Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 48

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48. If I could see the end, I could crawl over it.

It was the first time that this level of force had been deployed in a small-scale local war.

Just as the opponent prepared a spell.

The card prepared here was Squire.

The impact the squire had on the battlefield was terrible.

The semi-knight, who avoided the rain of arrows by moving forward, drew his sword and slashed.


The moment a silver line was drawn in the air, the heads of the three soldiers blocking the front were cut off.

The squire pulled back the sword he had swung and cut it from top to bottom.

It fell like a black thunderbolt and then rose straight up.

The head of a soldier holding an infantry javelin was caught in its orbit.


It wasn’t cut, it was broken. The sword that broke the soldier’s head due to the impact of cutting the sword flew like a butterfly this time.

The flapping wings of the flying butterfly immediately became a dirge filled with fear.

The flapping wings of the sword stabbed into every crevice and took the enemy’s breath away.

Then two soldiers blocked the path with large, thick wooden shields.

When I covered my entire body and blocked it, the butterfly’s wings were blocked by the shield.

When the sword hit the shield with a crunch, a dent was left on the outside of the shield.


An enemy soldier shouted. Even though he was sweating coldly, he did his best.

However, even if I did my best, I was not free from the Reaper’s touch.

The owner of the red cloak held his sword with both hands and swung it horizontally.

Boom! Kagagak!

The sword strikes the shield. The iron rim was bent rather than cut and served as a shield, but the soldier’s hand holding it could not withstand the impact.


The wrist holding the shield was twisted and broken. The wrist bone broke through the skin.

As the shield fell helplessly to the floor, the sword cut the soldier’s torso horizontally.

The upper body was cut off and the internal organs fell to the floor. Blood was splattered everywhere.

Fear seeped into the eyes of the surrounding soldiers.

“What the f*ck.”

One of the soldiers of the Principality of Azpen was crying and swearing. The owner of the cloak must have heard that, twitched his nose, and immediately kicked the ground.

Swinging a sword was scary, but the scariest thing about this guy were his feet.

As soon as he hit the ground, he suddenly appeared here and there, cutting off the soldier’s neck and making holes in his body.

Even if I tried to block it with a shield or armor, it all seemed meaningless.

“Shoot it!”

one of the commanders shouted.

It was a bold decision. Thirty crossbowmen waiting on one side shot Quarrel.

You can’t avoid all close range shots. The commander was confident.

The owner of the cloak shattered that confidence.


He kicked the ground and flew into the sky before Quarel could reach him. Quarel split the air in vain.

Anything that floats up tends to fall. The owner of the cloak flew in a curved line and fell ten steps in front of the commander of the Principality of Azpen.

It was the heart of the enemy camp.

“… … Stop it!”

The cry of the highest commander of the Azpen Principality was pathetic.

I wonder if there are still Gray Dog units left.

They had already withdrawn due to responsibility for the loss, Mitch Hurrier’s injury, and various other complex circumstances.


The owner of the cloak let out a long breath and swung his sword again. From top to bottom, from bottom to top.


The blade curved and whipped the commander’s guards like a whip.

Sigh! Bagagagak!

The thick leather armor covering his body was completely cut off. The guard wearing the iron helmet was hit on the head by his sword and fell.


Blood flowed from the nose of Howie, who had been hit and rolled to the side. Although he looked fine on the outside, the inside of his skull was crushed by the impact and he died.

The squire, who took down the escort, cut a hole in the commander’s neck.


The squire killed the enemy commander alone in the middle of the enemy lines, then turned around and returned.

The return scene is also impressive.

He kicked the enemy with his foot, then kicked the ground a few times and ran.

From a distance, it almost looked like a red line was drawing a line in the middle of the battlefield.

Encred and his party watched the fight from beginning to end.

Rem looked at the cloak’s owner, the squire, and thought he was a bit hit.

‘You know how to play.’

This is a guy who knows how to stir up the middle of enemy lines. He instilled fear by not taking matters into his own hands and clearly showing his superiority in power.

Through this, they trampled the enemy’s camp at will.

In particular, it was impressive to avoid the surprise attack of the crossbow soldiers prepared by the opponent.

‘If it were me, I would jump into the group of crossbowmen first.’


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The other person clearly showed signs of learning. It was not for nothing that he was said to be an expert in combat and war.

