Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 46

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46. ​​After countless battles (2)

I heard that a therapist visited him because he suffered stab and penetrating wounds all over his body.

“Luckily there will be no permanent disability. Good luck too. “Our squad leader.”

Wangnuni said with a smile.

“It’s as if he wants me to get hurt.”

“No, I’m just worried. worry. Consider it an honor. “Because the squad leader is the first time I worry about a man.”


I thought they would withdraw soon, but our forces were still confronting the Principality of Azpen.

Will there be more battles?

Even so, it probably has nothing to do with Encred.

It was impossible to stand on the battlefield again with a body like this.

I wouldn’t know if I was just watching.

As Wangnuni left the apple and was chewing it, Rem came in.

The entire squad was away, so the barracks were deserted.

Rem sat down next to Encred, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on the backs of his hands.

Rem stared at Encred with her lips tightly closed.

“If you’re thinking of confessing, say no first.”

“Don’t you know I like girls? If my squad leader and a woman I have never met fall into the water, I will save her. “Of course, assuming that she is pretty.”

“are you okay. I swim well. “Even if I don’t save you, I will live well on my own.”

“Then save me later. “Now that I think about it, I’m not good at swimming.”

So what was this guy thinking when he said he was going to save a drowning woman?

I thought Encred was very Rem-like.

“huh. “I’ll throw a stone.”

It was the usual joke. Then Rem stopped talking and looked at En Creed.

Gray eyes looked straight at Encred without trembling. I felt an unprecedented seriousness in those eyes.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“How did you know it was witchcraft?”

hmm? Encred never thought he would be asked this question here.

“Because I saw it during a reconnaissance mission.”

“You guessed it was witchcraft just by looking at that? “It seems like you run because you know the flagpole is your goal?”

right. That was the goal. I knew everything. However, I couldn’t say that I learned it through repeating today.

I needed a suitable excuse.

So, I tried to cover it up with various lies and excuses, but the gray eyes staring at me caught my heart.

Even if I told you honestly, you wouldn’t believe me. But should we just pass this off as a lie?

A clumsy lie will be recognized quickly. I had that intuition. Encred didn’t want to treat Rem like that.

So I mixed up the facts.

“I once stayed with a former pioneer.”

It was true. Because Rem was a pioneer.

“I heard this and that from that friend.”

This too was true. Because Rem told me about witchcraft.

“So I thought and guessed.”

This cannot necessarily be said to be the truth, but in some ways it could be said to be close to the truth.

Because instead of thinking and guessing, I repeated today and figured it out with my body.

You could say that instead of thinking with your head, you thought with your body.

At least Encred believed and said so.

“It seemed like the flagpole was a medium for witchcraft. “Before the fog came in, I saw something strange about the enemy formation, and then I charged.”


Why are people so easily deceived when you mix truth with lies?

That was because the person speaking spoke sincerely. Even if you are a person with good sense because you are sincere, it is difficult to find signs of lies in the other person’s words.

Encred said everything sincerely, except for the things he couldn’t say.

Rem believed that.

Even if you didn’t completely believe it, it was something you couldn’t argue with.

“Was it something like that? “It was amazing that I recognized it as soon as I saw it.”

“What if it’s witchcraft?”

“I told you to let me know that I don’t use things like that carelessly.”


Rem nodded. Encred recalled that Rem was away on the day of the battle.

Since they clearly charged together, I thought they would come to where I was, but that wasn’t the case. She was not seen again after that.

Then I returned to the unit.

“I want to ask where you went on the battlefield.”

“It’s no big deal. “I was curious about who the guy who put up that flagpole was, so I took a quick look.”

“… … “You came to see it?”

“We talked about the axe.”

Rem grinned and walked out of the barracks.

Encred recalled the time when he knocked down the flagpole.

The shaman was waving a bell and then disappeared from view.

At that time, I was too busy destroying the flag to pay attention.

After that, it seemed to have been caught by Rem’s axe while trying to pull it back alone.


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Encred thought it was no big deal and moved on.

This isn’t the first time Rem has behaved unexpectedly.

In a previous battle, he jumped into the enemy’s camp to catch what looked like a hawk’s claw.

The platoon leader, who knew this, neatly excluded the troublemaker squad from the force.

Only the remaining squads were attacked with the full force of the platoon.

