Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 454

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455. Sell your faith and buy action.

A knight’s strike.

That was the only thing Encred wanted.

What should we do for that?

I asked because I didn’t get the feeling.

“Move Will? What, you can just do that, right?”

That was Rem’s answer.

Encred realized once again that the crazy kid with the hobby of cutting off the heads of nobles was a genius.

“I guess you could write Will like that.”

Roagarnet became a scholar and began research. After that, her words helped me a lot.

“How about breaking it down into pieces and approaching it one by one?”

Break down the moves. I draw my sword and carry Will with every thrust. This means starting from the preparation process differently.

Encred changed the questions and listened to the answers. He asked Roman again and again.

One day, while staying by Oara’s side, she asked.

“How should I answer something that just works?”

Oara’s answer was similar to Rem’s. Ragnar would probably be similar, and so would Audin. Would Saxony be different?

“You can do it like this.”

Ragnar will answer by swinging his sword.

“Everything is possible if you pray.”

Auddin will say this.

“You just have to feel it with your senses.”

Wouldn’t Saxony say something like this?

Encred felt like he was listening to advice from those in the Border Guard far away.

Prayer may not be the answer, but meditation will be.

It may not be possible to just swing it roughly, but we should not forget its naturalness.

Will your keen senses make you feel Will?

Not really, but a keen sense will let you know how the movements differ from usual.

This was possible if the learners were better than the teachers.

For the first time in his life, Encred has reached the process of hearing the One and realizing the Two.

If we knew his beginnings, everyone would be surprised, but now it was something that no one knew.

Even Rem, who was watching from the side, found it difficult to notice.

Top horizontal slash, side strike, crown slash, counter strike, half sword fighting, parry, shear, continuous strike, dig in, and close cut.

After reflecting on the skills I had, I pulled out one of them.

‘Let’s stab.’

I decided to do whatever my heart wanted.

Encred focused solely on the motion of stabbing his sword. Lift the spark and let it out. The realization I gained from repeating the first day was within it, and the momentary realization about Will was also within it.

‘Should I share it?’

We shouldn’t have divided them. Let’s combine them.


All you have to do is step forward and thrust your sword.

What does it take to make it impossible to even think about stopping this?

‘Speed ​​and power.’

This is an area where imitation is impossible.

Among the Jeongjunghwankwaeyoo, the focus is on speed and comfort.

He repeated. Time passed. Today passed and passed again. The hourglass that flowed only to Encred dropped grains.

Times that would normally eat away at your spirit and turn you into a wreck.

Times when we have to cry and discuss despair and frustration.

There are times when you have to suffer and ask yourself why you are putting yourself through such hardships.

Times when you have to blame God and parents you don’t even know.

He spent all that time training. He did it while listening to Oara’s screams.

“They are enjoying their deaths.”

There was a sneer from the boatman.

Ignored it.

A soldier dies. Milio dies. Rowena dies.

“Are you happy?”

The boatman asked. Instead of answering, he only thought about the sword.

“You can’t get over this wall.”

The captain declared.

I couldn’t hear it at all, beyond hearing it with one ear.

“You will hit the ground and regret it. “Some things never change.”

The light-spoken boatman finally showed concern.

Encred also listened and passed it on.

‘You have so many miscellaneous skills.’

We put them together after Oara told us to throw them away. Encred’s body naturally brought everything together.

Is this the road to becoming a knight?

Or is this the wrong way?

Is this just a tantrum?

Is it a waste of time?


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Even though it was understandable to be suspicious, Encrid simply took one straight step.

Today is the day I reached by walking like that.


Encred woke up to a scream and, without even wiping the booger from his eyes, told Rem to follow him and stepped forward with his sword in hand.

“Try to block it.”

He suddenly speaks and draws his sword. Rem, who followed, moved his ax reflexively.

Rem saw the dot reaching beyond the sound and managed to block it.


The point made by the sword touched the face of the axe and then fell away.

“Damn, were you planning on putting a hole in my axe?”

If I had given my all, there might have been a hole. Encred squeezed and opened his hand a few times.

Can’t you do it twice?

Even though my body had been trained through isolation techniques, my ankles, waist, and shoulders throbbed with just one stab.

My muscles screamed. Still, it didn’t matter.

“let’s go.”

Encrid headed to the battlefield.

I’ve replayed this one day in my head countless times.

