Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 452

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453. Indeed

Does anything change just because today is short? does not exist.

The task to do was clear. It was to prevent a threat from coming to the city.

Encred moved immediately. Repeated movements become proficient.

Even if it wasn’t exactly a repeat of today, the skill of preparing weapons was already at a mastery level.

“Is there a custom here of waking people up by screaming?”

Rem woke up.

“It’s a monster. “It must be a wave.”

Encred spoke calmly and walked out.

The rest of the group will follow on their own. We pass the group of soldiers and head back to the castle walls.

Instead of climbing up the wall where Oara was, I waited for a moment in front of the gate.

“Let me out!”

Then Rowena’s man appeared and spoke.

Encred hit the bastard on the back of the head.


“… … Huh? What are you doing?”

Millio asked in surprise.

“If you let me out, you’ll die.”

To be exact, it was Milio who tried to support this kid and died.

“Well, that’s true.”

“A commander’s head must be cold.”

Encrud pretended to be calm, but it wasn’t his deception.

‘You shouldn’t die like that.’

The end of Knight Oara does not leave before my eyes. There was nothing solemn or grand about it.

It’s separate from the previous fight.

She died without even being able to put up a proper fight.

They said they had to protect the city, but they couldn’t.

So it was a dog’s death.

Should we leave it that way?

hate. I don’t want to do that.

It shouldn’t be left like that.

Encred set a goal.

The boatman watching this laughed.

There was one thing that would never change, no matter how much he changed, and the boatman saw that it would tear Encred apart.

Yet the boatman also expected something.

‘What on earth should we do?’

What will that crazy guy gain by repeating today?

What else will change?

I do not know. It was just fun because I didn’t know.

For this reason, the boatman laughed.

It would be nice to watch how struggling to change something ends up getting stuck in today.


A cry was heard. Encrid leaped into action. He was prepared for the incoming arrows and ran out of the gate before the hostages could come out.

Instead of stopping at going out, I took steps without hesitation towards the other side of the darkness.

“What if I go crazy here?”

Rem followed.

“What are you following?”

“I guess I’ll become a caregiver who takes care of patients.”

“If you’re going to do something, please ask properly.”

Encred looked around, searching for something even slightly unusual.

Rem was sometimes amazed to see the captain like this.

It’s as if he knows the future.

‘Something like instinct gained instead of talent?’

I asked myself. If you open your mouth and ask, they’ll say something weird again.

“When I die, I repeat the day.”

It’s the same thing.

Who would believe such a thing?

Encrid quickly found the pole and the glowstone.

The spider monster was laying out glowstones and poles on its stomach.

It was a group of monsters waiting to attack from one side.


Rem understood Encred’s intention just by calling him.

The two immediately split the monster’s head.

The hostage was rescued. Encred thought it took less time than yesterday.

But that wasn’t the result.

“What about Sir Oara?”

When I came back to the front of the castle gate, I saw Acea and asked.

“I saw two monsters and went into the devil’s palace.”


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It’s too late. The aftermath of your actions has changed the situation.

Encred tried to jump into the magic realm right away, but he was also too late.

Da da da da da da.

It was the same as yesterday. Arrows were flying and waves of spiders were starting to form.

Spiders the size of adult males swarmed me.

“Rem, Dunbakel, let’s break through!”


Ruagarne asked, but was ignored.

Encrid began to pave the way to the direction of the Demon Realm, or more precisely, to where Oara was headed.

It would take time. But I had to push through.

Everyone followed Encred’s words without a single sound.

“It’s a good thing I sharpened the ax blade.”

Rem stretched out his arms as he spoke. Arms swaying in the air, the thing in those hands was a steel ax from Levi.

And Rem used a technique he named the Git-axe.

He ran forward, the axe cutting a wild trajectory.

And the spider caught in its trajectory turned into a corpse.

Through the thick black blood, Ruagarne held a whip in her right hand and a loop sword in her left.

“Don’t block it.”

She spoke and lashed with her whip and cut with her sword.

Dunbakel also took out two curved swords.

Encred was also similar. He went forward, cutting, stabbing, and destroying with Acher and sparks.

This is the inside of the magic mirror that was penetrated like that.


A faint cry was heard. The magic tree blocked some of the sound. Thanks to that, the sound didn’t spread any further.

As I entered the magic realm, I felt an unpleasant sensation, but I ignored it.

Encred saw that three of the spider’s arms had pierced Roman’s stomach.

The staff made of spider arms jutting out from the back was stained with Roman’s blood.

The spider monster wasn’t unscathed either.

The spider monster’s head was also crushed by Roman’s club greatsword.

“Fuck, I can’t go alone.”

Roman said.

“What about Sir Oara?”

Encred turned his gaze and asked.

The scream was from a short-haired sergeant, who was gasping for breath and clutching her stomach on one side.

I looked around and saw things like dead owlbears.

‘Wasn’t there just one?’

There were two more similar monsters, the Owlbears.

Even if the two were not knights, it would have been a series of crises. It would have been a bloody fight. You could tell just by looking at the traces.