It was the same this time too.

However, there was something different from usual.

This time, Encred left the formation first.

That was something unusual.

“Are you okay?”

The platoon leader visited the barracks.

“Are you here to visit? Aren’t we coming back?”

Encred asked right away. The platoon leader shrugged his shoulders.

“There hasn’t been an order from above yet. “Everyone is on standby.”

It’s winter soon. It is a difficult season to continue fighting. That doesn’t mean we will leave this camp completely empty, but since this battalion put in a lot of effort in this battlefield, we will rotate them.

So it is strange that the order to return has not yet been issued.

The platoon leader looked at Encred and scratched his head.



Encred’s departure, the platoon commander didn’t think it was a big deal at the time.

Finally, all I could think about was whether Encred had gone crazy.

Afterwards, he barely survived the shouts telling him to lie down and raise his shield.

Just when I thought I was dead in the fog, the fog suddenly cleared.

He turned around and fought the enemy.

Later, I heard that the fog was a spell and that the spell had a medium, and that the spell would not be broken unless the medium was broken or the shaman died. I heard everything from the company commander.

“Who did it?”

The company commander asked, looking at himself with green eyes.

The platoon leader then remembered Encred’s name.

At least I figured that squad had done something.

Why didn’t Encred run out before the fog started?

And that cry sounded like Encred’s voice.

The platoon leader gathered his thoughts and opened his mouth.

“They say it’s witchcraft, that fog.”

“Oh, yes, that’s right. “I reported it.”

right. This is what Encred reported when he was dispatched on a reconnaissance mission.

“hmm. It did.”

The platoon leader looked at Encred for a moment, told him to take care of himself, and stood up.

‘That doesn’t make sense.’

He knows Encred’s skills. It’s not the lowest level. If you treat him well, he might be considered a village vigilante.

There are many scary guys in my squad, but Encred is not one.

The medium of witchcraft would have been deep inside the enemy’s lines, unless the enemy was an idiot and idiot.

So, someone had to have infiltrated there.

‘Through that thick fog?’

In the rain of quarrels and arrows?

Troubleshooting squad leader?

There is no way.

I asked him if Rem did it and he said no.

Ragna had nothing to say. Once her fog cleared, she was already fighting by her side.

I wonder if it was the rest of the squad, but they also fought as part of the rear platoon formation.

‘Have you received any support from the main university?’

The platoon leader thought that and walked out of the barracks. Before we knew it, the cold had arrived due to the sudden drop in temperature.

“Isn’t there really a return?”

He also missed the city air. I missed my home, my wife, and my daughter.

I wanted to roast potatoes over an open fire, eat them, and sleep well.

* * *

After lying down for two days, Encred was able to get up and move.

“Don’t overdo it, right?”

Wangnuni was worried, but his physical condition was better than expected.

“The beast is gone, right?”

Wangnuni asked. En Creed, who was sitting diagonally on the bed, nodded her head and looked around.

“I know. “I can’t see it.”

“It seems like you are following the squad leader well.”

“Weren’t you scared?”

“I’m scared. It’s a beast. beast of prey.”

“Does it still look like a baby?”

“You know Enri, the hunter who went scouting with me? “They said he went out with the squad leader.”

Wangnuni suddenly asked. Encred nodded and thought. Big-eyed guy, his feet are really wide.

How does he even know Enri?

“That means he is from a plains hunter.”

Encred knows better than that. I learned a lot on my own.

“Enri said that there are many wild beasts living in the Green Pearl Meadow, but there is one that stands out among them. Do you know what that is?”


“It’s a blue-eyed black leopard, a blue-eyed leopard. “They say it is also called Lake Panther.”

Wangnuni made a fuss. This story seemed to pique my interest.

“Some people call them lake panthers because their eyes are like lakes. They eat gazelles and wildebeests, but they usually live by swallowing energy from the ground. It’s a spiritual object. “They say that claw alone is worth over 10,000 krona.”

Krona is a currency unit created by the empire.

One copper coin is worth 1 krona.

One hundred copper coins is one silver coin, and one hundred silver coins is one gold coin.

Ten thousand krona was worth one gold coin.

One gold coin per claw.

It was higher than Encred’s salary.

“I heard those claws can cut people’s throats. Can you pull them out?”

