Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 451

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452. Let’s die smiling


Encrid lifted Acher vertically towards the head of the approaching spider. The blade that pierced the monster’s head was stuck in the ground a span of length.

He stepped on the spider’s back with his foot and pulled out his sword, and black blood flowed along the blade.


In the distance, spiders were swarming around. They kept swarming around. But there weren’t many around right away.

It was a battlefield where it was more advantageous to counterattack than to rush in. My intuition told me so. So it was okay to look away.

Encred’s gaze turned to the place in front of Oara, where the monsters were gathered.

The spider waved its eight arms.


The wind gusted forward with the sound of the blade being swung, and the rotation and movement of the blade created a circular barrier in front of Oara.

It looked like a disc made of Rem’s sling.

Instead of rushing in all at once, the spider moved one step at a time. It was walking speed. At that speed, the shield made of blades began to approach Oara.

Looking at that, Encrid thought.

‘What would I have done?’

It was a different type of fighting than before.

Should I just stab him with my sword? That can’t be done. No, it would be more correct to say that it shouldn’t be done.

‘I can’t see any gaps.’

Leaving it to luck and sticking the sword in meant giving up, not trying to win.

Isn’t that the end of spiders?

The Owl Bear began to move. It was a strangely silent step, a movement whose presence became faint.

Even though darkness had fallen, a red moon rose. There was no problem seeing at this level.

Nevertheless, Owl Bear’s large body became blurred, as if it was being assimilated into the darkness.

It was like seeing Saxony disappear before my eyes.

A knife that hides and waits for an opening.

It’s like stabbing without a bone.

The ghoul leisurely came out from behind the spider to the side and walked as if taking a detour.

The arms were outstretched, and the long nails at the end of them would have been fatal if even a slight touch were applied.

That’s right.

That was my honest feeling.

Encred switched places with Oara in his head.

Die. It’s a wall.

Nevertheless, what should you do if you find yourself there?

Oara’s back was visible. Her red cloak was billowing in the wind, and the tip of her sword was pointed diagonally toward the sky. She was holding the sword with both hands.

“That’s fun.”

At that time, Oara’s whisper was heard.

Encred could only see her back, but he seemed to be able to see the expression she was making.

She must have been smiling.

He would be smiling so brightly that it could not be compared to the smile stolen by the ghoul.

Come smile.

How do knights get nicknames?

That comes from proving yourself.

Tinnitus is something that comes from showing and practicing through actions.

“Everyone, pay close attention. “I will show you what a knight’s fight is like.”

Oara’s voice spread to an appropriate volume.

Preparations for dealing with knights, traps, and special creatures.

Everything was a threat. It was okay to call it a crisis.

“That’s too much for me.”

Rem also said:

To be exact, it’s impossible right now, but what’s the use of talking about something you don’t even have?

The last words were just in my mind.

Oara continued to speak with her back and sword.

From now on, just chew some beef jerky and look around.

Encred did just that. Although he threw down his drawn sword instead of chewing the jerky.

Meanwhile, two spiders that approached were caught by the sword and their heads were split.

As I pulled my sword back to strike, Oara moved.

Encred momentarily missed her movement.

Becoming a knight brings with it a whole new level of reflexes and motor skills.

Hitting me at an angle I can’t understand.

It moves at an incomprehensible speed.

Even if you try, it’s difficult to see properly.

Encred knew that from experience.

Haven’t you already faced a knight-level force?

“If you try to see it as a dot, you won’t be able to see it anyway.”

Luagarne’s words came to mind. Encred did not look at the movements, but at the flow.

It was only then that I caught a glimpse of them fighting.

Oara’s sword fell on the spider barrier.

A straight, straight sword strike and a barrier met.


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Tata dadadadadang!

The dim red moonlight falling through the pitch-black darkness, the darkness and the red moonlight being pushed away by golden sparks.

“The name of my sword is laughter.”

This is what Oara said during the sparring. The knight carries a engraved weapon.

An engraved weapon is a weapon that imbues the knight with his will.

Excellent craftsmanship, rare metals, and a knight’s will.

It is an engraved weapon because it is a weapon that can be viewed or seen when three things are combined, and it is made by engraving the will in that way.

“My sword will never break when I laugh.”

It was just as Encred had heard.

It is a weapon that is imbued with a will and soon feels like a part of my body.

Her sword was like that.

A white powder-like substance was mixed and splashed between the golden sparks.

Her sword came back, breaking through the barrier created by the spider’s forearm and blade. Naturally, the sword ‘Laughter’ was not damaged at all.

“Let’s see how long we can hold it off!”

Oara’s scream erupted. The white powder was a piece of a spider blade.

Oara’s laughter began to cut away the spider’s arm, which had turned into a knife.

Then, Owlbear suddenly popped out behind her.

Encred didn’t miss it because he saw it from afar. But what if you saw it right in front of you?

It must have felt like dealing with Saxony.

Wasn’t suddenly flying blades his specialty?

Owlbear swung his fist instead of his blade. The feathered fist struck Oara in the back.