That was the beginning.


Suin, who looked strangely anxious, approached Encred’s call.

The unwashed face looks dirty and a sour smell stings the nose. Encred spoke to Dunbakkel in a whisper.

“Did I tell you?”

“… … what?”

Dunbakel was wary of the sudden friendly attitude.

The instinct that the beastman had spoke. This guy is up to something right now.

“I actually trust you.”

“… … .”

Dunbakeel blinked at the sudden sound of a dog barking.

“You are the prettiest person I have ever seen.”

The number of times Encred had seen female beastmen in his life could be counted on one hand.

I can confidently say that this was the first time I had seen Dunbakel in detail.

Anyway, it was a random comment.


“You are strong.”

“Rem, does this kid look sick?”

“I always thought your potential was greater than mine.”

This was true. Encrid knew full well that his talents were insignificant.

“I don’t have a fever.”

Dunbakel’s hand brushed Encred’s forehead.

“So it’s okay to run away.”

There is a saying on the continent that praise makes even Yongin dance.

Even for a Yongin who only knew about himself, good words sounded good.

Encred didn’t want Dunbakkel to become a scared, wet cat.

“You can run away, so fight until then. “Just do it as long as you can.”

Dunbakhel stopped walking.

What does this author know?

Dunbakel was miserable because he wanted to live, because he only wanted to survive.

‘Is it enough to just live?’

By nature, beastmen have a strong survival instinct. But Dunbakhel was more than an ordinary beast.

I could do anything to survive.

At the same time, I instinctively knew that I would never achieve anything if I just survived.

‘What do I want to be other than surviving?’

Dunbakeel’s steps stopped at Encred’s words. As everyone was moving on, I was alone in my thoughts. It wasn’t a long time.

Before the others could even take three steps, Dunbakkel stopped and thought, just long enough to catch his breath a few times.

‘Why am I here?’

I throw a stone called a question into the lake called myself. A ripple occurred and spread.

The answer came to me before the dust had settled. It was a kind of epiphany.


Dunbakhel realized that he was not wrong, that he was not a failure born as a prisoner, and that he lived properly without his parents’ love.

I wanted to prove something like that.

Because I had been living in denial about myself, I envied Encred, who was the only one moving forward.

Does that mean the author took that path easily?


With a short exclamation, Dunbakel took another step.

She decided what to do now. The fear that had enveloped her until now had faded a little.

You can’t overcome everything with just one opportunity. However, just as a writer can move forward if there is a milestone, Dunbakhel also could see the path he would follow.

* * *

“Rowen… … .”

“If you’re going to save me, follow me.”

Encred cut off the commotion in front of the castle gate.

“… … yes?”

Rowena’s man looked at Encred.

It was because his mind stopped thinking for a moment due to such an unexpected remark. However, the soldier soon understood the meaning and took off.

“Are you going together?”

“name is?”

Encrid never knew this soldier’s name.

“This is Admor.”

“Okay, let’s go.”

Encred had to make my intentions work here.

It was a similar situation to when I persuaded Andrew in the tall grass field when I was a squad leader.

At that time, I started by showing my skills, but now there is no need to do that.


At the shout, Asia jumped out from one side, wearing a cloak along with armor.

I heard that the Templar’s cloak is resistant to fire and has a spell that maintains body temperature when wrapped around the body.

In addition, the cloak that blocked simple spells was the symbol of the knights.

I wore it not because it was cumbersome, but because it was efficient.


“Did I tell you?”

I shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, and I felt the soldiers’ eyes gathering on me.

Not only that, but Oara and the group of semi-knights and squires standing at the front were also listening to Encred’s voice.

“… … what?”

Asia wondered why this friend was like this.

The guy who does crazy things sometimes creates a strange atmosphere and attracts attention.

Encred was quick-witted and noticed Asia’s reaction, but ignored it.

There was no time to go through each and every one of them.

“I was once a successful monster hunter.”

There has never been anything like that.

I used to be a monster hunter, but I wasn’t that good at it.

“Is that so?”

“I can feel it.”

“What do you feel?”

“There’s something like a coiled snake inside.”

Asia turned her gaze to Encred’s words.

It was true that an ominous sensation was prickling my skin, but I felt nothing.

“What are you talking about?”

Oara asked from the top of the wall.

