Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 47

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47. Squire or Apprentice Knight

After the battle, the fairy company commander realized that the medium of magic was the flag.

So who broke this flag?

After tracing back the situation on the battlefield, I came up with an answer.

‘Troublemaker squad leader.’

That’s why she’s here.

The battalion commander couldn’t care less. He didn’t seem to care who destroyed the medium of witchcraft.

He thought the stupid shaman had failed.

In fact, many of the shamans on the continent were cults, so that statement sounded reasonable.

Even if it weren’t for that, the battalion commander would have had a hard time coming to his senses right now.

Because a great person higher than his immediate superior came to the unit.

“What do you mean?”

The answer came back to the question, “Was it you?”

“Spell, flagpole, medium.”

In three short words, she said everything she wanted to say.

Encred had no intention of denying what he had done, just because no one asked.

“yes. “I did it.”


A short question came back.

“I lifted the spear like this and threw it.”

“There were five baits.”

There were a total of six flagpoles, and only one was real.

“I took the picture.”

“What is the flagpole?”

“I went out scouting and saw something, and I also had some prior knowledge about witchcraft.”

There is no problem with the answer. The fairy’s sharp intuition did not determine that the other person was lying.

However, even if it wasn’t a fairy’s intuition, I could tell that he had no intention of telling everything honestly.

What can I say?

He did it himself, but seemed reluctant to talk about it in detail.

The fairy company commander looked into Encred’s blue eyes and nodded.

“I get it.”

“Are you here to ask that?”

“Yes. “Because I can see your face.”

Then, after swallowing his words for a moment, the company commander took a breath and spoke.

“I think we’re meant to be.”

The company commander left these words and turned around. It was a very misleading statement. Rem stabbed Encred in the side, who stiffened from embarrassment.

“What’s the secret?”


“Tell me the secret to seducing a fairy, Boshu. “You can listen to me.”

“That’s amazing.”

Ragna also added a word.

“I don’t think so.”

Wangnuni approves of Encred’s appearance. Even though she didn’t take special care of herself, there were times when women would get attracted to her when she was in the city.

It goes without saying that he is not a virgin.

Encred was neither foolish nor blind enough to mistake the signals exchanged between men and women.

So, the conversation we just had was absolutely not. There was no signal.

Rather, I was just left with an uncomfortable feeling.

Moreover, he is the superior of his immediate superior.

“We wouldn’t have had time to meet separately, but ah, I get it. Right then? When you’re in the duty barracks? “That’s the only time!”

“No, you crazy idiot.”

Rem talked about the same topic for the next four hours.

Ragna went to take a nap in the middle of the day.

Saxony, who came in later, nodded meaninglessly and made Encred feel better.

Wangnun, who came in later, was about to say something, but when Rem said something, he came close to Encrid and said.

“So, instead of rolling around on the battlefield, let’s go to the ladies’ salon with me.”

“I will not. “You crazy guy.”

Wangnuni’s dream is to save a lot of crona and open his own store.

My dream is to open a ladies’ salon, a store where handsome men can flirt with noble ladies.

They say they opened a store and sold alcohol and snacks.

Since the purpose was clear, I thought that people would come on their own even if I sold alcohol and snacks for several times the price, so I suggested that we do it together.

It’s been a while since I made a suggestion that I hadn’t often brought up since I almost got kicked for saying the same thing to Rem.

“Don’t tell me. Split it with an axe. “Your head.”

Rem said with a grin behind her.

“Oh, I don’t.”

Wangnuni spoke in a dying voice.

“Only in times like this do you act like a barbarian.”

Wangnuni grumbled quietly. He didn’t seem to have the courage to speak out loud.

No, this level of courage is outstanding. There’s no way Rem couldn’t hear what I was muttering just now.


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When Rem tried to roll his eyes, Wangnuni clapped his hands.

“Oh right! “I came here just to talk about this, but I almost forgot about the squad leader.”

I forgot.

I said it in a whisper before Rem could say anything.

Encred knew and was deceived.

