Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 455

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456. How to subdue a steamer

Encred wanted Rem to handle things neatly, tactfully, and quickly.

And Rem was going to do that.

‘I’ll take care of it.’

It was not a belief without reason.

The Rem I’ve seen so far was that kind of guy.

What Encred wanted was to kill the leader of a unique monster that bundles thread and shoots an arrow.

I also wanted to reduce the number of monsters.

Although he didn’t go into detail, Rem and Dunbakel would know what to do.

Are there any dangerous monsters there too?

There will be.


‘If I were a monster.’

I don’t waste that much energy on Oara. Moreover, I was planning to draw more attention to this place from now on.

Encred thought and thought and pondered over this day countless times.

In this way, I was able to stand in the position of an enemy and look at my allies while changing my gaze.

‘What is the biggest threat?’

No need to ask. Come on.

‘What is the purpose?’

I already know this too.

‘Come, knight.’

They focused on killing one knight named Oara.

If Oara tried to kill Nuclear to get rid of the Demon Realm, they did the same thing.

Encred confirmed it today when he read the enemy’s intentions, guessed their intentions, and repeated them.

“Do you have an innate sense of seeing the battlefield?”

Roman muttered something like this, but it wasn’t really like that.

I just did it because I had experience.

Anyway, I spent today again and again.

And yet, there was never a day like today where I abandoned it in order to gain information.

This is something that even the boatman was surprised by.

Encred just spent today, every day, every day swinging his sword like a madman, crumpling information coming from around him into his head.

That’s how today started.

Bottom line, Rem and Dunbakel will do their own thing.

So Encred had to do what he had to do.


He puffed out his cheeks and exhaled, then pursed his lips and sucked in air.

Thump, Encred started walking forward. His body felt light. His condition was not bad. No, it was good.

More than usual.

What I wanted ignited a fire in my heart and brought out a sense of elation.

Encred increased his speed to a light run and Ruagarne followed behind.

Oara saw it from the top of the castle wall, and Roman, short blonde hair, and Acea saw it from nearby.

I decided to buy trust through action.

So, just show it properly.

Encred’s eyes caught sight of the head of the rushing spider monster. Dozens of side eyes, a snout that splits left and right, and strong legs even though they are not made of hammered iron.

It is a monster that is more agile than other entities. It approached me with a clatter and crossed its two front legs like scissors.

The doors of my sixth sense opened and I felt time slowing down due to my concentration.

The creature’s blade-like legs were visible. There were saw-like protrusions at regular intervals, like saw blades.

I could also feel the power in my two crossed legs.

It felt like my body would be cut to pieces as I got caught in it.

Even if you just brush against it, your flesh will be torn to pieces.

Then all I had to do was move before it touched me.

In the cracks of split time, thoughts accelerated and moved.

Encred drew Aker from bottom to top.

The blade, which drew a smooth arc, cut through two of the spider’s legs and proceeded to split its head.

‘There is no need to stop.’

Think and move.

Encrid cut down one of the monsters and then moved forward, swinging Aker with only his right hand.

Encred’s two feet stamped the floor fiercely, skimming and sliding.

He twisted his waist, twisted his ankles, struck, stabbed, and swung his sword.

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop.

‘What do you need when dealing with a large number of people?’

It’s about boldness and judgment.

It was also necessary to have the skill to judge with instinct rather than thinking and to make all of those judgments correct.

Rem was the best at it.

His axe moved instinctively, drawing a smooth trajectory.

Encred copied Rem.

Ting, before I knew it, I had pulled out a spark in my left hand.

Copying is not a skill, it’s a momentum.


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‘I am a savage.’

Crazy savage.

A barbarian with a hobby of chopping off the heads of nobles.

A barbarian who starts a fight when he sees something he doesn’t like.

The sword in Encred’s hands bent like a whip and moved like a beam of light.

The spark that had become a ray of light shot obliquely downwards. It seemed as if it was piercing the empty space, but it wasn’t.

A spider monster poked its head into a place where there had been nothing.