“The air has changed. My subordinates have also smelled it. They say that it smells like a conspiracy, not just from the screaming spiders, but also from inside the magic realm.”


Dunbakhel pointed at himself from one side. Lem said, pointing to Bakel, who had cleverly put his foot down.

“Just shut up and watch.”

It seemed like my captain was up to something.

I don’t know what it is.

‘It would be fun.’

He wasn’t the kind of person who would do something crazy without thinking. Rem had faith.

“Rem, dunbakel. “Come back quickly.”

After saying that, Encred looked at Rem and said.

“Where am I going?”

“Hey there.”

Encred’s hand pointed inward.

Admor, who came out to rescue Rowena, is fidgeting and watching the situation.

“It’s inside the magic mirror?”

“Are you scared?”

“Are you calling that a provocation?”

“No, I’m just asking.”

“I don’t know what it is, but it’s good. “Let’s go.”

“Finish this quickly and come back.”

Encred said. Rem might have asked what.


“You don’t know what’s there and you don’t know what you’re doing, so what are you talking about?”

It’s like this.

It was okay to see it as a frustrating instruction.

Then Encred.

“Just go and you’ll find out.”

Should I imitate a prophet by saying this?

Or should I say it’s just intuition?

Encred did not prepare any answer.

“Let’s do that.”

Rem nodded.

Encred told Admor to follow Rem.

“Find the traces. You might be able to find what you’re looking for.”

Admor had no other choice, so he quickly followed Rem.

Encred’s gaze caught Rem’s back as he left.

Back in the old days, when I was wandering the continent, no one would have listened to me.

I used to struggle in similar situations back when I was in the Accident Squad.

This is the moment when Andrew comes to mind for no reason.

There were moments when I had to beat him into compliance.

So what now?

All you had to do was sell your faith and buy action.

Encred knew Rem would react like this after a few todays.

“Let’s go now. Asia.”

“Where am I going?”

Asia, who was next to him, was also incredibly shocked.

“I must fight while commanding the squires.”

Encred was resolute.

“now? I? “Over there?”

“Acia of the Knights of the Red Cloak, you see that the Thousand Bricks are in danger and you just want to watch from behind? “Do you still think you would wear a red cloak?”

At first, Acia’s eyes lit up at the scolding.

“Are you kidding me?”


Anyway, I went ahead. Acea had received too much to refuse what this man said.

He was also the person who made me wear the red cape until now.

She felt she owed the civil war a debt. A lot of debt.

So there was no reason not to listen to this much.

After killing the six spider monsters rampaging in front of the four Squires, Encred raised his foot and slammed the ground.

Everyone’s attention, including Roman’s, was focused on the cloud of feet emitting a heavy noise.

Oara also looked at him.

“No one is better at hunting monsters than I am. From now on, I will lead the front line.”

“… … Did the alcohol I drank earlier go bad?”

Roman muttered.

Encred ignored it. He had bought his actions with his faith, but now it was his turn to buy his faith with his actions.

“It’s a tunnel spider. On the floor.”

Repeated todays allow you to preempt information. That is, if you act within a certain range of predictions, you may be able to know the enemy’s attack order.


The dirt floor shook. Soon, with a thud, a spider revealed its head.

“Hit Oliver.”

It didn’t matter whose order it was. Oliver reflexively brought down his mace.


The spider’s head burst open, spraying black fluid.

“At Roman’s feet.”

As soon as Encred finished speaking, dust began to rise under Roman’s feet.

They were not the type of people who would be affected even if something suddenly appeared from the sky or the ground.

Of course, it was not an easy task to break the head of a spider that was attacking you without knowing it in advance.


Roman’s club greatsword plunged vertically and crushed the spider’s head.

So the spider sticks its head in within the range that Encred spoke of.

As they formed a large group and pushed in, the rear gate was about to open.

“Close the gate. Block the remaining monsters with the people blocking the front now. “The archers only aim beyond our heads!”

Encred spoke quietly, then finally let out a loud noise.

It was an unanswered hotness. Oana on the wall nodded with an interested look.

I could tell just by looking at it.

Those are confident words and gestures. You would know what they were trying to do by looking at it, and if you made a mistake, all you had to do was step forward.

Moreover, I did not think that the judgment itself was bad.

Encred moved as intended.

Buy and act with faith.

Buy faith with actions

What’s next?

Now it was time to fight to the death.


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