs that killed him several times.

It was literally in the blink of an eye that the ax blade came close to touching the skin of my neck.

In fact, Encred didn’t even blink, but he missed the movement of the ax blade.

“Um, talent?”

For the first time in a long time, Encred thought that Rem was a truly unlucky bastard.

He was originally like this.

“If all the training is done, will there be anyone in the world who can’t cut with a knife?”

Rem chuckled.

Just as Encred had read the satisfaction on Rem’s face earlier, he also realized that this bastard enjoyed teasing him.

He was a strange bastard.

Well, is there anyone in this squad who isn’t strange?

“What if I train more? What if I try harder? What if I swing a sword without even having time to sleep?”

Encred asked back reflexively.

It was a dilemma I had for a long time.

Should I give up if I don’t have talent?

Encred did not give up.

If you choose to advance instead of giving up, what do you have?

All I had to do was keep moving forward without getting tired.

If so-called geniuses take ten steps at a time, I just have the will to walk steadily without stopping, even if it is just half a step at a time.

“Wow. Today is really strange. “Have you taken the leap of seriousness?”

Rem said as he roughly hung the ax on the rope tied to his waist.


“Squad leader.”

Rem called Encred without a smile.

I made eye contact with Rem.

After a short silence, Rem opened her mouth.

“If people don’t sleep, they fall asleep.”


As soon as Rem finished speaking, his cheeks trembled and he suppressed laughter before bursting into laughter.

This was the answer to what it would be like to swing a sword without even having time to sleep.

“go away.”

Encred gave a continent-wide finger curse.

It means raising your middle finger.

Rem giggled and asked to go get lunch.

Encred didn’t ask me to teach him more.

You can’t fill up after the first drink.

Encred knew that fact all too well.

After lunch, he checked his sword skills.

Basic sword techniques of stabbing, cutting, and swinging.

After basic swordsmanship, what I learned was Valenic mercenary swordsmanship.

It wasn’t sloppy.

It took a lot of work and cost a lot of money.

It is not a swordsmanship that can be learned for a few silver coins.

Valencian mercenary swordsmanship.

Although he did not reach the level of a knight, Valen’s swordsmanship is quite famous in the mercenary world.

If I had to classify it, it would be a fantasy sword type.

I don’t know how Valen originally wrote it.

However, I have acquired some skills.

Encred put his efforts into it.

‘After death, the same day repeats itself, but what remains in the body does not disappear.’

The heart of the beast was not learned with the head, but with the body.

That means what remains in my body remains the same.

I overworked my body. She swung the sword so hard that the deep cuts in her calluses on her palms burst again.

Originally, soldiers did not use swords. In most cases, a spear is the basic weapon.

This is a privilege obtained from being the leader of the Sasasa squad.

Encred didn’t want to let go of the sword.

Repeat training. My grip hurts, but I endure it.

My stomach feels sore because I haven’t finished digesting what I ate, but I tolerate it.

Concentrate on all your senses, including your toes and fingertips.

Hwangeom is a deceiving sword.

He told me to use whatever means I could to deceive my opponent.

In fact, some Valencian sword techniques had already spread throughout the mercenary world.

For example, a technique where you pretend to fall and then stab your opponent.

It cannot be said to be shameful.

Why is it foolish to do anything to survive?

If someone said a knight wouldn’t do that, Encred wouldn’t argue with him.

He has his own values.

You have your own values.

The allowed time is half a day.

My legs didn’t feel shaky. If my legs were this weak, the physical training I had been doing every day would be meaningless.

Encred’s legs were strong.

“Having a strong body is a real advantage.”

Rem spoke to Encred who returned.

A messenger had just arrived.

The sixth repetition of today, I could guess the passage of time just by looking at the sky.

“Because I have a body that has been trained for over 20 years.”

Encred answered roughly and moved back to his platoon seat.

“Work hard so that your strong body does not turn into a training scarecrow.”

Just before the battlefield began, Rem giggled again.

“You need to be on duty tomorrow.”

Saxony also spoke next to me.

One guy seems to be making fun of himself.

The other guy seems to be expressing his will that he cannot be on meal duty for two days in a row.

Well, no matter how they expressed it, it seems like they both want them to come back alive.

“See you later.”

The sixth day begins.

Encred killed the enemy more easily than on the fifth day.

The first enemy to attack me was tripped and hit the back of the head with the edge of the shield.

The second enemy waved his sword and stabbed him.

Valencian swordsmanship.

It is a skill that is not commonly known in the mercenary world, but was learned separately through hard work and money.

It is said that the shaking tip of the sword itself is a haze that disturbs the opponent’s vision.

I implemented what I learned and it worked.

I felt rewarded.

The joy of growth and fulfillment fill my heart again.

A lot of things were achieved through repetition in one day.

Even though Encred died and came back to life, he didn’t spend the day in vain.

Rather, it was the opposite.

It was more intense. I was more absorbed. I was more immersed.

If an opportunity comes, I will not miss it. I had to do that because I lived with longing and desire.

Encred did just that.

He cut, hit, and knocked down enemy soldiers.

Repeated battles gave him a unique experience.

‘Heart of the Beast.’

I see things I didn’t see the previous day.

Before we knew it, the moment came when Belle fell.

Since we fight in the same place every day, we see Bell every time.

You can’t move the front line back or move it to another place if you want.

Carelessly jumping over the wire is an act of suicide. It is not easy to arbitrarily change one’s position on the battlefield.

‘My skills are not at that level.’

Encred knew himself well.

I had some free time, but it wasn’t enough to break through the enemy soldiers or do anything close to gambling.

Moreover, it is not even possible to detect the arrows of a skilled archer in advance.


Belle’s head exploded again.


I tried to save him this time, but I failed again.

Encred immediately lowered his head.

The arrow pierced the air as if it had been promised. The sound of a sharp sound remained in my ears.

It is a skillful gesture, as if one had expected it.

“I guess I’m feeling good today?”

Rem, who had already approached me, spoke.

“Go, pick off the chick who shot the arrow.”

“It was already going to be like that. “It feels good, so take care of it yourself.”

Rem leaves.

Again, you encounter an enemy soldier who specializes in stabbing.

Encred failed again.

This time, he dodged the soldier’s club that rushed at him from behind, but someone right next to him threw a throwing ax.

Damn it was right.

The seventh morning dawns.

“I put bugs in it.”

I told Rem.

“Are you crazy? “Have you turned around?”

“I’m not crazy. “It’s the heart of a beast that keeps your heart from shaking even in situations like this, right?”


“Teach me.”

Today begins again.

Rem blinked and then accepted.

learn Cook. swing the sword

This time, I didn’t even try to save Belle.

To save, you have to read the arrows flying.

If that doesn’t work, you’ll just have to rely on luck.

How does Rem avoid arrows?

Encred moved his body with doubt.

He died again from the stabbing.

“It is mercy.”

That damn mercy.

Die. So the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth… … Over a hundred deaths, Encred repeated the day that began with death.


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