A large spider supported itself on its legs, and as it stuck out its butt, its head was pierced by sparks.

Poke and pull out. It was a sword strike with a speed that was out of the ordinary range.


The monster with a hole in its head was dying and spewed out poison from the hole in its buttocks.

A dark brown liquid flew into the air and splashed down on the floor.

Naturally, it did not reach Encred and had no effect.

As one of the poison-spraying beasts fell to the ground, Aker dashed across the battlefield like a swallow.

It’s a repetition of hitting, beating, and breaking.

Encred lowered his head as he felt a presence behind him.

Peek- A spider’s leg passed over his head. A few strands of hair were cut off and flew into the air, and Encred twisted his waist and stretched his legs backward.


The head of the spider caught on the heel of my foot was crushed.

As I stretched my legs back, I saw an ant crawling on the ground, using its two front legs like a sickle to stab the top of my left foot.

Encred pulled his outstretched leg forward.

Just before an arm bent like a sickle hit the top of the left foot, a boot with an iron plate on the top of the foot kicked the spider.


It was a relatively small monster. The knack for breaking the blow exploded the guy’s body.

The top of the boot was soaked with black fluid.

Big ones, small ones, medium ones, ones that spit poison, ones that spit string, ones that use their legs like swords, ones that charge forward, ones that crawl up from underground tunnels, and ones that sneak up behind you.

many. There were too many people to kill.

Encred saw the future an inch ahead.

And then he swung his sword.

Acher struck down from above, placed the flaming sword in its sheath, drew out his gladius, and struck the floor.

After doing two movements at the same time, he jumped sideways.


A whip with an iron weight attached to the end filled the gap. It was Ruagarne’s help.

The place I jumped to was right in the middle of a horde of monsters.

Several spider beasts held out their arms. I turned my head to avoid it, raised my sword vertically, and struck the spider demon’s forearm with the blade.

This was possible because of the overwhelming difference in skills.

Of course, even so, it was still half-crazy.

Conversely, when crazy things are successful, they can become great things.

Because there is essentially a difference between a madman and a hero.

Encred was doing just that right now.

After dodging and blocking, I took my position. It’s in the middle of a horde of monsters.

Encrid, who squeezed in between the monsters, grabbed Acher with both hands and swung him sharply.

It was a swordsmanship with centrifugal force that took advantage of the technique of the middle sword.

The slash of his sword tore and crushed the monster like a typhoon.

Beep beep beep!

Everything that touched the blade was cut and slashed.

With one blow, he created a hole in the middle of a horde of monsters.

Encred’s surroundings were momentarily blank as he swung his sword.

Encred took a deep breath and swung his blade into the air. Black fluid splashed onto the floor.

After learning the monster’s pattern through repeated todays.

Encred drew his picture on the pattern he had memorized through intuition and instinct.

Having figured out and predicted the nature of the monsters, the battlefield is a painting drawn on canvas using the monsters’ black blood as paint.

Normally, it would be impossible to know all the habits of a monster, but not now.

The day Oara dies, the day she dies, the day Rem has a hole in her stomach, the day Acia’s head is cut off, the day Ruagarne dies with her heart pierced, the day Roman dies without being able to do anything, today are countless todays like that. there was.

Today, the accumulated experience has been condensed into one person.

That’s why, at least on this stage, Encred was the most experienced hunter.

‘It’s not bad.’

The more I move, the more my body feels relaxed. I don’t get tired. This is true even though I used Will in between, Giant Strike, and Will of Cutting.

Encred didn’t stop.

For a moment, I forgot about Rem and Oara and ran. I swung my sword and moved my feet. I fought without stopping.

That was the moment to prove myself. And there were those who watched.

* * *

Since Millio was waiting in front of the gate, he was unaware of what was happening in front.

Just as I was being told to open the castle gate, I heard someone telling me to close it, but there was no reason to follow that.

However, without realizing it, I almost followed those words and stopped.


At that moment, Oara’s order was given.

Millio thought that even if there had been no order from the knight, he might have followed the shouts that had burst out from before him.