He left the crossbowmen alone instead of dealing with them first.

When they aimed at him, he showed his saving grace. He kicked the ground and flew through the air to attack the enemy commander.

It was like a sheltered animal. It was like seeing a tiger with wings.

Ragnar measured the opponent’s level and compared it to himself.

The person who took the path he should take first.

‘That’s enough.’

It won’t be long before you arrive. You don’t have to take a shortcut or practice cutting bones.

If Rem looked at the opponent’s strategy, Ragna assessed the level of ability the opponent had.

‘Your swordsmanship is sharp.’

It is a heavy sword based on a quick sword. At first glance, it may seem like a straight sword is being used, but it was all a trick.

Quick sword and heavy sword.

Mix the two. It was clear that there was a great swordsman teacher.

Usually, if you learn two swordsmanship together, your basic skills will be poor.

The red-cloaked squire showed no such clumsiness.

‘Well, he’s a squire.’

After assessing the level, Ragna felt his motivation disappear. She can already see the road and the destination clearly. Her passion for victory will not boil over just because she sees the person who went before her.

All that remains is to walk down the street.

It’s just painful because training and discipline are boring. This is because the only thing left to do is to train the sword in a state where emotions are dry. It was a problem that arose because the talent was so outstanding.

Saxony assessed the opponent’s skills and found an opening.

‘At least, five times.’

The enemy could harm the owner of the cloak. It was not a question of ability, but a question of strategy.

It was also because the commander was stupid.

It was also because I was embarrassed because it was an unexpected blow.

If it had been Saxony himself, he would have finished it before such a situation occurred.

The religious squad member noticed the opponent’s movements and nodded.

“You are skilled in leading messengers to God’s side, brother.”

It was said that he fought really well.

“You don’t have to fall back.”

Wangnun stuck out his tongue. There is only one person controlling the flow of the battlefield. It seemed like victory was promised before the fight even began.

And Encred.

‘This is the article.’

It was turbulent. Her heart was pounding like crazy and her whole body was shaking. The fur on her skin stood up and she got chills.

At the same time, I felt a warmth coming from my lower abdomen.

His eyes did not leave the squire.

In the current continent, squires and quasi-knights are the main force of the knights.

This is the stage just before the knight who single-handedly changes the course of the war.

The killing machine has now shaken up the battlefield. Killed the enemy commander. And came back leisurely.

‘How can they do that?’

The owner of the cloak is neither a beastman nor a prog.

But how can such power be shown?

A symbol of power that can cut a thousand pieces by itself, that is a knight.

What makes that possible?

What made the author reach human limits?

Encred didn’t know. Because he didn’t know, he might have been more impressed by his opponent’s movements.

At the same time, he felt something explode in his head.

“Sometimes you can learn just by watching.”

The words of a swordsman instructor in a big city flash through my mind. The excitement subsided, and even though I didn’t intend to, a single point of concentration was triggered.

With superhuman concentration, I was able to understand the meaning of each step the other person took. The intention of the sword swung was visible.

‘Multiple inspection.’

Heavy sword of power.

Developing strength and being able to swing a sword meant that you could also swing the sword quickly.

The opponent mixed the techniques of a heavy sword with a quick sword. Encred could see it in his eyes too.

‘I took my foot off.’

This is a movement that appears to be taking a step back and determining the range of the attack line.

‘no. ‘It’s not decided, it’s already been decided.’

The northern style heavy sword learned from Ragna was built around the attack line.

The squire’s method was slightly different.

He drew a circle around himself.

It was a swordsmanship based on the basics of the Central Continent style. He drew a circle starting from his own body and slaughtered the opponents within the circle.

If it catches you, it cuts you, and if it approaches you, it stabs you.

At first glance, it looks like he is using his feet to trample his opponent, but the reality is different.

‘Keep the range.’

Use your feet only when necessary. A few sword strikes were impressive, but most of the attacks were stabbing.

I look and see again. Gather information that catches your eye and organize it in your head.

‘Is it necessary to strike with force just because it is a double sword method?’

The secret move shown by Mitch Hurrier was not a straight sword or a positive sword, but a heavy sword move.

A wheel cut that cuts through anything that blocks it.

Why did he use it as a draw?

To deceive the other person?

no. Even though the sword methods were divided into five, they cannot all be said to be different sword techniques.