“… … “Aw, I’m not greedy.”

Wangnuni waved his hand. As he was moving his body moderately, sweat broke out on his forehead. There was also a dizzying pain. Still, this is enough.

After dying so long, it was difficult to guess the extent of the pain and the condition of the wound.

“If you overdo it, it adds up.”

Saxony said after watching it. Where had everyone gone, only Wangnuni and Saxony remained.

“It’s under control.”

After giving a rough answer and moving my body again, I remembered the mustache blow.

How was that possible?

If you had to do it again, would you be able to do it?

I do not know. Why not?

No, I thought it would be okay to try it a few more times.

As I was deep in thought, Rem and Ragna returned.

“Walk a little further away. It spreads laziness.”

Rem started an argument.

“Why are you desperate to die every day?”

Ragna doubled down on the argument. Before the fight intensified, Encred spoke first.

“I have a question. “Toward swordsmanship.”

Their gazes returned.

“Tell me.”

“If it’s about swordsmanship, I have to answer.”

As the two glared at each other again, Encred quickly continued his explanation.

There was nothing difficult to talk about. I saw the enemy do it a few times, and it became ingrained in me, so I started doing it without realizing it.

That was the story. I said what I felt as calmly as possible.

“That’s it, isn’t it okay if you just do it?”

Rem answered first.

“It’s a fun experience. Since I was young, I don’t think it’s special, but in the case of squad leaders, well, it is. God gave me a blessing. “Goddess Luck lost her footing and spilled the gold coins.”

Ragna continued.

Neither of those words were particularly helpful.

Then the two started arguing with Encred again, and a detailed explanation came out.

“When you fight, there are times when your vision opens up. Usually, it is said that it takes countless, truly countless, trials for something like that to happen at least once. “If you have one point of focus, your chances of doing so will be higher.”

“The heart of the beast is attached to your body, right? Big breasts that have the ability to look at others without closing their eyes. If you had that opportunity, that is, if you could see your opponent using a sword right in front of you, there would have been times when you could see the way the sword was used or the distribution of power. Then there are times when the body reacts on its own, but that only applies when the basics are in place.”

“Basic prayer is basic, but you will have to go through rough practical training hundreds of times.”

After listening to the two, Encred was able to come to a conclusion.


For some, today is just one day.

For Encred, today was the most intense day ever.

And this wasn’t just a day I spent giving up on.

Today is a day I spent every moment struggling and doing my best.

The countless hours he spent enduring and enjoying it gave him luck.

In fact, there was no such thing as luck.

It was natural.

It’s the reward for studying to overcome cuts, stabs, scratches, and even death.

At its foundation was the heart of a beast that naturally gave it boldness and single-pointed focus.

‘Thank you again.’

So it was thanks to these two. Moreover, didn’t Ragna completely repair the basics of her swordsmanship?

The battle with Mitch Huryer, the chase of the mustache, and today on the battlefield.

Complex thoughts filled my mind and aroused one desire.

I want to hold a sword again. I want to swing it. I want to demonstrate how much the last shedding technique has stuck to my body.

“I want to spar.”

As Encred muttered, both Rem and Ragna shook their heads.

Among them, Rem added his words.

“Ever since I was young, I’ve been told a lot of times that you’re not normal or that you’re crazy, but in my opinion, the squad leader is even crazier than me.”

No one else would know, but it was something Rem really didn’t want to hear.

Doesn’t he often harass the soldiers around him?

Aren’t you trying to blow your superior’s head off?

He’s on the same level as this crazy guy, no, he’s even crazier than that.

“Today I have no choice but to agree with that statement. “What kind of sparring are you doing with that body?”

No, is this how you drive people who want to spar?

Encred felt very unfair.

“Sparring is impossible with that body. “Squad leader.”


A voice was heard as the cover that served as the tent’s door was pushed open.

When I looked up, it was the fairy company commander.

As Encred tried to get up, the company commander approached.

“Was it you?”

Before even giving a military courtesy, the company commander asked.

Encred opened his mouth to see the cold, sharp-edged, beautiful fairy like a sculpture created by an artist, but his dry lips were covered in saliva.

Actually, I expected the question to come from here, not from Rem.

How did you destroy witchcraft?

That’s a question to be asked from the command center.


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