Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 453

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454. Please tell me.

“Give up.”

The boatman said.

It seemed like he hadn’t even heard if the method was effective.

“Is today miserable? Another today is waiting for you. Just go there and settle down.”

It is persuasion. Such persuasion that even the boatman speaking did not put all his effort and effort into.

Of course, the seeds didn’t work either. The boatman who spoke was insincere in his attitude because he knew it wouldn’t work.

It was just a matter of trying it out, of saying it because it had to be said.

The boatman didn’t have to put in any effort.

The crazy kid in front of me just stared straight ahead, leaving all his frustration and despair to the dog next door.

I told him to stay locked in today, but he only looked at tomorrow.

“Do what you want, see what you can do. I tried to give mortals a blessing that would save them from death, but they ended up doing stupid things over and over again. Stop in pleasure, not in pain. “That is the path you must take.”

Still, the boatman said what he had to say. That was his job. Encred did his job too.

“Then next time.”

It’s a greeting. I’m saying I’m going to stop and go. It sounded like he was asking me to send him away quickly.

A new self briefly opened its eyes within the old-fashioned-speaking boatman.

The boatman unconsciously put pressure on the hand holding the oar. After breaking the head with the lamp, I had a desire to swing the oar and hit it away, but the old-fashioned boatman would not allow that.

“Writhe in pain again.”

Instead, he spoke with forceful lips.

“Thank you for your support.”

Encrid, who had turned the captain’s stomach upside down until the end, welcomed a new day.


The scream of a spider woke me up. Today began from midnight until dawn.

“Good morning.”

Encred gave a refreshing greeting and tensed his abs, then quickly raised his upper body and got out of bed.

Was it because they were used to living in barracks that they cleared out the space used as a reception room and made it into a dormitory?

I didn’t know it might be so. Anyway, Encred was comfortable this way.

What’s better than having a place to train just by opening the door?

“Explain what a good morning is.”

Rem complained.

“When you open your eyes, it’s always a good morning.”

Even though it was night and he had been awakened by screams, Encred insisted and prepared his weapons.

As he moved like that, he thought back on what he had organized.

It’s a comeback.

It wasn’t just fighting that required review. It was also like organizing what to do while repeating the day.

To be more precise, it was a review of everything, from my mindset to what I was going to do.

Knight Oara said he would protect the place where he was born. That was her dream. It was a goal. It was his belief as a knight. It was a sense of responsibility and duty. It was a pledge. It was a pledge.

I also learned about the pledge Oara made while repeating today.

I will not be surprised by anything and will even greet death with a smile.

This was Oara’s promise. That’s why Oara is smiling.

When she loses her smile, she loses her black power. What should I do to avoid that?

To end today’s repetition, we must protect the city.

She had to keep the smile on her face. That meant keeping her dream alive.

“If you laugh, you won’t lose.”

Oara, who has no intention of losing to anyone.

‘As long as I stay in good shape, I might be able to do that.’

There’s nothing exact, but I’ll try. Just do it the way you usually do.

Encred grasped the entire situation. He sorted out and decided what to do with his senses.

I missed Chrys for no reason, but it didn’t matter if he wasn’t around.

If it doesn’t exist, then just pretend it doesn’t exist.

“let’s go.”

Encred said after finishing his armament.

The determination to go forward and fight and protect rose naturally.

Encred wanted to become a knight to protect everything behind him, and this was no different.

Just because Oara is a knight and fights better than you, doesn’t that mean he’s someone you should protect?


Encrid was arrogant and haughty in this regard.

‘I protect you.’

I would do that out of respect for what she wanted.

“Everyone run away.”

There was Oara who told him to step down because he could not protect him.

There was Oara, who held on even with the arm of the monster known as the Balrog fragment in her mouth.

Even though her smile was lost and her smile was broken, there was Oara who fought the monster with her fists and feet.

At least it will let her fight without any worries.

Encrid has set a new goal.

“Do you think that will work?”

The boatman seemed to be asking. He didn’t actually ask, but his words carried the same message.

It is an irrelevant question. It is an irrelevant persuasion. It is a meaningless echo.


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No permission was needed.

Because there was never any permission.

The reason I consulted with the boatman was similar to just saying it out loud and organizing it.

The arrangement is over.

These are the people who came out of their accommodations and became a part of the noisy city scenery.

Encred opened his mouth as he walked.



“Can I fight like a knight in a short period of time?”

Rem looked into the crazy man’s eyes.

As always, his eyes were truly sincere.

This guy used to go crazy sometimes.

It was the same this time too. I don’t know what caused the change of heart, but it was clear that he was thinking something crazy again.