No, at the moment when it seemed as if she was about to be hit, Oara’s body gently bent. Her body moved to the side, fluttering like a piece of cloth fluttering in the wind.

It was an amazing level of reflexes.

To Encred, it seemed like some kind of promised action.

Owlbear’s fist struck the air. There was a popping sound of air.

It was a roar that made you feel the power of your fist. It was a fist that tore apart the sound.

At the same time, Oara’s face was seen. Her feet were visible. Her hands were visible.

A gentle smile, advancing feet, bending wrists, bending blades.

The blade was pointed at Owlbear’s neck. A white light hit the monster’s neck.

Owl Bear put his neck inward as if shrugging his shoulders.

The feathers around his neck stood up and blocked Oara’s sword.

Let’s go!

The blade seemed as if it would cut off the feathers and slit the throat. Her black blood was dotted.

The feathers sharpened by the blade were torn and shattered like shards of iron, bouncing off.

Then the spider removed the barrier, approached, and swung its eight legs.

He swings his two arms down from above and makes two diagonal cuts. Two of them are aimed at the thighs, and the other two are aimed at the instep.

The eight bladed arms did their job.

Rather than cutting off Owl Bear’s neck, Oara pulled out her sword and showed eight afterimages.

Her sword struck down the spider’s sword one by one.

Encred felt his senses become even more sensitive.

His ears picked up eight different sounds.

Pak, puk, jik, pick, jijik, sseokduk, swoosh!

It was a fight that required single-point concentration, sensory skills, and everything to watch.

Oara knocked off five of the eight legs and cut, tore, and broke three.

It was impossible to see everything. But it was possible to see the results and guess the process. My head was spinning.

‘He broke my wrists, stabbed me, and beat me.’

Is something like that possible just by moving the wrist?

It was an article because it was possible.

By stabbing and twisting the sword like that, one of the spider’s arms was torn and tattered, and then swinging the sword that had been pulled out, he cut off the second leg with a strong blow, and then struck the last leg with the sword’s face, causing it to fold in half.

The broken spider’s arm dangled.

How can you move like that?

I don’t know. I don’t understand.

But it was a place I wanted to reach and a path I wanted to walk.

Ragnar, Shinar, the Mercenary King, and even the Knights of Azpen.

What would happen if those four did their best?

Now Aura was showing it to me.

A mere swordsman speaks of omnipotence. That was the knight.


The gaze is taken away along with an exclamation. It had to be that way.

“Are you crazy?”

Rem nagged at him from the side.

“There are too many monsters. “There are so many that it’s strange.”

Ruagarne feels ominous and speaks.

The situation was serious enough for a dull Frog to say so.

Dunbakel began to tremble beside him.

Nevertheless, Encred looked at Oara, who was smiling. He lost all his attention and focus there.


The soldier shouts a slogan.

Oara responded to the call.

A ghoul that had intervened in the fight was about to stab me in the arm.

You can tell just by looking at the speed and angle.


The monster fights like a knight. Oara struck Owlbear’s fist with his sword in his right hand, and swung his left arm to block the ghoul’s claws.

It was a feat. He blocked the claws with the gauntlet on his left arm and turned the angle.


There are nail marks on the armour.

Meanwhile, the spider’s sword-like arm hit Oara’s body.

Oh Ara endured.


He cleverly twisted his body and let out a shock. It didn’t even end there.

The sword that blocked the Owlbear’s fist was suddenly stuck in the spider’s head.

‘I missed it.’

This attack was truly invisible.

The spider was dead. The owlbear hid itself in the darkness again, and the ghoul stabbed its hands alternately.

Head, chest, stomach, thighs.

The goal was clear.

Just get stabbed once.

Oara blocked the attacks by moving her sword and armor alternately.

Meanwhile, Owlbear swung his arms widely from behind.


Even though I wasn’t there, I felt like the wind was hitting my face.

It’s a swinging motion that is parallel to the ground. The hitting range was too wide.

Instead of blocking it, Oara jumped up in place, kicked Owlbear’s swinging arm with the sole of her foot, and soared into the sky.

Oara twisted her body in the air and swung her sword downward from above. The curved blade appeared to have three branches.

It was a harmony of boundless power and speed.

The ghoul moved both arms. It was a movement that seemed to be a copy of what Oara used her vambrace to catch.

There was a crazy attack going back and forth.

It’s a fight that doesn’t matter who wins.


Bam. Bam.

Oara’s sword split the ghoul’s head. It was at the same time that the ghoul’s claws pierced Oara’s side.

“I won. “You disgusting bastard.”

Oara said. It was with the same smile.

A half-torn red cloak fluttered in the wind.

Owlbear, whose face had already been cut off, still had a torn piece of cloak hanging in his hand.

A ghoul with his head split open vertically, Jerricks fell to the floor with a thud.


Roman shouted. It was a cheer of victory.

“too many. “There must be someone pouring this out.”

Ruagarne said. The spider monster was still coming out.

