Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 450

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451. He even stole Oara’s smile.

Encred reacts and Dunbakel and Rem move.

Arrows cut through the black night sky one after another.

A few torches fell to the ground.

The entire situation was drawn like a picture in Encred’s mind.

In an urgent situation, Encred’s instincts shined even colder. The sword of intuition cut through the darkness.

‘Half alive.’

Some of the hostages attached to the pole were on the verge of dying.

The giant spider didn’t seem to have any intention of sparing the hostage it had placed on the pole.

The intention is literally to break the opponent’s morale.

A monster thinks like this?

Surprisingly, it wasn’t the time to discuss it now.

The important thing is how far you can survive.

Not everything can be saved. Underneath the blue-white glowing stone, a giant spider with pointed legs stretched out its legs.

It was long and sharp enough to be considered a spear.

‘Just half.’

You can kill someone by throwing something at them, but that won’t save someone.

Will activated. Predictions made with the ability to see one inch ahead were expanded, showing part of the future. This is the future seen from the realm of intuition.

Still, there was nothing that could be changed.

Meanwhile, Rem and Dunbakel killed two spiders.

The ax and the curved sword split the monster’s head.

Encred also reached in front of one and struck a spark.

It kicked off the ground and followed up with a swift stab that punched a hole in the monster’s head. Push in and out and immediately apply strength to your legs. Should I give up just because I see an unchanging future?

Encrid didn’t do that.

Whether it worked or not, I was determined to move forward.

There are nine poles in total.

Even if he runs, he will die. That was the picture drawn on the future canvas that Encred saw. Even so, he will not stop.

And then silver light split the canvas.


He tore it apart and cut off the legs of the spider that was stabbing the hostage.

Encred stopped running away. He even forgot to breathe.

Did you think you saw the knight’s sword?

It’s an illusion.

What does it mean to cut a thousand pieces alone?

Where was the reason for calling it a disaster?

A mercenary king stabbing a spear at an incomprehensible angle.

Ragna’s thunderbolt strikes with incomprehensible power.

Sinar’s sword embodied in an incomprehensible form.

And now it is.

Oara moved at an incomprehensible speed, changing the picture drawn on the canvas with the brush called sword.

The place she was at was farther than Encred, but Oara was everywhere now.

There were six poles that set up the hostages, six that Encred missed, and six that Oara also had.

A miracle created at violent speed unfolded before my eyes.

If I had felt a thrill with each stroke of the knife, now ecstasy filled my whole body.

I wanted to do something like this.

I wanted to see something like this.

This was the article.

The Red Cloak Knight’s Oara began to move his sword and run wild among the monsters.

Her black disaster turned into rain and poured down on the spider monsters.

“It hurts a bit.”

Rem’s admiration.


Dunbakhel’s exclamation is heard.

Encred’s gaze was busy following Oara’s sword.

“ha ha ha!”

Oara laughed loudly.

She killed and killed a spider with a head the size of a human with an ordinary long sword.

It was a series of simple movements.

It was just as I taught.

“There is no need for fancy knives.”

Her words seemed to reach my ears.

She stabbed, cut, slashed, and hit.

That was enough. With the sound of laughter, Oh Ara’s sword became stronger, her kicks were literally like maces, and her speed became faster.

A spider monster opened its mouth and spit out a lump of thread. The bundled thread was bigger than my head.

Oara’s black sword was also cut.

Pick, a small spiderling burst out from between the clump of torn thread.

There must have been well over a hundred of them pouring down from just above my head.

It was a small baby spider with only one finger.


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That wasn’t a problem either.

Although he couldn’t see it, Encred guessed that Oara was excited and snorted.

In an instant, her sword created a flower.

It is a flower that is an afterimage of dozens of stabs.


A dozen baby spiders die at once. He did it with a knife.

Encred said he watched, but it wasn’t for long. So, it was safe to say that the changes on the battlefield came in a short moment.

The hostages appeared and Oara showed the power of a knight, all happening in just a few breaths.

Oara finished there, lowered her sword, puffed out her chest, and shouted.

“All troops! “Stay in place!”

Upon hearing that, Encred picked up the hostages one by one and threw them behind him.

Rem took it and sent it back.

“Chew, ow!”