“Do you think it will work?”

He asks, knowing it won’t work. But his eyes are sincere. Two blue flames are burning brightly.

“The concept of a knight here… … .”

“It’s a wave.”

Just as Rem was about to speak, the commander of a passing unit spoke. En Creed nodded his head roughly, saying he understood.

Encred walked as if he clearly knew where he was going. The speed was pretty fast. It’s slower than running, but it’s about as fast as walking.

It was a step ahead of the unit called Wave.

Rem continued, matching her walking pace.

“I mean using Will. “I know how to use that Will, too.”

Will is willpower. He knows Rem too. However, he was a seed who took a different path.

“But I’m a bit different. Even if I go that way, if I just tell you the conclusion, it won’t work.”

That’s right. There is no way to imitate a knight’s power in a short period of time.

Encred’s gaze turned to the side. The blue flame’s next target was Prok.


“does not exist.”

Luagarne’s answer was shorter. In her view, Encred had no impatience.

“Why are you asking that?”


Encred’s answer was simple. Even if I asked, I had nothing to say.

Would you say you have a plan because you know what’s going to happen?

He wants to make Oara fight properly, and to do that, he has to do something, but that means fighting as well as a knight in a short period of time?

Can you really believe it?

Do you really understand it?

Gather and select those with outstanding talent. Select those who have been selected. Among those who have been selected, there are a few who are very rare.

That’s what a knight is.

There are no shortcuts. Of course not.

But what if it’s just one stab?

Wouldn’t that one time be enough to change the situation?

“Let’s run.”

Encred spoke and moved.

Of course, through today’s repetition, I heard, saw, and learned something.


Encred arrived at the gate and found a knight with a greatsword and a club.


Roman, who had just kicked the spider monster’s head with his pommel and kicked it with his foot in front of the gate, looked back.

The black fluid of the monster swelled in front of him.

It was the epitome of brutality, splashing on Roman’s face and clothes.

Although Roman’s appearance was fierce and similar to that of his brother, Encred saw hope in Roman.

“How do you do that blow then?”

Roman blinked several times.

I was wondering what the hell you were talking about.

Roman, who soon understood, opened his mouth.

“Is that what you want to ask in this situation?”

Roman asked with his mouth and then asked again with his eyes.

You’re really a crazy kid, aren’t you?

Encred nodded.

“Yeah. I want to ask.”

“Master, does this seem crazy?”

Roman raised his voice.

Oara, who was on the castle wall, burst out laughing.

“Tell me everything.”

“Why are you telling me my origins?”

In the meantime, Encred stabbed a spark at the running spider demon.

The blade extending forward with the left foot could easily be called a flash of light.

The moment it flashes, it is a spark that pierces the spider’s head and escapes.

As we fought, their patterns became familiar to our eyes.

They were the ones who enjoyed the movement of the majority encircling the minority.

Before that happened, there were a few that became nuclear.

Encred blew a hole in one guy’s head and threw all three of the remaining whistle daggers at him.

Today, repetition brings mastery of technology.

It was the same this time too.

Encred didn’t waste any time.

I thought about it and trained as I always had.

It was a training exercise that involved actual combat in killing monsters.

The knife flew with a bit more force than before and pierced the spider’s head with air.

He then threw the javelin, and the flow of the attacking beast was twisted.

Things that were secretly annoyingly moving around began to rush in in a straight line without thinking.


The short blonde held up a relatively thin and long spear and began to stab it.

The spearhead swung and swung, and the blades expanded into dozens at once, stabbing the bodies and heads of the approaching spiders without regard for them.

A silent scream rang out. Black blood flowed out from the mouth, which seemed to be made of six pieces of metal glued together, spread apart on both sides.

It was the effect created by a poisoned spear blade.

Encred’s eyes looked at her spear, at her skills.

‘A technique that threatens the majority.’

He is also a semi-knight who demonstrates overwhelming force against the weak.

I just glanced over it since it was something I already knew.

“I think we have some time left now?”

Encred opened his mouth after slaughtering a group of spiders.

“Are you really asking me to just take all my money?”

“You don’t like it?”

“Is this guy really crazy?”

Roman shook his head as he said that.

“Please tell me.”

Encrid was not tired. If he had time, he would have asked slowly, once or twice a day.

Things are different now.

Beyond the desire to learn and master, here was a way to help Aura fight. That’s what it seemed.

There was no better way.

So I begged.

“Tell me.”

Let’s kill the spider and ask.

“Take this kid away.”

Roman got angry.

“I’m not the type of person to go just because you tell me to.”