They also risked their lives to get it done.

But there are no ghouls. There are no pieces of Balrog or anything like that.

“How did you find out?”

the short blonde asked. She also had a pale complexion. She hardly seemed normal.

Blood was gushing out from the stomach he was clutching. Even if the bleeding was stopped immediately, it was a wound that did not guarantee survival.

“The Master couldn’t fight properly because of me.”

She spoke plainly, but there was a hint of melancholy in it.

“That’s not it, you idiot.”

Roman said with a smile. Her eyes never left Roman’s.

Roman began to blink as he finished speaking. The scent of death was strong in the air.

“Are you saying the monster dug a trap?”

Luagarne muttered. It was just as he said. This is what happens when you go inside.

Encred moved with the situation in mind.

Let’s step further in.

“Are you going to die?”

Rem asked. I heard a voice telling me not to go. It was exactly what it said.

“Anyone can see that it’s impossible.”

Dunbakel muttered.

Encred looked back at the two.

“Even if this is my end.”

I have no intention of persuading you. Only sincerity remains.

Knight Oara must not die there. She shouldn’t die like that. Even though she knows it, she can’t let it go.

“If I have to go forward, I will go forward.”

Encred finished speaking.

“Who said what?”

Rem chuckled. The saying goes that no matter what you say to a person whose brain is broken, it is meaningless.

“Who would say that?”

Encred reacted to those words and asked back.

Sometimes Rem seemed unaware of my condition.

“That’s what I’m going to say. “Let’s make fun of my steps.”

Did I say I would have gone there a long time ago?

“When this is over, you’re going west?”

“I guess so.”


Encred nodded and moved forward.

Inside, I saw a baby that looked like it was a piece or crumb of a Balrog.

“Balrog? No, it’s a fragment.”

Ruagarne spit out the same line.


I asked because I had some time to spare this time.

“There is a monster in the Demon Realm who is considered a fighting-crazed demon. In his right hand he holds a sword that burns with fire, and in his left he holds a whip that cannot be broken by anything.”

“Are you saying it like you saw it?”

“My fighting style is something I learned from watching him.”

I mean I saw it myself.

“That looks like a piece of him. “I think I heard that when I’m bored, I split a part of my soul and do things like that.”

Encred nodded roughly and looked ahead.

Just looking at the red muscle made my shoulders ache. I could feel the pressure pressing down on my body.

Is the sculpture knight-level?

Oh Ara’s body also came into view. She was already dead. She saw a ghoul next to her, her head split open.

The monster is named Jerix.

will die

Does that mean we shouldn’t do anything?

Encred grabbed his sword. He set Acher upright.

“Can you speak? Your father is Balrog? “Is the mother a ghoul?”

Encred threw a provocation. Naturally, there was no answer from the monster.

Rem stayed by his side, saying that he was unlucky and that he had come to get relief but had met with misfortune.

Dunbakel was terrified again.

This time, instead of attacking, he ran away.

Luagarne did not care about my life.


“It’s a pity I couldn’t see you become a knight.”

He left those words.

* * *

“I’m about to cut my ex-husband’s face with a knife. What is this? “How many lovers have you had?”

Even in the new day, the joke of the knight Oara was still the same. It was when he saw a group of trolls blocking his way.

“If you go alone, you will die.”

He was trying to stop Oara, who was trying to leave behind Demon Lord, but she shook her head.

“If you step back from here, there is no next time.”

As soon as Aura finished speaking, five trolls that had been writhing in the darkness of the demon realm began to slowly approach.

Those were the ones commanding the monsters.

“Leave that to me and go.”

Aura still smiled. She smiled brightly.

In a new day again, she said:

“Your dream is to become a knight? At that time, I asked, if you are a knight, decide which category you will keep. And I also told you what I will protect. “What should I do to protect the city?”

The answer was a no-brainer.

“Eliminating the magic.”

“that’s right. So my dream is to kill Xerix.”

She gave the ghoul her ex-husband’s name and tried to kill him.

Oara’s purpose was clear: she was addicted and had a limited time left.

The candle wax had melted, leaving only an inch of candle left.

In the remaining time, there was only one thing she wanted.

Killing the core monsters that make up the magic realm.

It involves chopping up and eliminating monsters that show the same level of power as a knight.

But I don’t know that Xerix is ​​not the nucleus.

“What are the odds?”

Ruagarne asked.

“As long as you fight, you will never lose.”

Smiling Oara says. I know. She doesn’t support it. But the problem is that another monster of similar level to a ghoul, or even scarier, will appear.

‘What if I had one more knight-level power?’

Then it’s easy to talk.

No, Aara knew long ago that such power was needed.

What she needs is a knight. Getting rid of her demonic spirit was a serious task.

Then, you will be able to achieve your wish without much loss.

But what if that isn’t possible?

“Even if I die, I will kill that bastard and die.”

This is the dream of the knight Oara.

Encred saw the end of that dream again and again. The magic world never ends. A soldier dies. Roman dies. The city is over. The wave cannot be blocked. The devil was prepared, but humans were not.