Rowena’s man shouted and picked up the hostage. It was Rowena.

The other soldiers also carried the bag one by one and started running backwards.

“Close the gates!”

Encred’s eyes slowly turned back. The dead Milio and some of his soldiers were seen.

If he had heard the shout earlier and reacted, Millio might have lived, but he threw himself to protect his subordinate.

That probably wasn’t calculated or anything.

It’s probably just instinct and my body is moving on its own.

However, it is just a pity.

He won’t be able to dream of me anymore.

The dream of having Aura as my bride is over.

Because the dead cannot be with the living.

Instead, Rowena lived.

“Don’t die, I’m here.”

The soldier carrying Rowena ran, shouting over and over again.

Do flowers bloom in the devil’s eye?

There was such talk in the city.

Here people lived and loved.

These were the things that Oara wanted to protect.

“Captain, are you just going to watch?”

Rem asked. It was different from before. A different number of monsters come out one after another, with different units than when seen from the top of the castle wall.

There were so many that it was scary.

That wasn’t the end of it.

In front of Oara, a pitch-black shadow appeared and swung its sword.

Encred’s eyes caught it.

There was not one sword, but several.

It’s a quick slash that leaves dozens of afterimages.

Tata dadadadadang!

Oara’s sword moved and struck them all down. He counterattacked them all one by one, and even stabbed them.

However, the one who struck the sword stepped back and dodged.

Encred’s eyes caught sight of his opponent.

It was a peculiar sight. It was a monstrous spider with eight legs, standing on two legs and the rest hanging down like arms.

“It’s a special species.”

Luagarne said, pulling out her whip.

The face of the eight-sworded spider monster was similar to that of a human. Pale skin, and where the eyes were, there were insect eyes split into dozens.

There was only a round hole in the nose and no muzzle.

On each of its eight legs were eight pure white blades.

No, they were tangled together. Their legs were like blades.

“Oh yeah, you little Jerry. Is that a new lover you’ve prepared?”

Oara said with a smile. Even if she doesn’t like everything, she smiles. She said it was Oh Ara, the Laughing Knight.


It was the sound of Roman jumping out from behind Oana and shouting.

“You damn dog-like beasts.”

A short blond came forward on the other side, and the four squires stepped back.

At that moment, arrows started flying again from inside the gray forest.

This was even before Milio’s dead body was recovered.

Encred raised his shield to block, and the others also blocked and struck back on their own.

No arrows flew near Oara and the junior knight.

The confrontation between Oara and the eight-armed bipedal spider continued.

‘A knight-level monster.’

Why is it that we cannot dream of a world without monsters, even though knights exist?

Of course, it was because there was a monster to deal with.

It was one of them.

The eight-legged monster’s red eyes glowed, split into dozens of segments.


To Encred’s ears, it sounded like the bastard was laughing.

“Do you like hanging out with other women?”

Ohara cracked a joke. It was a great joke.

The spider with its eight bladed arms gave off a dizzying sense of intimidation just by its presence, but Oara paid no attention.

She raised her sword, and the spider stepped aside.

An owlbear came out from behind it.

An owl’s head, a bear’s body, and two unusually large hands were visible.

When I clenched my fist, it looked like two rocks were attached to the end of my arm.

The puffy feathers made the body and fists look larger.

“Huh? That’s not easy either.”

Rem said.

Encred felt the same way. He felt dizzy the moment he saw it.

My heart was also pounding.

Because it was clear that it was a strong monster and not at a clumsy level.

“Did you guys decide?”

Oara’s mouth opened.

Two monsters rush in. The knight’s sword and the monster’s weapon clashed.

The speed exceeded the limit, creating a long trajectory like a flame in the air.

I drew a picture where trajectories overlap and light is scattered.

Ta-da-da-da-dan! Okay! Okay!

There was heavy drinking mixed in from moment to moment.

I just watched for two knights to intervene.

It was difficult to interfere carelessly.

It was a two-on-one fight, but it was hard to see Oara being overwhelmed.

This wasn’t the end either.


There was a monster that shot arrows.

Monsters started crawling out from beyond the demonic realm.

It was a wave.

The wave that Knight Oara had been blocking was crashing down on Thousand Brick.

Oara swung his sword horizontally wide and took a few bites of two monsters before shouting.