Rem said with a giggle. It seemed like it had been a long time since he had seen Encred do something truly crazy.

Saxony once, to be exact, simply taught me some sensory skills when repeating my second day in the medical barracks.

Saxony did so because he knew Encred would not give up.

This guy was persistent, obsessive, and crazy.

“Aren’t you going over there?”

Roman got angry again.

It looked like they were swinging a weapon at this rather than a homemade spider monster.

Encred paid no heed. It was like a solid rock. A rock, steel, or ink that will never puncture even if a drop of water falls on the same spot dozens of times.

It was a sight that awakened one’s will and made one stubborn.


When Oara saw that, she held her stomach and laughed, and Rem also giggled while splitting the spider’s head.

Dunbakel felt his ominousness dissipate a little as he looked at it.

That crazy bastard was so damn determined to learn a technique, be it wave or something else.

Truly a madman.

Roman only admitted defeat after resisting twelve times.

“You crazy little shit, do you understand what I’m saying?”

“I don’t know.”

Shit, why are you admitting this?

By this time, Oara couldn’t even stand. It rolled around on the castle wall. She even shed tears and she laughed.

Rem was satisfied.

The people around, the soldiers watching, even the archers on the castle wall.

Doesn’t everyone know now?

This is a crazy person on a different level than you.

“But you want me to tell you?”

“Let’s hear it first.”

“Did you leave it to me?”


“Don’t admit it, don’t accept it right away!”

Roman began to explain with anger.

“Hey, a knight’s sword skills are basically based on will.”

Encred knows that much too.

Roman went a little further.

Why can’t he stop Aura’s sword?

So I asked, and Oara answered.

“I whipped Will around.”

It was an abstract answer, but Roman himself did not know whether it was a stroke of luck or an epiphany that came to him after much thought.

However, he found one direction and moved towards it.

“I made sure that my whole body was filled with will, from my fingertips to my toes, as I made swinging movements.”

It was not an easy explanation.

“Isn’t that how it’s always done?”

Encred asked back. He also writes Will that way. When thrusting with full power, a moment of acceleration is provided at a time.

It was the same when he unleashed the white lightning, and also when he struck with the fatal blow that he named the giant’s suckling blow.

While Roman was speaking, he hit the head of the spider that approached.

It’s a spider’s head that can be broken with a single punch.

He wasn’t called a knight for nothing.

Starting with that, the prepared demons started to come out from within the magic realm.

Five trolls, a bipedal spider, and two owlbears.

This time, an Owlbear was added and a troll also appeared.

But the dizzying sense of crisis that had existed before was noticeably less.

Ironically, Encred learning something boosted the morale of the allies.

It was unintentional.

Thanks to this, the timing of the monster’s arrows flying was delayed.

Oara came down from the wall and swept the corners of her eyes with her fingers.

“Ha, I almost died laughing.”

This was not something a knight with the nickname Smiling Oara would say.

“So is there anything else you want to say?”

Roman clicked his tongue and spoke as Encred continued to ask even as the air changed.

“Do you also use will when you use a fork? For example, when you draw your sword? When to take a stance?”

The meaning of what Roman said was simple.

‘Controlling every movement, even the smallest muscle movements.’

For what?

It’s just for one cut.

Only then did Encred realize what Roman had said.

Encred repeated what Roman had said until he reached a new day, but of course it wasn’t easy.

On the contrary, it was overwhelming.

Even though I heard it, it didn’t work out the way I wanted.

Was Will something that moved as it wished?

That was the beginning.

People talk about hope when they encounter a ray of light in the darkness.

Encred never gave up on anything or let go of anything, so he didn’t discuss hope.

However, something I gained through Roman warmed my heart.

What are you doing now?

To imitate.

A similar imitation of Ragnar’s sword.

But is it possible to perfectly copy and use a knight’s sword?

To conclude, that is not possible.


‘Because the path of a knight is different for each and every one.’

Because their swords are all different.

This is a fact I know from experience.

Azpen’s knight, Ragnar, the mercenary king, and Sinar told me this.

So, instead of imitating others, you should find your own path and move forward.

That was the beginning.

Encrid studied knight-level blows.

For that, he had to spend one hundred and sixty-two more days.

Only then did we reach the realm of understanding.

No, I knew it in my head, but I had to say that it was an area where my body reacted.

“The movement of the toes, the movement of a finger, that’s what makes Will stay, right?”

Roman’s eyes widened when he asked what he knew and started a new day.

“You guys are geniuses.”

And he misunderstood.

Encred didn’t bother to clear up the misunderstanding.

Now it was time to start the work I had been thinking about.


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