Any story other than the love story between the company commander and yourself would be more valuable than now.

“They say they’re coming.”


“Ah, they said you’re here.”

Wangnuni whispered and said. The expression on his face was so serious that Encred automatically tilted his head towards him.

“I am a squire of the Knights Templar.”

“… … “The Knights of the Red Cloak?”

Encred asked back.


The current name of Encred and the division they work for is Cyprus.

It was also the name of a knight belonging to the Order of the Red Cloak.

Usually, the name of a knight is added to the name of an army, and the knight belongs to the Order.

Of course, there are not many people who can be called knights.

Knights possess talents that are rare even on the continent.

So there were not only knights in the knightly order of the kingdom.

Those who have the potential to become knights in the future.

A squire, or apprentice knight, is a squire who follows a knight.

Once the apprenticeship period is over and they are recognized by a knight, they soon become associate knights. That was the structure in which he served in the Knights Templar.

Usually, squires do not participate in battlefields separately from knights. That someone like that is now on the battlefield.

‘I will soon become a quasi-knight.’

What is an article?

A bard said:

“It is very wrong to view knights as the same as ordinary people. Yes, that’s right. They are people who are beyond human limitations and categories. “Otherwise, how can we compete with people like Proc?”

A knight is said to be a being who goes beyond human limitations.

So what is a quasi-knight?

These refer to those who have the potential to become knights before becoming knights.

A semi-knight is an expert in combat and fighting. If knights are people who have overcome human limitations, semi-knights are people who are in contact with human limitations.

A squire who will soon become a quasi-knight and serve in the knighthood.

I missed you. I was curious about their skills. The knight he wants to become is not just a position filled with honor.

The knight of this era was a symbol of force. Some of that symbolism came here.

“It’s a face I’m dying to see.”

Rem looked at Encred and said.

“Why not?”

“I heard they are already ready to go.”

Wangnuni said.

“You said you came alone?”

Rem asked, crossing her arms. Wangnuni nodded her head.

“Yes, you said that being alone is enough.”

After hearing those words, Encred realized why the allies did not retreat.

‘If Azpen prepared a spell.’

This side used force as its trump card.

Naurilia and Azpen.

The variable is placed in a place where boring local wars are repeated every year.

‘Is this the intention to devour part of the plain?’

If the spell had worked properly, there would have been nothing to do even if a semi-knight or something had come.

But not now. The spell was blocked, and the allies won the victory.

If the squire had arrived just a day or two earlier, he would have been determined to attack them.

‘It was a little late.’

At this point, the enemy’s maintenance has also been completed.

“Get ready to go! “Move all troops immediately!”

Encred stopped his thoughts when he heard a sound outside.

It was the voice of the platoon leader.

Then, suddenly, the platoon leader stuck his face into the tent.

“Hey, did you hear that? Oh, I guess you heard it.”

The platoon leader asked, then looked at Kreis and answered on his own.

“Everyone is on the move. “We will use this opportunity to push the Green Pearl Plains camp all the way to the front.”

“Are you talking about the operation so openly?”

Encred looked at the platoon leader and asked.

“There’s nothing to hide. Are you saying you’re leaving right now? Are you going too?”

“I’d like to take a look.”

Encred stood up in pain. The injury is not fully healed yet. Normally, you should refrain from going to the battlefield.

“I will be by your side.”

Kreis said, raising his hand. He is the guy who always takes care of his life in the rear.

It would be enough for Encred to be by his side.

The platoon leader does not cherish Encred like a family member. Because I am quite old, I often feel burdened.

Moreover, since he was the squad leader who commanded a squad of troublemakers, there were many times when they clashed.

Still, I was concerned about Encred dying. A hard worker who swings his sword every day and doesn’t let any moment go by, sometimes drawing criticism from those around him.

It’s really unsettling to see someone like that become a corpse.

“Take care of yourself and take care of yourself.”

The platoon leader spoke and stepped forward.

“If you want to go see the sights, you should go.”