“Enki, Asia, defend the city!”

The rest of the fighting will be yours.

Two semi-cavaliers guarding her followed behind her.

Asia was nowhere to be seen, having already left to deal with a horde of arrow-shooting monsters.

“It’s a pain in the ass.”

Rem spoke and took out his axe. Looking at the men rushing towards him, it seemed that they were not a number that could be dealt with with bullets.

Encred also drew his sword. Aker in his right hand, Spark in his left.

Will Oara be pushed? It didn’t seem like it.

She skillfully parried the eight blade-shaped arms wielded by the spider and the fist of the Owl Bear.

‘What if it were me?’

It will never be that easy.

The two monsters filled each other’s gaps very skillfully.

How do I break that?

‘Ragna’s black thunderbolt.’

If so, it’s possible. Could you do the same with your own white lightning?

It’s impossible. I knew it the moment I saw it.

Encred took his eyes off Oara’s fight. While she was fighting, he had to do his own thing.


A series of strange cries and the sound of something crawling on the floor were heard.

The sight of a swarm of spiders swarming through the darkness was terrifying.

Encred decided to strike down the horror with his sword.

Bam, bam.

Acher’s blade straight up split the head of a spider whose head was at the height of its solar plexus.

Rem also helped. His ax was also accomplishing a similar task.

Luagarne looked at the situation and said.

“You just have to endure it.”

At those words, Dunbakel looked noticeably relieved.

Encred heard the cries of soldiers who took it for granted that there were casualties from the flying arrows.


That’s what I heard from Roman last night.

That cry was Oara’s Oa.

These are the people guarded by the knight Oara.

She was the master of the city where her beliefs were embedded.

If Knight Oara fights for them.

They also fight for Aura.

And fought for the city again.

Encred slew four monsters with his sword and then cast his gaze forward for a moment.

I just followed my feeling. So it was a gut feeling. It was like someone had told me to look ahead.

It was inside the forest. A spider and a different type of monster walked out from there.

This is the guy who steps on the black dirt between the gray trees of the Demonic Land.

“Jerix, you’ve prepared a lot.”

Oara said after seeing that. It was a brief gap created by blocking and striking back the attacks of Arachne and Owlbear with the sword.

The two special monsters also retreated and stopped for a moment.

“Were you targeting me?”

Oara asked.

There was no way Ghoul could answer.

And Oh Ara laughed.

Encred didn’t understand the whole situation, but he did know one thing.


Xerix, my ex-husband, the monster who currently maintains that Demon Lord.

The monster that Oara wants to kill the most.

If you kill that thing, the demon realm will lose its power. The demon realm is like a very large colony.

Still, it came out.

It was a bet.

When coincidences overlap, it becomes inevitable.

This is something that Oara has delved into the magic world countless times.

A monster that knows how to use its head.

Double red moon.

The number of monsters gathered.

From the monster’s perspective, there is only one way to end the threat.

Killing Aura.

All coincidences made today.

Finally, Encred’s gaze turned to the ghoul.

Blue skin, a torn mouth, a hole in the bridge of the nose, and pitch-black eyes without pupils.

And the arms were hanging down, the fingernails had grown to half a span’s length at the ends, and the skin on the arms looked unusually hard.

It looked like he was holding a sword.

The ghoul’s posture caught my eye.

The way he walked was different, and it seemed like he would use his arms like swords.

Moreover, the tip of those nails was laced with poison that would poison a knight if he just brushed against it.

The nails were dark in color, unlike the skin, as if they were covered in soot.

It’s so black that it absorbs the light of the twin moons.

In conclusion, the guy’s posture looked as if he had learned how to use a sword.

“The magic mirror makes the monsters evolve.”

Ruagarne said.

Encred couldn’t quite figure out why, but he had seen the results firsthand, so he had an idea of ​​what had happened.

A ghoul was born in the devil’s realm.

He observed humans, challenged them to fights, and barely survived.

Oara said that she missed Jerryx three times.

Each time, he became stronger. Each time, he became more cunning.

The end was now.

‘An evolving monster.’

A monster that is trained and disciplined.

The corner of the ghoul’s mouth twitched up.

He even stole Oara’s smile.


The guy burst out laughing. That’s what it sounded like to Encred.


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