“I’m going up the castle wall. Everyone, take your bow.”

Millio spoke to the men he was leading and took off.

‘You little Admor. You’re not dead yet, are you?’

Even though Encred interfered, it was his own decision to send him out anyway.

A subtle worry took hold in one corner of my mind.

Of course now was not the time. Aren’t monsters flocking like never before?

It is the largest wave among waves.

In the battlefield where everyone, including Oh Ara, was on the battlefield, they couldn’t stop their work just because they were worried about a single comrade.

Milio took a step back.

I know there is no need to force yourself to move. But I couldn’t help but feel my feet speeding up.

‘Why aren’t you shooting?’

Thousand Brick’s common sense is that in order to reduce the number of monsters, you must hit them with arrows before they approach.

Still, the arrow did not fly. Still.

Millio stood on the ramparts with a stride that quickened by itself. He then took hold of his bow and put an arrow on the string. Now all he had to do was wait for the order to shoot.

Although Oara was present, the conducting was done by someone else.

Originally, when the knights came out to fight, there was a separate person to command the archers from behind.

That’s how Thousand Bricks survived.

Millio saw that the man who was supposed to be in command was unable to continue speaking.

The same goes for the soldier who is supposed to wave the flag next to him.

No, it was the same as Aarado.

“You crazy bastard.”

Oara said, twisting her lips.

Oh Ara always smiles. But the smile she gave with genuine excitement was a little different.

It was a subtle difference that only Milio knew.

It was Milio’s specialty that he acquired from observing her for a long time.

This is reading Oara’s laughter.

To Milio, the current Oara seemed truly divine.

Naturally, Milio’s gaze turned forward.

At some point, someone had seen a fight between members of the Order of the Red Cloak, who rose from squire to knight.

It was the battlefield of Naurilia and Azpen, and it was the center of the Green Pearl beyond the Border Guard.

The knight with his legs full of determination kicked off the ground and ran.

The subsequent swordsmanship was like a butterfly, and the movements were like lightning.

Just like that, one combatant wandered the battlefield. This could have been the case if the level of semi-equivocal soldiers entered the ranks of ordinary soldiers.

It was the kind of force that turned the battlefield upside down.

Milio didn’t see the fight. He only sees what he sees.

But I was seeing something similar to that now.

It’s outside the city gate.

That was the reason Oara was smiling.

In the middle of a horde of monsters, the only ally around is a proc following behind.

Moreover, Frock’s fight was not even noticeable.

The author, who was in a position to die without being able to withstand even a few hits, swung his sword. Cut it. It stabs. Cut and crush.

When you look at the loud noise from the left after the explosion on the right centered around Oara, you will see that they have already changed places.

Black dirt rose up from where he hit.

Before the pile of dirt fell, holes were made in the heads of four monsters.

What kind of person could do that?

The light from a nearby perch swayed frantically, illuminating what he was doing.

There are few soldiers who have seen the knights fight as closely as Milio.

That’s why we know that squires and knights are not invincible.

They also get tired and exhausted if they don’t sleep. If they don’t eat, they can’t function properly.

Milio’s palms were sweaty. His heart was racing. An inexplicable sense of elation was rising.

I don’t know what that author is fighting for.

If you were to ask who is at the forefront of this battlefield right now, Millio would answer confidently.



A soldier stamped his foot and shouted a slogan.


Another soldier shouts along with the slogan. Several others open their mouths at the same time.

The relief spreads. It’s support for one person.

Everyone in the city and everyone guarding the walls watched with one mind. Even Oara.


Shout out a person’s name. That was strange.

Was the dance shown by Encred now significantly different from the scenes shown by the knights so far?

That wasn’t it.

Still, there was something about that man’s fight that made my heart burn.

My heart is racing. Her heart heats up. I feel like my hair is turning completely white. A feeling of elation ran through his body, and Milio believed that he could defeat anything, whether it was a monster or not.

Even though the double moon rose, no one raised their head.

Also, no one said anything about the crisis.

I was just watching a person single-handedly slaughtering a group of people who were supposed to be a threat.


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