There is intersection among all five swordsmanship methods.

Just because it is a double sword method, striking it down and cutting it off with force is not the right answer.

My eyeballs are rolling. The brain rotates. Encred’s fingers moved, twitching.

“Do you like what I see? hmm?”

Rem started talking without thinking and then stopped.

Ragna was no longer interested in the squire’s movements, so he turned around at the sound.

“Don’t touch it.”

Ragna whispered. He recognized the squad leader’s condition at a glance.

Whether on the battlefield, in a bar or back alley, or in the arms of a lover.

Enlightenment comes like a trick played by Lady Luck.

It came suddenly, suddenly, out of the blue, suddenly, without a sound, and shook my brain out of nowhere.

“Stay by my side.”

Saxony came forward and spoke first. Ragnar stood on the right and Rem stood on the left.

The religious squad member moved silently and went behind Encred.

Wangnun whispered and asked what was going on.

Rem answered that question.

“It looks like the squad leader is coming out of his shell. It was time for this. “I have been swinging my sword alone day and night.”

Rem acknowledged the squad leader’s efforts. He deserved this luck.

Of course, this wasn’t luck.

It was a natural process that came about after countless rounds of actual combat, rolling, and re-establishing the basics of swordsmanship.

Ragnar became more motivated after seeing Encred’s appearance now than the Squire.

‘How can this be?’

What makes a squad leader like this?

How can one not let go of the sword, knowing that the end is clear and the limits are clear?

That was a strange thing to Ragnage. As always, the squad leader piqued his interest more than the opponent who had just entered the battlefield and swept over enemy territory alone.

Immediately after the knights returned, the shouts of our commander rang through the air.

“Turn around!”

Soon our troops rushed out. As the cheers and shouts mingled and the infantry ran, the ground rang loudly.

Encred just stared into space with blank eyes.

He was still in a state of despair.

Because the Troubleshooter Squad was able to become a bystander due to their performance in the previous battle.

No one said anything to them as they stopped.

In fact, no matter what I wanted to say, the energy emitted by the four of them, excluding Wangnuni, was so fierce that I couldn’t even approach them.

Even though we saw the squire running rampant in front of us, our allies who saw the troublemaker squad up close felt that they were even creepier.

Leaving them like that, the war rushed to its end.

This winter and next spring will probably be very busy. You will have to spend the winter with the resources you have stocked up and rebuild your fort.

The border between Naurilia and Azpen will be redrawn.

While the allies were charging, Encred was reflecting on the basics he had learned.

Intersection, swordsmanship, Valen style mercenary sword, Northern style heavy sword.

Everything was a weapon he had learned.

There was no need to confine the weapon to the basics.

You can parry it with a heavy sword and let it go.

Binding and sword attachment techniques were the basis for parrying.

I didn’t even notice it when I was learning.

The state of ignorance and the untimely realization did not immediately improve Encred’s skills.

No, it improved his insight to a certain extent, but his talent was so insignificant that he couldn’t acquire it right away.

However, Encred clearly knew his limitations.

That means that if you have time, you can train yourself to your limits and go beyond them.

The end of a cliff that was so high and had no end in sight.

The top of the cliff, which had been hidden by clouds, began to become visible.

The wall ahead is so high and wide that if you can’t see the end, you can’t get over it.

But if you can see the end, no matter how far, high and wide it is.

If you couldn’t walk, you could crawl over it.

Encred realized that.

“iced coffee.”

He was so happy that he drooled. In fact, he woke up drooling.

“Why are you drooling so much?”

Rem scolded me from the side.

Encred opened his eyes and looked around. Before I knew it, there were no allies around.

“Everyone rushed. “If you’re tired, you’re going to rest in the barracks, right? Doze off while standing?”


“What do you know, let’s go back. “There’s nothing to worry about in combat.”

It was exactly what it said.

The cloaked knight returned to base.

The battle is over. The enemy army was on the verge of retreating and fleeing to their home country.

Now was the time to retreat. It was time to return to the city.

Encred turned to see the setting sun.

Seeing the squire’s helplessness lit a fire in his heart again.

Because Encred’s destination, utopia, is right in front of us.

An old dream rears its head again.

‘What should I do to become a knight?’

There was no way to simply increase military power. First, you will have to prove your skills.

My time as a lowly soldier is over.

Encred muttered this to himself.


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