Rem nodded. Ragna has begun preparations for the Juseomjuseom competition.

Saxony wore a sword and took several throwing knives. This is equipment that I don’t usually take with me.

“I will be next to you.”

Saxony said.

“Next to me?”

Rem made a joke. Saxony shook his head.

“It’s hard to share the same barracks with you because you smell like a target.”

Rem was good at gently scratching the opponent, but Saxony was also good at making people feel uncomfortable with a single blow.

“Squad leader, I think I’d rather split that bastard’s head off than Azfen. “What do you think?”

“Hold on. Let’s go take a look. “Aren’t you curious about how well the squire will fight?”

“He’ll fight really well, right?”

Rem answered and took his ax.

As Encrid limped into formation to march, Venjens approached.

“Are you crazy because you want to die?”

After the battle, I said thank you, and he came to the barracks grumbling.

Then he started talking excitedly to himself, saying that the debt was paid off, that it was over, that he was at peace.

I asked what the debt was.

“Have you already forgotten about the fire in the medical barracks back then?”

“No way. “Have you forgotten?”

I forgot. It’s a side effect of repeating today over and over again.

Still, it was something I couldn’t completely forget.

Kraang, Assassin, and Fire.

The fire was started by Encred. I believe Venjens saved someone from almost dying in a fire, but in reality, he saved them from the hands of an assassin.

‘Because what I saved was saved.’

A debt was a debt. It’s convenient for the other person to think that way.

Thanks to that, he saw him and rushed over to save him.

Encred opened his mouth as he saw Vengeance rolling his eyes on the battlefield, asking why he came here.

“Is there anyone who wants to die?”

“But why are you here?”

“I wanted to take a look.”


“I heard the squire is here.”

“Oh, hey, don’t go too far. “I won’t ask for it twice.”

Venjens said that and returned to his formation.

“Why is that bastard suddenly acting friendly? “Wasn’t he the guy who used to get into fights before?”

Rem asked from next to me.

There was a time like that. Vengeance really hated Encred. When did that happen?

“It’s not that bastard, it’s the platoon leader. “Once we got closer, people seemed to be nice.”

“Don’t be too soft on people. “If you get hit in the back of the head later and cringe in pain, it will be too late.”

“None of your business.”

Unit alignment and movement were completed in an instant. The arrangement was not done neatly. The march began in a wide, radial formation.

I saw someone standing at the head of the march.

A red cloak flutters in the wind.

The person in the lead was seen trudging along wearing a cape.

Just by looking at the outside, the greatness of the squire and knight was not visible.

“Hmm, looking at your steps, I guess I’ll hit you a bit.”

Rem said, crossing his arms next to him and frowning.

“Not much. I have a good posture. “Unless there’s at least Frog on the other side, it’s going to be a boring fight.”

Ragna said it too.

Saxony also cast his gaze forward. His eyes seemed to scan the back of the red cloak.

Wangnuni, who was next to Encred, said something else.

“Now let’s go to the rear. I have to get out now. Or you get swept away.”

Wangnuni was measuring the timing to get out.

And at that moment, the red cape fluttered. The cloak flutters back in the wind. The owner of the cloak ran forward.

Encred had to blink to make sure what he was seeing was correct.

An afterimage remained behind the person running in front.

How fast does a person run like that?

“It looks like you put your will into your legs.”

Ragna looked at it and muttered.

Encred didn’t understand what was being said, but he didn’t even want to ask right now.

It was time to close my ears and concentrate.

The enemy, surprised to see the owner of the cloak running, shot an arrow.

As before, the crossbow soldiers had not been deployed separately, and arrows flew in a bunch above their heads.

It seemed like at least a hundred archers were pulling and releasing the bow.

Arrows rained down on the cloaked knight.

Instead of raising his sword and swinging it, the squire accelerated.


The ground and the dirt rose up like a fountain, and the cloak owner had already reached the very nearest enemy.

It was possible to escape just by running within the range of the arrow.

It was definitely a movement beyond human limits.


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