“I think so.”

Even though Acea went inside, it wasn’t resolved.

Was it over now? At least I could see that I had bought myself some time to breathe.

That’s what Encred thinks.

Dunbakkel flinched and felt every muscle in his body contracting.

reason? I do not know.

Fear sometimes pushes us beyond the limits of our intuition. That was the case with Dunbakel.

She sensed and spoke.

“What’s coming?”

Dunbakel opened his mouth and his gaze turned to one side.

Oara’s gaze also turned towards that direction.

It was a little late for Encred to look.


It was in front of Oara, who had killed three monsters. A monster covered in red muscles was visible. Two legs, two arms, wings that resembled the membrane of a bat, and a broken horn rising above its forehead.

Among the monsters, there are some very special ones, and on the continent they are called mines.

It was the kind of thing you would only see in a place called the Great Demonic Cult.

Dunbakel smelled sulfur.

As soon as the monster that seemed to have come from hell was seen, it ran like a long line and attacked Oara. It crushed Oara with all its might.

Oara, who barely managed to block the attack, spoke while blocking the bastard’s hand with her left hand and her right hand holding the blade.

“… …Everyone, run away.”

Oara said.

“Sibeol, Twisho.”

Rem also said:

“Balrog? No, it’s just a piece of Balrog.”

Luagarne recognized her opponent.

As soon as it appeared, it overwhelmed its surroundings. The monster’s presence overwhelmed the entire battlefield.

It seemed as if he was saying that this is what coercion is.

All the soldiers’ feet were stiff.


Meanwhile, there were soldiers who died from the spider’s legs.

There were also soldiers who opened their mouths in silence.

Dunbakel was gripped by fear. As a waterman, his eyes allowed him to see the current situation more clearly than anyone else.

I saw Oara’s arms trembling, and my heart seemed to shrink from the overwhelming intimidation of the opposing monster.

I had to run away right away without looking back.

Fear broke her brain.

Dunbakhel ran forward without realizing it. He ran forward and struck the curved sword at the newly appeared monster.

The demon kept its hand pointed at Oara and struck Dunbakel’s head with an upper kick.


The skull was fractured and blood poured out.


Encred shouted. The Will of Refusal has been activated. My body moved.

“I told you to run away.”

Oara muttered and moved. With both her hands she pushed away the blades that were pressing against her.

There were several attempts, but the results were not very good.


Oara’s neck was broken after being hit in the head.

Got stabbed in the side by a ghoul?

No, even if that wasn’t the case, all of his strength had already been used up.

Because she was poisoned by a terrible poison, she was not fit to fight for long.

So, that monster attacked me after setting up a plan so that I couldn’t fight properly.

He was a gloomy guy.

He was a very foolish man.

As Encred advanced with his sword, he knew that this was a dog’s death.

But my body didn’t listen to me.

It wasn’t just that.

The moment I saw Aura die.

“Let’s die laughing!”

Roman shouts.

“Let’s die laughing!”



Oa is a slogan named after her.

This city is the city of Oara.

A city protected by the knight Oara.

The excitement soared.

In the past, if you did something like this, knowing you would die, everyone would say you were crazy, but here, there were only crazy people like that.

The guy who thinks it’s a piece of Balrog or something is on a similar level to a knight.

‘The three demons are worse than that.’

It’s a clear power difference.

Meanwhile, spider monsters continued to attack, and arrows made of thread continued to fly overhead.

It was the arrow that killed Milio.

Encred struck five times with the monster called Balrog Fragment.

Even though his sword skills and movements were almost miraculous, in the end he was kicked in the side and knocked out.

And then I saw Roman dead.

I heard Rem muttering as he collapsed onto his side, coughing up blood.

“I should have gone sooner.”

Everyone died, starting with Dunbakhel. It was massacre.

The city that Oara was trying to protect disappears.

Encred took it all in. As his breathing became increasingly difficult, the surroundings began to darken.

I’ve died so many times that I have a rough idea.

‘You got it wrong.’

The impact, which even the bandage-type armor could not withstand, shook the inside. Her broken ribs pierced her internal organs.


I started coughing. Blood was gushing out.

die soon Just before he closed his eyes, Creed saw a monster called the Balrog Shard annihilating a soldier.

Two to three people die with one swing of a club. The guy picked up the weapon of Roman he killed.

Boom! Bam!

It explodes, breaks and flies away.


“Let’s die laughing!”

The soldier cried and shouted just before he died. I didn’t know the name, but it was a familiar face.

Everything that Oara was trying to protect was falling apart.

Encred closed his eyes. After passing through a short but long tunnel of darkness.


The ferry boat shook with the movement of the waves. When I opened my eyes again, I saw a purple lamp.

“You’ll love this wall.”

The boatman said with great excitement. Without having time to respond, Encred closed his eyes and opened them again.


It was a repeating day where I now knew that the scream was that of a screaming spider.

Even though I woke up before midnight, morning did not start.

The start of today starts from the moment you wake up.

So, today was very short.


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