That didn’t change this time either.

A bastard called Balrog Fragment approached the exhausted and injured Oara.

It was only natural that Jerricks was lying dead on one side.

Does that bastard even know he got that name?

“Sibeol, that thing is a monster.”

Rem knew it the moment she saw it.

Encred was curious about what the body of the Balrog was like and what it would be like if it were not a fragment.

It wasn’t like I wanted to know right now.

So for now, just do what is in front of you and that will be enough.

Welcoming a new day once again.

Meeting a ghoul.

“Do you bring your own meals?”

Encred asked for no reason.

“It’s my ex-husband, I hope you’ll let me untie Hae-Hoo?”

Oara joined in with a smile.

The monster has evolved and now has to deal with the knight.

He raised his sword while showing the smile of Oara that Ghoul had stolen.


The sound it made felt like an intimidation.

Still, he dies. The sword of Oara cuts, tears, and cleaves the bastard.

After that, Aura will die again.

If you want to run away, you can run away.

Ohara could do that.

If you choose to run away before you get hit by the Balrog’s fragments, he won’t chase those who run away.

In fact, there was a time when Dunbakhel ran away in fear, but it did not chase him.

Still, I didn’t ask Oara why she was doing this.

Because Encrid could understand Oara.

“Roman, wait. That’s mine.”

Oara spoke and killed the ghoul.

There was even a struggle against a piece of Balrog.

But it’s difficult when you’re tired and injured.

Encred looked at the situation, looked back on today, recovered, fought, and endured.

What do you need now?

A few times, I even pushed away the ghouls and other guys.

Even Acea was mobilized to hold out and fight.

There was a day when I held on like that and Oara didn’t die.

What I saw when I came back from breaking through the magic realm was a nightmare.

The party saw an insane number of monster spiders.

Even if the castle wall held, it was a number that could not be endured without Knight Oara or even Semi-Knights.

A monster was seen climbing over the wall and invading the city.

The city could not withstand the wave.

However, there is a moment when you see a soldier fighting and being chewed and eaten alive by a spider’s mouth.


It was then that Encred saw Oara lose her smile for the first time.

And at that timing, ghouls and other guys from the demonic world rushed in.

At this time, even Oara couldn’t defeat the ghoul.

What should I do?

The conclusion was simple.

‘You just have to give up the city.’

Sacrifice is inevitable.

All you have to do is persuade the knight Oara to escape and plan for a later date.

If you prepare properly, you can just pick out the high-ranking monsters and kill them.

Then, you will be able to block and defeat the devil and Oara’s dream will come true.

But the city will be destroyed.

I must give up the gate that my grandfather carved, as well as most of the people who guard this place.

Moreover, the monsters will spread past this place. Then, countless villagers in this area will die.

Even if the end was a victory, it was a reality that Oara could not accept.

Encred didn’t have the confidence to persuade.

Above all, Encred himself had no intention of doing so.

His dream was to become a knight.

Was the knight in the song the one who gave up on the person behind him and eventually won?

Walking on a path of thorns even though you know it is stupid.

Because that’s what a knight was to Encred.

Escape was not in mind.

Encred said again today, repeating:

“Go to the West first.”

“Did you hurt your head badly?”

Right next to him, Rem took his words. She didn’t seem to have any intention of leaving. That was natural.

Rem never left my side.

“Ugh, ugh.”

Dunbakhel groaned. He was consumed by fear.

One of the powers was acting stupid.

This is the way to see Oara’s death. Some days, I didn’t die in the nick of time, but I lost consciousness the moment dawn broke.

It was a repeat of today.

“Enjoy it. Just like before.”

The boatman said.

Encrid opened his eyes again.

Today was repeated.

“If there is no city, there is no me.”

Oara said.

Today was repeated.

“Even if the end is a cliff, if I have to run, I will run. “That’s why I became a knight.”

Oara said with a smile.


The soldier shouted a slogan.

“Go with a smile!”

Roman died laughing.

Short blonde hair threw my life away.

Spider monsters flocked in. A bundle of arrows made of thread flew out.

When the space in front of the wall was cleared, soldiers blocked it with their bodies.

Squire Nett dies.

Soldiers die.

Milio dies.

Even if you give up on Rowena, nothing will change.

The flower that bloomed in the magic realm withered and died.

This is when frustration and despair seep in.

As always, it’s time to close your eyes and give up.

“I’ll give you the answer. “Run away.”

The boatman said.

As always, this is the best option.

It was a message to run away, welcome a new day, and settle down in this suitable day.

The boatman is offering to accommodate you.

Encred nodded to the captain’s words.

A total of one hundred and twenty-one days had passed since then.

“I’m thinking of doing this. What do you think?”

Encrid discussed with the captain what he had been thinking about.


The boatman said this and looked into Encred’s eyes.

In the boatman’s eyes, two blue flames filled with madness appeared.

“You crazy kid.”

The boatman was amazed. His eyes, which spoke of hope rather than frustration and despair, made him say those words naturally.


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